Gość: G 14.07.03, 03:44 zarchiwizowany
Causes Influencing the Embryo.
Adam as Golem.
—In Medieval Times:
Golem of Hohe Rabbi Löw.
This word occurs only once in the Bible, in Ps. cxxxix. 16, where it
means "embryo." In tradition everything that is in a state of incompletion,
everything not fully formed, as a needle without the eye, is designated
as "golem" ("Aruch Completum," ed. Kohut, ii. 297). A woman is golem so long
as she has not conceived (Sanh. 22b; comp. Shab. 52b, 77b; Sanh. 95a; Ḥul.
25a; Abot v. 6; Sifre, Num. 158). God, father, and mother take part in the
creation of the child: the skeleton and brain are derived from the father; the
skin and muscles from the mother; the senses from God. God forms the child
from the seed, putting the soul into it. If the male seed is emitted first,
the child is of the male sex; otherwise it is of the female sex (Nid. 31a).
Although God impresses all men with the seal of Adam, there is no resemblance
between any two of them (Sanh. 37a).
Causes Influencing the Embryo.
In the womb the navel is first formed, and from this roots spread out, until
the child is fully developed. According to another opinion the head is first
developed. The two eyes and the two nostrils of the embryo resemble the eyes
of a fly; the aperture of the mouth is like hair (or a barleycorn). R.
Jonathan says: "The two arms are like two pieces of string; the other members
are combined in a mass " (Yer. Nid. 50d; comp. Nid. 25a; Soṭah 45b). Women
that eat much mustard give birth to gluttonous children; those that eat many
dates, to blear-eyed children; those that eat much small fish, children with
unsteady eyes; those that eat clay, naughty children; those that drink beer,
dark-skinned children; those that eat much meat and drink much wine, healthy
children; those that eat many eggs, children with large eyes; those that eat
much large fish, beautiful children; those that eat much celery or parsley,
children with fine complexions; those that eat oleander, well-nourished
children; those that eat paradise-apples, fragrant children (Ket. 61a). The
same Babylonian amora, of the fourth century, also indicates why epileptic and
otherwise defective children are born (Brecher, "Das Transcendentale, Magie
und Magische Heilarten im Talmud," pp. 174 et seq.). Moral, not physical,
reasons are given as the principal factors in the birth of healthy or sickly
children. Decent behavior produces male children (Sheb. 18b; comp. Nid. 71a),
who are also regularly produced under certain conditions ('Er. 100b; B. B.
10b; Nid. 31a, b). A dwarf should not marry a dwarf (Bek. 46a). Other
references to the embryo are found in Nid. 15a, 17a, 31b, 37b, 38a, 45b, 66a;
Beẓah 7a; Bek. 44b-45a; Ḥul. 127a; Ned. 20a; Pes. 112a, and passim. Unfounded
hatred causes abortion and the death of the child (Shab. 32b).
Adam as Golem.
The imagination of the ancient Israelites frequently turned to the birth of
the first man, who was formed of dust and not born of woman. A principal
passage reads as follows: "How was Adam created? In the first hour his dust
was collected; in the second his form was created; in the third he became a
shapeless mass [golem]; in the fourth his members were joined; in the fifth
his apertures opened; in the sixth he received his soul; in the seventh he
stood up on his feet; in the eighth Eve was associated with him; in the ninth
he was transferred to paradise; in the tenth he heard God's command; in the
eleventh he sinned; in the twelfth he was driven from Eden, in order that Ps.
xlix. 13 might be fulfilled" (Ab. R. N. ed. Schechter, Text A, i. 5; comp.
Pesiḳ. R. ed. Friedmann, 187b, and note 7; Kohut, in "Z. D. M. G." xxv. 13).
God created Adam as a golem; he lay supine, reaching from one end of the world
to the other, from the earth to the firmament (Ḥag. 12a; comp. Gen. R. viii.,
xiv., and xxiv.; Jew. Encyc. i. 175). The Gnostics, following Irenæus, also
taught that Adam was immensely long and broad, and crawled over the earth
(Hilgenfeld, "Die Jüdische Apokalyptik," p. 244; comp. Kohut, l.c. xxv. 87,
note 1). All beings were created in their natural size and with their full
measure of intelligence, as was Adam (R. H. 11a). According to another
tradition Adam was only one hundred ells high (B. B. 75a); according to a
Mohammedan legend, only sixty ells (Kohut, l.c. xxv. 75, note 5; the
number "sixty" indicates Babylonian influence). When he hid from the face of
God, six things were taken from him, one of these being his size, which,
however, will be restored to him in the Messianic time (Gen. R. xii.; Num. R.
xiii.; Kohut, l.c. xxv. 76, note 1; 91, note 3). Other conceptions, for
instance, that Adam was created a hermaphrodite (see Androgynos), or with two
faces ( = Διπρόσωπος; Gen. R. viii. 7), belongto the literature of Gnosticism.
For similar views, after Plato and Philo, see Freudenthal, "Hellenistische
Studien," p. 69 (see Adam).
Bibliography: G. Brecher, Das Transcendentale, Magic und Magische Heilarten im
Talmud, Vienna, 1850;
A. Kohut, Die Talmudisch-Midraschische Adamssage in Ihrer Rückbeziehung auf
die Persische Yima- und Meshiasage, in Z. D. M. G. xxv. 59-94;
M. Grünbaum, Neue Beiträge zur Semitischen Sagenkunde, pp. 54 et seq., Leyden,
Jew. Encyc. i. 174-175;
A. Hilgenfeld, Die Jüdische Apokalyptik, Jena, 1857.E. C. L. B.
—In Medieval Times:
In the Middle Ages arose the belief in the possibility of infusing life into a
clay or wooden figure of a human being, which figure was termed "golem" by
writers of the eighteenth century. The golem grew in size, and could carry any
message or obey mechanically any order of its master. It was supposed to be
created by the aid of the "Sefer Yeẓirah," that is, by a combination of
letters forming a "Shem" (any one of the names of God). The Shem was written
on a piece of paper and inserted either in the mouth or in the forehead of the
golem, thus bringing it into life and action. Solomon ibn Gabirol is said to
have created a maid servant by this means. The king, informed of this, desired
to punish him, but Ibn Gabirol showed that his creature was not a real being
by restoring every one of its parts to its original form.
