Gość: 9:33 18.09.04, 09:43 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: 9 napisał(a):
> 6
> No-thin6-ness
> Some-Thin6-ness?
pra6-Ni3Ni³ ?
pra6-2(Ni)3³ ?
pra6-2(Ni)9 ?
pra6-2UUNi9 ?
pra-2wni69 ?
pradawni69 ?
pra-dawni69 ?
arche-TyPe ?
arche-|hd3 ?
arche-|493 ?
arche-||39 ?
arche-239 ?
arche-69 ?
/\r(h3-69 ?
^7(43-69 ?
^|(|3-69 ? .... |( = |) = P
^P|3-69 ?
P^.3-69 ?
. patrzy - 69 ?
(.)=69 ?
> 6
> No-thin6-ness
> Some-Thin6-ness?
pra6-Ni3Ni³ ?
pra6-2(Ni)3³ ?
pra6-2(Ni)9 ?
pra6-2UUNi9 ?
pra-2wni69 ?
pradawni69 ?
pra-dawni69 ?
arche-TyPe ?
arche-|hd3 ?
arche-|493 ?
arche-||39 ?
arche-239 ?
arche-69 ?
/\r(h3-69 ?
^7(43-69 ?
^|(|3-69 ? .... |( = |) = P
^P|3-69 ?
P^.3-69 ?
. patrzy - 69 ?
(.)=69 ?
• 3:33-----i.PR.OM.IS...verY 600D...! IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: enzyca 18.09.04, 03:31 zarchiwizowany
• Re: 23:59-----Y0u.PR.OM.IS.ET.O.6OD? IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: Y.S 18.09.04, 02:21 zarchiwizowany
zupagrzybowa napisała:
> Z3rOstOpniZ3r0CelZiusza?;)))
Kula z lodówki.
> Z3rOstOpniZ3r0CelZiusza?;)))
Kula z lodówki.
a musi byc watek?
O co chodzi w tym forum, wszystkie wpisy nie trzymaja sie kupy?
Why is it Called the Dead Sea?
Sounds kinda creepy, doesn't it? It's called the Dead Sea because nothing lives
in it. It is some of the saltiest water anywhere in the world, almost six times
as salty as the ocean! The Dead Sea is completely landlocked and it gets
saltier with increasing depth. The surface, fed by the River Jordan, is the
least saline. Down to about 130 feet (40 meters), the seawater comprises about
300 grams of salt per kilogram of seawater. That's about ten times the salinity
of the oceans. Below 300 feet, though, the sea has 332 grams of salt per
kilogram of seawater and is saturated. Salt precipitates out and piles up on
the bottom of the sea.
There's no seaweed or plants of any kind in or around the water. There are no
fish or any kind of swimming, squirming creatures living in or near the water.
As a matter of fact, what you'll see on the shores of the Sea is white,
crystals of salt covering EVERYTHING. And this is no ordinary table salt,
either. The salts found in the Dead Sea are mineral salts, just like you find
in the oceans of the world, only in extreme concentrations. The water in the
Dead Sea is deadly to living things. Fish accidentally swimming into the waters
from one of the several freshwater streams that feed the Sea are killed
instantly, their bodies quickly coated with a preserving layer of salt crystals
and then tossed onto shore by the wind and waves. Brutal!
The guy to the left is actually floating in the Dead Sea. "But, hey, I thought
you said the Dead Sea was DEADLY!" Not to us. Humans are remarkably adaptable.
We can swim in the Dead Sea, just like we can swim in the ocean. Well, people
don't really "swim" in the Dead Sea - they just "hang out". That's what's so
cool about the Dead Sea. Because of the extremely high concentration of
dissolved mineral salts in the water it's density is way more than that of
plain old fresh water. What this means is our bodies are more bouyant in the
Dead Sea - so you bob like a cork. In fact, people are so bouyant in this
water, it makes it kinda tough to actually swim. Most people like to just kick
back in the water and read. It almost looks as though this guy is sitting on an
air mattress that has sunk below the surface, but he's not. He's really just
floating, without having to hold is feet in that position! If you think this is
easy, try floating like this in a freshwater swimming pool.
What Caused the Dead Sea to Form?
This lesson takes us back to the subject of plate tectonics. In this part of
the world there is a rift forming where two crustal plates are spreading apart.
The East Rift Valley runs through most of Africa, but it starts north of the
Dead Sea and runs south along the eastern side of the continent (go look at the
map). The Sea is located right along the Rift Valley where the earth's crust is
being stretched thin. To get an idea of how this "crustal spreading" thing
works, take a bar of taffy, or taffy-like candy and try to pull it apart.
You'll see where the candy starts to come apart it gets really thin just before
it breaks. That's what is happening to the earth's crust in the Rift Valley.
Where the earth's crust gets thin that part of the surface sinks downward. Look
at the picture at left to see how the rift forms, sinking downward where the
crust is stretched thin. You know what? The Dead Sea is still sinking lower,
even today. Scientists figure that the Dead Sea lowers by as much as 13 inches
per year. On a geologic time scale that's incredibly fast!
Why is the Dead Sea so Salty?
Anyway, back to the formation of the Dead Sea. We talked about how the surface
of the Sea got down so low in elevation, but why is it so salty? All roads lead
to the Sea when it comes to the rivers in the area. The Dead Sea is continually
fed water from the rivers and streams coming down off the mountains that
surround it. But the kicker is this....no rivers drain out of the Dead Sea. The
only way water gets out of the Sea is through evaporation. And boy does it
evaporate! This part of the world get plenty hot. When the water evaporates, it
leaves behind all the dissolved minerals in the Sea, just making it saltier. In
fact, it's through the dual action of; 1) continuing evaporation and 2)
minerals salts carried into the Sea from the local rivers, that makes the Sea
so salty. The fact that the water doesn't escape the Sea just traps the salts
within its shores. There's nothing living in the Dead Sea because it got so
salty, so quickly, that evolution has not had a chance to produce any creatures
that could adapt to such brutal conditions.
Why is it Called the Dead Sea?
Sounds kinda creepy, doesn't it? It's called the Dead Sea because nothing lives
in it. It is some of the saltiest water anywhere in the world, almost six times
as salty as the ocean! The Dead Sea is completely landlocked and it gets
saltier with increasing depth. The surface, fed by the River Jordan, is the
least saline. Down to about 130 feet (40 meters), the seawater comprises about
300 grams of salt per kilogram of seawater. That's about ten times the salinity
of the oceans. Below 300 feet, though, the sea has 332 grams of salt per
kilogram of seawater and is saturated. Salt precipitates out and piles up on
the bottom of the sea.
There's no seaweed or plants of any kind in or around the water. There are no
fish or any kind of swimming, squirming creatures living in or near the water.
As a matter of fact, what you'll see on the shores of the Sea is white,
crystals of salt covering EVERYTHING. And this is no ordinary table salt,
either. The salts found in the Dead Sea are mineral salts, just like you find
in the oceans of the world, only in extreme concentrations. The water in the
Dead Sea is deadly to living things. Fish accidentally swimming into the waters
from one of the several freshwater streams that feed the Sea are killed
instantly, their bodies quickly coated with a preserving layer of salt crystals
and then tossed onto shore by the wind and waves. Brutal!
The guy to the left is actually floating in the Dead Sea. "But, hey, I thought
you said the Dead Sea was DEADLY!" Not to us. Humans are remarkably adaptable.
We can swim in the Dead Sea, just like we can swim in the ocean. Well, people
don't really "swim" in the Dead Sea - they just "hang out". That's what's so
cool about the Dead Sea. Because of the extremely high concentration of
dissolved mineral salts in the water it's density is way more than that of
plain old fresh water. What this means is our bodies are more bouyant in the
Dead Sea - so you bob like a cork. In fact, people are so bouyant in this
water, it makes it kinda tough to actually swim. Most people like to just kick
back in the water and read. It almost looks as though this guy is sitting on an
air mattress that has sunk below the surface, but he's not. He's really just
floating, without having to hold is feet in that position! If you think this is
easy, try floating like this in a freshwater swimming pool.
What Caused the Dead Sea to Form?
This lesson takes us back to the subject of plate tectonics. In this part of
the world there is a rift forming where two crustal plates are spreading apart.
The East Rift Valley runs through most of Africa, but it starts north of the
Dead Sea and runs south along the eastern side of the continent (go look at the
map). The Sea is located right along the Rift Valley where the earth's crust is
being stretched thin. To get an idea of how this "crustal spreading" thing
works, take a bar of taffy, or taffy-like candy and try to pull it apart.
You'll see where the candy starts to come apart it gets really thin just before
it breaks. That's what is happening to the earth's crust in the Rift Valley.
Where the earth's crust gets thin that part of the surface sinks downward. Look
at the picture at left to see how the rift forms, sinking downward where the
crust is stretched thin. You know what? The Dead Sea is still sinking lower,
even today. Scientists figure that the Dead Sea lowers by as much as 13 inches
per year. On a geologic time scale that's incredibly fast!
Why is the Dead Sea so Salty?
Anyway, back to the formation of the Dead Sea. We talked about how the surface
of the Sea got down so low in elevation, but why is it so salty? All roads lead
to the Sea when it comes to the rivers in the area. The Dead Sea is continually
fed water from the rivers and streams coming down off the mountains that
surround it. But the kicker is this....no rivers drain out of the Dead Sea. The
only way water gets out of the Sea is through evaporation. And boy does it
evaporate! This part of the world get plenty hot. When the water evaporates, it
leaves behind all the dissolved minerals in the Sea, just making it saltier. In
fact, it's through the dual action of; 1) continuing evaporation and 2)
minerals salts carried into the Sea from the local rivers, that makes the Sea
so salty. The fact that the water doesn't escape the Sea just traps the salts
within its shores. There's nothing living in the Dead Sea because it got so
salty, so quickly, that evolution has not had a chance to produce any creatures
that could adapt to such brutal conditions.
Gość portalu: -*- napisał(a):
> gdzie pLomi3nie cenTrum splotuSlonecznego...?
> usciski
> ZenSualne
> gdzie pLomi3nie cenTrum splotuSlonecznego...?
> usciski
> ZenSualne
uhhh noway ;)
gdzie pLomi3nie cenTrum splotuSlonecznego...?
gdzie pLomi3nie cenTrum splotuSlonecznego...?
noway. to ani chybi jakas zmylka.
Gość portalu: ^ napisał(a):
> Th/D.isOrder
> (.)
Był i zawsze miał pozostać dobrym Zydem. Ale miał też wiele idei, w jaki sposób
można ulepszyć praktykowanie Jego religii.
Przyjaźnił się z ludźmi, których Jego rodzina uważała za towarzystwo
nieodpowiednie dla człowieka o Jego pozycji: z nędzarzami czy z przestępcami.
Nawiązał nawet tajemnicze kontakty z rozmaitymi grupami Lestai, przyszłych
Spierał się o to z rodziną i wreszcie wyjechał do Kafarnaum, gdzie zamieszkał z
W tych właśnie latach zaczął czynić cuda.
Jezus potrafił leczyć rozmaite choroby typu placebo i o podłożu psychicznym,
takie jak nerwobóle, jąkanie, wrzody, stres, katar sienny, porażenie
czynnościowe, ślepotę histeryczną, a nawet ciąże rzekome. Niektóre z
tych "uleczeń" były zadziwiające i poruszające dla naocznych świadków.
Ograniczały się jednak do osób, których wiara w Jezusa była silniejsza niż
wiara we własne choroby. I - jak żaden "uzdrawiacz" wcześniej i potem - nie
potrafił leczyć poważniejszych schorzeń organicznych (choć trzeba Mu przyznać:
nigdy nie twierdził, że potrafi).
Cuda uzdrawiania oczywiście przyciągały do Niego wyznawców. Ale tym, co różniło
Jezusa od licznych hassidim Jego czasu, było przesłanie, które głosił.
Jezus wierzył, że obiecywany przez proroków Mesjasz przybędzie nie wtedy, gdy
Zydzi odniosą zwycięstwo militarne, ale kiedy oczyszczą swe serca. Wierzył, że
tę wewnętrzną czystość można osiągnąć nie tylko poprzez życie w cnocie, ale
przez poddanie się straszliwej łasce Boga. I wierzył, że łaska ta obejmuje cały
Izrael: nieczystych, wyrzutków i grzeszników. Poprzez Swe uleczenia i
egzorcyzmy dowodził realności tej łaski.
Jezus był złotym środkiem pomiędzy tym, co boskie, i tym, co ludzkie. Nic
dziwnego, że tak silnie oddziaływał na ludzi; potrafił sprawić, że
najnędzniejszy grzesznik czuł się bliski Boga.
Niewielu jednak przedstawicieli podbitego narodu zdołało pojąć Jego przesłanie.
Jezusa niecierpliwiły coraz częstsze żądania, by objawił się jako Mesjasz. A
lestai, przyciągani Jego charyzmą, zaczęli w nim widzieć wygodny obiekt
ogniskujący pragnienie buntu przeciwko znienawidzonym Rzymianom.
Zbliżały się kłopoty.
A.C.Clarke, S.Baxter "The Light of Other Days".
> Th/D.isOrder
> (.)
Był i zawsze miał pozostać dobrym Zydem. Ale miał też wiele idei, w jaki sposób
można ulepszyć praktykowanie Jego religii.
Przyjaźnił się z ludźmi, których Jego rodzina uważała za towarzystwo
nieodpowiednie dla człowieka o Jego pozycji: z nędzarzami czy z przestępcami.
Nawiązał nawet tajemnicze kontakty z rozmaitymi grupami Lestai, przyszłych
Spierał się o to z rodziną i wreszcie wyjechał do Kafarnaum, gdzie zamieszkał z
W tych właśnie latach zaczął czynić cuda.
Jezus potrafił leczyć rozmaite choroby typu placebo i o podłożu psychicznym,
takie jak nerwobóle, jąkanie, wrzody, stres, katar sienny, porażenie
czynnościowe, ślepotę histeryczną, a nawet ciąże rzekome. Niektóre z
tych "uleczeń" były zadziwiające i poruszające dla naocznych świadków.
Ograniczały się jednak do osób, których wiara w Jezusa była silniejsza niż
wiara we własne choroby. I - jak żaden "uzdrawiacz" wcześniej i potem - nie
potrafił leczyć poważniejszych schorzeń organicznych (choć trzeba Mu przyznać:
nigdy nie twierdził, że potrafi).
Cuda uzdrawiania oczywiście przyciągały do Niego wyznawców. Ale tym, co różniło
Jezusa od licznych hassidim Jego czasu, było przesłanie, które głosił.
Jezus wierzył, że obiecywany przez proroków Mesjasz przybędzie nie wtedy, gdy
Zydzi odniosą zwycięstwo militarne, ale kiedy oczyszczą swe serca. Wierzył, że
tę wewnętrzną czystość można osiągnąć nie tylko poprzez życie w cnocie, ale
przez poddanie się straszliwej łasce Boga. I wierzył, że łaska ta obejmuje cały
Izrael: nieczystych, wyrzutków i grzeszników. Poprzez Swe uleczenia i
egzorcyzmy dowodził realności tej łaski.
Jezus był złotym środkiem pomiędzy tym, co boskie, i tym, co ludzkie. Nic
dziwnego, że tak silnie oddziaływał na ludzi; potrafił sprawić, że
najnędzniejszy grzesznik czuł się bliski Boga.
Niewielu jednak przedstawicieli podbitego narodu zdołało pojąć Jego przesłanie.
Jezusa niecierpliwiły coraz częstsze żądania, by objawił się jako Mesjasz. A
lestai, przyciągani Jego charyzmą, zaczęli w nim widzieć wygodny obiekt
ogniskujący pragnienie buntu przeciwko znienawidzonym Rzymianom.
Zbliżały się kłopoty.
A.C.Clarke, S.Baxter "The Light of Other Days".
widac bo przezroczysto
widac bo przezroczysto
Gość portalu: 101 napisał(a):
) From metaMathThree/CaabaList/AlefBethGimmel{{{...
) CodeName)))1473=ihve(((Łódż/Kropiwnicki/Piotrkowska104
) http://www.utm.edu/research/primes/lists/small/1000.txt
) .........................................................
) dla przypomnienia 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19
) 29
) 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71
) 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113
) 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173
) 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229
) 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281
) 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349
) 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409
) 419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463
) 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541
) 547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601
) 607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659
) 661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733
) 739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809
) 811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863
) 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941
) 947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997 1009 1013
) 1019 1021 1031 1033 1039 1049 1051 1061 1063 1069
) 1087 1091 1093 1097 1103 1109 1117 1123 1129 1151
) 1153 1163 1171 1181 1187 1193 1201 1213 1217 1223
) 1229 1231 1237 1249 1259 1277 1279 1283 1289 1291
) 1297 1301 1303 1307 1319 1321 1327 1361 1367 1373
) 1381 1399 1409 1423 1427 1429 1433 1439 1447 1451
) 1453 1459 1471 1481 1483 1487 1489 1493 1499 1511
) 1523 1531 1543 1549 1553 1559 1567 1571 1579 1583
) 1597 1601 1607 1609 1613 1619 1621 1627 1637 1657
) 1663 1667 1669 1693 1697 1699 1709 1721 1723 1733
) 1741 1747 1753 1759 1777 1783 1787 1789 1801 1811
) 1823 1831 1847 1861 1867 1871 1873 1877 1879 1889
) 1901 1907 1913 1931 1933 1949 1951 1973 1979 1987
) 1993 1997 1999 2003 2011 2017 2027 2029 2039 2053
) 2063 2069 2081 2083 2087 2089 2099 2111 2113 2129
) 2131 2137 2141 2143 2153 2161 2179 2203 2207 2213
) 2221 2237 2239 2243 2251 2267 2269 2273 2281 2287
) 2293 2297 2309 2311 2333 2339 2341 2347 2351 2357
) 2371 2377 2381 2383 2389 2393 2399 2411 2417 2423
) 2437 2441 2447 2459 2467 2473 2477 2503 2521 2531
) 2539 2543 2549 2551 2557 2579 2591 2593 2609 2617
) 2621 2633 2647 2657 2659 2663 2671 2677 2683 2687
) 2689 2693 2699 2707 2711 2713 2719 2729 2731 2741
) 2749 2753 2767 2777 2789 2791 2797 2801 2803 2819
) 2833 2837 2843 2851 2857 2861 2879 2887 2897 2903
) 2909 2917 2927 2939 2953 2957 2963 2969 2971 2999
) 3001 3011 3019 3023 3037 3041 3049 3061 3067 3079
) 3083 3089 3109 3119 3121 3137 3163 3167 3169 3181
) 3187 3191 3203 3209 3217 3221 3229 3251 3253 3257
) 3259 3271 3299 3301 3307 3313 3319 3323 3329 3331
) 3343 3347 3359 3361 3371 3373 3389 3391 3407 3413
) 3433 3449 3457 3461 3463 3467 3469 3491 3499 3511
) 3517 3527 3529 3533 3539 3541 3547 3557 3559 3571
) 3581 3583 3593 3607 3613 3617 3623 3631 3637 3643
) 3659 3671 3673 3677 3691 3697 3701 3709 3719 3727
) 3733 3739 3761 3767 3769 3779 3793 3797 3803 3821
) 3823 3833 3847 3851 3853 3863 3877 3881 3889 3907
) 3911 3917 3919 3923 3929 3931 3943 3947 3967 3989
) 4001 4003 4007 4013 4019 4021 4027 4049 4051 4057
) 4073 4079 4091 4093 4099 4111 4127 4129 4133 4139
) 4153 4157 4159 4177 4201 4211 4217 4219 4229 4231
) 4241 4243 4253 4259 4261 4271 4273 4283 4289 4297
) 4327 4337 4339 4349 4357 4363 4373 4391 4397 4409
) 4421 4423 4441 4447 4451 4457 4463 4481 4483 4493
) 4507 4513 4517 4519 4523 4547 4549 4561 4567 4583
) 4591 4597 4603 4621 4637 4639 4643 4649 4651 4657
) 4663 4673 4679 4691 4703 4721 4723 4729 4733 4751
) 4759 4783 4787 4789 4793 4799 4801 4813 4817 4831
) 4861 4871 4877 4889 4903 4909 4919 4931 4933 4937
) 4943 4951 4957 4967 4969 4973 4987 4993 4999 5003
) 5009 5011 5021 5023 5039 5051 5059 5077 5081 5087
) 5099 5101 5107 5113 5119 5147 5153 5167 5171 5179
) 5189 5197 5209 5227 5231 5233 5237 5261 5273 5279
) 5281 5297 5303 5309 5323 5333 5347 5351 5381 5387
) 5393 5399 5407 5413 5417 5419 5431 5437 5441 5443
) 5449 5471 5477 5479 5483 5501 5503 5507 5519 5521
) 5527 5531 5557 5563 5569 5573 5581 5591 5623 5639
) 5641 5647 5651 5653 5657 5659 5669 5683 5689 5693
) 5701 5711 5717 5737 5741 5743 5749 5779 5783 5791
) 5801 5807 5813 5821 5827 5839 5843 5849 5851 5857
) 5861 5867 5869 5879 5881 5897 5903 5923 5927 5939
) 5953 5981 5987 6007 6011 6029 6037 6043 6047 6053
) 6067 6073 6079 6089 6091 6101 6113 6121 6131 6133
) 6143 6151 6163 6173 6197 6199 6203 6211 6217 6221
) 6229 6247 6257 6263 6269 6271 6277 6287 6299 6301
) 6311 6317 6323 6329 6337 6343 6353 6359 6361 6367
) 6373 6379 6389 6397 6421 6427 6449 6451 6469 6473
) 6481 6491 6521 6529 6547 6551 6553 6563 6569 6571
) 6577 6581 6599 6607 6619 6637 6653 6659 6661 6673
) 6679 6689 6691 6701 6703 6709 6719 6733 6737 6761
) 6763 6779 6781 6791 6793 6803 6823 6827 6829 6833
) 6841 6857 6863 6869 6871 6883 6899 6907 6911 6917
) 6947 6949 6959 6961 6967 6971 6977 6983 6991 6997
) 7001 7013 7019 7027 7039 7043 7057 7069 7079 7103
) 7109 7121 7127 7129 7151 7159 7177 7187 7193 7207
) 7211 7213 7219 7229 7237 7243 7247 7253 7283 7297
) 7307 7309 7321 7331 7333 7349 7351 7369 7393 7411
) 7417 7433 7451 7457 7459 7477 7481 7487 7489 7499
) 7507 7517 7523 7529 7537 7541 7547 7549 7559 7561
) 7573 7577 7583 7589 7591 7603 7607 7621 7639 7643
) 7649 7669 7673 7681 7687 7691 7699 7703 7717 7723
) 7727 7741 7753 7757 7759 7789 7793 7817 7823 7829
) 7841 7853 7867 7873 7877 787 jone
) From metaMathThree/CaabaList/AlefBethGimmel{{{...
) CodeName)))1473=ihve(((Łódż/Kropiwnicki/Piotrkowska104
) http://www.utm.edu/research/primes/lists/small/1000.txt
) .........................................................