Golem of Hohe Rabbi Löw.
Elijah of Chelm, in the middle of the sixteenth century, was the first person
credited with having made a golem with a Shem, for which reason he was known
as a "Ba'al Shem." It is said to have grown to be a monster (resembling that
of Frankenstein), which the rabbi feared might destroy the world. Finally he
extracted the Shem from the forehead of his golem, which returned to dust
(Azulai, "Shem ha-Gedolim," i., No. 163). Elijah's grandson, known as
the "ḥakam Ẓebi," was so convinced of the truth of this that he raised the
question as to whether a golem could be counted as one in a "minyan" (quorum;
Responsa, No. 93, Amsterdam, 1712; Baer Heṭeb to Shulḥan 'Aruk, Oraḥ Ḥayyim,
55, 1). The best-known golem was that of Judah Löw b. Bezaleel, or the "hohe
Rabbi Löw," of Prague (end of 16th cent.), who used his golem as a servant on
week-days, and extracted the Shem from the golem's mouth every Friday
afternoon, so as to let it rest on Sabbath. Once the rabbi forgot to extract
the Shem, and feared that the golem would desecrate the Sabbath. He pursued
the golem and caught it in front of the synagogue, just before Sabbath began,
and hurriedly extracted the Shem, whereupon the golem fell in pieces; its
remains are said to be still among the débris in the attic of the synagogue.
Rabbi Löw is credited with having performed similar wonders before Rudo
• )======0======GATE======0======( IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: PRG 14.07.03, 03:39 zarchiwizowany
Prag kann nicht eine lineare Geschichte der alten/neuen Medien vorzeigen, aber
um so mehr kann diese Stadt stolz auf einige Ereignisse sein, die eine
besondere Bedeutung und Eigenart fuer die Geschichte der Medien darstellen.
Die heute so modern klingenden Ausdruecke wie "Elektronische
Kunst", "Virtuelle Realitaet", "Interaktive Kunst" und "Kuenstliche
Intelligenz" finden sich wieder in vergangenen Zeiten, die bis ins Mittelalter
zurueckgehen.Natuerlich hatten diese Phaenomene damals andere Namen. Diese
Ereignisse, von denen ich hier sprechen moechte, sind nicht zufaellig
passiert, sondern sie haben fast immer eine Beziehung zu der jeweiligen Zeit
und zu dem jeweiligen Klima, in welchem sie geschahen. Nicht zuletzt ist es
die besondere Energie dieser alten Stadt gewesen, die dazu beigetragen hat,
dass es immer wieder Menschen gab, die das Interface zum Jenseits gesucht
haben. Die Linguisten behaupten, dass der Name "Prag" vom tschechischen "prah"
stammt, was nichts anderes als "Schwelle" bedeutet. Es gibt Orte in Prag, wo
man oefter durch verschiedene optische Taeuschungen in den merkwuerdigen
Zustand versetzt wird, als ob man sich in einer Zwischenwelt befaende. Es ist
kein Zufall, dass Prag die einzige Stadt der Welt ist, wo es heute immer noch
eine nicht kleine Gruppe von aktiven Surrealisten gibt. An der Spitze dieser
Gruppe steht der Filmanimator Jan Svankmajer.
Im sechzehnten Jahrhundert lebte in Prag Juda Loew ben Bezalel, der als der
Hohe Rabbi Loew beruehmt wurde. Er war ein grosser Gelehrter und Mystiker.
Dieser Mann von enzyklopaedischem Wissen ist der geistige aber auch leibliche
Urahn des grossen Mathematikers Theodor von Karman. Der sah in Rabbi Loew den
ersten Genius der angewandten Mathematik. Wie wir wissen, wird Rabbi Loew
nicht nur die Erfindung des Golems zugeschrieben. Seine Experimente mit der
Camera obscura beeindruckten Kaiser Rudolf II. so sehr, dass er ihn in den
Kreis der Alchimisten, Kuenstler und Astronomen, wie Johannes Keppler und
Tycho de Brahe einlud. Ausserdem duerfen wir sagen, dass Rabbi Loew auch der
geistige Urahn von zwei anderen grossen Mathematikern war- Johann von Neumann
und Norbert Wiener -, die mehr als irgendjemand sonst die theoretischen
Grundlagen zu jener mathematischen Magie gelegt haben, die den Golem unserer
Tage, den modernen Computer, produziert hat. Letzten Endes ist der Golem
nichts als eine Reproduktion von Adam, dem ersten Menschen selber - ein Wesen,
das durch menschliche Intelligenz und Konzentration geschaffen ist, das zwar
unter Kontrolle seines Schoepfers steht und Aufgaben erfuellt, die dieser ihm
stellt, das aber zugleich eine gefaehrliche Neigung entwickeln kann, dieser
Kontrolle zu entwachsen und zerstoererische Faehigkeiten zu entfalten - wie
der Mensch selber.
Dass der alte und der neue Golem gleiche Grundkonzeptionen haben, steht ausser
Frage. Der alte Golem beruhte auf einer mystischen Kombination der
zweiundzwanzig Buchstaben des hebraeischen Alphabeths, die zugleich die
Elemente und Bausteine der Welt sind. Der neue Golem beruht auf einem viel
einfacheren und doch viel verwickelterem System. Statt zweiundzwanzig
Elementen kennt er nur zwei: die beiden Zahlen Null und Eins, die das binaere
Zahlensystem ausmachen. Beide Golem brauchen Energie, um in Gang gebracht zu
werden. Beim alten Golem war es die Sprache, beim neuen Golem ist es die
Elektrizitaet.Fest steht, dass beide Golems an Produktivitaet zunehmen
koennen, und beide sind imstande, Information zu speichern. Heute nennt man
dieses Phaenomen "kuenstliche Intelligenz".
Wenn wir heute von virtueller Realitaet sprechen, duerfen wir nicht unerwaehnt
lassen, dass eines Tages Rudolf II. beschloss, das Haus von Rabbi Loew zu
besuchen. In dieser Nacht vollbrachte der Rabbi ein Wunder: er verwandelte
sein Haus in ein Schloss: er projizierte mit seiner Camera obscura Bilder vom
Inneren des Hradschin auf die Waende seines Hauses. So entstand fuer Rudolf
II. der Eindruck, er wuerde sich in einem Schloss befinden.
Im Jahr 1920 erscheint in Prag der Roman "R. U. R. (Rossum@\357s Universal
Robots)" von Karel Capek, eines grossen Visionaers der modernen Gesellschaft.
Den Ausdruck "Robot" leitete Capek vom tschechischen Slangwort "Robota"
fuer "Fronarbeit" ab, was sich wiederum vom russischen "Rabota", "Arbeit",
ableitet. Diese "Science-Nonfiction-Horror-Story" ist in erster Linie eine
Warnung an die technologische Gesellschaft, dass sie im Begriff ist, sich
selbst ins Verderben zu stuerzen. Auch Capeks Roboter gehoeren zur
Golemfamilie. Diese Automaten bestehen nicht aus mechanischen und elektrischen
Teilen, sondern aus einer Art Protoplasma. Im Gegensatz zum Golem von Rabbi
Loew haben die Roboter erstaunliche Intelligenz und ein grosses Gedaechtnis.
Sie kennen keine Schmerzen oder Gefuehle. Sicher ahnte Capek nicht, dass seine
R. U. R.- Automaten, die er Roboter nannte, einen weltweit anerkannten Namen
fuer kuenstliche Intelligenz abgeben wuerden.
Im Jahr 1940 erscheint in Prag das Buch "Der Kinetismus" von Zdenek Pesanek.
Pesanek gehoert zu den Mitbegruendern der Licht- Kinetischen Kunst. Er baute
komplexe Lichtkinetische Objekte, die auch auf oeffentlichen Plaetzen
aufgestellt wurden. Sicher ist, dass Pesanek indirekte Kontakte zum Bauhaus
hatte. Er bezieht sich unter anderem auf Berichte aus dem Bauhaus-Buch Nr. 3,
1927. Das Buch Kinetismus basiert, wie Pesanek selbst sagt, auf seinen
Manuskripten der zwanziger Jahre. In diesen Manuskripten schreibt er zur
Einfuehrung: "Wir erwarten ein Schwinden manueller Techniken der Malerei und
Bildhauerei, den Einstieg in neue Methodiken und ihren Anschluss an hoechste
Offenbarungen technischen Geistes." Weiter schreibt er: "Die Kuenstler von
Morgen zeichnen heute das aufs Papier, was wir im Raum schweben sehen sollten,
oder was auf den Himmel projiziert werden sollte." "... aber Ihr, denen mit
dem Fortschreiten der Zeit die ganze Welt der Technik und der Zahlen in den
Schoss gefallen ist, all die Zweige der Elektronik und verwandter Gebiete, Ihr
schielt zu dem grossen Rembrandt hinueber und seid insgeheim eifersuechtig auf
seinen fruchtbaren Ruhm. Ihr seid Euch darueber nicht bewusst, dass er
uebertreffbar ist, da Eure Werkzeuge, die Ihr in Reichweite Eurer Haende habt,
Euch dazu verhelfen koennen, Wunder zu tun. Ihr bemueht Euch, den Spuren alter
Meister zu folgen, aber Ihr vergesst, dass sie es an Eure Stelle heute anders
machen wuerden. Anders als sie es selbst haben tun koennen." Diese fast
siebzig Jahre alten Thesen hoeren sich frischer an als manche Beitraege der
Medientheoretiker heute.
Im Jahr 1958 wird im tschechoslowakischen Pavillon der Expo in Bruessel eine
kleine Sensation praesentiert: die "Laterna Magica". Dem Filmregisseur Alfred
Radok war es gelungen, das Interface zwischen Theater und Film zu kreieren.
Auf der Theaterbuehne befanden sich viele Filmprojektionsflaechen
verschiedenster Art. Die Akteure verschwanden etwa ploetzlich durch diese
Flaechen und man sah sie sodann nur noch auf ihnen im Film. Dann wieder
sprangen sie von ihnen auf die Buehne. Diese fliessende Bewegung, die zwischen
der materiellen und der immateriellen Welt, das Hin und Her zwischen Realitaet
und Traum, verzaubert bis heute viele Menschen in Prag.
Neun Jahre spaeter kommt waehrend der Expo in Montreal zu der abermals
praesentierten "Laterna Magica" eine neue faszinierende Ueberraschung
hinzu: "Der Kinoautomat", das erste interaktive Kino der Welt. Es wurde
konzipiert von Cincera und Svitacek. Waehrend der Vorfuehrung wurde mehrmals
der Film angehalten, und jemand, der auf die Buehne trat, fragte die
Zuschauer, wie der Film weiter laufen sollte.Es wurden jeweils zwei
• PRAHA IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: y;> 14.07.03, 03:16 zarchiwizowany
The story of the Golem begins in the old city of Prague. Many boys and girls
do not know where Prague is located. It is the capital of Czechoslovakia,(a
country in eastern Europe). Over one million people live there today.
As the legend is told, an old Jewish man named Rabbi Loew lived in Prague. He
was a very tall and big man. So, he was called the Great Rabbi of Prague. He
was a very kind person and cared for the people of Prague, but he became very
sad because the people had to work hard all day.
The parents of children did not get paid very much for their work. When they
came home at the end of the day, they had to do chores. The boys and girls in
the family had to help. Boys and girls helped chop wood. The wood was used for
cooking and keeping the houses warm.. They also had to sweep and dust their
rooms and make their beds. In the summer, they grew vegetables in little
gardens beside their houses. Sometimes the older children had to take goods
into the city to sell at the big market.
Some people in Prague did not like people who were different. Jewish people
were badly treated because they were different. Poor people were badly treated
because they were poor. At times it was not safe to be out alone at night.
Many times, angry mobs attacked people.
One day Great Rabbi Loew decided that he should do something to help the
grownups and boys and girls. He remembered a story that his father told him
when he was a little boy. His father had read one of the great books in the
Synagogue, a Jewish church. The story said that a Golem, a kind of servant,
could be made out of a lump of clay!
"That is what I will do!"; Rabbi Loew said to himself. "I will create a Golem
to help the people with their work. Then the grownups will not be so tired at
the end of the day. And the children will have time to play. A Golem could
also patrol the city and keep law and order."
"How much will a Golem cost?" Great Rabbi Loew wondered. Then a big smile came
on his face. "Having a Golem will not cost much," he said. "A Golem will not
eat, drink, or work for money."