) dla przypomnienia 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19
) 29
) 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71
) 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113
) 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173
) 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229
) 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281
) 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349
) 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409
) 419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463
) 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541
) 547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601
) 607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659
) 661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733
) 739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809
) 811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863
) 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941
) 947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997 1009 1013
) 1019 1021 1031 1033 1039 1049 1051 1061 1063 1069
) 1087 1091 1093 1097 1103 1109 1117 1123 1129 1151
) 1153 1163 1171 1181 1187 1193 1201 1213 1217 1223
) 1229 1231 1237 1249 1259 1277 1279 1283 1289 1291
) 1297 1301 1303 1307 1319 1321 1327 1361 1367 1373
) 1381 1399 1409 1423 1427 1429 1433 1439 1447 1451
) 1453 1459 1471 1481 1483 1487 1489 1493 1499 1511
) 1523 1531 1543 1549 1553 1559 1567 1571 1579 1583
) 1597 1601 1607 1609 1613 1619 1621 1627 1637 1657
) 1663 1667 1669 1693 1697 1699 1709 1721 1723 1733
) 1741 1747 1753 1759 1777 1783 1787 1789 1801 1811
) 1823 1831 1847 1861 1867 1871 1873 1877 1879 1889
) 1901 1907 1913 1931 1933 1949 1951 1973 1979 1987
) 1993 1997 1999 2003 2011 2017 2027 2029 2039 2053
) 2063 2069 2081 2083 2087 2089 2099 2111 2113 2129
) 2131 2137 2141 2143 2153 2161 2179 2203 2207 2213
) 2221 2237 2239 2243 2251 2267 2269 2273 2281 2287
) 2293 2297 2309 2311 2333 2339 2341 2347 2351 2357
) 2371 2377 2381 2383 2389 2393 2399 2411 2417 2423
) 2437 2441 2447 2459 2467 2473 2477 2503 2521 2531
) 2539 2543 2549 2551 2557 2579 2591 2593 2609 2617
) 2621 2633 2647 2657 2659 2663 2671 2677 2683 2687
) 2689 2693 2699 2707 2711 2713 2719 2729 2731 2741
) 2749 2753 2767 2777 2789 2791 2797 2801 2803 2819
) 2833 2837 2843 2851 2857 2861 2879 2887 2897 2903
) 2909 2917 2927 2939 2953 2957 2963 2969 2971 2999
) 3001 3011 3019 3023 3037 3041 3049 3061 3067 3079
) 3083 3089 3109 3119 3121 3137 3163 3167 3169 3181
) 3187 3191 3203 3209 3217 3221 3229 3251 3253 3257
) 3259 3271 3299 3301 3307 3313 3319 3323 3329 3331
) 3343 3347 3359 3361 3371 3373 3389 3391 3407 3413
) 3433 3449 3457 3461 3463 3467 3469 3491 3499 3511
) 3517 3527 3529 3533 3539 3541 3547 3557 3559 3571
) 3581 3583 3593 3607 3613 3617 3623 3631 3637 3643
) 3659 3671 3673 3677 3691 3697 3701 3709 3719 3727
) 3733 3739 3761 3767 3769 3779 3793 3797 3803 3821
) 3823 3833 3847 3851 3853 3863 3877 3881 3889 3907
) 3911 3917 3919 3923 3929 3931 3943 3947 3967 3989
) 4001 4003 4007 4013 4019 4021 4027 4049 4051 4057
) 4073 4079 4091 4093 4099 4111 4127 4129 4133 4139
) 4153 4157 4159 4177 4201 4211 4217 4219 4229 4231
) 4241 4243 4253 4259 4261 4271 4273 4283 4289 4297
) 4327 4337 4339 4349 4357 4363 4373 4391 4397 4409
) 4421 4423 4441 4447 4451 4457 4463 4481 4483 4493
) 4507 4513 4517 4519 4523 4547 4549 4561 4567 4583
) 4591 4597 4603 4621 4637 4639 4643 4649 4651 4657
) 4663 4673 4679 4691 4703 4721 4723 4729 4733 4751
) 4759 4783 4787 4789 4793 4799 4801 4813 4817 4831
) 4861 4871 4877 4889 4903 4909 4919 4931 4933 4937
) 4943 4951 4957 4967 4969 4973 4987 4993 4999 5003
) 5009 5011 5021 5023 5039 5051 5059 5077 5081 5087
) 5099 5101 5107 5113 5119 5147 5153 5167 5171 5179
) 5189 5197 5209 5227 5231 5233 5237 5261 5273 5279
) 5281 5297 5303 5309 5323 5333 5347 5351 5381 5387
) 5393 5399 5407 5413 5417 5419 5431 5437 5441 5443
) 5449 5471 5477 5479 5483 5501 5503 5507 5519 5521
) 5527 5531 5557 5563 5569 5573 5581 5591 5623 5639
) 5641 5647 5651 5653 5657 5659 5669 5683 5689 5693
) 5701 5711 5717 5737 5741 5743 5749 5779 5783 5791
) 5801 5807 5813 5821 5827 5839 5843 5849 5851 5857
) 5861 5867 5869 5879 5881 5897 5903 5923 5927 5939
) 5953 5981 5987 6007 6011 6029 6037 6043 6047 6053
) 6067 6073 6079 6089 6091 6101 6113 6121 6131 6133
) 6143 6151 6163 6173 6197 6199 6203 6211 6217 6221
) 6229 6247 6257 6263 6269 6271 6277 6287 6299 6301
) 6311 6317 6323 6329 6337 6343 6353 6359 6361 6367
) 6373 6379 6389 6397 6421 6427 6449 6451 6469 6473
) 6481 6491 6521 6529 6547 6551 6553 6563 6569 6571
) 6577 6581 6599 6607 6619 6637 6653 6659 6661 6673
) 6679 6689 6691 6701 6703 6709 6719 6733 6737 6761
) 6763 6779 6781 6791 6793 6803 6823 6827 6829 6833
) 6841 6857 6863 6869 6871 6883 6899 6907 6911 6917
) 6947 6949 6959 6961 6967 6971 6977 6983 6991 6997
) 7001 7013 7019 7027 7039 7043 7057 7069 7079 7103
) 7109 7121 7127 7129 7151 7159 7177 7187 7193 7207
) 7211 7213 7219 7229 7237 7243 7247 7253 7283 7297
) 7307 7309 7321 7331 7333 7349 7351 7369 7393 7411
) 7417 7433 7451 7457 7459 7477 7481 7487 7489 7499
) 7507 7517 7523 7529 7537 7541 7547 7549 7559 7561
) 7573 7577 7583 7589 7591 7603 7607 7621 7639 7643
) 7649 7669 7673 7681 7687 7691 7699 7703 7717 7723
) 7727 7741 7753 7757 7759 7789 7793 7817 7823 7829
) 7841 7853 7867 7873 7877 787 jone
• Liczby pierwsze i ostatnie a takze posrednie IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 101 15.09.04, 14:41 zarchiwizowany
From metaMathThree/CaabaList/AlefBethGimmel{{{...
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...................................... wniosek ihve=1473 nie jest liczba pierwsza,alEf-numerycznosc zawodzi...co znaczy iz swiadomosc jest STRUKTURA przestrzeni Cantora,szpinOZA? CzestoSieChowa? http://www.google.se/search?hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&q=Kropiwnicki&btnG=Google-s%C3% B6kning&meta= http://www2.sgh.waw.pl/sgh/ogolnouczelniane/100lat/100lat/Sylwetki/kropiwnicki
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...................................... wniosek ihve=1473 nie jest liczba pierwsza,alEf-numerycznosc zawodzi...co znaczy iz swiadomosc jest STRUKTURA przestrzeni Cantora,szpinOZA? CzestoSieChowa? http://www.google.se/search?hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&q=Kropiwnicki&btnG=Google-s%C3% B6kning&meta= http://www2.sgh.waw.pl/sgh/ogolnouczelniane/100lat/100lat/Sylwetki/kropiwnicki
drf napisał:
> monolog
> ukryteZnaczenia
Dzień Programisty to święto programistów celebrowane w 256. dniu roku (256 = 2
do potęgi 8, czyli liczba wartości możliwych do reprezentowania w jednym
bajcie). Tradycyjnie w ten dzień programiści piją, dziwnie się zachowują, piszą
głupie programy, grają w gry, itp. Dzień Programisty wypada 13 września, a w
latach przestępnych 12 września.
> monolog
> ukryteZnaczenia
Dzień Programisty to święto programistów celebrowane w 256. dniu roku (256 = 2
do potęgi 8, czyli liczba wartości możliwych do reprezentowania w jednym
bajcie). Tradycyjnie w ten dzień programiści piją, dziwnie się zachowują, piszą
głupie programy, grają w gry, itp. Dzień Programisty wypada 13 września, a w
latach przestępnych 12 września.
• & & #35; 8225;& & #35; 8225; PUTIN VLADIMIR & &
zaufany_chirurg_niny_terentiew 10.09.04, 22:41 zarchiwizowany
• ńňęćĺăČ& & #35; 8224;& & #35; 8224;ńňęćĺăČ& & IP: *.strong / *.186.71.*
Gość: micro;���������� 10.09.04, 20:55 zarchiwizowany
• .....an ugly crime against humanity IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 10.09.04, 17:29 zarchiwizowany
New York Times
School Siege in Russia Sparks Self-Criticism in Arab World
September 8, 2004
BEIRUT, Sept 8 - The brutal school siege in Russia, with hundreds of
children dead and wounded, has sparked an unusual round of
self-criticism and introspection in the Muslim and Arab world.
"It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists,
but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all
terrorists are Muslims," Abdel Rahman al-Rashed, the general manager of
the widely watched Al-Arabiya satellite television station wrote in one
of the most striking of these commentaries.
Writing in the pan-Arab newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat, Mr.
Rashed said it was "shameful and degrading" that not only
were the Beslan hijackers Muslims, but also the murderers
of Nepalese workers in Iraq, the attackers of residential towers in
Riyadh and Khobar, Saudi Arabia, the women believed to have blown up
two Russian airplanes last week and Osama bin Laden himself.
"The majority of those who manned the suicide bombings
against buses, vehicles, schools, houses and buildings, all over the
world, were Muslim," he wrote. "What a pathetic record. What an
abominable `achievement.' Does this tell us anything about ourselves,
our societies and our culture?"
Mr. Rashed, like several other commentators, singled out
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a senior Egyptian cleric living
in Qatar who broadcasts an influential program on Al
Jazeera television and who has issued a fatwa, or religious ruling,
calling for the killing of American and foreign "occupiers" in Iraq,
military and civilian.
"Let us contemplate the incident of this religious Sheikh allowing, nay
even calling for, the murder of civilians," he wrote. "How can we
believe him when he tells us that Islam is the religion of mercy and
peace while he is turning it into a religion of blood and slaughter?"
Mr. Rashed recalled that in the past, leftists and
nationalists in the Arab world were considered a "menace"
for their adoption of violence, and the mosque was a
"haven" of "peace and reconciliation" by contrast.
"Then came the Neo-Muslims," he said. "An innocent and benevolent
religion, whose verses prohibit the felling of trees in the absence of
urgent necessity, that calls murder the most heinous of crimes, that
says explicitly that if you kill one person you have killed humanity as
a whole, has been turned into a global message of hate and a universal
war cry."
A columnist for the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyassa, Faisal al-Qina'I,
also took aim at Sheikh Qaradawi. "It is saddening," he wrote, "to read
and hear from those who are supposed to be Muslim clerics, like Yusuf
al-Qaradawi and others of his kind, that instead of defending true
Islam they encourage these cruel actions and permit decapitation,
hostage-taking and murder."
In Jordan, a group of Muslim religious figures, meeting
with the religious affairs minister, Ahmed Heleil, issued a statement
today saying the seizing of the school and subsequent massacre was
dedicated to distorting the pure image of Islam.
"This terrorist act contradicts the principles of our true Muslim
religion and its noble values," the statement said.
Writing in the Jordanian daily Al-Dustour, a columnist,
Bater Wardam, noted a propensity in the Arab world to
"place responsibility for the crimes of Arabic and Muslim terrorist
organizations on the Mossad, the Zionists and the American
intelligence, but we all know that this is not the case."
"They came from our midst," he wrote of those who had
kidnapped and murdered civilians in Iraq, blown up commuter trains in
Spain, turned airliners into bombs and shot the children in Ossetia.
"They are Arabs and Muslims who pray, fast, grow beards,
demand the wearing of veils and call for the defense of
Islamic causes. Therefore we must all raise our voices,
disown them and oppose all these crimes."
In Beirut, Rami G. Khouri wrote in the Daily Star that
while most Arabs "identified strongly and willingly" with
armed Palestinian or Lebanese guerrillas fighting Israeli occupation,
"all of us today are dehumanized and brutalized by the images of Arabs
kidnapping and beheading foreign hostages."
Calling for a global strategy to reduce terror, he traced
what he called "this ugly trek" in the Arab world to "the home-grown
sense of indignity, humiliation, denial and degradation that has
increasingly plagued many of our young men and women."
A Palestinian columnist, Hassan al-Batal, wrote in the
official Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Ayyam that the
"day of horror in the school" should be designated an international day
for the condemnation of terrorism. "There are no mitigating
circumstances for the inhuman horror and the height of barbarism" at
the school, he wrote.
In Egypt, the semi-official newspaper Al-Ahram called the events "an
ugly crime against humanity."
In Saudi Arabia, newspapers tightly controlled by the government -
which finds itself under attack from Islamic fundamentalists - were
even more scathing.
Under the headline "Butchers in the Name of Allah," a
columnist in the government daily Okaz, Khaled Hamed al-Suleiman, wrote
that "the propagandists of Jihad succeeded in the span of a few years
in distorting the image of Islam.
"They turned today's Islam into something having to do with
decapitations, the slashing of throats, abducting innocent civilians
and exploding people. They have fixed the image of Muslims in the eyes
of the world as barbarians and savages who are not good for anything
except slaughtering people," he wrote, adding:
"The time has come for Muslims to be the first to come out against
those interested in abducting Islam in the same way they abducted
innocent children. This is the true Jihad these days and this is our
obligation, as believing Muslims, towards our monotheistic religion."
School Siege in Russia Sparks Self-Criticism in Arab World
September 8, 2004
BEIRUT, Sept 8 - The brutal school siege in Russia, with hundreds of
children dead and wounded, has sparked an unusual round of
self-criticism and introspection in the Muslim and Arab world.
"It is a certain fact that not all Muslims are terrorists,
but it is equally certain, and exceptionally painful, that almost all
terrorists are Muslims," Abdel Rahman al-Rashed, the general manager of
the widely watched Al-Arabiya satellite television station wrote in one
of the most striking of these commentaries.
Writing in the pan-Arab newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat, Mr.
Rashed said it was "shameful and degrading" that not only
were the Beslan hijackers Muslims, but also the murderers
of Nepalese workers in Iraq, the attackers of residential towers in
Riyadh and Khobar, Saudi Arabia, the women believed to have blown up
two Russian airplanes last week and Osama bin Laden himself.
"The majority of those who manned the suicide bombings
against buses, vehicles, schools, houses and buildings, all over the
world, were Muslim," he wrote. "What a pathetic record. What an
abominable `achievement.' Does this tell us anything about ourselves,
our societies and our culture?"
Mr. Rashed, like several other commentators, singled out
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a senior Egyptian cleric living
in Qatar who broadcasts an influential program on Al
Jazeera television and who has issued a fatwa, or religious ruling,
calling for the killing of American and foreign "occupiers" in Iraq,
military and civilian.
"Let us contemplate the incident of this religious Sheikh allowing, nay
even calling for, the murder of civilians," he wrote. "How can we
believe him when he tells us that Islam is the religion of mercy and
peace while he is turning it into a religion of blood and slaughter?"
Mr. Rashed recalled that in the past, leftists and
nationalists in the Arab world were considered a "menace"
for their adoption of violence, and the mosque was a
"haven" of "peace and reconciliation" by contrast.
"Then came the Neo-Muslims," he said. "An innocent and benevolent
religion, whose verses prohibit the felling of trees in the absence of
urgent necessity, that calls murder the most heinous of crimes, that
says explicitly that if you kill one person you have killed humanity as
a whole, has been turned into a global message of hate and a universal
war cry."
A columnist for the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyassa, Faisal al-Qina'I,
also took aim at Sheikh Qaradawi. "It is saddening," he wrote, "to read
and hear from those who are supposed to be Muslim clerics, like Yusuf
al-Qaradawi and others of his kind, that instead of defending true
Islam they encourage these cruel actions and permit decapitation,
hostage-taking and murder."
In Jordan, a group of Muslim religious figures, meeting
with the religious affairs minister, Ahmed Heleil, issued a statement
today saying the seizing of the school and subsequent massacre was
dedicated to distorting the pure image of Islam.
"This terrorist act contradicts the principles of our true Muslim
religion and its noble values," the statement said.
Writing in the Jordanian daily Al-Dustour, a columnist,
Bater Wardam, noted a propensity in the Arab world to
"place responsibility for the crimes of Arabic and Muslim terrorist
organizations on the Mossad, the Zionists and the American
intelligence, but we all know that this is not the case."
"They came from our midst," he wrote of those who had
kidnapped and murdered civilians in Iraq, blown up commuter trains in
Spain, turned airliners into bombs and shot the children in Ossetia.
"They are Arabs and Muslims who pray, fast, grow beards,
demand the wearing of veils and call for the defense of
Islamic causes. Therefore we must all raise our voices,
disown them and oppose all these crimes."
In Beirut, Rami G. Khouri wrote in the Daily Star that
while most Arabs "identified strongly and willingly" with
armed Palestinian or Lebanese guerrillas fighting Israeli occupation,
"all of us today are dehumanized and brutalized by the images of Arabs
kidnapping and beheading foreign hostages."
Calling for a global strategy to reduce terror, he traced
what he called "this ugly trek" in the Arab world to "the home-grown
sense of indignity, humiliation, denial and degradation that has
increasingly plagued many of our young men and women."
A Palestinian columnist, Hassan al-Batal, wrote in the
official Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Ayyam that the
"day of horror in the school" should be designated an international day
for the condemnation of terrorism. "There are no mitigating
circumstances for the inhuman horror and the height of barbarism" at
the school, he wrote.
In Egypt, the semi-official newspaper Al-Ahram called the events "an
ugly crime against humanity."
In Saudi Arabia, newspapers tightly controlled by the government -
which finds itself under attack from Islamic fundamentalists - were
even more scathing.
Under the headline "Butchers in the Name of Allah," a
columnist in the government daily Okaz, Khaled Hamed al-Suleiman, wrote
that "the propagandists of Jihad succeeded in the span of a few years
in distorting the image of Islam.
"They turned today's Islam into something having to do with
decapitations, the slashing of throats, abducting innocent civilians
and exploding people. They have fixed the image of Muslims in the eyes
of the world as barbarians and savages who are not good for anything
except slaughtering people," he wrote, adding:
"The time has come for Muslims to be the first to come out against
those interested in abducting Islam in the same way they abducted
innocent children. This is the true Jihad these days and this is our
obligation, as believing Muslims, towards our monotheistic religion."
trudno byc jednostką w grupie szczegolnie gdy ta porusza sie jak odrebna
jednostka ...na przykład biegnie,stoi ustawiona w kolejce,czy ogląda
przedstawienie teatralne...grupa animowana jest przez Struny i Muzyke z których
składa się nasz Teatralny Wszechświat...
wladza grupy nad jednostka i : jednostki nad grupa...wymiar 3
piramidalny...teoria grup ma-tematycznych? L&ORDERד?
?Lodz na druga strone chaosu Arka hArona do kolektywnej podswiadomosci
Pamieci Naszej Planetarnej
4litery z dna
i kolonie na Marsie
jednostka ...na przykład biegnie,stoi ustawiona w kolejce,czy ogląda
przedstawienie teatralne...grupa animowana jest przez Struny i Muzyke z których
składa się nasz Teatralny Wszechświat...
wladza grupy nad jednostka i : jednostki nad grupa...wymiar 3
piramidalny...teoria grup ma-tematycznych? L&ORDERד?
?Lodz na druga strone chaosu Arka hArona do kolektywnej podswiadomosci
Pamieci Naszej Planetarnej
4litery z dna
i kolonie na Marsie
"Sturgess Campion Mitchell"
ich habe heute eine "Beglaubigte Zuteilung und Vergabe" von der oben genannten
Firma kurz SCM bekommen.
darin steht das ich 21.000 € bekommen würde, wahlweise als einmalige Summe oder
in 12 Raten a 1750 €.
Wenn ich meine Zuteilung haben möchte, soll ich das Beiligende "Empfänger-
Erfassungsformular" ausfüllen und zusammen mit 39,90 € " Akquisitions-Gebühr"
an die Firma
Sturgess Campion Mitchell
Postfach 75632
1070 AP Amsterdam
Kennt jemand diese Firma ???
Ich werde mich hüten denen Geld zu schicken, aber möchte auch nicht das
irgendwer auf so eine miese Masche reinfällt.
Gruß Ingo
ich habe heute eine "Beglaubigte Zuteilung und Vergabe" von der oben genannten
Firma kurz SCM bekommen.
darin steht das ich 21.000 € bekommen würde, wahlweise als einmalige Summe oder
in 12 Raten a 1750 €.
Wenn ich meine Zuteilung haben möchte, soll ich das Beiligende "Empfänger-
Erfassungsformular" ausfüllen und zusammen mit 39,90 € " Akquisitions-Gebühr"
an die Firma
Sturgess Campion Mitchell
Postfach 75632
1070 AP Amsterdam
Kennt jemand diese Firma ???
Ich werde mich hüten denen Geld zu schicken, aber möchte auch nicht das
irgendwer auf so eine miese Masche reinfällt.
Gruß Ingo
• ---------------------------------------------- IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: .... 22.08.04, 15:34 zarchiwizowany
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• --------------------AQUANET------------------ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: h2o 17.08.04, 01:43 zarchiwizowany
• Re: --------------------AQUANET------------------ IP: *.168.96.*
Gość: 79o 05.08.04, 19:37 zarchiwizowany
• Re: --------------------AQUANET------------------ IP: *.168.96.*
Gość: i watek 05.08.04, 19:36 zarchiwizowany
bardzo glupi watek
Just as form and colour are used as means by some, who (whether by art or
constant practice) imitate and portray many things by their aid, and the voice
is used by others; so also in the above-mentioned group of arts, the means with
them as a whole are rhythm, language, and harmony—used, however, either singly
or in certain combinations. A combination of rhythm and harmony alone is the
means in flute-playing and lyre-playing, and any other arts there may be of the
same description, e.g. imitative piping. Rhythm alone, without harmony, is the
means in the dancer's imitations; for even he, by the RHYTMS of his attitudes,
may represent men's characters, as well as what they do and suffer. There is
further an art which imitates by language alone, without harmony, in prose or
in verse, and if in verse, either in some one or in a plurality of metres. This
form of imitation is to this day without a name. We have no common name for a
mime of Sophron or Xenarchus and a Socratic Conversation; and we should still
be without one even if the imitation in the two instances were in trimeters or
elegiacs or some other kind of verse—though it is the way with people to tack
on 'poet' to the name of a metre, and talk of elegiac-poets and epic-poets,
thinking that they call them poets not by reason of the imitative nature of
their work, but indiscriminately by reason of the metre they write in.
Ja jestem w trakcie wycieczki mniej wiecej odwrotnej, w glab zupy
quantowej. 'Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry
expresses the universal, and history only the particular.' To bardzo ciekawe,
biorac pod uwage, ze poezja jest imitacja:) A jeszcze ciekawsze, ze . nie ma:)
Co do chronodendrologii, to przekroj zupelnie roznie wyglada w zaleznosci od
tego, gdzie sie to drzewo posadzi. Na ogol zupelnie inaczej, hihih. Albo tak: z
prasowania pi wychodza smieszne bryly:) Dowcip - i trudnosc - polega na
wyznaczeniu sceny, na ktorej obowiazuje jednosc miejsca, czasu i akcji. A drugi
dowcip, ze nie da sie zgromadzic..... i z nich zrobic scene. Bo one bez sceny
nie istnieja:)))))))))))))
PS. cieszem siem.
constant practice) imitate and portray many things by their aid, and the voice
is used by others; so also in the above-mentioned group of arts, the means with
them as a whole are rhythm, language, and harmony—used, however, either singly
or in certain combinations. A combination of rhythm and harmony alone is the
means in flute-playing and lyre-playing, and any other arts there may be of the
same description, e.g. imitative piping. Rhythm alone, without harmony, is the
means in the dancer's imitations; for even he, by the RHYTMS of his attitudes,
may represent men's characters, as well as what they do and suffer. There is
further an art which imitates by language alone, without harmony, in prose or
in verse, and if in verse, either in some one or in a plurality of metres. This
form of imitation is to this day without a name. We have no common name for a
mime of Sophron or Xenarchus and a Socratic Conversation; and we should still
be without one even if the imitation in the two instances were in trimeters or
elegiacs or some other kind of verse—though it is the way with people to tack
on 'poet' to the name of a metre, and talk of elegiac-poets and epic-poets,
thinking that they call them poets not by reason of the imitative nature of
their work, but indiscriminately by reason of the metre they write in.