"But how can I make a Golem?",thought Great Rabbi Loew. He began asking all
the great thinkers he knew, "Do you know how to make a Golem?" From door to
door and store to store he went, asking, "Does anyone know how to make a
One night he was reading the Cabbala, a holy book, and learned how to make a
Golem. The Cabbala said, "A Golem must be made of the sticky clay from the
bank of the Moldavka River. Make the face, hands and feet out of clay. Roll it
over on its back. Walk around the form of clay from right to left seven
times." As you walk around the form, shout, "Shanti, Shanti, Dahat, Dahat!"
The Great Rabbi Loew asked for three helpers to go with him to the river. On
the bank of the river, they found very sticky clay. They cut small tree limbs
for the body. They rolled up old rags for a head. Then they put clay on the
limbs and rags to give the body shape.
Then the Great Rabbi Loew and his three helpers walked around the clay form
seven times. They shouted. "Shanti, Shanti, Dahat, Dahat!"
The clay body began to grow red like a very hot fire. Then the body became
covered with long hair. Then the tips of the fingers and toes grew
nails! "Stand up and walk like a person!" shouted Great Rabbi Loew. The Golem
stood up and looked straight ahead. The three helpers dressed the Golem in
clothes fit for a servant.
The Great Rabbi Loew asked the Golem, "Do you hear, see and understand?" The
Golem nodded, "yes."
The Golem was put in the back of a wagon and they drove to the city of Prague.
Just outside the city, Great Rabbi Loew said, "Stop."
He pulled the Golem from the cart and said, "This is the city of Prague. The
city where my people live. You will help them do their work and protect them."
Again, the Golem nodded, "Yes."
Now Great Rabbi Loew had to decide how to make the Golem begin to work. He
also had to decide how to make the Golem stop working. "Golem," he said, "Each
night a piece of paper will be put in your mouth. It will tell you the work to
be done. You will do it. In the morning you will go to sleep and sleep all
Each night Great Rabbi Loew would write down on a piece of paper the work the
Golem was supposed to do before morning. He would put the paper in the Golem's
mouth and go to bed. Sometimes the Golem cleaned up the Synagogue. Sometimes
the Golem cleaned up houses. The Golem also helped keep law and order at
night, so the people were not afraid.
Great Rabbi Loew decided that the Golem should be more like real people. One
day he showed the Golem how to eat bread. The Golem thought everything could
be eaten. One day he ate a brick.
People learn what they know by playing, learning, and working with other
people. Moms and dads help their children learn what they need to know.
Children also learn by going to school. They also learn by doing things with
groups after school. Being made out of clay, the Golem never had a chance to
play, learn, or work.
The Great Rabbi Loew decided that the Golem needed to know about people and
living. The Great Rabbi spent a lot of time telling the Golem important things
that people knew. One day Great Rabbi Loew said to himself, "I don't have time
to tell the Golem everything! What can I do? How can I solve this problem?"
Simon, a friend, said, "Why don't we teach the Golem to read? Then the Golem
can read books. The Golem can learn everything by reading books!"
They began to teach the Golem to read. Pretty soon the Golem began to know the
things that people knew. Learning what people knew became a problem. By
learning what people knew, the Golem wanted to become a person.
• )======0======KNEDLE======0======( IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drF 13.07.03, 18:03 zarchiwizowany
• )======0======KNEDLE======0======( IP: *.gen.twtelecom.net
Gość: Knedle 12.07.03, 15:10 zarchiwizowany
Prečo sa knedle rozpadajú?
Ak sa nám knedle vo vriacej vode rozpadnú, môže to mať
viac príčin. Buď sme použili priveľa tekutiny, dali sme
málo alebo žiadne vajce, alebo sme azda pridali málo
Teda: buď dodáme dostatočné množstvo múky, alebo tesne
pred varením knedle obalíme v hladkej múke a dotvarujeme.
Tip: Knedle môžeme zabaliť do dôkladne maslom natretého
alobalu. Je to hygienickejšie a praktickejšie, lebo
knedle neprídu do priameho styku s vodou.
Aké ovocie sa dáva do ovocných knedlí?
Vždy len čerstvé a prvotriednej kvality. Mrazené ovocie
priveľmi mokvá a knedle vytekajú.
Prečo sa ovocné knedle rozpadávajú?
Stáva sa to vtedy, ak nie sú dobre uzavreté, alebo ak v
spojoch ostala múka.
Jednoduchým spôsobom predídeme tomu, aby knedle
nenasiakli vodou: Do misy, v ktorej ich chceme neskôr
podávať, vložíme tanier obrátený hore dnom. Pod tanierom
sa zbiera stekajúca voda. Tak si knedle zachovajú tvar,
nezmäknú a para ich udržiava teplé.
Ako sa varia ovocné knedle?
Ovocné knedle ponoríme do mierne osolenej vriacej vody
(nie však prudko bublajúcej!). Pridáme vanilku,
vanilkový cukor (alebo lyžičku rumu) a varíme 12 až 15
Knedle treba vždy variť bez pokrievky! Voda nikdy nesmie
vrieť silno, len mierne. Pre istotu si pripravíme šálku
chladnej vody, aby sme mohli vode uštedriť ľadový šok,
keby začala prisilno vrieť.
dr_frojd 12.07.03, 15:00 zarchiwizowany
I believe that Germany has also gone through a fundamental process of
reflection on its guilt for the deaths of the six million who must not be
In the book Kuras demonstrates that he is a very good critic of Czechs and the
Czech character: "Czechs like to see themselves as an educated nation. But
Czech education lacks a sense of historical continuity and national historical
mission; and it has a dangerously short memory. Because it is not clear about
the meaning of its past, it lacks a conception of where it should be headed
and why. Its falls easily into pettiness. For several generations now it has
lacked ethical and spiritual content and has succumbed to a totalitarian and
sycophantic thinking which did not stop with the fall of the totalitarian
system." (p. 59). That is why I would expect him, in the last chapter, to call
for a Czech examination of a similar dark past during and after the war,
especially considering the menacing reality of the present day, when the Jews
are no longer emigrating from this country, but the Roma are.
Robert Řehák, 27 January 2000
• CentralPRAGinfo
dr_frojd 12.07.03, 14:44 zarchiwizowany
B O O K R E V I E W:
Nebýt Golema, Rabbi Löw, židovství a češství
[With or Without the Golem: Rabbi Löw, the Jewish Faith and Czech Identity]
Benjamin Kuras
ELK and Baronet, Prague, 1999. 232 pp.