Ja jestem w trakcie wycieczki mniej wiecej odwrotnej, w glab zupy
quantowej. 'Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry
expresses the universal, and history only the particular.' To bardzo ciekawe,
biorac pod uwage, ze poezja jest imitacja:) A jeszcze ciekawsze, ze . nie ma:)
Co do chronodendrologii, to przekroj zupelnie roznie wyglada w zaleznosci od
tego, gdzie sie to drzewo posadzi. Na ogol zupelnie inaczej, hihih. Albo tak: z
prasowania pi wychodza smieszne bryly:) Dowcip - i trudnosc - polega na
wyznaczeniu sceny, na ktorej obowiazuje jednosc miejsca, czasu i akcji. A drugi
dowcip, ze nie da sie zgromadzic..... i z nich zrobic scene. Bo one bez sceny
nie istnieja:)))))))))))))
PS. cieszem siem.
z e s v ll le lv lg ze zg
el ev al ae av se sg bl bv vl
ve vg oe og gv l.l l.e l.v l.g lle
lzv lel lev leg lag lsl lsv lbe lbv lve
lvg lol lgl lge lgv lgg zll zze zzv zzg
zee zeg zal zsl zsv zbe zbg zvl zvv zol
zoe zge e.v ell ele elv eel eev eav eag
ese esg ebv eve evg eoe eog egv a.l a.g
alg azl ael aee aeg aae aag asv abl abe
abv avg aov agl agg s.e s.g szl sze sal
sav ssv sbe sbg svl svv sov sge sgg b.l
b.v ble blv blg bel bal bae bav bse bsg
bbl bve bvv boe bgl v.l v.g vlg vzv vee
veg vae vsl vsv vbl vbg vve vov vgv o.g
oll ozl oze ozv ozg oeg ose osv osg obe
ovv ool ooe oov g.v gll glg gzg gev gal
gav gse gbv gvl gvv goe ggl ggv l..g l.le
l.lg l.zl l.el l.ee l.eg l.ag l.sl l.bl l.be l.bg
l.ov l.gl l.ge l.gv ll.e ll.g lllv llze llzg llsl
llse llbe llvl llol llov llge lz.l lzle lzlv lzze
lzzg lzel lzev lzag lzsg lzvv lzvg lzoe lzog lzgl
lzgv le.l le.e le.v lelg lezl lezv lebl lebv leve
leol legg la.g laze lazv lazg laee laeg laav lasl
lase lasg lavl laol laoe laov laog lage lagg lsll
lsze lsel lsae lsag lsse lssg lsbv lsvl lsvg lsoe
lsgv lb.l lb.v lb.g lble lblg lbzl lbzv lbev lbsv
lbbe lbbv lbbg lbge lbgv lbgg lv.g lvzl lvze lvee
lval lvav lvse lvsg lvvv lvoe lvov lvog lo.l loll
loze loel loav lobl lobv lovl love lovv lovg loog
lg.l lg.v lgle lgel lgee lgag lgsl lgve lgvg lgov
lgge lggv lggg z..e z.ll z.lv z.zv z.zg z.eg z.se
z.be z.bg z.ol z.oe z.ov z.og z.gg zlll zlle zlzg
zlel zlev zlal zlae zlse zlbl zlvg zz.e zz.v zzle
zzzl zzev zzeg zzae zzsl zzbv zzbg zzve zzol zzov
zzge zzgv ze.g zell zeee zeeg zeal zeav zesl zesv
zevl zevv zeol zeoe zeog zege zegg zall zalv zaze
zaev zaal zaav zasg zabv zave zavv zs.e zszl zsel
zseg zsae zsag zssl zssv zsvg zsgl zsge zb.g zblv
zbzl zbee zbav zbsv zbsg zbbe zbvl zbvv zboe zbov
zbog zbge zbgg zv.v zvll zvle zvlg zvzg zvel zval
zvag zvse zvbv zvvv zvog zvgl zvgv zo.l zo.e zolg
zoee zoev zoae zosl zosv zobl zovg zoov zogv zg.e
zg.g zglv zgzv zgeg zgse zgsv zgbe zgbg zgvl zggg
e..l e.ll e.lg e.ze e.ev e.al e.ag e.bl e.bv e.vg
e.oe e.og el.g ellg elzl elev elbe elbv elbg elol
elov elgl ez.e ez.g ezlv ezzl ezzg ezsl ezse ezsv
ezsg ezvl ezgg ee.l ee.v eele eelg eeze eezg eeel
eeae eeav eesg eebl eevl eeve eeog eegl ea.v eale
eaee eaag easv eabl eabe eabv eabg eagl eagg esll
eslv eszv eszg esee eseg esal esav essv essg esvl
esol esoe esge eb.v eble eblv ebze ebel ebev ebae
ebsg ebvl ebve ebvv ebgl ebgv ev.l ev.g evlg evzv
evee eveg evbl evbv evbg evvg evge evgv eo.e eozl
eoze eoee eoav eosl eose eobe eovv eool eoog eg.v
egll eglv eglg egze egzg egel egae egav egbv egog
a..l a..e a..v a.le a.lg a.zl a.zv a.ag a.sl a.sv
a.ve a.vg a.gl a.ge a.gg alll alzv alzg alee aleg
alse alsv alsg alvv az.l azll azlv azlg azzg azel
azal azae azse azsg azbl azvl azve azoe azog azgv
aezv aeev aeeg aeag aesv aebe aeve aegl aegv aa.g
aazl aaze aaal aaav aasl aasv aabe aaol aaoe aage
as.v asle aslv aslg asze asav asag asbl asbv asoe
asgl asgv ab.e abzl abev abeg abae abag absl absv
abbe abve abvg abgl av.e avzl avze avzg avee avsl
avsg avoe avov avog avge avgg ao.l aole aolv aoel
aobl aovl aovv aoog ag.e ag.g aglg agel agee agev
agae agsl agsv agbv agbg agve agov agge aggg s..e
s..g s.ll s.zl s.ze s.eg s.sl s.sg s.vv s.ol s.ov
s.gg sl.l sl.v slle sllg slav slse slbv slvl slvg
slog slgv sz.g szzv szel szee szev szbl szve szvg
szol szgv se.e se.g seze seee seav sesl seol seov
sege segg sa.v sale salv salg sael saev saal saae
saag savl savv savg saoe ss.l ss.e ss.v sslg sszl
sszv ssel sssv ssbe ssbg ssve ssol ssgl sbze sbeg
sbal sbav sbsl sbse sbsv sbsg sbbg sboe sbog sbge
sv.l svll svlv svev sval svae svag svvg svoe svgl
so.l so.v sole sozl sozv soeg soae soag sosl sosv
sobl sobv sobg sovg sool sogv sg.e sgze sgzv sgeg
sgse sgol sgov b..v b.ll b.zg b.ev b.ae b.av b.se
b.bv b.ve b.vg b.og b.gl bl.l blle blzl blel blee
blae blsl blbe blve blgv blgg bz.e bzll bzlv bzzl
bzzg bzav bzsv bzbe bzbg bzvl bzvv bzov bzgg be.l
bell belv beze bezg beev beae bese besg bebl bebv
beve bevg beog begv bazl bazv baag basl babg bave
baol bagl bszl bszg bsav bssl bsse bsbe bsbg bsvl
bsvv bsol bsgg bb.v bblg bbev bbse bbsg bbbl bbve
bbvg bbog bbgl bv.l bv.e bv.g bvlg bvee bvev bvbl
bvbe bvvg bvol bvgl bvge bo.e boze bozv bozg boee
boal bosv bobe bobg bovl booe bogg bg.v bgll bglv
bgav bgag bgsg bgbl bgbv bgvl bgvv bgoe bggl bggv
v..l v.le v.lg v.zv v.eg v.ae v.sv v.bg v.vg vl.e
vl.g vlzl vlzv vlzg vlsl vlsg vlvv vlov vlge vz.v
vzll vzle vzlg vzzg vzev vzae vzav vzse vzoe vzgv
ve.v ve.g vezl veel veee veag vesl vebg vege vall
valv vaee vasl vasv vasg vavv vaol vaov vaog vagg
vs.v vslv vsze vszg vsev vsal vsav vsag vssg vsbl
vsve vsvv vsoe vsog vsgl vb.e vb.v vbzl vbeg vbae
vbag vbbg vbve vbol vbov vbgl vbgg vv.e vvlv vvze
vvzv vval vvse vvsv vvsg vvog vvge volv voze vozg
voal vose vobv vove vovv vovg vooe vg.l vg.v vglg
el ev al ae av se sg bl bv vl
ve vg oe og gv l.l l.e l.v l.g lle
lzv lel lev leg lag lsl lsv lbe lbv lve
lvg lol lgl lge lgv lgg zll zze zzv zzg
zee zeg zal zsl zsv zbe zbg zvl zvv zol
zoe zge e.v ell ele elv eel eev eav eag
ese esg ebv eve evg eoe eog egv a.l a.g
alg azl ael aee aeg aae aag asv abl abe
abv avg aov agl agg s.e s.g szl sze sal
sav ssv sbe sbg svl svv sov sge sgg b.l
b.v ble blv blg bel bal bae bav bse bsg
bbl bve bvv boe bgl v.l v.g vlg vzv vee
veg vae vsl vsv vbl vbg vve vov vgv o.g
oll ozl oze ozv ozg oeg ose osv osg obe
ovv ool ooe oov g.v gll glg gzg gev gal
gav gse gbv gvl gvv goe ggl ggv l..g l.le
l.lg l.zl l.el l.ee l.eg l.ag l.sl l.bl l.be l.bg
l.ov l.gl l.ge l.gv ll.e ll.g lllv llze llzg llsl
llse llbe llvl llol llov llge lz.l lzle lzlv lzze
lzzg lzel lzev lzag lzsg lzvv lzvg lzoe lzog lzgl
lzgv le.l le.e le.v lelg lezl lezv lebl lebv leve
leol legg la.g laze lazv lazg laee laeg laav lasl
lase lasg lavl laol laoe laov laog lage lagg lsll
lsze lsel lsae lsag lsse lssg lsbv lsvl lsvg lsoe
lsgv lb.l lb.v lb.g lble lblg lbzl lbzv lbev lbsv
lbbe lbbv lbbg lbge lbgv lbgg lv.g lvzl lvze lvee
lval lvav lvse lvsg lvvv lvoe lvov lvog lo.l loll
loze loel loav lobl lobv lovl love lovv lovg loog
lg.l lg.v lgle lgel lgee lgag lgsl lgve lgvg lgov
lgge lggv lggg z..e z.ll z.lv z.zv z.zg z.eg z.se
z.be z.bg z.ol z.oe z.ov z.og z.gg zlll zlle zlzg
zlel zlev zlal zlae zlse zlbl zlvg zz.e zz.v zzle
zzzl zzev zzeg zzae zzsl zzbv zzbg zzve zzol zzov
zzge zzgv ze.g zell zeee zeeg zeal zeav zesl zesv
zevl zevv zeol zeoe zeog zege zegg zall zalv zaze
zaev zaal zaav zasg zabv zave zavv zs.e zszl zsel
zseg zsae zsag zssl zssv zsvg zsgl zsge zb.g zblv
zbzl zbee zbav zbsv zbsg zbbe zbvl zbvv zboe zbov
zbog zbge zbgg zv.v zvll zvle zvlg zvzg zvel zval
zvag zvse zvbv zvvv zvog zvgl zvgv zo.l zo.e zolg
zoee zoev zoae zosl zosv zobl zovg zoov zogv zg.e
zg.g zglv zgzv zgeg zgse zgsv zgbe zgbg zgvl zggg
e..l e.ll e.lg e.ze e.ev e.al e.ag e.bl e.bv e.vg
e.oe e.og el.g ellg elzl elev elbe elbv elbg elol
elov elgl ez.e ez.g ezlv ezzl ezzg ezsl ezse ezsv
ezsg ezvl ezgg ee.l ee.v eele eelg eeze eezg eeel
eeae eeav eesg eebl eevl eeve eeog eegl ea.v eale
eaee eaag easv eabl eabe eabv eabg eagl eagg esll
eslv eszv eszg esee eseg esal esav essv essg esvl
esol esoe esge eb.v eble eblv ebze ebel ebev ebae
ebsg ebvl ebve ebvv ebgl ebgv ev.l ev.g evlg evzv
evee eveg evbl evbv evbg evvg evge evgv eo.e eozl
eoze eoee eoav eosl eose eobe eovv eool eoog eg.v
egll eglv eglg egze egzg egel egae egav egbv egog
a..l a..e a..v a.le a.lg a.zl a.zv a.ag a.sl a.sv
a.ve a.vg a.gl a.ge a.gg alll alzv alzg alee aleg
alse alsv alsg alvv az.l azll azlv azlg azzg azel
azal azae azse azsg azbl azvl azve azoe azog azgv
aezv aeev aeeg aeag aesv aebe aeve aegl aegv aa.g
aazl aaze aaal aaav aasl aasv aabe aaol aaoe aage
as.v asle aslv aslg asze asav asag asbl asbv asoe
asgl asgv ab.e abzl abev abeg abae abag absl absv
abbe abve abvg abgl av.e avzl avze avzg avee avsl
avsg avoe avov avog avge avgg ao.l aole aolv aoel
aobl aovl aovv aoog ag.e ag.g aglg agel agee agev
agae agsl agsv agbv agbg agve agov agge aggg s..e
s..g s.ll s.zl s.ze s.eg s.sl s.sg s.vv s.ol s.ov
s.gg sl.l sl.v slle sllg slav slse slbv slvl slvg
slog slgv sz.g szzv szel szee szev szbl szve szvg
szol szgv se.e se.g seze seee seav sesl seol seov
sege segg sa.v sale salv salg sael saev saal saae
saag savl savv savg saoe ss.l ss.e ss.v sslg sszl
sszv ssel sssv ssbe ssbg ssve ssol ssgl sbze sbeg
sbal sbav sbsl sbse sbsv sbsg sbbg sboe sbog sbge
sv.l svll svlv svev sval svae svag svvg svoe svgl
so.l so.v sole sozl sozv soeg soae soag sosl sosv
sobl sobv sobg sovg sool sogv sg.e sgze sgzv sgeg
sgse sgol sgov b..v b.ll b.zg b.ev b.ae b.av b.se
b.bv b.ve b.vg b.og b.gl bl.l blle blzl blel blee
blae blsl blbe blve blgv blgg bz.e bzll bzlv bzzl
bzzg bzav bzsv bzbe bzbg bzvl bzvv bzov bzgg be.l
bell belv beze bezg beev beae bese besg bebl bebv
beve bevg beog begv bazl bazv baag basl babg bave
baol bagl bszl bszg bsav bssl bsse bsbe bsbg bsvl
bsvv bsol bsgg bb.v bblg bbev bbse bbsg bbbl bbve
bbvg bbog bbgl bv.l bv.e bv.g bvlg bvee bvev bvbl
bvbe bvvg bvol bvgl bvge bo.e boze bozv bozg boee
boal bosv bobe bobg bovl booe bogg bg.v bgll bglv
bgav bgag bgsg bgbl bgbv bgvl bgvv bgoe bggl bggv
v..l v.le v.lg v.zv v.eg v.ae v.sv v.bg v.vg vl.e
vl.g vlzl vlzv vlzg vlsl vlsg vlvv vlov vlge vz.v
vzll vzle vzlg vzzg vzev vzae vzav vzse vzoe vzgv
ve.v ve.g vezl veel veee veag vesl vebg vege vall
valv vaee vasl vasv vasg vavv vaol vaov vaog vagg
vs.v vslv vsze vszg vsev vsal vsav vsag vssg vsbl
vsve vsvv vsoe vsog vsgl vb.e vb.v vbzl vbeg vbae
vbag vbbg vbve vbol vbov vbgl vbgg vv.e vvlv vvze
vvzv vval vvse vvsv vvsg vvog vvge volv voze vozg
voal vose vobv vove vovv vovg vooe vg.l vg.v vglg
Each number had its own personality - masculine or feminine, perfect or
incomplete, beautiful or ugly. This feeling modern mathematics has deliberately
eliminated, but we still find overtones of it in fiction and poetry. Ten was
the very best number: it contained in itself the first four integers - one,
two, three, and four [1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10] - and these written in dot notation
formed a perfect triangle.
In their ethical practices, the Pythagorean were famous for their mutual
friendship, unselfishness, and honesty.
Pythagoras argued that there are three kinds of men, just as there are three
classes of strangers who come to the Olympic Games. The lowest consists of
those who come to buy and sell, and next above them are those who come to
compete. Best of all are those who simply come to look on. Men may be
classified accordingly as lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, and lovers of
Each number had its own personality - masculine or feminine, perfect or
incomplete, beautiful or ugly. This feeling modern mathematics has deliberately
eliminated, but we still find overtones of it in fiction and poetry. Ten was
the very best number: it contained in itself the first four integers - one,
two, three, and four [1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10] - and these written in dot notation
formed a perfect triangle.
In their ethical practices, the Pythagorean were famous for their mutual
friendship, unselfishness, and honesty.
Pythagoras argued that there are three kinds of men, just as there are three
classes of strangers who come to the Olympic Games. The lowest consists of
those who come to buy and sell, and next above them are those who come to
compete. Best of all are those who simply come to look on. Men may be
classified accordingly as lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, and lovers of
Wybacz Patience moja nieobecnosc ale studia mnie wciagnely w samo centrum
splotow slonecznych....a tam jak wiadomo sa baaaardzo wysokie temperatury...
cisNieNie tez ooogromne i dlatego trzeba zachowac ziiimna krew i dobre
chodzenie azeby temu zadaniu podolac...wiec nie dac sie sprasowac do baaardzo
gestej materii o wysokim ciezarze gatunkowym i tendencji wybuchowych ale raczej
zeglowac po powierzchi tego ocanu ognia i medytowac nie szukajac kontaktu z
centrum ...szczerze lekajac sie tej ciaglej reakcji jadrowej...ale w koncu...
Kapiel sloneczna dobrze mi zrobila..;)
prime \'prim\ n [ME, fr. MF, fem. of prin first, L primus; akin to L prior] 1 :
first in time : ORIGINAL 2 a : having no factor except itself and one <3> b : having no common factor except one <12> 3
a : first in rank, authority or significance : PRINCIPAL b : having the highest
quality or value <~ television time>
• Is the Will Freer? than the Intellect??? IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: oft 30.07.04, 01:37 zarchiwizowany
Das Phänomen der kollektiven Bewegung ist von großem allgemeinen Interesse, was
einen Anstieg der Forschungstätigkeiten auf diesem Gebiet in den letzten Jahren
zur Folge hatte. Gerade bei biologischen und sozialen Systemen, welche sich
fast ausschließlich fernab vom Gleichgewicht befinden, lassen sich oft
kohärente Bewegungen von Gruppen verschiedener Spezies beobachten, gedacht sei
hier nur an Schwärme von Vögeln, Fischen oder auch Mikroorganismen. Spezies wie
diese und die meisten anderen Spezies auch sind in der Lage, Energie aus der
Umgebung aufzunehmen und diese wiederum in interne Freiheitsgrade umzuwandeln.
Die so aufgenommene Energie ermöglicht es den Individuen, sich mit konstanter
Geschwindigkeit zu bewegen, da jegliche Dissipation kompensiert werden kann.
Genau dieser Umstand läßt sich in den o.g. Systemen beobachten: gerichtete,
permanente Bewegung. Aus diesem Grunde ist das Konzept der Aktiven
wechselwirkenden Brown'schen Teilchen Gegenstand detaillierterer
Untersuchungen, welche in dieser Arbeit betrachten werden.
Nach einer Einführung in die grundlegenden Ideen der Theorie Aktiver Brown'-
scher Teilchen werden verschiedene Wechselwirkungsszenarien betrachtet und die
Grundbewegungszustände solcher wechselwirkenden Teilchen extrahiert.
Im Rahmen einer Doktorarbeit entstanden, richtet sich dieses Buch an Leser mit
Vorwissen in statistischer Physik, nichtlinearer Dynamik und physikalischer
Eine der größten Bedrohungen für das Internet stellt die überfrachtung mit
Werbe-E-Mails dar. Das so genannte "Spamming" ist in aller Munde: Provider
kämpfen mit der Datenflut, Nutzer suchen in einer unüberschaubaren Menge von
Werbenachrichten die E-Mails ihrer Freunde und Bekannten, der (nationale wie
auch europäische) Gesetzgeber stellt Regeln auf, mit denen das Spamming
unterbunden werden soll und auch Gerichte mussten schon entscheiden, ob diese
Form des Direktmarketing zulässig ist. Mittlerweile ist mehr als die Hälfte des
E-Mail-Aufkommens im Internet Spam. Thomas Frank hat in seiner Arbeit "Zur
strafrechtlichen Bewältigung des Spamming" die strafrechtlichen Aspekte der E-
Mail-Werbung beleuchtet. Er untersucht dabei sowohl die möglichen Sanktionen
des Versendens von Werbenachrichten im Internet als auch besondere Formen von
Massen-E-Mails wie etwas die Werbung für Dialer oder das Durchführen einer
Denial-of-Service-Attacke. Auch stellt er überlegungen an, ob die
Kriminalisierung des Spamming de lege ferenda wirklich wünschenswert ist.
einen Anstieg der Forschungstätigkeiten auf diesem Gebiet in den letzten Jahren
zur Folge hatte. Gerade bei biologischen und sozialen Systemen, welche sich
fast ausschließlich fernab vom Gleichgewicht befinden, lassen sich oft
kohärente Bewegungen von Gruppen verschiedener Spezies beobachten, gedacht sei
hier nur an Schwärme von Vögeln, Fischen oder auch Mikroorganismen. Spezies wie
diese und die meisten anderen Spezies auch sind in der Lage, Energie aus der
Umgebung aufzunehmen und diese wiederum in interne Freiheitsgrade umzuwandeln.
Die so aufgenommene Energie ermöglicht es den Individuen, sich mit konstanter
Geschwindigkeit zu bewegen, da jegliche Dissipation kompensiert werden kann.
Genau dieser Umstand läßt sich in den o.g. Systemen beobachten: gerichtete,
permanente Bewegung. Aus diesem Grunde ist das Konzept der Aktiven
wechselwirkenden Brown'schen Teilchen Gegenstand detaillierterer
Untersuchungen, welche in dieser Arbeit betrachten werden.
Nach einer Einführung in die grundlegenden Ideen der Theorie Aktiver Brown'-
scher Teilchen werden verschiedene Wechselwirkungsszenarien betrachtet und die
Grundbewegungszustände solcher wechselwirkenden Teilchen extrahiert.
Im Rahmen einer Doktorarbeit entstanden, richtet sich dieses Buch an Leser mit
Vorwissen in statistischer Physik, nichtlinearer Dynamik und physikalischer
Eine der größten Bedrohungen für das Internet stellt die überfrachtung mit
Werbe-E-Mails dar. Das so genannte "Spamming" ist in aller Munde: Provider
kämpfen mit der Datenflut, Nutzer suchen in einer unüberschaubaren Menge von
Werbenachrichten die E-Mails ihrer Freunde und Bekannten, der (nationale wie
auch europäische) Gesetzgeber stellt Regeln auf, mit denen das Spamming
unterbunden werden soll und auch Gerichte mussten schon entscheiden, ob diese
Form des Direktmarketing zulässig ist. Mittlerweile ist mehr als die Hälfte des
E-Mail-Aufkommens im Internet Spam. Thomas Frank hat in seiner Arbeit "Zur
strafrechtlichen Bewältigung des Spamming" die strafrechtlichen Aspekte der E-
Mail-Werbung beleuchtet. Er untersucht dabei sowohl die möglichen Sanktionen
des Versendens von Werbenachrichten im Internet als auch besondere Formen von
Massen-E-Mails wie etwas die Werbung für Dialer oder das Durchführen einer
Denial-of-Service-Attacke. Auch stellt er überlegungen an, ob die
Kriminalisierung des Spamming de lege ferenda wirklich wünschenswert ist.
With the introduction of chronicity to our discussion, we have found the god
within our fantasy--Chronos, who has been he who binds us to the physical form,
he who devours his own children. As the Lord of our local universe, Time
assures our imprisonment within the Creation, the material Universe. Mystics
have an inherent yen to escape the bounds of time and space, and seek their
spiritual home beyond the Abyss.
As long as we are below the Abyss, our consciousness finds causality problems
inherent in time travel. These conceptual conundrums prevent the mind from
entering the realm of the pure archetypes. We perceive only dim reflections of
their effulgence, but we must "see through" the literal nature of reality, even
to accomplish this task.
The mind-boggling problems of time travel violate the causality principle, so
it becomes paradoxical. The mind, or Ruach, cannot enter these finer realms--
only the Neschamah or soul can journey there to the Source. When you cross this
Abyss, you untie the knot between the soul and the mind, leave the province of
Universal Mind and its three-fold illusion of time-space-matter.
Mystic practice provides a prescription for soul travel that makes transforming
a wormhole into a time machine seem like childs-play. The energy for the
journey comes from your intent and Will, but like any journey to foreign lands,
it requires extensive preparation. Like the shamans of old, one becomes a
psychonaut, rather than an astronaut.
Dzien dobry, Doktorze F:))))))
within our fantasy--Chronos, who has been he who binds us to the physical form,
he who devours his own children. As the Lord of our local universe, Time
assures our imprisonment within the Creation, the material Universe. Mystics
have an inherent yen to escape the bounds of time and space, and seek their
spiritual home beyond the Abyss.
As long as we are below the Abyss, our consciousness finds causality problems
inherent in time travel. These conceptual conundrums prevent the mind from
entering the realm of the pure archetypes. We perceive only dim reflections of
their effulgence, but we must "see through" the literal nature of reality, even
to accomplish this task.
The mind-boggling problems of time travel violate the causality principle, so
it becomes paradoxical. The mind, or Ruach, cannot enter these finer realms--
only the Neschamah or soul can journey there to the Source. When you cross this
Abyss, you untie the knot between the soul and the mind, leave the province of
Universal Mind and its three-fold illusion of time-space-matter.
Mystic practice provides a prescription for soul travel that makes transforming
a wormhole into a time machine seem like childs-play. The energy for the
journey comes from your intent and Will, but like any journey to foreign lands,
it requires extensive preparation. Like the shamans of old, one becomes a
psychonaut, rather than an astronaut.
Dzien dobry, Doktorze F:))))))
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 02.01.2004 01:26
Europa jest cala winna antysemizmowi.Byl i jest tam od wiekow.Probowano
"oczyscic" swoje kraje zapominajac ze Zydow wywiezli Rzymianie po calym Imperium
rzymskim i zabroniono im wracac do swojej ojczyzny.Kosciol Katolicki stal sie od
poczatku ich zacieklym wrogiem i jest do dzisiaj. Pan Bog moze nierychliwy ale
sprawiedliwy :probowano wytepic Zydow we wszelki mozliwy sposob: palac,mordujac
,urzadzajac pogromy,zwalajac winne za wszelkie mozliwe nieszczescia/obecnie
tendencja wsrod rodakow/ i co dokonano??? Wlasciwie nic.Zydzi dalej sa, maja
swoj kraj,jezyk,religie i kulture a co z milymi i "oswieconymi" narodami? Pan
Bog zsyla im wielka nagrode: Islam wsrod ich "wyzszej" kultury, poza tym masy
Arabow,Turkow,Czeczencow,Chinczykow,Hisndusow Afrykanczykow i jeszcze inne
rasy,religie ...Z pewnoscia beda miec "czysta rase" za jakies 10-20 lat.Moze
jeszcze sie doczekamy jak wnuki mordercow z Oswiecimia,hypokrytow z Paryza
,zabojcow ze Szwajcari i Jedwabnego itd.beda pod rzadami Arabow.To bedzie /na
pewno/ perfekt sprawiedliwosc! Powodzenia!
Re: fredzio,dana33 i antysemityzm...
Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 05.01.2004 06:32
Bardzo wyraznie widac wzrost ogolnoswiatowego antysemizmu.No bo przeciez trzeba
na kogos zwalic cale niezadowolenie, prawda? Polacy nie sa ani lepsi,ani gorsi
od innych narodowosci.Wymyslaja od zarania dziejow nieslychane glupoty i
oskarzaja Zydow np.jak zabijanie dzieci na wypiek macy .Oczywiscie ciemnocie nie
przyszlo do glowy ze Zydzi maja zabronione jedzenie jakiejkolwiek krwi.Drobny
szczegol ,prawda? Trzeba miec jakiegos kozla ofiarnego . Bedzie jeszcze wieksza
nienawisc do Zydow w najblizszej przyszlosci ,z pewnoscia.Historia sie powtarza.
Re: Izraelczycy zgładzili szefa Brygad Męczennikó
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 28.06.2004 01:55
"Kto mieczem wojuje ten od miecza ginie".....
Bravo Izrael !!!Shalom to you all.
Re: I co zostało z Kościoła katolickiego?
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 13.07.2004 06:20
Moze jestes "owieczka" ale prowadzona przez wilki w owczych skorach. Pozatym nie
znasz w ogole Bibli.Pan Jezus nogdy nie wspomnial KK -to sam kosciol ma do tego
pretensje.Przeczytaj sobie ,bidoku ,ciemny katoliku.Poza tym stan twego umysly
jest niepewny-majaczenia o "silach" miedzynarodowych,Zydach,ciemnych
organizacjach czychajacych na biedna ,cudowna Polske... Pachnie schizofrenia...
Re: A zaczęło się jeszcze w Egipcie i Persji
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 14.07.2004 05:47
Zaczelo sie od zarania dziejow.Najpierw byla religia -idea jednego Boga i
pierwsze zasady higieny-to bylo sola w oku dla wszystkich. Co do zdolnosci
narodu Zydowskiego to nie musimy jej udowodniac,zawsze wywolywala mnostwo
zazdrosci jak ich przywiazanie do religii i konsekwentne trzymanie sie jej zasad
obojetnie w jakim kraju .Przypominam ze, Zydow wygonili Rzymianie z ich ziemi i
zabronili powrotu .Zydzi dzieki swoich zdolnosci zawsze przetrwali.Ile
cywilizacji zginelo -a Zydzi sa i beda. To narod wyjatkowy czy komus sie podoba
czy nie.W naszym niestabilnym swiecie gdzie upadaja wszelkie wartosci na pewno
wzrosnie nienawisc do Zydow .Swiat musi miec kozla ofiarnego aby wytlumaczyc
czyms swoja nieudolnosc ,wojny itd.. Arobowie musza miec jakies wytlumaczenie i
usprawiedliwienie dlaczego niszcza stopniowo Zachod.Przypomina to troche
usprawiedliwienie sie Hitlera jak zaatakowal Czechoslowacje.Ludzie naiwni
oczywiscie zgadzaja sie z ta propaganda. To tak jakby slepy prowadzil kulawego
-az w dol wpadna .Francja zasluzyla sobie na swoj los.Tak szybciutko
swoj kraj z Zydow w czasie wojny sw. bo chciala "czystej" rasy to maja teraz
lepsza rase -ta odplaci za wszystko . Niedlugo Francuzi beda z lezka w oku
wspominac dawne czasy. Wszyscy Zydzi z Francji powinni wyemigrowac do Izraela,
tylko dla swojego dobra.Maja swoj kraj i powinni tam mieszkac.
19 lipiec 2004 13:35:20
Re: Świetny pomysł
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 19.07.2004 09:11
Sharon ma calkowita racje. Zydzi z Francji powinni wyjechac do Izraela
zabierajac wszystkie pieniadze ,pozbyc sie posiadlosci francuzkich i uzyc swoje
wyksztalcenie i zdolnosci do budowy swojego panstwa. Jezeli tego nie zrobia
beda coraz bardziej przesladowani.Podobna sytuacja byla przed II wojna. Tez
byli Zydzi nawolujacy do opuszczenia Niemiec i innych krajow Europy.Jednak
wielu to sie nie podobalo bo bylo im bardzo wygodnie .Jak przyszla wojna nawet
ci co chcieli nie mogli uciec. Francja i tak zostanie niedlugo opanowana przez
Arabow,juz wlasciwie jest bo wladze sa powiazani finansowo z krajami arabskimi
a takze osobiscie .Najlepszy przyklad Chirac. I rowniez jesli sa jacys jeszcze
Zydzi w Polsce powinni rowniez wyjechac. Polska to kraj pod panowaniem Rzymu a
on byl zawsze antysemicki .Wypowiedzi tutaj wiekszosci rodakow nie pozostawiaja
co do tego najmniejszej watpliwosci.
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 02.01.2004 01:26
Europa jest cala winna antysemizmowi.Byl i jest tam od wiekow.Probowano
"oczyscic" swoje kraje zapominajac ze Zydow wywiezli Rzymianie po calym Imperium
rzymskim i zabroniono im wracac do swojej ojczyzny.Kosciol Katolicki stal sie od
poczatku ich zacieklym wrogiem i jest do dzisiaj. Pan Bog moze nierychliwy ale
sprawiedliwy :probowano wytepic Zydow we wszelki mozliwy sposob: palac,mordujac
,urzadzajac pogromy,zwalajac winne za wszelkie mozliwe nieszczescia/obecnie
tendencja wsrod rodakow/ i co dokonano??? Wlasciwie nic.Zydzi dalej sa, maja
swoj kraj,jezyk,religie i kulture a co z milymi i "oswieconymi" narodami? Pan
Bog zsyla im wielka nagrode: Islam wsrod ich "wyzszej" kultury, poza tym masy
Arabow,Turkow,Czeczencow,Chinczykow,Hisndusow Afrykanczykow i jeszcze inne
rasy,religie ...Z pewnoscia beda miec "czysta rase" za jakies 10-20 lat.Moze
jeszcze sie doczekamy jak wnuki mordercow z Oswiecimia,hypokrytow z Paryza
,zabojcow ze Szwajcari i Jedwabnego itd.beda pod rzadami Arabow.To bedzie /na
pewno/ perfekt sprawiedliwosc! Powodzenia!
Re: fredzio,dana33 i antysemityzm...
Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 05.01.2004 06:32
Bardzo wyraznie widac wzrost ogolnoswiatowego antysemizmu.No bo przeciez trzeba
na kogos zwalic cale niezadowolenie, prawda? Polacy nie sa ani lepsi,ani gorsi
od innych narodowosci.Wymyslaja od zarania dziejow nieslychane glupoty i
oskarzaja Zydow np.jak zabijanie dzieci na wypiek macy .Oczywiscie ciemnocie nie
przyszlo do glowy ze Zydzi maja zabronione jedzenie jakiejkolwiek krwi.Drobny
szczegol ,prawda? Trzeba miec jakiegos kozla ofiarnego . Bedzie jeszcze wieksza
nienawisc do Zydow w najblizszej przyszlosci ,z pewnoscia.Historia sie powtarza.
Re: Izraelczycy zgładzili szefa Brygad Męczennikó
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 28.06.2004 01:55
"Kto mieczem wojuje ten od miecza ginie".....
Bravo Izrael !!!Shalom to you all.
Re: I co zostało z Kościoła katolickiego?
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 13.07.2004 06:20
Moze jestes "owieczka" ale prowadzona przez wilki w owczych skorach. Pozatym nie
znasz w ogole Bibli.Pan Jezus nogdy nie wspomnial KK -to sam kosciol ma do tego
pretensje.Przeczytaj sobie ,bidoku ,ciemny katoliku.Poza tym stan twego umysly
jest niepewny-majaczenia o "silach" miedzynarodowych,Zydach,ciemnych
organizacjach czychajacych na biedna ,cudowna Polske... Pachnie schizofrenia...
Re: A zaczęło się jeszcze w Egipcie i Persji
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 14.07.2004 05:47
Zaczelo sie od zarania dziejow.Najpierw byla religia -idea jednego Boga i
pierwsze zasady higieny-to bylo sola w oku dla wszystkich. Co do zdolnosci
narodu Zydowskiego to nie musimy jej udowodniac,zawsze wywolywala mnostwo
zazdrosci jak ich przywiazanie do religii i konsekwentne trzymanie sie jej zasad
obojetnie w jakim kraju .Przypominam ze, Zydow wygonili Rzymianie z ich ziemi i
zabronili powrotu .Zydzi dzieki swoich zdolnosci zawsze przetrwali.Ile
cywilizacji zginelo -a Zydzi sa i beda. To narod wyjatkowy czy komus sie podoba
czy nie.W naszym niestabilnym swiecie gdzie upadaja wszelkie wartosci na pewno
wzrosnie nienawisc do Zydow .Swiat musi miec kozla ofiarnego aby wytlumaczyc
czyms swoja nieudolnosc ,wojny itd.. Arobowie musza miec jakies wytlumaczenie i
usprawiedliwienie dlaczego niszcza stopniowo Zachod.Przypomina to troche
usprawiedliwienie sie Hitlera jak zaatakowal Czechoslowacje.Ludzie naiwni
oczywiscie zgadzaja sie z ta propaganda. To tak jakby slepy prowadzil kulawego
-az w dol wpadna .Francja zasluzyla sobie na swoj los.Tak szybciutko
swoj kraj z Zydow w czasie wojny sw. bo chciala "czystej" rasy to maja teraz
lepsza rase -ta odplaci za wszystko . Niedlugo Francuzi beda z lezka w oku
wspominac dawne czasy. Wszyscy Zydzi z Francji powinni wyemigrowac do Izraela,
tylko dla swojego dobra.Maja swoj kraj i powinni tam mieszkac.
19 lipiec 2004 13:35:20
Re: Świetny pomysł
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Autor: Gość: cat IP: *.bchsia.telus.net
Data: 19.07.2004 09:11
Sharon ma calkowita racje. Zydzi z Francji powinni wyjechac do Izraela
zabierajac wszystkie pieniadze ,pozbyc sie posiadlosci francuzkich i uzyc swoje
wyksztalcenie i zdolnosci do budowy swojego panstwa. Jezeli tego nie zrobia
beda coraz bardziej przesladowani.Podobna sytuacja byla przed II wojna. Tez
byli Zydzi nawolujacy do opuszczenia Niemiec i innych krajow Europy.Jednak
wielu to sie nie podobalo bo bylo im bardzo wygodnie .Jak przyszla wojna nawet
ci co chcieli nie mogli uciec. Francja i tak zostanie niedlugo opanowana przez
Arabow,juz wlasciwie jest bo wladze sa powiazani finansowo z krajami arabskimi
a takze osobiscie .Najlepszy przyklad Chirac. I rowniez jesli sa jacys jeszcze
Zydzi w Polsce powinni rowniez wyjechac. Polska to kraj pod panowaniem Rzymu a
on byl zawsze antysemicki .Wypowiedzi tutaj wiekszosci rodakow nie pozostawiaja
co do tego najmniejszej watpliwosci.
Walka o władzę w Gazie. Jaser Arafat mianował szefem służb bezpieczeństwa swego
siostrzeńca. W proteście tysiące ludzi wyszło na ulice Gazy, a rząd Ahmeda
Kurei podał się do dymisji
Najpoważniejszy jak dotąd kryzys w Autonomii Palestyńskiej zaczął się od
porwań. W piątek uzbrojeni napastnicy uprowadzili dyrektora koordynacji
wojskowej południowej części terytoriów palestyńskich płk. Chalida Abu Alulę,
szefa palestyńskiej policji generała Ghazi al Dżabaliego oraz pięcioro
francuskich wolontariuszy z obozu uchodźców Chan Junis. Do porwań przyznały się
dwie mało aktywne bojówki związane z ruchem Fatah prezydenta Jasera Arafata.
Porywacze ogłosili, że jest to protest przeciwko korupcji w policji i władzach
Autonomii. Wszystkich uprowadzonych wkrótce uwolniono. ... Analitycy są zdania,
że narasta walka o władzę w Autonomii, a zwłaszcza w Strefie Gazy przed
zapowiedzianym wycofaniem Izraela. Walczą ze sobą konkurencyjne frakcje w
Fatahu, posługując się bojówkami, które również szukają dla siebie
prominentnego miejsca w nowej rzeczywistości politycznej. Uważa się, że za
piątkowymi porwaniami stoi Mohamed Dahlan, były szef MSW i krytyk odwołanego
szefa policji Dżabalego. Dahlan, ceniony przez USA i Egipt, przez rywali
uznawany jest za marionetkę Izraela i Ameryki. Stąd pogłoski, że za rozruchami
w Gazie stoją służby izraelskie.
- Albo Arafat zrobi rewolucję w swoich władzach, albo naród palestyński zrobi
rewolucję przeciw niemu - mówił agencji AP Ahmed Jamous, student palestyńskiego
uniwersytetu Bir Zeit. Jednak według źródeł palestyńskich cytowanych przez
izraelski dziennik "Haarec" Arafat wciąż jest niezagrożony. Może to być
natomiast koniec rządów Kurei, który skupi na sobie odium krytyki za złe
funkcjonowanie Autonomii i brak reform.
Before I defected to America from Romania, leaving my post as chief of Romanian
intelligence, I was responsible for giving Arafat about $200,000 in laundered
cash every month throughout the 1970s. I also sent two cargo planes to Beirut a
week, stuffed with uniforms and supplies. Other Soviet bloc states did much the
same. Terrorism has been extremely profitable for Arafat. According to Forbes
magazine, he is today the sixth wealthiest among the world's "kings, queens &
despots," with more than $300 million stashed in Swiss bank accounts.
"I invented the hijackings [of passenger planes]," Arafat bragged when I first
met him at his PLO headquarters in Beirut in the early 1970s. He gestured
toward the little red flags pinned on a wall map of the world that labeled
Israel as "Palestine." "There they all are!" he told me, proudly. The dubious
honor of inventing hijacking actually goes to the KGB, which first hijacked a
U.S. passenger plane in 1960 to Communist Cuba. Arafat's innovation was the
suicide bomber, a terror concept that would come to full flower on 9/11.
siostrzeńca. W proteście tysiące ludzi wyszło na ulice Gazy, a rząd Ahmeda
Kurei podał się do dymisji
Najpoważniejszy jak dotąd kryzys w Autonomii Palestyńskiej zaczął się od
porwań. W piątek uzbrojeni napastnicy uprowadzili dyrektora koordynacji
wojskowej południowej części terytoriów palestyńskich płk. Chalida Abu Alulę,
szefa palestyńskiej policji generała Ghazi al Dżabaliego oraz pięcioro
francuskich wolontariuszy z obozu uchodźców Chan Junis. Do porwań przyznały się
dwie mało aktywne bojówki związane z ruchem Fatah prezydenta Jasera Arafata.
Porywacze ogłosili, że jest to protest przeciwko korupcji w policji i władzach
Autonomii. Wszystkich uprowadzonych wkrótce uwolniono. ... Analitycy są zdania,
że narasta walka o władzę w Autonomii, a zwłaszcza w Strefie Gazy przed
zapowiedzianym wycofaniem Izraela. Walczą ze sobą konkurencyjne frakcje w
Fatahu, posługując się bojówkami, które również szukają dla siebie
prominentnego miejsca w nowej rzeczywistości politycznej. Uważa się, że za
piątkowymi porwaniami stoi Mohamed Dahlan, były szef MSW i krytyk odwołanego
szefa policji Dżabalego. Dahlan, ceniony przez USA i Egipt, przez rywali
uznawany jest za marionetkę Izraela i Ameryki. Stąd pogłoski, że za rozruchami
w Gazie stoją służby izraelskie.
- Albo Arafat zrobi rewolucję w swoich władzach, albo naród palestyński zrobi
rewolucję przeciw niemu - mówił agencji AP Ahmed Jamous, student palestyńskiego
uniwersytetu Bir Zeit. Jednak według źródeł palestyńskich cytowanych przez
izraelski dziennik "Haarec" Arafat wciąż jest niezagrożony. Może to być
natomiast koniec rządów Kurei, który skupi na sobie odium krytyki za złe
funkcjonowanie Autonomii i brak reform.
Before I defected to America from Romania, leaving my post as chief of Romanian
intelligence, I was responsible for giving Arafat about $200,000 in laundered
cash every month throughout the 1970s. I also sent two cargo planes to Beirut a
week, stuffed with uniforms and supplies. Other Soviet bloc states did much the
same. Terrorism has been extremely profitable for Arafat. According to Forbes
magazine, he is today the sixth wealthiest among the world's "kings, queens &
despots," with more than $300 million stashed in Swiss bank accounts.
"I invented the hijackings [of passenger planes]," Arafat bragged when I first
met him at his PLO headquarters in Beirut in the early 1970s. He gestured
toward the little red flags pinned on a wall map of the world that labeled
Israel as "Palestine." "There they all are!" he told me, proudly. The dubious
honor of inventing hijacking actually goes to the KGB, which first hijacked a
U.S. passenger plane in 1960 to Communist Cuba. Arafat's innovation was the
suicide bomber, a terror concept that would come to full flower on 9/11.
The third, actually two very short novels, Black Easter and The Day after
Judgement, were written using the assumption that the ritual magic for
summoning demons as described in grimoires actually worked. In the first book,
a wealthy arms manufacturer comes to a black magician with a strange request:
he wishes to release all the demons from hell for one night to see what might
happen. The book mainly consists of a lengthy description of the summoning
ritual, and the grotesque figures of the demons as they appear. The book ends
with Baphomet announcing to the participants that the demons can not be
compelled to return to hell: the War is over, and God is dead. The Day After
Judgment shows the characters from the first book, and the realisation that God
may not be dead, as something appears to be restraining the actions of the
demons upon Earth.
Sanderson Beck was born March 5, 1947 in Los Angeles. He earned a B.A. in
Dramatic Art from the University of California at Berkeley, an M.A. in
Religious Studies from U.C. Santa Barbara, Ph.D. candidacy in the Philosophy of
Education from U.C.L.A., and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the World University.
He was a Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War. In 1982 he formulated
World Peace Movement Principles, Purposes, and Methods, and in 1987 he traveled
to 47 states and met with 600 peace groups to promote peace and disarmament. He
has been arrested many times for nonviolently protesting nuclear weapons and
military intervention and in 1989 was imprisoned for six months. Sanderson has
taught Philosophy and many other subjects at the World University since 1976.
On September 1, 2001 World Peace Communications was incorporated as a nonprofit
organization for educational, literary, and charitable purposes. Sanderson's
versions of the Wisdom Classics have been published as the WISDOM BIBLE, and
the first volume of his HISTORY OF ETHICS was published as Ancient Wisdom and
Folly and the second volume as Age of Belief. Sanderson recently published the
Nonviolent Action Handbook and GUIDES TO PEACE AND JUSTICE. He became an
official candidate for President of the United States in December 2002, and in
May 2003 he endorsed Dennis Kucinich.
Introduction to Boethius
...The lifetime goal of Boethius was to translate the complete works of
Aristotle and all the dialogs of Plato, showing by his commentaries that the
two could be harmonized, because they agree at philosophically decisive points.
He did translate into Latin Porphyry's introduction to Aristotle's Categories
and all of Aristotle's works on logic, which later had a great influence on the
history of medieval philosophy, these being the most available works of
Aristotle or Plato in Latin. He also translated from Greek into Latin the
geometry of Euclid, the music of Pythagoras, the arithmetic of Nicomachus, the
mechanics of Archimedes, and the astronomy of Ptolemy. He could explain a sun-
dial and a water-clock.
In 510 Boethius became consul under the Ostrogoth Theodoric who had become king
of Italy. Although Theodoric was an Arian Christian, Boethius wrote Theological
Tractates on the trinity attempting to explain with logic the unity of God as
substance and the three divine persons in terms of relation, and to describe
the Christ as both human and divine by defining substance, relation, and nature.
About 520 Theodoric appointed Boethius the master of the offices, heading all
the government and court services. In 522 Boethius reached the height of his
fortune as his two sons became consuls together....
A 35-year schism between Rome and Constantinople had been resolved in 519, and
apparently Theodoric was fearful of the Eastern emperor. The senator Albinus
was accused of having written a letter to Emperor Justin, and Boethius openly
came to his defense. Boethius was charged with treason and also with practicing
magic or sacrilege.
In political life Boethius had often stood up for justice at his own risk. He
and Saint Epiphanius had persuaded Theodoric to remit by two-thirds the tax his
nephew Odoacer had imposed on the farmers of Campania. The eloquence of
Boethius had rescued Paulinus from the intriguers in the palace. He had
criticized the Goths Conigastus and Trigulla, and he had sided with the culture
of the larger Roman empire against the Gothicizing circle of Cyprian. Now
the "honorable" Basilius and Opilio were saying that Boethius had treasonous
Boethius was locked up in Pavia three hundred miles from Rome while a sentence
was passed against him and confirmed by the Senate, probably under pressure
from Theodoric. While Boethius was in captivity and deprived of the use of his
library, he wrote THE CONSOLATION OF PHILOSOPHY.. In 524 a strong cord was tied
so tightly around his head that his eyes bulged out; then he was beaten with a
club until he died. Shortly after that his father-in-law, the senator
Symmachus, was taken from Rome to Ravenna and also executed.
The historian Procopius wrote how Theodoric was stricken with guilt soon after
this when the head of a large fish was served him, reminding him of the head of
Symmachus. Terrified he caught a chill, which piles of blankets could not
smother. He lamented the wrongs he had done against Symmachus and Boethius and
died in 526.
THE CONSOLATION OF PHILOSOPHY became one of the most popular books throughout
the middle ages. It was translated into Old, Middle and Elizabethan English by
Alfred the Great, Chaucer, and Queen Elizabeth respectively.
The Pi and Theta represent the first letters of Greek words describing
philosophy from the practical to the theoretical. The Eleatic school of
philosophy was founded by Parmenides a little before Socrates and emphasized
the unity of being. The Academics were those who studied at the Academy founded
by Plato. The Epicureans followed the philosophy of Epicurus (341-270 BC) which
believed in maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. The Stoics included Zeno
of Citium, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. Anaxagoras was condemned for impiety
and exiled from Athens about 450 BC. Socrates was executed by the Athenians in
399 BC. Zeno of Elea was tortured for challenging the tyranny of Nearchus about
440 BC. Canius was executed by Caligula in 40 CE. Seneca was forced to commit
suicide by Nero in 65 CE, and Soranus was condemned to death by Nero in 66.
Judgement, were written using the assumption that the ritual magic for
summoning demons as described in grimoires actually worked. In the first book,
a wealthy arms manufacturer comes to a black magician with a strange request:
he wishes to release all the demons from hell for one night to see what might
happen. The book mainly consists of a lengthy description of the summoning
ritual, and the grotesque figures of the demons as they appear. The book ends
with Baphomet announcing to the participants that the demons can not be
compelled to return to hell: the War is over, and God is dead. The Day After
Judgment shows the characters from the first book, and the realisation that God
may not be dead, as something appears to be restraining the actions of the
demons upon Earth.
Sanderson Beck was born March 5, 1947 in Los Angeles. He earned a B.A. in
Dramatic Art from the University of California at Berkeley, an M.A. in
Religious Studies from U.C. Santa Barbara, Ph.D. candidacy in the Philosophy of
Education from U.C.L.A., and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the World University.
He was a Conscientious Objector during the Vietnam War. In 1982 he formulated
World Peace Movement Principles, Purposes, and Methods, and in 1987 he traveled
to 47 states and met with 600 peace groups to promote peace and disarmament. He
has been arrested many times for nonviolently protesting nuclear weapons and
military intervention and in 1989 was imprisoned for six months. Sanderson has
taught Philosophy and many other subjects at the World University since 1976.
On September 1, 2001 World Peace Communications was incorporated as a nonprofit
organization for educational, literary, and charitable purposes. Sanderson's
versions of the Wisdom Classics have been published as the WISDOM BIBLE, and
the first volume of his HISTORY OF ETHICS was published as Ancient Wisdom and
Folly and the second volume as Age of Belief. Sanderson recently published the
Nonviolent Action Handbook and GUIDES TO PEACE AND JUSTICE. He became an
official candidate for President of the United States in December 2002, and in
May 2003 he endorsed Dennis Kucinich.
Introduction to Boethius
...The lifetime goal of Boethius was to translate the complete works of
Aristotle and all the dialogs of Plato, showing by his commentaries that the
two could be harmonized, because they agree at philosophically decisive points.
He did translate into Latin Porphyry's introduction to Aristotle's Categories
and all of Aristotle's works on logic, which later had a great influence on the
history of medieval philosophy, these being the most available works of
Aristotle or Plato in Latin. He also translated from Greek into Latin the
geometry of Euclid, the music of Pythagoras, the arithmetic of Nicomachus, the
mechanics of Archimedes, and the astronomy of Ptolemy. He could explain a sun-
dial and a water-clock.