ISBN 80-7214-257-7 (Czech)
Robert Řehák
Benjamin Kuras's work Nebýt Golema, Rabbi Löw, židovství a češství was
published last year by Baronet and the European Literary Club (Evropský
literární klub) in a very attractive edition; the text was prepared in an
exemplary manner and includes useful indexes. The type-setting and design
(with two illustrations and 232 pages) are so elegant that I would recommend
the book enthusiastically to any author who cares about the quality
publication of his work.
The contents of the twelve chapters of the work give the impression that they
were written by someone who only recently became acquainted with the Jewish
faith. It seems that Kuras included in the work everything that caught his
attention during this process. The book is not about the Golem, as one might
assume from the commercial trick in the title, but about Rabbi Löw, about
Czech identity, as the subtitle suggests, and most of all, the book is about
the author's reflections on the Judaism as such. If it were up to me, the book
would be titled: "An Introduction to Judaism through the Eyes of Benjamin
After a rather extensive introduction, in which he explains his motivations
for writing the book (in the manner of Abraham before God, he counted eleven
righteous Czechs), the author turns his attention to Rabbi Jehuda Löw ben
Becalel (1525-1609), whom he describes as a "wise man, scholar, mystic,
pedagogue, psychologist and dissident", "a giant of the Jewish, but also
Czech, cultural and spiritual heritage" who has "something to communicate to
Czechs and the Czech character in all eras - including our own era" (p. 13). I
believe it was an important and correct decision to concentrate on this
fascinating personality; the portrait of Löw, however, is marred by the
author's manner of presentation and by the absence of any serious research
into primary sources. These flaws are also manifest in the other themes
treated in the work; the journalistic presentation of these themes may,
however, appeal to some readers.
To create a context for understanding Löw's teachings, Kuras introduces the
reader to the basic elements of Judaism. He provides an elementary
clarification of concepts like the Sabbath, Jewish ethics, the duty to care
for the poor and the helpless, and the Jewish legal system. He also provides
celebratory lists of everything that Judaism has contributed to the world.
While reading these lists of merits and statistics demonstrating the successes
of Jewish individuals, I often had the feeling that the author's eyes were so
fascinated by their subject that they were no longer capable of critical
perception. The idealized picture lacks reflection on errors and shortcomings;
furthermore, it presents very problematic information. For example, the author
writes that 'the division of the church from the state' comes from the Judaism
(p. 22), as if everything that a Jew did was not meant to consecrate the name
of God - kidush ha-shem - and as if the reason that the Israeli state does not
have a constitution is that Orthodox Jews believe that that constitution has
to be the Torah. Also problematic is the comment that: "T. Cahill, writing in
1998, discovered the originality of the Jewish [...] 'Wheel of Life' which is
constantly breaking, revolving and repeating" (p. 64). Here Kuras refers to a
well-known phenomenon, about which Mircea Eliade had already written in 1947
in his study Le Mythe de l'eternal.
Kuras's text is written in a readable style spiced with jokes like the
following: 'The meteorological news announces that in two days the world will
be flooded. In a panic, the entire world crowds into temples, churches,
mosques and synagogues and prays for salvation. A tottering old rabbi comes to
one crowded synagogue and shouts at the top of his lungs: "You're wasting time
praying? Are you meshuge? You've only got forty-five hours to learn how to
live under water!"' (p. 32)
After a sketch of the Bohemian Lands in Löw's era at the end of the 16th
century under the rule of the Emperor Rudolf, and a classification of Löw as
belonging to the line of the 'dissidents' Hus, Chelčický, Comenius and Masaryk
(sic), there follows an overview of the entire history of the Jewish nation in
one chapter 'from Abraham to Einstein'. Four thousand years, seen from the
perspective of education, are distilled into thirty-seven pages; it was
education that helped this nation to survive and I too consider the emphasis
on education to be one of the most important aspects of Judaism. It was Rabbi
Löw whose "pedagogical vision constituted the foundation of the specifically
Czech pedagogy, which a few decades later, thanks to Comenius, became the
framework of success for the education of the Protestant West" (p. 95). Rabbi
Löw's vision included: the use and development of originality, individuality,
spontaneity; the conception of teaching as a joyful experience, without fear
or punishment; the conception of the question as half the way to knowledge;
the independent solution of problems; rewards for diligent study; the use of
all the senses for learning; repetition and additional mnemonic aids, and so
In addition to Löw the pedagogue and 'psychologist', the reader is presented
with Löw the teacher of ethics, who allegedly considered the most important
virtues to be: truthfulness, reserve, reticence, seriousness, temperance,
humility, patience, affluence, generosity and a good name. I am not sure
that, "all the ethical rules which guided Christianity, Humanism, the
Enlightenment and parliamentary democracy came from the Torah of Moses, the
Prophets and the Talmud" (p. 123); however, I agree with Kuras's
interpretation that, "The commandments and prohibitions of this system reined
in human avarice and destructiveness; they limited and modified these
qualities and thus protected humanity from its own destruction" (p. 138).
The analysis of Löw's "theory of the center" (emtza) leads the reader to
suspect that things are more complex than they are described in Kuras's work.
As someone who attended Joseph Dan and Moshe Idel's lectures at the Hebrew
University in Jerusalem - both of whom pointed to the profound and fascinating
sea of Kabbalistic teaching - it seems to me very sad to trot through a course
on the Kabbalah with the reassurance, "don't bother your head about it, if
it's not immediately clear" (p. 155). It's clear to the author, and therefore
he is not ashamed to explain it to us in a few pages. This explanation may
include a few errors (illustration no. 1 keter is erroneously translated
as 'equilibrium' instead of 'crown', p. 152), but nonetheless is written by
someone who understands that 'reception and receiving are the foundation of
all Kabbalistic mysticism' and therefore he can give a sort of 'Speak English
in Three Months', quick course on the Kabbalah.