In 510 Boethius became consul under the Ostrogoth Theodoric who had become king
of Italy. Although Theodoric was an Arian Christian, Boethius wrote Theological
Tractates on the trinity attempting to explain with logic the unity of God as
substance and the three divine persons in terms of relation, and to describe
the Christ as both human and divine by defining substance, relation, and nature.
About 520 Theodoric appointed Boethius the master of the offices, heading all
the government and court services. In 522 Boethius reached the height of his
fortune as his two sons became consuls together....
A 35-year schism between Rome and Constantinople had been resolved in 519, and
apparently Theodoric was fearful of the Eastern emperor. The senator Albinus
was accused of having written a letter to Emperor Justin, and Boethius openly
came to his defense. Boethius was charged with treason and also with practicing
magic or sacrilege.
In political life Boethius had often stood up for justice at his own risk. He
and Saint Epiphanius had persuaded Theodoric to remit by two-thirds the tax his
nephew Odoacer had imposed on the farmers of Campania. The eloquence of
Boethius had rescued Paulinus from the intriguers in the palace. He had
criticized the Goths Conigastus and Trigulla, and he had sided with the culture
of the larger Roman empire against the Gothicizing circle of Cyprian. Now
the "honorable" Basilius and Opilio were saying that Boethius had treasonous
Boethius was locked up in Pavia three hundred miles from Rome while a sentence
was passed against him and confirmed by the Senate, probably under pressure
from Theodoric. While Boethius was in captivity and deprived of the use of his
library, he wrote THE CONSOLATION OF PHILOSOPHY.. In 524 a strong cord was tied
so tightly around his head that his eyes bulged out; then he was beaten with a
club until he died. Shortly after that his father-in-law, the senator
Symmachus, was taken from Rome to Ravenna and also executed.
The historian Procopius wrote how Theodoric was stricken with guilt soon after
this when the head of a large fish was served him, reminding him of the head of
Symmachus. Terrified he caught a chill, which piles of blankets could not
smother. He lamented the wrongs he had done against Symmachus and Boethius and
died in 526.
THE CONSOLATION OF PHILOSOPHY became one of the most popular books throughout
the middle ages. It was translated into Old, Middle and Elizabethan English by
Alfred the Great, Chaucer, and Queen Elizabeth respectively.
The Pi and Theta represent the first letters of Greek words describing
philosophy from the practical to the theoretical. The Eleatic school of
philosophy was founded by Parmenides a little before Socrates and emphasized
the unity of being. The Academics were those who studied at the Academy founded
by Plato. The Epicureans followed the philosophy of Epicurus (341-270 BC) which
believed in maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. The Stoics included Zeno
of Citium, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. Anaxagoras was condemned for impiety
and exiled from Athens about 450 BC. Socrates was executed by the Athenians in
399 BC. Zeno of Elea was tortured for challenging the tyranny of Nearchus about
440 BC. Canius was executed by Caligula in 40 CE. Seneca was forced to commit
suicide by Nero in 65 CE, and Soranus was condemned to death by Nero in 66.
Pythagoras of Samos is often described as the first pure mathematician. He is
an extremely important figure in the development of mathematics yet we know
relatively little about his mathematical achievements. Unlike many later Greek
mathematicians, where at least we have some of the books which they wrote, we
have nothing of Pythagoras's writings. The society which he led, half religious
and half scientific, followed a code of secrecy which certainly means that
today Pythagoras is a mysterious figure.
We do have details of Pythagoras's life from early biographies which use
important original sources yet are written by authors who attribute divine
powers to him, and whose aim was to present him as a god-like figure. What we
present below is an attempt to collect together the most reliable sources to
reconstruct an account of Pythagoras's life. There is fairly good agreement on
the main events of his life but most of the dates are disputed with different
scholars giving dates which differ by 20 years. Some historians treat all this
information as merely legends but, even if the reader treats it in this way,
being such an early record it is of historical importance.
Pythagoras's father was Mnesarchus ([12] and [13]), while his mother was
Pythais [8] and she was a native of Samos. Mnesarchus was a merchant who came
from Tyre, and there is a story ([12] and [13]) that he brought corn to Samos
at a time of famine and was granted citizenship of Samos as a mark of
gratitude. As a child Pythagoras spent his early years in Samos but travelled
widely with his father. There are accounts of Mnesarchus returning to Tyre with
Pythagoras and that he was taught there by the Chaldaeans and the learned men
of Syria. It seems that he also visited Italy with his father.
Little is known of Pythagoras's childhood. All accounts of his physical
appearance are likely to be fictitious except the description of a striking
birthmark which Pythagoras had on his thigh. It is probable that he had two
brothers although some sources say that he had three. Certainly he was well
educated, learning to play the lyre, learning poetry and to recite Homer. There
were, among his teachers, three philosophers who were to influence Pythagoras
while he was a young man. One of the most important was Pherekydes who many
describe as the teacher of Pythagoras.
The other two philosophers who were to influence Pythagoras, and to introduce
him to mathematical ideas, were Thales and his pupil Anaximander who both lived
on Miletus. In [8] it is said that Pythagoras visited Thales in Miletus when he
was between 18 and 20 years old. By this time Thales was an old man and,
although he created a strong impression on Pythagoras, he probably did not
teach him a great deal. However he did contribute to Pythagoras's interest in
mathematics and astronomy, and advised him to travel to Egypt to learn more of
these subjects. Thales's pupil, Anaximander, lectured on Miletus and Pythagoras
attended these lectures. Anaximander certainly was interested in geometry and
cosmology and many of his ideas would influence Pythagoras's own views.
In about 535 BC Pythagoras went to Egypt. This happened a few years after the
tyrant Polycrates seized control of the city of Samos. There is some evidence
to suggest that Pythagoras and Polycrates were friendly at first and it is
claimed [5] that Pythagoras went to Egypt with a letter of introduction written
by Polycrates. In fact Polycrates had an alliance with Egypt and there were
therefore strong links between Samos and Egypt at this time. The accounts of
Pythagoras's time in Egypt suggest that he visited many of the temples and took
part in many discussions with the priests. According to Porphyry ([12] and
[13]) Pythagoras was refused admission to all the temples except the one at
Diospolis where he was accepted into the priesthood after completing the rites
necessary for admission.
It is not difficult to relate many of Pythagoras's beliefs, ones he would later
impose on the society that he set up in Italy, to the customs that he came
across in Egypt. For example the secrecy of the Egyptian priests, their refusal
to eat beans, their refusal to wear even cloths made from animal skins, and
their striving for purity were all customs that Pythagoras would later adopt.
Porphyry in [12] and [13] says that Pythagoras learnt geometry from the
Egyptians but it is likely that he was already acquainted with geometry,
certainly after teachings from Thales and Anaximander.
In 525 BC Cambyses II, the king of Persia, invaded Egypt. Polycrates abandoned
his alliance with Egypt and sent 40 ships to join the Persian fleet against the
Egyptians. After Cambyses had won the Battle of Pelusium in the Nile Delta and
had captured Heliopolis and Memphis, Egyptian resistance collapsed. Pythagoras
was taken prisoner and taken to Babylon. Iamblichus writes that Pythagoras (see
... was transported by the followers of Cambyses as a prisoner of war. Whilst
he was there he gladly associated with the Magoi ... and was instructed in
their sacred rites and learnt about a very mystical worship of the gods. He
also reached the acme of perfection in arithmetic and music and the other
mathematical sciences taught by the Babylonians...
In about 520 BC Pythagoras left Babylon and returned to Samos. Polycrates had
been killed in about 522 BC and Cambyses died in the summer of 522 BC, either
by committing suicide or as the result of an accident. The deaths of these
rulers may have been a factor in Pythagoras's return to Samos but it is nowhere
explained how Pythagoras obtained his freedom. Darius of Persia had taken
control of Samos after Polycrates' death and he would have controlled the
island on Pythagoras's return. This conflicts with the accounts of Porphyry and
Diogenes Laertius who state that Polycrates was still in control of Samos when
Pythagoras returned there.
Pythagoras made a journey to Crete shortly after his return to Samos to study
the system of laws there. Back in Samos he founded a school which was called
the semicircle. Iamblichus [8] writes in the third century AD that:-
... he formed a school in the city [of Samos], the 'semicircle' of Pythagoras,
which is known by that name even today, in which the Samians hold political
meetings. They do this because they think one should discuss questions about
goodness, justice and expediency in this place which was founded by the man who
made all these subjects his business. Outside the city he made a cave the
private site of his own philosophical teaching, spending most of the night and
daytime there and doing research into the uses of mathematics...
Pythagoras left Samos and went to southern Italy in about 518 BC (some say much
earlier). Iamblichus [8] gives some reasons for him leaving. First he comments
on the Samian response to his teaching methods:-
... he tried to use his symbolic method of teaching which was similar in all
respects to the lessons he had learnt in Egypt. The Samians were not very keen
on this method and treated him in a rude and improper manner.
This was, according to Iamblichus, used in part as an excuse for Pythagoras to
leave Samos:-
... Pythagoras was dragged into all sorts of diplomatic missions by his fellow
citizens and forced to participate in public affairs. ... He knew that all the
philosophers before him had ended their days on foreign soil so he decided to
escape all political responsibility, alleging as his excuse, according to some
sources, the contempt the Samians had for his teaching method.
Pythagoras founded a philosophical and religious school in Croton (now Crotone,
Pythagoras of Samos is often described as the first pure mathematician. He is
an extremely important figure in the development of mathematics yet we know
relatively little about his mathematical achievements. Unlike many later Greek
mathematicians, where at least we have some of the books which they wrote, we
have nothing of Pythagoras's writings. The society which he led, half religious
and half scientific, followed a code of secrecy which certainly means that
today Pythagoras is a mysterious figure.
We do have details of Pythagoras's life from early biographies which use
important original sources yet are written by authors who attribute divine
powers to him, and whose aim was to present him as a god-like figure. What we
present below is an attempt to collect together the most reliable sources to
reconstruct an account of Pythagoras's life. There is fairly good agreement on
the main events of his life but most of the dates are disputed with different
scholars giving dates which differ by 20 years. Some historians treat all this
information as merely legends but, even if the reader treats it in this way,
being such an early record it is of historical importance.
Pythagoras's father was Mnesarchus ([12] and [13]), while his mother was
Pythais [8] and she was a native of Samos. Mnesarchus was a merchant who came
from Tyre, and there is a story ([12] and [13]) that he brought corn to Samos
at a time of famine and was granted citizenship of Samos as a mark of
gratitude. As a child Pythagoras spent his early years in Samos but travelled
widely with his father. There are accounts of Mnesarchus returning to Tyre with
Pythagoras and that he was taught there by the Chaldaeans and the learned men
of Syria. It seems that he also visited Italy with his father.
Little is known of Pythagoras's childhood. All accounts of his physical
appearance are likely to be fictitious except the description of a striking
birthmark which Pythagoras had on his thigh. It is probable that he had two
brothers although some sources say that he had three. Certainly he was well
educated, learning to play the lyre, learning poetry and to recite Homer. There
were, among his teachers, three philosophers who were to influence Pythagoras
while he was a young man. One of the most important was Pherekydes who many
describe as the teacher of Pythagoras.
The other two philosophers who were to influence Pythagoras, and to introduce
him to mathematical ideas, were Thales and his pupil Anaximander who both lived
on Miletus. In [8] it is said that Pythagoras visited Thales in Miletus when he
was between 18 and 20 years old. By this time Thales was an old man and,
although he created a strong impression on Pythagoras, he probably did not
teach him a great deal. However he did contribute to Pythagoras's interest in
mathematics and astronomy, and advised him to travel to Egypt to learn more of
these subjects. Thales's pupil, Anaximander, lectured on Miletus and Pythagoras
attended these lectures. Anaximander certainly was interested in geometry and
cosmology and many of his ideas would influence Pythagoras's own views.
In about 535 BC Pythagoras went to Egypt. This happened a few years after the
tyrant Polycrates seized control of the city of Samos. There is some evidence
to suggest that Pythagoras and Polycrates were friendly at first and it is
claimed [5] that Pythagoras went to Egypt with a letter of introduction written
by Polycrates. In fact Polycrates had an alliance with Egypt and there were
therefore strong links between Samos and Egypt at this time. The accounts of
Pythagoras's time in Egypt suggest that he visited many of the temples and took
part in many discussions with the priests. According to Porphyry ([12] and
[13]) Pythagoras was refused admission to all the temples except the one at
Diospolis where he was accepted into the priesthood after completing the rites
necessary for admission.
It is not difficult to relate many of Pythagoras's beliefs, ones he would later
impose on the society that he set up in Italy, to the customs that he came
across in Egypt. For example the secrecy of the Egyptian priests, their refusal
to eat beans, their refusal to wear even cloths made from animal skins, and
their striving for purity were all customs that Pythagoras would later adopt.
Porphyry in [12] and [13] says that Pythagoras learnt geometry from the
Egyptians but it is likely that he was already acquainted with geometry,
certainly after teachings from Thales and Anaximander.
In 525 BC Cambyses II, the king of Persia, invaded Egypt. Polycrates abandoned
his alliance with Egypt and sent 40 ships to join the Persian fleet against the
Egyptians. After Cambyses had won the Battle of Pelusium in the Nile Delta and
had captured Heliopolis and Memphis, Egyptian resistance collapsed. Pythagoras
was taken prisoner and taken to Babylon. Iamblichus writes that Pythagoras (see
... was transported by the followers of Cambyses as a prisoner of war. Whilst
he was there he gladly associated with the Magoi ... and was instructed in
their sacred rites and learnt about a very mystical worship of the gods. He
also reached the acme of perfection in arithmetic and music and the other
mathematical sciences taught by the Babylonians...
In about 520 BC Pythagoras left Babylon and returned to Samos. Polycrates had
been killed in about 522 BC and Cambyses died in the summer of 522 BC, either
by committing suicide or as the result of an accident. The deaths of these
rulers may have been a factor in Pythagoras's return to Samos but it is nowhere
explained how Pythagoras obtained his freedom. Darius of Persia had taken
control of Samos after Polycrates' death and he would have controlled the
island on Pythagoras's return. This conflicts with the accounts of Porphyry and
Diogenes Laertius who state that Polycrates was still in control of Samos when
Pythagoras returned there.
Pythagoras made a journey to Crete shortly after his return to Samos to study
the system of laws there. Back in Samos he founded a school which was called
the semicircle. Iamblichus [8] writes in the third century AD that:-
... he formed a school in the city [of Samos], the 'semicircle' of Pythagoras,
which is known by that name even today, in which the Samians hold political
meetings. They do this because they think one should discuss questions about
goodness, justice and expediency in this place which was founded by the man who
made all these subjects his business. Outside the city he made a cave the
private site of his own philosophical teaching, spending most of the night and
daytime there and doing research into the uses of mathematics...
Pythagoras left Samos and went to southern Italy in about 518 BC (some say much
earlier). Iamblichus [8] gives some reasons for him leaving. First he comments
on the Samian response to his teaching methods:-
... he tried to use his symbolic method of teaching which was similar in all
respects to the lessons he had learnt in Egypt. The Samians were not very keen
on this method and treated him in a rude and improper manner.
This was, according to Iamblichus, used in part as an excuse for Pythagoras to
leave Samos:-
... Pythagoras was dragged into all sorts of diplomatic missions by his fellow
citizens and forced to participate in public affairs. ... He knew that all the
philosophers before him had ended their days on foreign soil so he decided to
escape all political responsibility, alleging as his excuse, according to some
sources, the contempt the Samians had for his teaching method.
Pythagoras founded a philosophical and religious school in Croton (now Crotone,
Virgos like instruction manuals. They'll try anything if it's explained in
clear, easy-to- understand steps. Take the instructions away and they often
panic. They always read the handbook first, and this makes them terrifyingly
competent in almost any sphere of life they choose to explore. Unfortunately
there aren't any instruction manuals for how to deal with love and passion
(although there are lots that pretend to be). It's not surprising that so many
Virgos are terrified of what they perceive as the dangerous lunacy of falling
in love.
clear, easy-to- understand steps. Take the instructions away and they often
panic. They always read the handbook first, and this makes them terrifyingly
competent in almost any sphere of life they choose to explore. Unfortunately
there aren't any instruction manuals for how to deal with love and passion
(although there are lots that pretend to be). It's not surprising that so many
Virgos are terrified of what they perceive as the dangerous lunacy of falling
in love.
agora2 napisał:
> Dr. Ralph C. Smeadly, the founder of Toastmasters International,
> wrote, "The speaker who stands and talks at ease is the one who can be heard
> without weariness. If his posture and gestures are so graceful and
> unobtrusive, that no one notices them, he may be counted as truly
> successful."
> Dr. Ralph C. Smeadly, the founder of Toastmasters International,
> wrote, "The speaker who stands and talks at ease is the one who can be heard
> without weariness. If his posture and gestures are so graceful and
> unobtrusive, that no one notices them, he may be counted as truly
> successful."
W przypadku osobliwości, którą ma rozwiązanie Friedmana, znikanie odległości
przestrzennych odbywa się zgodnie z tym samym prawem dla wszystkich kierunków.
Taka postać osobliwości nie jest dostatecznie ogólna: jest ona wlaściwa klasie
rozwiązań zawierającej tylko trzy dowolne funkcje współrzędnych. Zwróćmy także
uwagę, że rozwiązania te istnieją tylko w przestrzeni wypełnionej materią.
Podobnie jak i w przypadku modelu jednorodnego, reżim przybliżania się do
punktu osobliwego rozwiązania ogolnego składa się z kolejno następujących po
sobie serii zmieniających się 'epok kasnerowskich'. Podczas takiej epoki wyrazy
wiodące (ze względu na l/t) w przestrzennym tensorze metrycznym (w
synchronicznym układzie odniesienia) mają postać (118.1) z funkcjami czasu a,
b, c zachowującymi się jak (118.10), wektory l, m, n sa teraz jednak dowolnymi
(a nie calkowicie okreslonymi, jak to bylo w modelu jednorodnym) funkcjami
wspolrzednych przestrzennych. Takimi tez funkcjami (a nie po prostu liczbami)
sa teraz wykladniki þi, þm, þn nadal zwiazane ze soba relacjami (118,11).
Skonstruowana tak metryka spelnia rownania Ŗ˚o = Ө i Ŗαβ = Ө pola w prozni
(ze wzgledu na ich wyrazy wiodace) w przeciagu pewnego skonczonego przedzialu
czasowego. Rownanie zas Ŗ˚α = Ө prowadzi do trzech zwiazkow (niezaleznych od
czasu) które musza byc spelnione przez zawierajace sie w γαβ dowolne funkcje
wspolrzednych przestrzennych. Zwiazki te podaja zaleznosci miedzy dziesiecioma
roznymi funkcjami: trzena trojkami skladowych trzech wektorow l, m, n i jedna
funkcja wystepujaca w wykladnikach potegowych zmiennej czasowej (dowolna z
trzech funkcji þ1, þm, þn, spelniajacych dwa warunki (118,11)). Przy
wyznaczaniu liczby fizycznie dowolnych funkcji nalezy także uwzglednic, ze
synchroniczny uklad odniesienia dopuszcza jeszcze dowolne przeksztalcenia
trzech wspolrzednych przestrzennych, niezaleznie od czasu. Dlatego metryka
zalezy naprawde od 10-3-3=4 dowolnych funkcji – a wiec dokladnie od tylu, ile
ich powinno wystepowac w przypadku pola w prozni.
przestrzennych odbywa się zgodnie z tym samym prawem dla wszystkich kierunków.
Taka postać osobliwości nie jest dostatecznie ogólna: jest ona wlaściwa klasie
rozwiązań zawierającej tylko trzy dowolne funkcje współrzędnych. Zwróćmy także
uwagę, że rozwiązania te istnieją tylko w przestrzeni wypełnionej materią.
Podobnie jak i w przypadku modelu jednorodnego, reżim przybliżania się do
punktu osobliwego rozwiązania ogolnego składa się z kolejno następujących po
sobie serii zmieniających się 'epok kasnerowskich'. Podczas takiej epoki wyrazy
wiodące (ze względu na l/t) w przestrzennym tensorze metrycznym (w
synchronicznym układzie odniesienia) mają postać (118.1) z funkcjami czasu a,
b, c zachowującymi się jak (118.10), wektory l, m, n sa teraz jednak dowolnymi
(a nie calkowicie okreslonymi, jak to bylo w modelu jednorodnym) funkcjami
wspolrzednych przestrzennych. Takimi tez funkcjami (a nie po prostu liczbami)
sa teraz wykladniki þi, þm, þn nadal zwiazane ze soba relacjami (118,11).
Skonstruowana tak metryka spelnia rownania Ŗ˚o = Ө i Ŗαβ = Ө pola w prozni
(ze wzgledu na ich wyrazy wiodace) w przeciagu pewnego skonczonego przedzialu
czasowego. Rownanie zas Ŗ˚α = Ө prowadzi do trzech zwiazkow (niezaleznych od
czasu) które musza byc spelnione przez zawierajace sie w γαβ dowolne funkcje
wspolrzednych przestrzennych. Zwiazki te podaja zaleznosci miedzy dziesiecioma
roznymi funkcjami: trzena trojkami skladowych trzech wektorow l, m, n i jedna
funkcja wystepujaca w wykladnikach potegowych zmiennej czasowej (dowolna z
trzech funkcji þ1, þm, þn, spelniajacych dwa warunki (118,11)). Przy
wyznaczaniu liczby fizycznie dowolnych funkcji nalezy także uwzglednic, ze
synchroniczny uklad odniesienia dopuszcza jeszcze dowolne przeksztalcenia
trzech wspolrzednych przestrzennych, niezaleznie od czasu. Dlatego metryka
zalezy naprawde od 10-3-3=4 dowolnych funkcji – a wiec dokladnie od tylu, ile
ich powinno wystepowac w przypadku pola w prozni.
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"...to the streets Mr. Chow the great chain defense The way you can do shoes
and will, and in the E. U. S. San Fran best to the and the new... I'll find new
work and a half to two .." dada
and will, and in the E. U. S. San Fran best to the and the new... I'll find new
work and a half to two .." dada
Abramelin the Mage (1362-1460), a Jew from Wurxburg, Germany. Abraham, or
Abramelin, also known as Abraham the Jew or Abra-Melin composed a body of
magical works which left their mark on Alexander Sanders and Aleister Crowley.
Abra-Melin was an expert of the Kabbalah and proclaimed that he was taught
magical knowledge by angels. They told him how to conjure and tame demons to
become his personal servants and workers. He also was taught how to raise
storms. His magic is frequently referred to as Abra-Melin magic.
He proclaimed that demons who created everything in the world worked under the
direction of angels, and that each individual had a demon and angel as
familiars. He stated the basis for his magic could be found in the Kabbalah.
Abra-Melin generated much lore which surrounded him. It credits him as creating
2,000 spirit cavalrymen to help Frederick, the elector of Saxony. Supposedly he
helped the earl of Warwick in his escape from jail. Also he helped save the
antipope John XXIII (1410-1415) from the Council of Constance.
The magic of Abra-Melin was supposedly contained in The Sacred Magic of
Abramelin the Mage, which was actually a collection of three books. The French
manuscript supposedly written in the 18th century is supposed to be a
translation of Abra-Melin’s original Hebrew work, dated 1478. This manuscript,
at the Biblotheque de I’ Arsenal, Paris, was again translated by S. L.
MacGregor Mathers, an influential member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn. Aleister Crowley is said to have copied from the book to compose his
rituals for mastering demons.
Abra-Melin magic resembles that found in The Key of Solomon grimoire. The basis
of the magic lies in the power of numbers and sacred names and the construction
of numerous magical squares for the purposes of invisibility, flying,
commanding spirits, necromancy, metamorphosis, and other magical feats. All
rituals for the magical practices must be adhered to exactly and in strict
accordance to astrological observances.
Mathers’ translation was published about 1899. It was reissued by Causeway
Books, New York, 1974, and Dover Publications, New York, 1975. A.G.H.
Magic Squares
Magic squares are squares which are divided into parts with each part becoming
a square within the larger square. A number or letter, supposedly having
magical properties, is assigned to each square within the square, and when read
horizontally, vertically or diagonally the same sums or words are produced.
During ancient times in China, India and Arabia magic squares were used in
practices of occult, magic and astrology. They have been and still are worn as
amulets for protection.
In present times some mathematicians have discovered mathematical properties in
the magical squares, especially those of larger configurations. A.G.H.
A Numeral Square
The SATOR Square
Abramelin the Mage (1362-1460), a Jew from Wurxburg, Germany. Abraham, or
Abramelin, also known as Abraham the Jew or Abra-Melin composed a body of
magical works which left their mark on Alexander Sanders and Aleister Crowley.
Abra-Melin was an expert of the Kabbalah and proclaimed that he was taught
magical knowledge by angels. They told him how to conjure and tame demons to
become his personal servants and workers. He also was taught how to raise
storms. His magic is frequently referred to as Abra-Melin magic.
He proclaimed that demons who created everything in the world worked under the
direction of angels, and that each individual had a demon and angel as
familiars. He stated the basis for his magic could be found in the Kabbalah.
Abra-Melin generated much lore which surrounded him. It credits him as creating
2,000 spirit cavalrymen to help Frederick, the elector of Saxony. Supposedly he
helped the earl of Warwick in his escape from jail. Also he helped save the
antipope John XXIII (1410-1415) from the Council of Constance.
The magic of Abra-Melin was supposedly contained in The Sacred Magic of
Abramelin the Mage, which was actually a collection of three books. The French
manuscript supposedly written in the 18th century is supposed to be a
translation of Abra-Melin’s original Hebrew work, dated 1478. This manuscript,
at the Biblotheque de I’ Arsenal, Paris, was again translated by S. L.
MacGregor Mathers, an influential member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden
Dawn. Aleister Crowley is said to have copied from the book to compose his
rituals for mastering demons.
Abra-Melin magic resembles that found in The Key of Solomon grimoire. The basis
of the magic lies in the power of numbers and sacred names and the construction
of numerous magical squares for the purposes of invisibility, flying,
commanding spirits, necromancy, metamorphosis, and other magical feats. All
rituals for the magical practices must be adhered to exactly and in strict
accordance to astrological observances.
Mathers’ translation was published about 1899. It was reissued by Causeway
Books, New York, 1974, and Dover Publications, New York, 1975. A.G.H.
Magic Squares
Magic squares are squares which are divided into parts with each part becoming
a square within the larger square. A number or letter, supposedly having
magical properties, is assigned to each square within the square, and when read
horizontally, vertically or diagonally the same sums or words are produced.
During ancient times in China, India and Arabia magic squares were used in
practices of occult, magic and astrology. They have been and still are worn as
amulets for protection.
In present times some mathematicians have discovered mathematical properties in
the magical squares, especially those of larger configurations. A.G.H.
A Numeral Square
The SATOR Square
allup=doctor,teacher,leader ..........pulla=classify;arrange
free from abra3elinTheMa9
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terminate woodlawn armenian dehydrate bar warmhearted brenda amy statuette
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Fuel Saver Pro
This revolutionary device Boosts Gas Mileage 27%+ by helping
fuel burn better using three patented processes from General Motors.
Take a test drive Today - Fuel Saver Pro
A certified U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
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The results were astounding! Master Service, a subsidiary of Ford Motor
also conducted extensive emissions testing and obtained similar, unheard of
The achievements of the Fuel Saver is so noteworthy to the environmental
that Commercial News has featured it as their cover story in their June, 2000
Take a test drive Today -
Fuel Saver Pro
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transcendental couch bloodbath incommunicable obsidian evade phraseology
requited ignominious bedevil acquire compulsive apotheosis cindy gymnast
mackintosh peste constellate pacify primeval lonesome racket facsimile gnp
mizer@mail15.com No more
terminate woodlawn armenian dehydrate bar warmhearted brenda amy statuette
bunkmate nixon beehive return dexterity du copperfield asexual inure bore evoke
madras persevere sound bestirring vendetta unity syllable suffragette astronomy
senate mahoney virginia coot cavalier realtor tedious magnanimity internecine
jibe cornbread
tidal chronography
energetic cant Everette
* You might have to use CTRL-ALT-DEL to stop the window, it's that crazy!
Chapter 3: Storing and Managing Code with CVS
Xxx xx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxx xx, xx x xxxxxxxxx, xx xxxxxxx xxxxxx
xxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx. Xxxx xxxx xx xxxx xx “xxxxxxx” x xxxx? Xxxxxxxxx
xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, x xxxxxxx xx x xxxxxxx xx xxxx xx xx xxxxxxxx, xxx xxxx’x
xxxxxxx xxxx xx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx. Xx xx xxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx (xxx xx xx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxx?) xxxxx
xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx x xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx. Xx
xxxx xxxxxxx, xx xxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx x xxxxxx-
xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxx: XXX.
Where to Get Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
XXX xx xx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxx. Xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xx 1.11.13 xxx xxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xx:
The Benefits of Versioning
Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx x xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx:
Xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx xx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx. Xxxxxx xxxx xxx xx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx
xxxx xx xxxx, x xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxx,
xxxxxx xx xxxxxx xx xxx xxxx.
Often there will be a quality assurance or testing team for projects. These
teams usually wish to test the project at recreatable milestones. In order to
accurately document the results of their testing and recreate issues a
versioning system that can somehow label a project release milestone is very
Xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx x xxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx x xxxx.
A good version control system can allow developers to work in the same modules
of a system at the same time by assisting with module merging and allowing
files to be locked to prevent concurrent modification.
X xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxx xx
xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx; xx xxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxx
xx xxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx.
Let us introduce the idea of a code repository, then, to assist with the
versioning process. We will define a code repository as some piece of software
whose job is to keep track of our files, and all the different versions or
revisions of our files as well as any milestones we define and comment history
we enter. In order to be most useful, a source code repository should be
Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x xxxx-xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xx xx
Support multiple users accessing the repository and ideally keep a history of
which users have made changes to files
Xxx xx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxx xx, xx x xxxxxxxxx, xx xxxxxxx xxxxxx
xxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx. Xxxx xxxx xx xxxx xx “xxxxxxx” x xxxx? Xxxxxxxxx
xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, x xxxxxxx xx x xxxxxxx xx xxxx xx xx xxxxxxxx, xxx xxxx’x
xxxxxxx xxxx xx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx. Xx xx xxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx (xxx xx xx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxx?) xxxxx
xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx x xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx. Xx
xxxx xxxxxxx, xx xxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx x xxxxxx-
xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxx: XXX.
Where to Get Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
XXX xx xx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxx. Xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xx 1.11.13 xxx xxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xx:
The Benefits of Versioning
Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx x xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxxx
xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx:
Xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx xx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxx. Xxxxxx xxxx xxx xx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx
xxxx xx xxxx, x xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxx,
xxxxxx xx xxxxxx xx xxx xxxx.
Often there will be a quality assurance or testing team for projects. These
teams usually wish to test the project at recreatable milestones. In order to
accurately document the results of their testing and recreate issues a
versioning system that can somehow label a project release milestone is very
Xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx x xxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx x xxxx.
A good version control system can allow developers to work in the same modules
of a system at the same time by assisting with module merging and allowing
files to be locked to prevent concurrent modification.
X xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxx xx
xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx; xx xxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxx
xx xxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx.
Let us introduce the idea of a code repository, then, to assist with the
versioning process. We will define a code repository as some piece of software
whose job is to keep track of our files, and all the different versions or
revisions of our files as well as any milestones we define and comment history
we enter. In order to be most useful, a source code repository should be
Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx x xxxx-xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx
xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xx xx
Support multiple users accessing the repository and ideally keep a history of
which users have made changes to files
typedef struct _D3DVECTOR {
float x, y, z;
Structure Information
Header d3d9types.h
Minimum operating systems Windows 98
float x, y, z;
Structure Information
Header d3d9types.h
Minimum operating systems Windows 98
oZN oZN ZooN
• Faszysci izraelscy napadli na siedzibe ONZ !!!!!!! IP: *.bb.telus.com
Gość: danek666 23.05.04, 21:13 zarchiwizowany
Poľsko nariadilo jemenskému imámovi opustiť krajinu
I co chamy?
Agentura pokazali Wam prostaki!
Działajom skutecznie!!!
I co chamy?
Agentura pokazali Wam prostaki!
Działajom skutecznie!!!
• Re: :~i:)(.'''.': :~i:).~..+.(.'''i.)(|.'''.)(:!~: IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: .i. 20.05.04, 20:12 zarchiwizowany
': :~i
: :~i.)(:!~:|.e.:).~..+.(
': .+.(.'''
i': :~i
.cz., k.ncz.n., kt.r.m. r.sz.l. ?
Zw..rz., gn.n. .nst.nkt.m, zw..rz., kt.r. cz.k..
Cz.t.lb. n.cz.m sl.d. pt.s.ch n.g n. sn..g.,
L.t.l wr.z z n.m., c..rp..l, br.l .dz..l w .ch b..g..
. m.zl.w.sc. wsz.l.k.. stw.rz.n..
W t.ch cz.rn.ch, szt.wn.ch zn.k.ch w.r.z.n.,
Prz.z .rn.m.nt.w g..tk.ch prz.pl.c.n..
W.dz..lb.: z.r m.l.sn., c..rp..n.. skl.b..n..
Zd.m..lb. s.. . z.drz.l, z.sm..l . z.pl.k.l,
B. z. kr.t.m. t.ch p.s.rsk.ch zn.k.w
Sw..t n.w.t c.l. w sw.m sl.p.m r.zp.dz..
Zd.lb. m. s.. zmn..jsz.n., z.w.rt., . zn.k.
Sk.rl.l. . z.kl.t. w szt.wn.m rz.dz..,
W..zn..m p.d.bn. . wsz.stk.. j.dn.k..
T.k, .z sm..rc, r.zk.sz, z.c.. . c..rp..n..
Br.cm. s.. st.j. ? n.c d. r.zr.zn..n..?
Wrz.sn.lb. w k.nc. dz.k.s j.k sz.l.n.
W l.k. .gr.mn.m . .g..n r.zn..c.l.
. p.sr.d z.kl.c . b.j.c p.kl.n.
B..l. r.n.czn. k.rtk. pl.m..n..m p.sw..c.l.
. prz.z s.n m.z., gd. j.z t.k s.. zm.cz.l,
P.cz.lb., z. .w sw..t zl., n..pr.wdz.w.
Zn.kl zn.w. n.gl., z. w n.c.sc s.. sch.w.l,
Wchl.n..t. z.st.l w n..b.t. kr..n. ?
. z.sm..lb. s.., w.stchn.l ? . .zdr.w..l.
m.cr. t.xt .st.tn.. br.k m. c..b.. k.ch.n.
dl. chc.c.g. n.. m. n.c tr.dn.g. ... n.. pr.wd.?
3d cz. p. 6c..n il.zj. m.tr.x
Zw..rz., gn.n. .nst.nkt.m, zw..rz., kt.r. cz.k..
Cz.t.lb. n.cz.m sl.d. pt.s.ch n.g n. sn..g.,
L.t.l wr.z z n.m., c..rp..l, br.l .dz..l w .ch b..g..
. m.zl.w.sc. wsz.l.k.. stw.rz.n..
W t.ch cz.rn.ch, szt.wn.ch zn.k.ch w.r.z.n.,
Prz.z .rn.m.nt.w g..tk.ch prz.pl.c.n..
W.dz..lb.: z.r m.l.sn., c..rp..n.. skl.b..n..
Zd.m..lb. s.. . z.drz.l, z.sm..l . z.pl.k.l,
B. z. kr.t.m. t.ch p.s.rsk.ch zn.k.w
Sw..t n.w.t c.l. w sw.m sl.p.m r.zp.dz..
Zd.lb. m. s.. zmn..jsz.n., z.w.rt., . zn.k.
Sk.rl.l. . z.kl.t. w szt.wn.m rz.dz..,
W..zn..m p.d.bn. . wsz.stk.. j.dn.k..
T.k, .z sm..rc, r.zk.sz, z.c.. . c..rp..n..
Br.cm. s.. st.j. ? n.c d. r.zr.zn..n..?
Wrz.sn.lb. w k.nc. dz.k.s j.k sz.l.n.
W l.k. .gr.mn.m . .g..n r.zn..c.l.
. p.sr.d z.kl.c . b.j.c p.kl.n.
B..l. r.n.czn. k.rtk. pl.m..n..m p.sw..c.l.
. prz.z s.n m.z., gd. j.z t.k s.. zm.cz.l,
P.cz.lb., z. .w sw..t zl., n..pr.wdz.w.
Zn.kl zn.w. n.gl., z. w n.c.sc s.. sch.w.l,
Wchl.n..t. z.st.l w n..b.t. kr..n. ?
. z.sm..lb. s.., w.stchn.l ? . .zdr.w..l.
m.cr. t.xt .st.tn.. br.k m. c..b.. k.ch.n.
dl. chc.c.g. n.. m. n.c tr.dn.g. ... n.. pr.wd.?
3d cz. p. 6c..n il.zj. m.tr.x
Istnienia dla nas nie ma. Jestesmy jak woda,
Co plynac wszelki ksztalt przybiera, zywa:
Dniem sie staje i noca, katedra i grota,
A spragniona istnienia przez wszystko przeplywa.
Tak plynac, rozna postac przybieramy,
A zadna z nich ojczyzna nam, ratunkiem, niebem,
Zawsze goscmi jestesmy, w drodze sie mijamy,
Pluug nas nie wola, pole nie porosnie chlebem.
Nie wiemy, jaka role Bog nam przeznaczyc raczyl,
Igra z nami, nadal jestesmy glina w rekach Pana,
Niema, co ani sie smieje, ani placze
Gnieciona, chociaz w piec wypalana.
Choc raz w kamien zastygnac! Choc raz sie zespolic!
Oto, ku czemu wieczna wiedzie nas tesknota,
Choc pozostanie dreszczem trwoznym z wiecznej woli,
A nigdy odpoczynkiem na drodze zywota.
Istnienia dla nas nie ma. Jestesmy jak woda,
Co plynac wszelki ksztalt przybiera, zywa:
Dniem sie staje i noca, katedra i grota,
A spragniona istnienia przez wszystko przeplywa.
Tak plynac, rozna postac przybieramy,
A zadna z nich ojczyzna nam, ratunkiem, niebem,
Zawsze goscmi jestesmy, w drodze sie mijamy,
Pluug nas nie wola, pole nie porosnie chlebem.
Nie wiemy, jaka role Bog nam przeznaczyc raczyl,
Igra z nami, nadal jestesmy glina w rekach Pana,
Niema, co ani sie smieje, ani placze
Gnieciona, chociaz w piec wypalana.
Choc raz w kamien zastygnac! Choc raz sie zespolic!
Oto, ku czemu wieczna wiedzie nas tesknota,
Choc pozostanie dreszczem trwoznym z wiecznej woli,
A nigdy odpoczynkiem na drodze zywota.
Ludzie wiecznie naiwni, zdeterminowani,
Zwatpien naszych, rzecz jasna, podzielac nie moga.
Swiat jest plaski - stwierdzaja jednym krotkim zdaniem,
A legenda o glebiach jego - bzdura sroga.
Bo gdyby inne, doprawdy, wymiary
Istniec mialy procz tamtych dwoch, tach dobrze znanych,
Jakze moglby bezpieczny czlek byc w swym mieszkani,
Jakze moglby beztrosko zyc w swiecie rozchwianym?
Aby w spokoju tedy sie pomiescic,
Najlepiej bedzie jeden wymiar skreslic!
Jesli bowiem ci medrcy tacy sa rzetelni,
Jesli tak niebezpieczne bywa zycie glebi,
Trzeci ow wymiar jest po prost zbedny.
Ludzie wiecznie naiwni, zdeterminowani,
Zwatpien naszych, rzecz jasna, podzielac nie moga.
Swiat jest plaski - stwierdzaja jednym krotkim zdaniem,
A legenda o glebiach jego - bzdura sroga.
Bo gdyby inne, doprawdy, wymiary
Istniec mialy procz tamtych dwoch, tach dobrze znanych,
Jakze moglby bezpieczny czlek byc w swym mieszkani,
Jakze moglby beztrosko zyc w swiecie rozchwianym?
Aby w spokoju tedy sie pomiescic,
Najlepiej bedzie jeden wymiar skreslic!
Jesli bowiem ci medrcy tacy sa rzetelni,
Jesli tak niebezpieczne bywa zycie glebi,
Trzeci ow wymiar jest po prost zbedny.
Gość portalu: . napisał(a):
> .
Bywa niekiedy, ze chwytamy za pioro,
Znaki kreslimy na papierze bialym,
Wymowne wielce ? zgodnie z ich natura,
Ta gra ma wszakze swe zasady stale.
Lecz gdyby dzikus lub czlowiek z ksiezyca
Wzial taka kartke, runami zdobiona,
I z ciekawoscia do oczu przyblizal,
Swiat by w niej ujrzal, dziwnie odmieniony:
Obraz magicznej, obcej, wielkiej sali,
A lub B jako zwierza lub czlowieka,
Oczy, konczyny, ktorymi ruszali ?
Zwierze, gnane instynktem, zwierze, ktore czeka.
Czytalby niczym slady ptasich nog na sniegu,
Latal wraz z nimi, cierpial, bral udzial w ich biegu.
I mozliwosci wszelakie stworzenia
W tych czarnych, sztywnych znakach wyrazone,
Przez ornamentow gietkich przeplecenia
Widzialby: zar milosny, cierpienia sklebione.
Zdumialby sie i zadrzal, zasmial i zaplakal,
Bo za kratami tych pisarskich znakow
Swiat nawet caly w swym slepym rozpedzie
Zdalby mu sie zmniejszony, zawarty, a znaki
Skarlale i zaklete w sztywnym rzedzie,
Wiezniom podobne i wszystkie jednakie
Tak, iz smierc, rozkosz, zycie i cierpienia
Bracmi sie staja ? nic do rozroznienia?
Wrzasnalby w koncu dzikus jak szalony
W leku ogromnym i ogien rozniecil.
A posrod zaklec i bijac poklony
Biala runiczna kartke plomieniom poswiecil.
I przez sen moze, gdy juz tak sie zmeczyl,
Poczulby, ze ow swiat zly, nieprawdziwy
Znikl znowu nagle, ze w nicosc sie schowal,
Wchloniety zostal w niebytu krainy ?
I zasmialby sie, westchnal ? i ozdrowial.
> .
Bywa niekiedy, ze chwytamy za pioro,
Znaki kreslimy na papierze bialym,
Wymowne wielce ? zgodnie z ich natura,
Ta gra ma wszakze swe zasady stale.
Lecz gdyby dzikus lub czlowiek z ksiezyca
Wzial taka kartke, runami zdobiona,
I z ciekawoscia do oczu przyblizal,
Swiat by w niej ujrzal, dziwnie odmieniony:
Obraz magicznej, obcej, wielkiej sali,
A lub B jako zwierza lub czlowieka,
Oczy, konczyny, ktorymi ruszali ?
Zwierze, gnane instynktem, zwierze, ktore czeka.
Czytalby niczym slady ptasich nog na sniegu,
Latal wraz z nimi, cierpial, bral udzial w ich biegu.
I mozliwosci wszelakie stworzenia
W tych czarnych, sztywnych znakach wyrazone,
Przez ornamentow gietkich przeplecenia
Widzialby: zar milosny, cierpienia sklebione.
Zdumialby sie i zadrzal, zasmial i zaplakal,
Bo za kratami tych pisarskich znakow
Swiat nawet caly w swym slepym rozpedzie
Zdalby mu sie zmniejszony, zawarty, a znaki
Skarlale i zaklete w sztywnym rzedzie,
Wiezniom podobne i wszystkie jednakie
Tak, iz smierc, rozkosz, zycie i cierpienia
Bracmi sie staja ? nic do rozroznienia?
Wrzasnalby w koncu dzikus jak szalony
W leku ogromnym i ogien rozniecil.
A posrod zaklec i bijac poklony
Biala runiczna kartke plomieniom poswiecil.
I przez sen moze, gdy juz tak sie zmeczyl,
Poczulby, ze ow swiat zly, nieprawdziwy
Znikl znowu nagle, ze w nicosc sie schowal,
Wchloniety zostal w niebytu krainy ?
I zasmialby sie, westchnal ? i ozdrowial.
1. Whetting Your Appetite
If you ever wrote a large shell script, you probably know this feeling: you'd love to add yet another feature, but it's already
so slow, and so big, and so complicated; or the feature involves a system call or other function that is only accessible from C
...Usually the problem at hand isn't serious enough to warrant rewriting the script in C; perhaps the problem requires
variable-length strings or other data types (like sorted lists of file names) that are easy in the shell but lots of work to
implement in C, or perhaps you're not sufficiently familiar with C.
Another situation: perhaps you have to work with several C libraries, and the usual C write/compile/test/re-compile cycle is too
slow. You need to develop software more quickly. Possibly perhaps you've written a program that could use an extension
language, and you don't want to design a language, write and debug an interpreter for it, then tie it into your application.
In such cases, Python may be just the language for you. Python is simple to use, but it is a real programming language, offering
much more structure and support for large programs than the shell has. On the other hand, it also offers much more error
checking than C, and, being a very-high-level language, it has high-level data types built in, such as flexible arrays and
dictionaries that would cost you days to implement efficiently in C. Because of its more general data types Python is applicable
to a much larger problem domain than Awk or even Perl, yet many things are at least as easy in Python as in those languages.
Python allows you to split up your program in modules that can be reused in other Python programs. It comes with a large
collection of standard modules that you can use as the basis of your programs -- or as examples to start learning to program in
Python. There are also built-in modules that provide things like file I/O, system calls, sockets, and even interfaces to
graphical user interface toolkits like Tk.
Python is an interpreted language, which can save you considerable time during program development because no compilation and
linking is necessary. The interpreter can be used interactively, which makes it easy to experiment with features of the
language, to write throw-away programs, or to test functions during bottom-up program development. It is also a handy desk
Python allows writing very compact and readable programs. Programs written in Python are typically much shorter than equivalent
C or C++ programs, for several reasons:
the high-level data types allow you to express complex operations in a single statement;
statement grouping is done by indentation instead of begin/end brackets;
no variable or argument declarations are necessary.
Python is extensible: if you know how to program in C it is easy to add a new built-in function or module to the interpreter,
either to perform critical operations at maximum speed, or to link Python programs to libraries that may only be available in
binary form (such as a vendor-specific graphics library). Once you are really hooked, you can link the Python interpreter into
an application written in C and use it as an extension or command language for that application.
By the way, the language is named after the BBC show ``Monty Python's Flying Circus'' and has nothing to do with nasty reptiles.
Making references to Monty Python skits in documentation is not only allowed, it is encouraged!
Now that you are all excited about Python, you'll want to examine it in some more detail. Since the best way to learn a language
is using it, you are invited here to do so.
In the next chapter, the mechanics of using the interpreter are explained. This is rather mundane information, but essential for
trying out the examples shown later.
The rest of the tutorial introduces various features of the Python language and system through examples, beginning with simple
expressions, statements and data types, through functions and modules, and finally touching upon advanced concepts like
exceptions and user-defined classes.
If you ever wrote a large shell script, you probably know this feeling: you'd love to add yet another feature, but it's already
so slow, and so big, and so complicated; or the feature involves a system call or other function that is only accessible from C
...Usually the problem at hand isn't serious enough to warrant rewriting the script in C; perhaps the problem requires
variable-length strings or other data types (like sorted lists of file names) that are easy in the shell but lots of work to
implement in C, or perhaps you're not sufficiently familiar with C.
Another situation: perhaps you have to work with several C libraries, and the usual C write/compile/test/re-compile cycle is too
slow. You need to develop software more quickly. Possibly perhaps you've written a program that could use an extension
language, and you don't want to design a language, write and debug an interpreter for it, then tie it into your application.
In such cases, Python may be just the language for you. Python is simple to use, but it is a real programming language, offering
much more structure and support for large programs than the shell has. On the other hand, it also offers much more error
checking than C, and, being a very-high-level language, it has high-level data types built in, such as flexible arrays and
dictionaries that would cost you days to implement efficiently in C. Because of its more general data types Python is applicable
to a much larger problem domain than Awk or even Perl, yet many things are at least as easy in Python as in those languages.
Python allows you to split up your program in modules that can be reused in other Python programs. It comes with a large
collection of standard modules that you can use as the basis of your programs -- or as examples to start learning to program in
Python. There are also built-in modules that provide things like file I/O, system calls, sockets, and even interfaces to
graphical user interface toolkits like Tk.
Python is an interpreted language, which can save you considerable time during program development because no compilation and
linking is necessary. The interpreter can be used interactively, which makes it easy to experiment with features of the
language, to write throw-away programs, or to test functions during bottom-up program development. It is also a handy desk
Python allows writing very compact and readable programs. Programs written in Python are typically much shorter than equivalent
C or C++ programs, for several reasons:
the high-level data types allow you to express complex operations in a single statement;
statement grouping is done by indentation instead of begin/end brackets;
no variable or argument declarations are necessary.
Python is extensible: if you know how to program in C it is easy to add a new built-in function or module to the interpreter,
either to perform critical operations at maximum speed, or to link Python programs to libraries that may only be available in
binary form (such as a vendor-specific graphics library). Once you are really hooked, you can link the Python interpreter into
an application written in C and use it as an extension or command language for that application.
By the way, the language is named after the BBC show ``Monty Python's Flying Circus'' and has nothing to do with nasty reptiles.
Making references to Monty Python skits in documentation is not only allowed, it is encouraged!
Now that you are all excited about Python, you'll want to examine it in some more detail. Since the best way to learn a language
is using it, you are invited here to do so.
In the next chapter, the mechanics of using the interpreter are explained. This is rather mundane information, but essential for
trying out the examples shown later.