The two concluding chapters touch on the question "Who is a Jew?" and the
problem of anti-Semitism. It is a pity that the author does not offer his own
answer to the question "Who is a Jew?", for example, a measure of solidarity
with the Jewish nation, or the acceptance of its specific responsibility and
mission. I consider it an unfair distortion to portray the postwar German
political scene with nothing more than a few citations from anti-Semitic
historians like Ernst Nolte; I believe that Germany has also gone through a
fundamental process of reflection on its guilt for the deaths of the six
million who mu
• PRAGinfo IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: propAGit 12.07.03, 14:21 zarchiwizowany
• Policy Research Action Group IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: compJid 11.07.03, 18:53 zarchiwizowany
PRAGmatics ?
Founded in 1989, PRAG is a consortium of community-based and community-focused
nonprofit organizations and urban universities which currently include Chicago
State University, DePaul University, Loyola University of Chicago, National-
Louis University, and University of Illinois, Chicago.
For more than ten years PRAG has played a catalytic role that has helped
change the research landscape and transform a relationship that was either
adversarial or non-existent to one that is engaged and productive. Today,
there are hundreds of community/university collaborations across the country,
even around the world. Visitors from England, El Salvador, and even Australia,
have come to Chicago to consult with PRAG about its approach.
• Census Data for the Year 1790 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 1790 01.07.03, 23:29 zarchiwizowany
The following text is a transcription of the first 10 amendments to the
Constitution in their original form. These amendments were ratified December
15, 1791, and form what is known as the "Bill of Rights."
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or
of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the
consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime,
unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising
in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time
of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence
to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any cri
minal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty,
or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken
for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy
and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the
crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously
ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the
accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have
compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the
Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty
dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a
jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than
according to the rules of the common law.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel
and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed
to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to
the people.
External Link
• Arthur Schopenhauer 1788-1860 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: * 01.07.03, 18:02 zarchiwizowany
Arthur Schopenhauer is frequently referred to as a pessimist who inaugurated
an emphasis on the will in modern philosophy. His early education was in
France and England; he entered the University of Gottingen as a medical
student but transferred to Berlin in 1811 to study philosophy. His thesis, On
the Fourfold Root of Sufficient Reason, was written in 1813. Though she had
bitter and antagonistic relations him, his mother established a salon at
Weimar which allowed him to meet literary figures, including Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe, whose conversations inspired Schopenhauer's On Vision and Colors
in 1816. The World as Will and Representation, his major work, appeared in
1818. After his father's death he devoted himself entirely to philosophy,
being able to live comfortably on his inheritance.
When he applied to become a lecturer at the University of Berlin, he was
accepted by a committee which included Hegel as a member. Schopenhauer offered
his lectures at the same hours as Hegel, and found that no students could be
won from him, which eventually ended his university career. He thereafter
often referred to Hegel and his colleagues Schelling and Fichte as charlatans
and windbags, although he had been a student of Fichte and his philosophy owed
much to Fichte's conception of the will. He later wrote an essay called On
University Philosophy which aired his personal resentment. Some of his later
works include On the Will in Nature (1836), The Basis of Morality (1841), and
Parerga and Paralipomena (1851), which was the book that finally brought him
some recognition.
The two philosophers he admired most were Kant and Plato. He found Kant's
doctrine of the unknowable thing-in-itself unacceptable, and thought that the
ultimate reality was will. Humans are active creatures who find themselves
compelled to love, hate, desire, and reject; the knowledge that this nature is
so is irreducible. Although the will is entirely real, it is not free, nor
does it have any ultimate purpose. Rather, it is all-consuming, pointless, and
negative, "all life is suffering." There is also no escape from the will in
nature; expressions of the will are seen throughout nature--in the struggles
of animals, the stirring of a seed, the turning of a magnet. The only purpose
in life must be that of escaping the will and its painful strivings. The arts,
with their "will-less perception," provide a temporary haven--especially
music, the highest of the arts. The only final escape is sheer extinction of
the will. Outright suicide will not do because it is an assertion of the will.
The three aids to salvation are philosophic knowledge, contemplation of works
of art, and sympathy for others. His ideas were strongly influenced by the
Upanishads and Buddhism. Schopenhauer was the first major European philosopher
to make a point of atheism; however, he admired the asceticism of Christianity
and Buddhism, declaring that after removing the dogmas these religions have as
their philosophical underpinning the abolition of the will.
Schopenhauer's strongest influence was on Nietzsche, Freud, Wittgenstein, and
musician Richard Wagner, whose Tristan and Isolde puts to music the blind
• --------------------1788----------------- IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: '''''''''\ 01.07.03, 17:54 zarchiwizowany
• nowy tydzien ...active region 375 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: <©> 30.06.03, 02:13 zarchiwizowany
Space Weather News for June 28, 2003
SUNSPOT WATCH: Earlier this month a large sunspot ("active region 375")
crossed the Earth-facing side of the sun and unleashed several powerful
solar flares. For the past two weeks it has been out of sight on the far
side of our star, but now sunspot 375 is back. It reappeared this weekend
near the sun's northeastern limb.
The active region, which is about 10 times wider than our entire planet,
is still an impressive sight through properly-filtered telescopes. Visit
spaceweather.com for safe solar observing tips and to see recent images of
the emerging spot.
WARNING: Never look at the sun directly with your naked eye or through
unfiltered telescopes or binoculars. Bright sunlight, especially when
focused through a telescope, can damage your eyes.
• Dr.Paul Eser IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: de 27.06.03, 18:10 zarchiwizowany
Paul Eßer, der Poet, den sich diese Gegend wohl kaum verdient hat, brachte auf
dieser CD einige seiner Gedichte mit der Musik des Saxophonisten Gerd Dudek,
des Bassisten Ali Haurand und Jiri Stivin (der mit Flöte, Klarinette und
Saxophon eine breite Instrumentenpalette beherrscht) zusammen. Daraus entstand
ein Meisterwerk, bei dem Sprache und Musik sich ideal begegnen.
Dabei bedarf es bei dieser Dichtersprache oft zusätzlicher Musikstücke, die
ohne Text wirken müssen, während die von Paul Eßer selbst gesprochenen Texte
auch ohne Musik auskommen müssen. Das ist gewollt und macht diese Platte zu
einem Gesamtkunstwerk bei dem Gedichte mit Musik einen unterhaltsamen,
spannenden und lustvollen Hörgenuss bieten. Dankbar hörte ich, musikalisch
unterstützt von Jiri Stivin, den Vigoleis-Thelen-Text "Letzter Wille", der
daran erinnert, dass dieser große Dichter am 28.09.2003 seinen 100. Geburtstag
hätte feiern können.
• AGORA 4 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 44 24.06.03, 17:02 zarchiwizowany
• ||_||_||_||_||_||___EVOLUTION___||_||_||_||_||_|| IP: *.gen.twtelecom.net
Gość: Genetic 19.06.03, 14:09 zarchiwizowany
Darwin TimeDarwin Time
• ...R...e: ......... IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: <> 19.06.03, 13:55 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: .... napisał(a):
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• Jądrowe Istoty - EUKARIONTY - to ty i ja !!!! IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: a 19.06.03, 00:05 zarchiwizowany
Eukarionty, jądrowce, eukariota (Eukaryota),
organizmy żywe posiadające jądra komórkowe otoczone
błoną jądrową i zawierające chromatynę. W komórce
eukariotycznej znajdują się organelle (które nie występują
u prokariontów), tj. mitochondria i plastydy, które
zawierają własny DNA (kwasy nukleinowe) oraz aparat
biosyntezy białka.
Do eukariontów zalicza się większość organizmów poza
bakteriami i sinicami, które należą do królestwa
prokariontów (Bezjąrdowe). Organizmy jąrdowe wyróżnia
się w randze królestwa, do którego współcześnie zalicza
się trzy podkrólestwa: rośliny (Phytobionta), zwierzęta
(Zoobionta) i grzyby (Mycobionta).
Bakterie (Bacteria, Schizomycetes), jedna z gromad
królestwa bezjądrowych obejmująca organizmy
o różnych kształtach (ziarenkowce, pałeczki, laseczki,
przecinkowce i śrubowce), które mogą się łączyć,
dwoinki, łańcuszki luźno powiązanych komórek
, nieregularne skupienia (gronkowiec) lub regularne
Zamiast jądra komórkowego mają nukleoid.
W ich komórkach brak również mitochondriów,
których rolę pełnią mezosomy.
W niesprzyjających warunkach bakterie tworzą formy
przetrwalnikowe. Rozmnażają się wegetatywnie przez
podział (rzadko obserwowane procesy płciowe służą
jedynie do tworzenia form mieszańcowych).
Bakterie są w większości cudzożywne (heterotrofy),
część zaś samożywna (chemoautotrofy i fotoautotrofy).
Są wśród nich zarówno tlenowce, jak i beztlenowce.
Bakterie mają bardzo szeroką tolerancję ekologiczną
i mogą występować w ekstremalnych warunkach środowiska
(np. w gorących źródłach czy na śniegu). Odgrywają
(obok grzybów) ważną rolę w rozkładzie materii organicznej
(destruenci). Niektóre pasożytują w organizmach ludzkich,
zwierzęcych i roślinnych (bakterie chorobotwórcze).
Do najważniejszych grup ekologiczno-fizjologicznych
należą bakterie glebowe (wytwarzające m.in. próchnicę
glebową) i bakterie korzeniowe. Ze względu na
wykorzystywane źródło energii wyróżnia się m.in.
bakterie: siarkowe (uzyskujące energię, potrzebną do
asymilacji dwutlenku węgla, podczas utleniania siarki
i jej związków), metanowe (rozkładające związki
organiczne z wytworzeniem metanu), wodorowe
(utleniające wodór cząsteczkowy), żelazowe
(utleniające związki żelazawe do żelazowych),
purpurowe siarkowe (samożywne, zawierające
bakteriochlorofil, które w czasie fotosyntezy
redukują dwutlenek węgla, utleniając siarkowodór)
i purpurowe bezsiarkowe (na świetle, przy braku
tlenu, samożywne, w czasie fotosyntezy redukujące
dwutlenek węgla przez utlenianie znajdujących się
w środowisku alkoholi lub wodoru).
Bakterie zostały odkryte i opisane po raz pierwszy
przez A. Leeuwenhoeka, nazwę zaś nadał im w 1838
niemiecki przyrodnik i lekarz Ch.G. Ehrenberg
Nukleoid, prokarion, część komórki bakterii, sinic i wirusów wspólnie
zaliczanych do tzw. prokariontów (Procaryota), stanowiąca odpowiednik jądra
komórkowego eukariontów (Eucaryota), do których zaliczane są wszystkie inne
Nukleoid nie posiada błony jądrowej. Zawiera genofor, zwany również
chromosomem bakteryjnym, zbudowany z cząsteczki DNA, rzadziej, u nielicznych
wirusów, z RNA (kwasy nukleinowe). Podczas podziału komórki następuje
replikacja cząsteczki DNA, jednak, w odróżnieniu od procesu mitozy u
eukariontów, nie występuje tu wrzeciono podziałowe.
Biologia, Botanika
Pierwsze heterotrofy i autotrofy
Sinice (Cyanophyta, Cyanobacteria), gromada zaliczana do królestwa
Organizmy jedno- lub wielokomórkowe, samożywne, zawierające chlorofil i
maskujące go barwniki: niebieski fikocyjan, czerwoną fikoerytrynę i żółty
karoten. Żyją pojedynczo lub w nitkowatych koloniach, niektóre wykazują
zdolność aktywnego ruchu.
Rozmnażanie następuje przez podział, płciowych form dotychczas nie
zaobserwowano (rozmnażanie). Mają zdolność wiązania azotu atmosferycznego, są
organizmami pionierskimi, powszechnie występującymi w wodzie, w planktonie,
wywołując niekiedy barwne zakwity, w osadach dennych oraz na roślinach
wodnych, a także na lądzie, w glebie, na korze drzew, itp. Mogą żyć w gorących
źródłach, w temperaturze do 85°C.
Nadmiar sinic w zbiornikach wodnych jest niekorzystny, wydzielają bowiem
substancje trujące, mogące stwarzać niebezpieczeństwo dla zwierząt. Niekiedy
wzbogacają glebę w związki azotowe, a w niektórych krajach (Japonia, Chiny) są
zbierane i spożywane.
Wirusy, Virales, twory biologiczne o wielkości 15-300nm, widoczne pod
mikroskopem elektronowym (z nielicznymi wyjątkami), charakteryzujące się
brakiem budowy komórkowej i brakiem własnych układów enzymatycznych,
niezbędnych do przebiegu procesów metabolicznych, syntezy białek i replikacji.