The rest of the tutorial introduces various features of the Python language and system through examples, beginning with simple
expressions, statements and data types, through functions and modules, and finally touching upon advanced concepts like
exceptions and user-defined classes.
opens the file of the corresponding room
opens the 'text commands' box
opens the dialog box 'Mouse Controlled Camera'
selects the next camera, use shift key to speed up (External View only, see F12)
Ctrl + F7-
returns to the previous camera, use Shift key to speed up (External View only, see F12)
selects next camera inside the room (focused on the Actor)
Page up-
zooms out (in the Actor's view the camera swings upward)
Page down-
zooms in (in the Actor's view the camera swings downward)
your Actor sidesteps left
your Actor sidesteps right
turns your Actor 90 degrees to the left
turns your Actor 90 degrees to the right
turns your Actor 180 degrees
stops the action, if possible
Alt + A-
Shake: Your Actor will shake its body in an exaggerated way.
Alt + B-
Backflip: Your actor will be energetic. (1 Backflip=20 Kcal)
Alt + C-
Clap: Your Actor will be less energetic. (1 Clap=1 kcal)
Alt + D-
No: Your Actor will shake its head.
Alt + E-
Exercise: Your Actor starts exercising.
Alt + F-
Flatten: Your Actor will be flattened out of proportion.
Alt + G-
Grow: Your Actor will grow, click by click.
Alt + H-
Higher: Your Actor will stand on tiptoes. (Higher, click by click)
Alt + I-
Lie Down: Your Actor will lie down.
Alt + J-
Jump: Your Actor will jump across the room.
Alt + K-
Kiss: sounds like a real kiss
Alt + L-
Lower: Your actor will bend its knees. (Lower, click by click)
Alt + M-
Mutate: Your Actor's limbs will be randomly deformed, click by click.
Alt + N-
Neutral Posture: Your Actor returns to a neutral posture.
Alt + O-
moove: Your Actor will make its own individual actions. Some of the actions depend on its mood.
Alt + P-
Potato Head: The head will grow while the body will shrink, click by click.
Alt + Q-
Squash: The Actor will be squashed out of proportion, click by click.
Alt + R-
Reset Body: The Actor will return to a normal shape.
Alt + S-
Shrink: The Actor will shrink out of proportion, click by click.
Alt + T-
Stretch: The Actor will stretch out of proportion, click by click.
Alt + U-
Undo: This will undo your last changes, step by step. (Is at the beginning deactivated)
Alt + V-
Shot: You will hear a shot.
Alt + W-
Wave: Your Actor will give a friendly wave.
Alt + X-
Dance: Your Actor will start dancing.
Alt + Y-
Yes: Your Actor will nod its head.
Alt + Z-
Walk Around: Your Actor will walk around the room until you click again to stop.
Alt + 1-
Emotions or feelings: normal
Alt + 2-
Emotions or feelings: Happy
Alt + 3-
Emotions or feelings: Laughing
Alt + 4-
Emotions or feelings: Sad
Alt + 5-
Emotions or feelings: Mad
opens the file of the corresponding room
opens the 'text commands' box
opens the dialog box 'Mouse Controlled Camera'
selects the next camera, use shift key to speed up (External View only, see F12)
Ctrl + F7-
returns to the previous camera, use Shift key to speed up (External View only, see F12)
selects next camera inside the room (focused on the Actor)
Page up-
zooms out (in the Actor's view the camera swings upward)
Page down-
zooms in (in the Actor's view the camera swings downward)
your Actor sidesteps left
your Actor sidesteps right
turns your Actor 90 degrees to the left
turns your Actor 90 degrees to the right
turns your Actor 180 degrees
stops the action, if possible
Alt + A-
Shake: Your Actor will shake its body in an exaggerated way.
Alt + B-
Backflip: Your actor will be energetic. (1 Backflip=20 Kcal)
Alt + C-
Clap: Your Actor will be less energetic. (1 Clap=1 kcal)
Alt + D-
No: Your Actor will shake its head.
Alt + E-
Exercise: Your Actor starts exercising.
Alt + F-
Flatten: Your Actor will be flattened out of proportion.
Alt + G-
Grow: Your Actor will grow, click by click.
Alt + H-
Higher: Your Actor will stand on tiptoes. (Higher, click by click)
Alt + I-
Lie Down: Your Actor will lie down.
Alt + J-
Jump: Your Actor will jump across the room.
Alt + K-
Kiss: sounds like a real kiss
Alt + L-
Lower: Your actor will bend its knees. (Lower, click by click)
Alt + M-
Mutate: Your Actor's limbs will be randomly deformed, click by click.
Alt + N-
Neutral Posture: Your Actor returns to a neutral posture.
Alt + O-
moove: Your Actor will make its own individual actions. Some of the actions depend on its mood.
Alt + P-
Potato Head: The head will grow while the body will shrink, click by click.
Alt + Q-
Squash: The Actor will be squashed out of proportion, click by click.
Alt + R-
Reset Body: The Actor will return to a normal shape.
Alt + S-
Shrink: The Actor will shrink out of proportion, click by click.
Alt + T-
Stretch: The Actor will stretch out of proportion, click by click.
Alt + U-
Undo: This will undo your last changes, step by step. (Is at the beginning deactivated)
Alt + V-
Shot: You will hear a shot.
Alt + W-
Wave: Your Actor will give a friendly wave.
Alt + X-
Dance: Your Actor will start dancing.
Alt + Y-
Yes: Your Actor will nod its head.
Alt + Z-
Walk Around: Your Actor will walk around the room until you click again to stop.
Alt + 1-
Emotions or feelings: normal
Alt + 2-
Emotions or feelings: Happy
Alt + 3-
Emotions or feelings: Laughing
Alt + 4-
Emotions or feelings: Sad
Alt + 5-
Emotions or feelings: Mad
• )/\\//\.S.+()(()/\/({haCk& cRacK? IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: MrBATE 07.05.04, 13:20 zarchiwizowany
donjay102: Kid X where u @??
v_v478: cool
~KiD X~: he cant git me that easy
~KiD X~:
~KiD X~: i am in chicago and you don
jonny_wishstone: you know... like a fast one?
v_v478: can you put your sexy photo on ur profile
jonny_wishstone: it needs to be black
~KiD X~: lol
manu (manumanav281891) joined the room
jonny_wishstone: heh
~KiD X~: i dont think i have any
donjay102: I've got good Deals Kid X
~KiD X~: on what don
jonny_wishstone: got I'm glad I'm not 14 anymore.... that sucked
v_v478: i seen ur photo before
helll6666 joined the room
decimus_decimus_decimus joined the room
~KiD X~: i do got new pix
donjay102: cc etc etc
v_v478: you have blonde hair
~KiD X~: i am sorry don i dont need thoes
v_v478: ok show me
decimus_decimus_decimus: i m backkkkkk.
~KiD X~: no i have black hair now
jonny_wishstone: natural blonde?.... hummm...
~KiD X~: hay decmus
v_v478: ok cool can i see
~KiD X~: no i am italion my hair is dark lol
acme_dare joined the room
maridi555 joined the room
(~),(~) (llb_xxx_dll) joined the room
~KiD X~: sure you can see V
jonny_wishstone: huh.... I'm totally stupid my brain is non-existant
whodini man (whodinifreakytah) joined the room
~KiD X~: it is pl
~KiD X~: ok
(~),(~): Z? ?Hello everybody? ?Z
acme_dare: hi any hackers r there to help me out some querries
jonny_wishstone: no hackers
jonny_wishstone: here
jonny_wishstone: these are not the hackers you are looking for
whodini man: who is there
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy? who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
jonny_wishstone: I've used it
jonny_wishstone: it takes up too many resources
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
v_v478: can you say helklo kid x
whodini man: i want to b able to get an ip address
lovemakesliferbh joined the room
jonny_wishstone: you should try like netspy I think it's called
guy1613 joined the room
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?PLZ pm me
v_v478: i wanna hear ur voice
~KiD X~: i can if i go on ym other compuiter
homan_sherchan joined the room
jonny_wishstone: where it logs what you define then uploads to an FTP of your choices
jonny_wishstone: logs everything
(~),(~): but i wanna spy internet conversation
jonny_wishstone: yeah
jonny_wishstone: this one will do that
~KiD X~: smiles i wil do it in after i give my pic to u
jonny_wishstone: you have to load it on the remote puter tho
v_v478: ok sexy
~KiD X~:
Joker (joker7724) joined the room
jonny_wishstone: do you have access to it?
(~),(~): but how?
Joker: looking for some help
jonny_wishstone: do you have access to it?
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/gina+stuff/Image39.jpg?bf6w2mABKbBVZ6QF
lovemakesliferbh left the room
(~),(~): i don' know how to do it
maridi555 left the room
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/gina+stuff/Image01.jpg?bf6w2mABC8q.LHgX
~KiD X~: yes i can hell
~KiD X~:
??? ???gg? ??? (ponggo_01) joined the room
guy1613 left the room
(~),(~): PLZ HELP ME
homan_sherchan left the room
??? ???gg? ???: i NeEd heLP....
kallen_xu: hi,what's your problem
donjay102: Got good DEALS pm ME HACKERS ONLY
donjay102: Got good DEALS pm ME HACKERS ONLY
gothic_chap: this is really pissing me off
??? ???gg? ???: pLEasE HeLp mE
[]\/[] O O []\[] (ranafarrakh) joined the room
v_v478: kid that a shit photo i wnna see the one with ur sexy face up close
gothic_chap: i have a trojan in a comp but its not responding to my commands...
v_v478: with blonde hair
(~),(~): how to spy yahoo conversation on another pc?
rick_cam_guy_420 joined the room
rick_cam_guy_420: can someone help me get my cd rom working again
~KiD X~: ya i took thoes pic last night at 4 am
rick_cam_guy_420: "the drive is either not present,no wroking properly,or does not have all the drivers isntalled"
(~),(~): how to spy yahoo conversation on another pc?
(~),(~): how to spy yahoo conversation on another pc?
(~),(~): how to spy yahoo conversation on another pc?
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/gina+stuff/inverted.jpg?bf6w2mAB2JCjpmYb
jonny_wishstone left the room
~KiD X~: thats a cool one
donjay102: Got good DEALS pm ME HACKERS ONLY
jainjitin left the room
rick_cam_guy_420 left the room
protonigger: llb_xxx_dll) If you can somehow attach yourself somewhere at least on the general LAN of the other computer, then
you can use a tool like Juggernaut, or even ettercap I believe, to hijack the ymsg session currently established to sniff
traffic going outward from the other user.
[]\/[] O O []\[]: plz tell me best hacking site
v_v478: thats a scary one
~KiD X~: lol
~KiD X~: that was at 4 am
~KiD X~: lol
T.K (punx666194) joined the room
~KiD X~: hear is me as a blond
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/JUST+GINA+AND+SOME+FIRENDS/Image04.jpg+++new?bf6w2mABOoBM43bf
decimus_decimus_decimus: proto iz always intelligent.........
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/JUST+GINA+AND+SOME+FIRENDS/Image07.jpg+new?bf6w2mAB4ZFansTU
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
kallen_xu left the room
v_v478: thats my faverite one
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
protonigger: decimus) Thanks. =)
v_v478: i love that photo
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
protonigger: Anyways, back to what I was doing.
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
protonigger . o O ( busy )
v_v478: you look so sexy kid
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
decimus_decimus_decimus: my hats off...proto..
v_v478: blue eyes
newman: any grexer here
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
v_v478: you a queen gal
decimus_decimus_decimus: gina) so beutyful u r..............
~KiD X~: smiles
~KiD X~: thank you
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
snow_blind2000 joined the room
~KiD X~: my hair is naturly dark
v_v478: man ur sexy
~KiD X~:
decimus_decimus_decimus: if i could be with you all my life GINa.... I wish.......
~KiD X~: awww thank you
ranafarrakh left the room
v_v478: i can stare at that one all day kid
anewman999 left the room
decimus_decimus_decimus: if i could be with you all my life GINa.... I wish.......
~KiD X~:
v_v478: i love that photo of you for real
decimus_decimus_decimus: i wish .............if.............
v_v478: ur lips look so sexy
~KiD X~: smiles at v
mahdi_kb2002 left the room
aussie_shela8 joined the room
gothic_chap: what application need to run in order to keep a comp from freezing
~KiD X~: ok boys you are makin me blush
acme_dare: hi any hackers r there to help me out some querries
v_v478: and ur eyes
decimus_decimus_decimus: v_v) u r using slangs...
moyctg joined the room
CO_SHEDIH (ryo_31id) joined the room
whodinifreakytah left the room
~KiD X~:
v_v478: decimus is fighting me kid for you
~KiD X~: dont fight
hariinfo001 left the room
v_v478: please tell him he dosent stand a chance
staleem left the room
snow_blind2000: fight?
aussie_shela8: hi guys - is anyone here willing to help me with a little advice please - i am being stalked on here
~KiD X~: i have a b/f
moyctg: any one want to buy 5000 software just $5000, interested contact personally
~KiD X~: is blushing
CO_SHEDIH: hi all
CO_SHEDIH: hello room
snow_blind2000: hi
v_v478: yeah and the b/f is me
~KiD X~: lol
~KiD X~: can i see what u 2 look like
aussie_shela8: hi guys - is anyone here willing to help me with a little advice please - i am being stalked on here
~KiD X~: pl
~KiD X~: smiles ta v
v_v478: ok
v_v478: cool
~KiD X~: he cant git me that easy
~KiD X~:
~KiD X~: i am in chicago and you don
jonny_wishstone: you know... like a fast one?
v_v478: can you put your sexy photo on ur profile
jonny_wishstone: it needs to be black
~KiD X~: lol
manu (manumanav281891) joined the room
jonny_wishstone: heh
~KiD X~: i dont think i have any
donjay102: I've got good Deals Kid X
~KiD X~: on what don
jonny_wishstone: got I'm glad I'm not 14 anymore.... that sucked
v_v478: i seen ur photo before
helll6666 joined the room
decimus_decimus_decimus joined the room
~KiD X~: i do got new pix
donjay102: cc etc etc
v_v478: you have blonde hair
~KiD X~: i am sorry don i dont need thoes
v_v478: ok show me
decimus_decimus_decimus: i m backkkkkk.
~KiD X~: no i have black hair now
jonny_wishstone: natural blonde?.... hummm...
~KiD X~: hay decmus
v_v478: ok cool can i see
~KiD X~: no i am italion my hair is dark lol
acme_dare joined the room
maridi555 joined the room
(~),(~) (llb_xxx_dll) joined the room
~KiD X~: sure you can see V
jonny_wishstone: huh.... I'm totally stupid my brain is non-existant
whodini man (whodinifreakytah) joined the room
~KiD X~: it is pl
~KiD X~: ok
(~),(~): Z? ?Hello everybody? ?Z
acme_dare: hi any hackers r there to help me out some querries
jonny_wishstone: no hackers
jonny_wishstone: here
jonny_wishstone: these are not the hackers you are looking for
whodini man: who is there
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy? who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
jonny_wishstone: I've used it
jonny_wishstone: it takes up too many resources
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?
v_v478: can you say helklo kid x
whodini man: i want to b able to get an ip address
lovemakesliferbh joined the room
jonny_wishstone: you should try like netspy I think it's called
guy1613 joined the room
(~),(~): who know pc remote spy?PLZ pm me
v_v478: i wanna hear ur voice
~KiD X~: i can if i go on ym other compuiter
homan_sherchan joined the room
jonny_wishstone: where it logs what you define then uploads to an FTP of your choices
jonny_wishstone: logs everything
(~),(~): but i wanna spy internet conversation
jonny_wishstone: yeah
jonny_wishstone: this one will do that
~KiD X~: smiles i wil do it in after i give my pic to u
jonny_wishstone: you have to load it on the remote puter tho
v_v478: ok sexy
~KiD X~:
Joker (joker7724) joined the room
jonny_wishstone: do you have access to it?
(~),(~): but how?
Joker: looking for some help
jonny_wishstone: do you have access to it?
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/gina+stuff/Image39.jpg?bf6w2mABKbBVZ6QF
lovemakesliferbh left the room
(~),(~): i don' know how to do it
maridi555 left the room
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/gina+stuff/Image01.jpg?bf6w2mABC8q.LHgX
~KiD X~: yes i can hell
~KiD X~:
??? ???gg? ??? (ponggo_01) joined the room
guy1613 left the room
(~),(~): PLZ HELP ME
homan_sherchan left the room
??? ???gg? ???: i NeEd heLP....
kallen_xu: hi,what's your problem
donjay102: Got good DEALS pm ME HACKERS ONLY
donjay102: Got good DEALS pm ME HACKERS ONLY
gothic_chap: this is really pissing me off
??? ???gg? ???: pLEasE HeLp mE
[]\/[] O O []\[] (ranafarrakh) joined the room
v_v478: kid that a shit photo i wnna see the one with ur sexy face up close
gothic_chap: i have a trojan in a comp but its not responding to my commands...
v_v478: with blonde hair
(~),(~): how to spy yahoo conversation on another pc?
rick_cam_guy_420 joined the room
rick_cam_guy_420: can someone help me get my cd rom working again
~KiD X~: ya i took thoes pic last night at 4 am
rick_cam_guy_420: "the drive is either not present,no wroking properly,or does not have all the drivers isntalled"
(~),(~): how to spy yahoo conversation on another pc?
(~),(~): how to spy yahoo conversation on another pc?
(~),(~): how to spy yahoo conversation on another pc?
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/gina+stuff/inverted.jpg?bf6w2mAB2JCjpmYb
jonny_wishstone left the room
~KiD X~: thats a cool one
donjay102: Got good DEALS pm ME HACKERS ONLY
jainjitin left the room
rick_cam_guy_420 left the room
protonigger: llb_xxx_dll) If you can somehow attach yourself somewhere at least on the general LAN of the other computer, then
you can use a tool like Juggernaut, or even ettercap I believe, to hijack the ymsg session currently established to sniff
traffic going outward from the other user.
[]\/[] O O []\[]: plz tell me best hacking site
v_v478: thats a scary one
~KiD X~: lol
~KiD X~: that was at 4 am
~KiD X~: lol
T.K (punx666194) joined the room
~KiD X~: hear is me as a blond
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/JUST+GINA+AND+SOME+FIRENDS/Image04.jpg+++new?bf6w2mABOoBM43bf
decimus_decimus_decimus: proto iz always intelligent.........
~KiD X~: http://us.f1f.yahoofs.com/bc/13256943/bc/JUST+GINA+AND+SOME+FIRENDS/Image07.jpg+new?bf6w2mAB4ZFansTU
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
kallen_xu left the room
v_v478: thats my faverite one
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
protonigger: decimus) Thanks. =)
v_v478: i love that photo
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
protonigger: Anyways, back to what I was doing.
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
protonigger . o O ( busy )
v_v478: you look so sexy kid
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
decimus_decimus_decimus: my hats off...proto..
v_v478: blue eyes
newman: any grexer here
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
v_v478: you a queen gal
decimus_decimus_decimus: gina) so beutyful u r..............
~KiD X~: smiles
~KiD X~: thank you
[]\/[] O O []\[]: any one tell meplz best hacking site
snow_blind2000 joined the room
~KiD X~: my hair is naturly dark
v_v478: man ur sexy
~KiD X~:
decimus_decimus_decimus: if i could be with you all my life GINa.... I wish.......
~KiD X~: awww thank you
ranafarrakh left the room
v_v478: i can stare at that one all day kid
anewman999 left the room
decimus_decimus_decimus: if i could be with you all my life GINa.... I wish.......
~KiD X~:
v_v478: i love that photo of you for real
decimus_decimus_decimus: i wish .............if.............
v_v478: ur lips look so sexy
~KiD X~: smiles at v
mahdi_kb2002 left the room
aussie_shela8 joined the room
gothic_chap: what application need to run in order to keep a comp from freezing
~KiD X~: ok boys you are makin me blush
acme_dare: hi any hackers r there to help me out some querries
v_v478: and ur eyes
decimus_decimus_decimus: v_v) u r using slangs...
moyctg joined the room
CO_SHEDIH (ryo_31id) joined the room
whodinifreakytah left the room
~KiD X~:
v_v478: decimus is fighting me kid for you
~KiD X~: dont fight
hariinfo001 left the room
v_v478: please tell him he dosent stand a chance
staleem left the room
snow_blind2000: fight?
aussie_shela8: hi guys - is anyone here willing to help me with a little advice please - i am being stalked on here
~KiD X~: i have a b/f
moyctg: any one want to buy 5000 software just $5000, interested contact personally
~KiD X~: is blushing
CO_SHEDIH: hi all
CO_SHEDIH: hello room
snow_blind2000: hi
v_v478: yeah and the b/f is me
~KiD X~: lol
~KiD X~: can i see what u 2 look like
aussie_shela8: hi guys - is anyone here willing to help me with a little advice please - i am being stalked on here
~KiD X~: pl
~KiD X~: smiles ta v
v_v478: ok
• ............................................. IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ./: 04.05.04, 15:10 zarchiwizowany
class object
The most base type
open = class file(object)
file(name[, mode[, buffering]]) -) file object
Open a file. The mode can be 'r', 'w' or 'a' for reading (default),
writing or appending. The file will be created if it doesn't exist
when opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated when
opened for writing. Add a 'b' to the mode for binary files.
Add a '+' to the mode to allow simultaneous reading and writing.
If the buffering argument is given, 0 means unbuffered, 1 means line
buffered, and larger numbers specify the buffer size.
Add a 'U' to mode to open the file for input with universal newline
support. Any line ending in the input file will be seen as a '\n'
in Python. Also, a file so opened gains the attribute 'newlines';
the value for this attribute is one of None (no newline read yet),
'\r', '\n', '\r\n' or a tuple containing all the newline types seen.
'U' cannot be combined with 'w' or '+' mode.
Note: open() is an alias for file().
Methods defined here:
x.__delattr__('name') (==) del x.name
x.__getattribute__('name') (==) x.name
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
x.__iter__() (==) iter(x)
x.__repr__() (==) repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) (==) x.name = value
close() -) None or (perhaps) an integer. Close the file.
Sets data attribute .closed to True. A closed file cannot be used for
further I/O operations. close() may be called more than once without
error. Some kinds of file objects (for example, opened by popen())
may return an exit status upon closing.
fileno() -) integer "file descriptor".
This is needed for lower-level file interfaces, such os.read().
flush() -) None. Flush the internal I/O buffer.
isatty() -) true or false. True if the file is connected to a tty device.
x.next() -) the next value, or raise StopIteration
read([size]) -) read at most size bytes, returned as a string.
If the size argument is negative or omitted, read until EOF is reached.
Notice that when in non-blocking mode, less data than what was requested
may be returned, even if no size parameter was given.
readinto() -) Undocumented. Don't use this; it may go away.
readline([size]) -) next line from the file, as a string.
Retain newline. A non-negative size argument limits the maximum
number of bytes to return (an incomplete line may be returned then).
Return an empty string at EOF.
readlines([size]) -) list of strings, each a line from the file.
Call readline() repeatedly and return a list of the lines so read.
The optional size argument, if given, is an approximate bound on the
total number of bytes in the lines returned.
seek(offset[, whence]) -) None. Move to new file position.
Argument offset is a byte count. Optional argument whence defaults to
0 (offset from start of file, offset should be )= 0); other values are 1
(move relative to current position, positive or negative), and 2 (move
relative to end of file, usually negative, although many platforms allow
seeking beyond the end of a file).
Note that not all file objects are seekable.
tell() -) current file position, an integer (may be a long integer).
truncate([size]) -) None. Truncate the file to at most size bytes.
Size defaults to the current file position, as returned by tell().
write(str) -) None. Write string str to file.
Note that due to buffering, flush() or close() may be needed before
the file on disk reflects the data written.
writelines(sequence_of_strings) -) None. Write the strings to the file.
Note that newlines are not added. The sequence can be any iterable object
producing strings. This is equivalent to calling write() for each string.
xreadlines() -) returns self.
For backward compatibility. File objects now include the performance
optimizations previously implemented in the xreadlines module.
Data and other attributes defined here:
__new__ = (built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E0B97F8)
T.__new__(S, ...) -) a new object with type S, a subtype of T
closed = (attribute 'closed' of 'file' objects)
True if the file is closed
encoding = (member 'encoding' of 'file' objects)
file encoding
mode = (member 'mode' of 'file' objects)
file mode ('r', 'U', 'w', 'a', possibly with 'b' or '+' added)
name = (member 'name' of 'file' objects)
file name
newlines = (attribute 'newlines' of 'file' objects)
end-of-line convention used in this file
softspace = (member 'softspace' of 'file' objects)
flag indicating that a space needs to be printed; used by print
class property(object)
property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None) -) property attribute
fget is a function to be used for getting an attribute value, and likewise
fset is a function for setting, and fdel a function for del'ing, an
attribute. Typical use is to define a managed attribute x:
class C(object):
def getx(self): return self.__x
def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
def delx(self): del self.__x
x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")
Methods defined here:
descr.__get__(obj[, type]) -) value
x.__getattribute__('name') (==) x.name
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
descr.__set__(obj, value)
Data and other attributes defined here:
__new__ = (built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E0B4F68)
T.__new__(S, ...) -) a new object with type S, a subtype of T
fdel = (member 'fdel' of 'property' objects)
fget = (member 'fget' of 'property' objects)
fset = (member 'fset' of 'property' objects)
class slice(object)
slice([start,] stop[, step])
Create a slice object. This is used for extended slicing (e.g. a[0:10:2]).
Methods defined here:
x.__cmp__(y) (==) cmp(x,y)
x.__getattribute__('name') (==) x.name
x.__repr__() (==) repr(x)
S.indices(len) -) (start, stop, stride)
Assuming a sequence of length len, calculate the start and stop
indices, and the stride length of the extended slice described by
S. Out of bounds indices are clipped in a manner consistent with the
handling of normal slices.
Data and other attributes defined here:
__new__ = (built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E0CDA68)
T.__new__(S, ...) -) a new object with type S, a subtype of T
start = (member 'start' of 'slice' objects)
step = (member 'step' of 'slice' objects)
stop = (member 'stop' of 'slice' objects)
class staticmethod(object)
staticmethod(function) -) method
Convert a function to be a static method.
A static method does not receive an implicit first argument.
To declare a static method, use this idiom:
class C:
def f(arg1, arg2, ...): ...
f = staticmethod(f)
It can be called either on the class (e.g. C.f()) or on an instance
(e.g. C().f()). The instance is ignored except for its class.
Static methods in Python are similar to those found in Java or C++.
For a more advanced concept, see the classmethod builtin.
Methods defined here:
descr.__get__(obj[, type]) -) value
x.__getattribute__('name') (==) x.name
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
Data and other attributes defined here:
__new__ = (built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E0BAEA0)
T.__new__(S, ...) -) a new object with type S, a subtype of T
class str(basestring)
The most base type
open = class file(object)
file(name[, mode[, buffering]]) -) file object
Open a file. The mode can be 'r', 'w' or 'a' for reading (default),
writing or appending. The file will be created if it doesn't exist
when opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated when
opened for writing. Add a 'b' to the mode for binary files.
Add a '+' to the mode to allow simultaneous reading and writing.
If the buffering argument is given, 0 means unbuffered, 1 means line
buffered, and larger numbers specify the buffer size.
Add a 'U' to mode to open the file for input with universal newline
support. Any line ending in the input file will be seen as a '\n'
in Python. Also, a file so opened gains the attribute 'newlines';
the value for this attribute is one of None (no newline read yet),
'\r', '\n', '\r\n' or a tuple containing all the newline types seen.
'U' cannot be combined with 'w' or '+' mode.
Note: open() is an alias for file().
Methods defined here:
x.__delattr__('name') (==) del x.name
x.__getattribute__('name') (==) x.name
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
x.__iter__() (==) iter(x)
x.__repr__() (==) repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) (==) x.name = value
close() -) None or (perhaps) an integer. Close the file.
Sets data attribute .closed to True. A closed file cannot be used for
further I/O operations. close() may be called more than once without
error. Some kinds of file objects (for example, opened by popen())
may return an exit status upon closing.
fileno() -) integer "file descriptor".
This is needed for lower-level file interfaces, such os.read().
flush() -) None. Flush the internal I/O buffer.
isatty() -) true or false. True if the file is connected to a tty device.
x.next() -) the next value, or raise StopIteration
read([size]) -) read at most size bytes, returned as a string.
If the size argument is negative or omitted, read until EOF is reached.
Notice that when in non-blocking mode, less data than what was requested
may be returned, even if no size parameter was given.
readinto() -) Undocumented. Don't use this; it may go away.
readline([size]) -) next line from the file, as a string.
Retain newline. A non-negative size argument limits the maximum
number of bytes to return (an incomplete line may be returned then).
Return an empty string at EOF.
readlines([size]) -) list of strings, each a line from the file.
Call readline() repeatedly and return a list of the lines so read.
The optional size argument, if given, is an approximate bound on the
total number of bytes in the lines returned.
seek(offset[, whence]) -) None. Move to new file position.
Argument offset is a byte count. Optional argument whence defaults to
0 (offset from start of file, offset should be )= 0); other values are 1
(move relative to current position, positive or negative), and 2 (move
relative to end of file, usually negative, although many platforms allow
seeking beyond the end of a file).
Note that not all file objects are seekable.
tell() -) current file position, an integer (may be a long integer).
truncate([size]) -) None. Truncate the file to at most size bytes.
Size defaults to the current file position, as returned by tell().
write(str) -) None. Write string str to file.
Note that due to buffering, flush() or close() may be needed before
the file on disk reflects the data written.
writelines(sequence_of_strings) -) None. Write the strings to the file.
Note that newlines are not added. The sequence can be any iterable object
producing strings. This is equivalent to calling write() for each string.
xreadlines() -) returns self.
For backward compatibility. File objects now include the performance
optimizations previously implemented in the xreadlines module.
Data and other attributes defined here:
__new__ = (built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E0B97F8)
T.__new__(S, ...) -) a new object with type S, a subtype of T
closed = (attribute 'closed' of 'file' objects)
True if the file is closed
encoding = (member 'encoding' of 'file' objects)
file encoding
mode = (member 'mode' of 'file' objects)
file mode ('r', 'U', 'w', 'a', possibly with 'b' or '+' added)
name = (member 'name' of 'file' objects)
file name
newlines = (attribute 'newlines' of 'file' objects)
end-of-line convention used in this file
softspace = (member 'softspace' of 'file' objects)
flag indicating that a space needs to be printed; used by print
class property(object)
property(fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None) -) property attribute
fget is a function to be used for getting an attribute value, and likewise
fset is a function for setting, and fdel a function for del'ing, an
attribute. Typical use is to define a managed attribute x:
class C(object):
def getx(self): return self.__x
def setx(self, value): self.__x = value
def delx(self): del self.__x
x = property(getx, setx, delx, "I'm the 'x' property.")
Methods defined here:
descr.__get__(obj[, type]) -) value
x.__getattribute__('name') (==) x.name
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
descr.__set__(obj, value)
Data and other attributes defined here:
__new__ = (built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E0B4F68)
T.__new__(S, ...) -) a new object with type S, a subtype of T
fdel = (member 'fdel' of 'property' objects)
fget = (member 'fget' of 'property' objects)
fset = (member 'fset' of 'property' objects)
class slice(object)
slice([start,] stop[, step])
Create a slice object. This is used for extended slicing (e.g. a[0:10:2]).
Methods defined here:
x.__cmp__(y) (==) cmp(x,y)
x.__getattribute__('name') (==) x.name
x.__repr__() (==) repr(x)
S.indices(len) -) (start, stop, stride)
Assuming a sequence of length len, calculate the start and stop
indices, and the stride length of the extended slice described by
S. Out of bounds indices are clipped in a manner consistent with the
handling of normal slices.
Data and other attributes defined here:
__new__ = (built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E0CDA68)
T.__new__(S, ...) -) a new object with type S, a subtype of T
start = (member 'start' of 'slice' objects)
step = (member 'step' of 'slice' objects)
stop = (member 'stop' of 'slice' objects)
class staticmethod(object)
staticmethod(function) -) method
Convert a function to be a static method.
A static method does not receive an implicit first argument.
To declare a static method, use this idiom:
class C:
def f(arg1, arg2, ...): ...
f = staticmethod(f)
It can be called either on the class (e.g. C.f()) or on an instance
(e.g. C().f()). The instance is ignored except for its class.
Static methods in Python are similar to those found in Java or C++.
For a more advanced concept, see the classmethod builtin.
Methods defined here:
descr.__get__(obj[, type]) -) value
x.__getattribute__('name') (==) x.name
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
Data and other attributes defined here:
__new__ = (built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x1E0BAEA0)
T.__new__(S, ...) -) a new object with type S, a subtype of T
class str(basestring)
Odwróciłam się w przeczuciu tego, co za chwilę musi nastąpić. I już tylko oczami wyobraźni widziałam, jak za moimi plecami ryba
spazmatycznie łapie powietrze okrągłym pyszczkiem, podczas gdy jej obłe ciało podryguje rytmicznie na marmurowym blacie
kuchennego stołu. Mama właśnie skończyła owijanie tłuczka do mięsa czystą ściereczką. Usłyszałam jeszcze tylko kilka miarowych
klaśnięć mokrego ogona o zimny blat i stłumione ?buch?. Odwróciłam sie: mama stała nieruchomo z tłuczkiem lekko uniesionym do
góry i badawczo obserwowała karpia, którego ciało przebiegały teraz lekkie drgawki. Najwyraźniej uznała, że to wystarczy, bo
przytrzymując drgającą rybę jedną ręką, drugą rozcięła biały, miękki brzuch i jednym wprawnym ruchem wygarnęła na stół ciepłe
wnętrzności. Odcięła głowę, i natychmiast włożyła ją i ciągle jeszcze rozpaczliwie wyrywający się bezgłowy tułów do stojącego
już w zlewie durszlaka, aby z ryby wypłynęła cała krew. Leżały w nim już dwie głowy, które przed chwilą przyniosła z góry pani
?Pani Ewo, jak pani może jeść to świństwo?? - w głosie pani Kalinowskiej brzmiało nie tyle zdziwienie, co pobłażliwe
politowanie, któremu towarzyszył wymowny wahadłowy ruch głowy. Mama jednak nic nie odpowiedziała, tylko się lekko i jakby
nieobecnie uśmiechnęła, a na jej twarzy pojawił się przedziwny wyraz . Jakby wywołało go jakieś nagłe wspomnienie czy może
poczucie ?wyższego stopnia wtajemniczenia?. Na czym, jak na czym, ale na rybach mama się znała i w i e d z i a ł a, jak je
jeść: ?Karpia od głowy, leszcza od ogona, każdą inną rybę od wielkiego dzwona?.
spazmatycznie łapie powietrze okrągłym pyszczkiem, podczas gdy jej obłe ciało podryguje rytmicznie na marmurowym blacie
kuchennego stołu. Mama właśnie skończyła owijanie tłuczka do mięsa czystą ściereczką. Usłyszałam jeszcze tylko kilka miarowych
klaśnięć mokrego ogona o zimny blat i stłumione ?buch?. Odwróciłam sie: mama stała nieruchomo z tłuczkiem lekko uniesionym do
góry i badawczo obserwowała karpia, którego ciało przebiegały teraz lekkie drgawki. Najwyraźniej uznała, że to wystarczy, bo
przytrzymując drgającą rybę jedną ręką, drugą rozcięła biały, miękki brzuch i jednym wprawnym ruchem wygarnęła na stół ciepłe
wnętrzności. Odcięła głowę, i natychmiast włożyła ją i ciągle jeszcze rozpaczliwie wyrywający się bezgłowy tułów do stojącego
już w zlewie durszlaka, aby z ryby wypłynęła cała krew. Leżały w nim już dwie głowy, które przed chwilą przyniosła z góry pani
?Pani Ewo, jak pani może jeść to świństwo?? - w głosie pani Kalinowskiej brzmiało nie tyle zdziwienie, co pobłażliwe
politowanie, któremu towarzyszył wymowny wahadłowy ruch głowy. Mama jednak nic nie odpowiedziała, tylko się lekko i jakby
nieobecnie uśmiechnęła, a na jej twarzy pojawił się przedziwny wyraz . Jakby wywołało go jakieś nagłe wspomnienie czy może
poczucie ?wyższego stopnia wtajemniczenia?. Na czym, jak na czym, ale na rybach mama się znała i w i e d z i a ł a, jak je
jeść: ?Karpia od głowy, leszcza od ogona, każdą inną rybę od wielkiego dzwona?.
Klęczałam przy wannie i patrzyłam na karpie. Już uspokoiły się początkowo spazmatyczne ruchy skrzeli. Smutne pyszczki z
opuszczonymi do dołu kącikami miękkich warg otwierały się teraz miarowo i powoli. Do śluzowatej skóry przylgnęły strzępki
gazetowego papieru. Odklejałam je delikatnie i głaskałam aksamitną skórę. Tymczasem Pani Keinertowa zdążyła zapastować podłogę
w stołowym i teraz siedziała w fotelu robiąc na drutach pulower dla swojego Hansi. Czekała na listonosza.
Panią Keinertową przyprowadził do domu tata. Wyciągnął ją spod gradu kamieni gdzieś na Niebuszewie, gdzie miała nieostrożność
krążyć po ulicach i pytać po niemiecku przygodnych przechodniów o adres najbliższego Domu Dziecka. Do Szczecina przybyła w
poszukiwaniu zaginionego synka, który zawieruszył się w tłumie uciekinierów, a którego - jak twierdziła - porwali polscy
żołnierze. Mama obmyła z niej krew i zajodynowała dwie rany na twarzy, po których zostały potem różowe, płaskie blizny. Pani
Keinertowa zamieszkała w niewielkim pokoju za kuchnią i codziennie słała niezliczone pisma do Czerwonego Krzyża i rozmaitych
urzędów, dopytując się, czy ?ktoś wie cokolwiek o losie zaginionego 23 lutego 1945 roku 12-letniego Keinerta Hansa, narodowości
niemieckiej, urodzonego w Berlinchen 21 lutego 1940 roku, włosy ciemnoblond, oczy zielone, znaków szczególnych brak?.
Ustawicznie czekała na listonosza i pomagała w domu mamie, która wieczorami zajmowała się tłumaczeniem i przepisywaniem na
maszynie jej obszernej korespondencji. Do miasta wychodziła rzadko i najchętniej spędzała czas w domu ze mną i bratem.
Prowadziła nas do swojego pokoju, pokazywała stosy małych kolorowych sweterków, z tekturowej walizki pod łóżkiem wyjmowała
owinięte w celofan fotografie. Jedna z nich przedstawiała szczupłego młodego mężczyznę w jasnym garniturze. Prawy dolny róg
przecięty był szerokim czarnym paskiem. ?Das ist mein Karl .... Mein Mann ....Tot......Bu-chen-wald.? Druga fotografia była
wyblakła i pomięta. ?Hansi. Drei Jahre alt?. Keinertowa długo wycierała nos, przytulała nas mocno i zaczynała coś nucić. ?O
Tannenbaum, o, Tannenbaum, wie grün sind deine Blätter!? - wydzieraliśmy się potem na podwórku, imponując - jak nam się wydawało
- dzieciakom sąsiadów. W końcu pani Kalinowska z pierwszego piętra powiedziała mamie, że to jednak ?nie wypada? i że ?są
List przyszedł latem 54 roku, kiedy się go już nikt nie spodziewał. Hansi odnalazł się w jakimś Domu Dziecka pod Poznaniem.
Keinertowa szybko zebrała się i pojechała. Wróciła z płaczem. Hansi nazywał się teraz Janek i nie chciał być Niemcem.
Zobaczyliśmy go, kiedy po długich korowodach związanych z jakimś ?ustaleniem tożsamości?, zjawił się u nas na Jakuba Wójka na
krótko przed ich wyjazdem do Lubeki. Z matką porozumiewał się na migi. Pokazał nam, jak się puszcza ?frygę? i opowiedział kawał
?o trzech grubych Niemcach?. Keinertowa nic nie rozumiała, patrzyła na niego z rozrzewnieniem i razem z nami pokładała się ze
Karp pożydowski
Tani i Oli
Po karpie poszłam z panią Keinertową. Jak zwykle ich zdobycie poprzedziło kilkugodzinne przytupywanie nogami przed Centralą
Rybną na Poniatowskiego. Na szczęście tym razem dostawa była spora i wyglądało na to, że obędzie się bez dodatkowej wyprawy do
centrum. Mimo to w kolejce panowało napięcie - a nuż wykupią? Co chwila przez zatarasowane ludźmi drzwi przepychał sie na
zewnątrz kolejny spocony szczęśliwiec. Kolejka spoglądała na niego z zawiścią, podejrzliwie taksując wzrokiem zawartość siatki.
Stojąca za nami kobieta w futrzanej czapce po kilku daremnych próbach nawiązania rozmowy zniechęciła się upartym milczeniem
Keinertowej i zwróciła się do jakiejś pani w gabardynowej pelisie, z którą już po chwili zagłębiła się w ożywionej konwersacji
na temat jakichś ?rolmopsów?.
Po przekroczeniu magicznej linii drzwi napięcie wyraźnie wzrosło. W dusznym, przesyconym zapachem śledzi i przepoconego
wilgotnego sukna wnętrzu w miarę posuwania się do przodu milkły rozmowy. Wreszcie sklepowa lada i nieuprzejma sprzedawczyni w
brudnym fartuchu, którą najwyraźniej irytował przedświąteczny tłok. Pani Keinertowa lekko ścisnęła mnie za ramię. Już! ?Dwa
karpie, ale nie większe niż półtora kilograma? - powiedziałam zgodnie ze wskazówkami mamy (?bo większe mają błotny posmak!?).
Brudny Fartuch spojrzał na mnie z nieukrywaną niechęcią, odwrócił się i ostentacyjnie zaczął grzebać siatką w okafelkowanym
basenie. Kolejka niespokojnie wstrzymała oddech. Trwało sporą chwilę, zanim sprzedawczyni wyłowiła dwie średniej wielkości
ryby, rzuciła je na obity blachą stół i podniosła do góry dużą drewnianą pałkę. ?Proszę nie zabijać!?- zdążyłam krzyknąć. Z
kolejki dały się słyszeć syki, Futrzana Czapka spojrzała wymownie na Gabardynową Pelisę i jęknęła ?O Jezu, nie mogę!?
Sprzedawczyni wzruszyła tylko ramionami, odłożyła pałkę i sprawnie zawinęła w leżące na ladzie płachty Kuriera wyrywające się
ryby. Pani Keinertowa bez słowa włożyła je do siatki, wzięła mnie za rękę, ale kierując się do drzwi przystanęła jeszcze na
moment i omiotła kolejkę triumfującym i lekko kpiącym spojrzeniem. ?Frohe Weihnachten? - powiedziała uprzejmie.
Tani i Oli
Po karpie poszłam z panią Keinertową. Jak zwykle ich zdobycie poprzedziło kilkugodzinne przytupywanie nogami przed Centralą
Rybną na Poniatowskiego. Na szczęście tym razem dostawa była spora i wyglądało na to, że obędzie się bez dodatkowej wyprawy do
centrum. Mimo to w kolejce panowało napięcie - a nuż wykupią? Co chwila przez zatarasowane ludźmi drzwi przepychał sie na
zewnątrz kolejny spocony szczęśliwiec. Kolejka spoglądała na niego z zawiścią, podejrzliwie taksując wzrokiem zawartość siatki.
Stojąca za nami kobieta w futrzanej czapce po kilku daremnych próbach nawiązania rozmowy zniechęciła się upartym milczeniem
Keinertowej i zwróciła się do jakiejś pani w gabardynowej pelisie, z którą już po chwili zagłębiła się w ożywionej konwersacji
na temat jakichś ?rolmopsów?.
Po przekroczeniu magicznej linii drzwi napięcie wyraźnie wzrosło. W dusznym, przesyconym zapachem śledzi i przepoconego
wilgotnego sukna wnętrzu w miarę posuwania się do przodu milkły rozmowy. Wreszcie sklepowa lada i nieuprzejma sprzedawczyni w
brudnym fartuchu, którą najwyraźniej irytował przedświąteczny tłok. Pani Keinertowa lekko ścisnęła mnie za ramię. Już! ?Dwa
karpie, ale nie większe niż półtora kilograma? - powiedziałam zgodnie ze wskazówkami mamy (?bo większe mają błotny posmak!?).
Brudny Fartuch spojrzał na mnie z nieukrywaną niechęcią, odwrócił się i ostentacyjnie zaczął grzebać siatką w okafelkowanym
basenie. Kolejka niespokojnie wstrzymała oddech. Trwało sporą chwilę, zanim sprzedawczyni wyłowiła dwie średniej wielkości
ryby, rzuciła je na obity blachą stół i podniosła do góry dużą drewnianą pałkę. ?Proszę nie zabijać!?- zdążyłam krzyknąć. Z
kolejki dały się słyszeć syki, Futrzana Czapka spojrzała wymownie na Gabardynową Pelisę i jęknęła ?O Jezu, nie mogę!?
Sprzedawczyni wzruszyła tylko ramionami, odłożyła pałkę i sprawnie zawinęła w leżące na ladzie płachty Kuriera wyrywające się
ryby. Pani Keinertowa bez słowa włożyła je do siatki, wzięła mnie za rękę, ale kierując się do drzwi przystanęła jeszcze na
moment i omiotła kolejkę triumfującym i lekko kpiącym spojrzeniem. ?Frohe Weihnachten? - powiedziała uprzejmie.
• You may had first spasm in total synchronization IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: .@. 29.04.04, 20:20 zarchiwizowany
Mogłabyś przynajmniej słowo napisać.
Ja się czuję jak Gułagu: zeki często nie wiedzieli nawet, za co zostali skazani.
Jak na początku drugiej zwrotki tej piosenki:
("..Za szto siżu? Po sowiesti, nie zjaju/No prokurory widimo prawy...")
Lista "nieprzyjaciol" (posty nie pokazuja mi sie na ekranie): bykk, dragon.w,
hawaian, xiazeluka (lista uaktualniona 20/04/04). Jak te osoby chca mi dopiec,
to e-mailem prosze, bo inaczej nie zobacze tego po prostu.
Ja się czuję jak Gułagu: zeki często nie wiedzieli nawet, za co zostali skazani.
Jak na początku drugiej zwrotki tej piosenki:
("..Za szto siżu? Po sowiesti, nie zjaju/No prokurory widimo prawy...")
Lista "nieprzyjaciol" (posty nie pokazuja mi sie na ekranie): bykk, dragon.w,
hawaian, xiazeluka (lista uaktualniona 20/04/04). Jak te osoby chca mi dopiec,
to e-mailem prosze, bo inaczej nie zobacze tego po prostu.
The summit of sex is "the death of ego"
and "state of Nothingness."
By Houzan Suzuki
There are many different books about sex with different goals in the "Sex therapy" or "Sexual healing" categories, and they
employ different techniques.
For example, Chinese sexual manuals were mainly written for the health of male while Indian Tantra was developed as a kind of
meditation whose aim is Mahamudra ("great unity," so to say). Japanese sexual texts were born out of the refined playful spirit
to enjoy sex. And recent western ESO (Extended Sexual Orgasm) program and others were formulated to increase the level of
sensual pleasure. In the near future, research on such things as "What kind of sexual union is desireble for the conception of
healthier babies?" will take place in medical labs and clinics, in addition to artificial insemination and the education of
babies during pregnancy.
Compared to the above, the sexual techniques and their goals in this book are as follows:
(1) The way to always attain the simultaneous orgasm of man and woman. (also the techniques for increasing the endurance of
(2) The way for women to attain at least 4 to 5 orgasms in one evening.
(3) The way to perfectly synchronize the wave (rythm) of the orgasmic spasms of the man and woman.
(4) The way to enjoy the orgasmic spasm itself, not the pleasure of just before the orgasm, for 10 minutes.
(5) The way to blackout together for the man and woman by simultaneous orgasms and synchronized spasms.
(6) In the dimension above the physical body level, sex is not limited to the union of the genital organs. As an example of
this, the way of sex by the union of chakras (energy centers) is explained.
(7) Through these experiences of orgasm at multiple levels, the ego and sense of individuality will disappear in the end, and
there will be no more distinction of male or female.
There will be perfect state of "Union."
However...the ultimate goal of sex is the vanishing away of the Union-Existence itself.
Therefor, the ultimate sex goes beyond the transcendence of gender and the union of man and woman.
It aims at the same thing as Zen: the transcendence of the existence, in other words, "Nothingness."
and "state of Nothingness."
By Houzan Suzuki
There are many different books about sex with different goals in the "Sex therapy" or "Sexual healing" categories, and they
employ different techniques.
For example, Chinese sexual manuals were mainly written for the health of male while Indian Tantra was developed as a kind of
meditation whose aim is Mahamudra ("great unity," so to say). Japanese sexual texts were born out of the refined playful spirit
to enjoy sex. And recent western ESO (Extended Sexual Orgasm) program and others were formulated to increase the level of
sensual pleasure. In the near future, research on such things as "What kind of sexual union is desireble for the conception of
healthier babies?" will take place in medical labs and clinics, in addition to artificial insemination and the education of
babies during pregnancy.
Compared to the above, the sexual techniques and their goals in this book are as follows:
(1) The way to always attain the simultaneous orgasm of man and woman. (also the techniques for increasing the endurance of
(2) The way for women to attain at least 4 to 5 orgasms in one evening.
(3) The way to perfectly synchronize the wave (rythm) of the orgasmic spasms of the man and woman.
(4) The way to enjoy the orgasmic spasm itself, not the pleasure of just before the orgasm, for 10 minutes.
(5) The way to blackout together for the man and woman by simultaneous orgasms and synchronized spasms.
(6) In the dimension above the physical body level, sex is not limited to the union of the genital organs. As an example of
this, the way of sex by the union of chakras (energy centers) is explained.
(7) Through these experiences of orgasm at multiple levels, the ego and sense of individuality will disappear in the end, and
there will be no more distinction of male or female.
There will be perfect state of "Union."
However...the ultimate goal of sex is the vanishing away of the Union-Existence itself.
Therefor, the ultimate sex goes beyond the transcendence of gender and the union of man and woman.
It aims at the same thing as Zen: the transcendence of the existence, in other words, "Nothingness."
Wiadomość została usunięta ze względu na złamanie prawa lub regulaminu.
• A ku ku. / ntxt.
wolomin_w_nocy 28.04.04, 21:08 zarchiwizowany
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