Z tych względów wirusy nie rosną i nie rozmnażają się, są pasożytami
obligatoryjnymi, tzn. do istnienia w przyrodzie niezbędne jest ich stałe
krążenie pomiędzy organizmami żywymi (komórkami roślinnymi, zwierzęcymi lub
bakteryjnymi - bakteriofagi). Wszystkie funkcje wirusów dokonywane są przez
rybosomy gospodarza.
Wirusy zbudowane są z wirionu, czyli kwasu nukleinowego (DNA lub RNA),
zamkniętego w kapsydzie tworzącym swoisty płaszcz białkowy. Kapsyd składa się
z kapsomerów (podjednostek białkowych). Jego kształt oraz liczba kapsomerów
jest charakterystyczna dla danej grupy wirusów. U niektórych wirusów dodatkowo
wystepuje osłonka. W budowie można wyróżnić dwa typy symetrii: kubiczną i
spiralną, a tylko nieliczne wykazują symetrię kompleksową.
Wirusy dzielimy na: wirusy DNA, wirusy RNA i wirusy powolne. Do wirusów DNA
należą np.: adenowirusy, herpeswirusy, wirusy krowianki, wirusy ospy
prawdziwej czyli poxwirusy, wirusy Papova. Wirusami RNA są m.in.: arbowirusy,
wirusy Coxackie, ECHO - wirusy, poliowirusy, myxowirusy np. wirusy NDV,
rhinowirusy, RS - wirusy, wirus wścieklizny, wirusy Picorna.
Wirusy są inaktywowane przez kwasy i zasady nieorganiczne o odpowiednim
stężeniu, wysoką temperaturę, promieniowanie ultrafioletowe i jonizujące,
niektóre utleniacze np. jod.
• 1SeC IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: exe 16.06.03, 17:50 zarchiwizowany
• ......................................ZION IS REAL IP: *.gen.twtelecom.net
Gość: <> 16.06.03, 14:08 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: المركز ال ل napisał(a):
> Alef
> Zion is not real
• Re: Do Pauliny IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 16.06.03, 13:54 zarchiwizowany
pauline_kaczanow napisała:
> drf napisał:
> > drf napisał:
> >
> > > pauline_kaczanow napisała:
> > >
> > > > CIekawe zawsze patrzac na wpisy na aquanecie zastanawiam sie o c
> o cho
> > dzi d
> > > rf
> > > > wyjasnisz mi too?????????
> > > Witam Paulino!
> > > Postaram sie "too?????????" wyjasnic, chociaz nie jestem pewny o ktor
> e "to
> > "
> > > chodzi...na przyklad ANIMACJA
> > to egzemplarz ANIMACJI symbolicznej wywolujacej glebokie zmiany
> > > duchowe ,oczywisciec pod warunkiem iz zna sie jezyk i jest dojrzalym
> do
> > > zmian ;)))
> jakie animacje? wyjasnij mi to? jak sie to osiaga?
> i o co jesczze chodzi?
> u mnie wszystko ok. napisze ci na privie usmiejesz sie z mojego ostatniego
> zajecia.
> A poza tym chyba sie przeprowadzam do Izraela w lipcu. I to jest ta
> zmiana. A u ciebie??
> Calusy
> PAul
> > > A jak u Ciebie ?
> > > Pzdr BIS
> > > drf
PrzeloZmy wyTlumaczeNIE na niedaleka przyszlosc bo jak mawial moj sp Ojciec :
ze lo ose ha sejhl ose ha zman...czego umysl nie wyjasni ,wyjasni czas...
Zycze Ci wszystkiego najlepszego w zwiazku z wyjazdem do Izraela ...Niech
Cie maja w opiece Wyzsze Sily Animacji...to tyle jak na razie ;)
• Re: Do Pauliny
pauline_kaczanow 16.06.03, 01:01 zarchiwizowany
drf napisał:
> drf napisał:
> > pauline_kaczanow napisała:
> >
> > > CIekawe zawsze patrzac na wpisy na aquanecie zastanawiam sie o co cho
> dzi d
> > rf
> > > wyjasnisz mi too?????????
> > Witam Paulino!
> > Postaram sie "too?????????" wyjasnic, chociaz nie jestem pewny o ktore "to
> "
> > chodzi...na przyklad ANIMACJA
> to egzemplarz ANIMACJI symbolicznej wywolujacej glebokie zmiany
> > duchowe ,oczywisciec pod warunkiem iz zna sie jezyk i jest dojrzalym do
> > zmian ;)))
jakie animacje? wyjasnij mi to? jak sie to osiaga?
i o co jesczze chodzi?
u mnie wszystko ok. napisze ci na privie usmiejesz sie z mojego ostatniego
A poza tym chyba sie przeprowadzam do Izraela w lipcu. I to jest ta najwieksza
zmiana. A u ciebie??
> > A jak u Ciebie ?
> > Pzdr BIS
> > drf
• |__________ZION IS REAL__________|
cera_leppera 15.06.03, 23:25 zarchiwizowany
المركز ال ل is not real
No Matrix
Twarz Prawdy
• <
Gość: لمركز ال ل 15.06.03, 23:08 zarchiwizowany
No Matrix
Zion is not real
• Do Pauliny
drf 14.06.03, 00:56 zarchiwizowany
drf napisał:
> pauline_kaczanow napisała:
> > CIekawe zawsze patrzac na wpisy na aquanecie zastanawiam sie o co chodzi d
> rf
> > wyjasnisz mi too?????????
> Witam Paulino!
> Postaram sie "too?????????" wyjasnic, chociaz nie jestem pewny o ktore "to"
> chodzi...na przyklad ANIMACJA
to egzemplarz ANIMACJI symbolicznej wywolujacej glebokie zmiany
> duchowe ,oczywisciec pod warunkiem iz zna sie jezyk i jest dojrzalym do
> zmian ;)))
> A jak u Ciebie ?
> Pzdr BIS
> drf
• Re: --------------------AQUANET------------------
drf 14.06.03, 00:51 zarchiwizowany
pauline_kaczanow napisała:
> CIekawe zawsze patrzac na wpisy na aquanecie zastanawiam sie o co chodzi drf
> wyjasnisz mi too?????????
Witam Paulino!
Postaram sie "too?????????" wyjasnic, chociaz nie jestem pewny o ktore "to"
chodzi...na przyklad webnews.textalk.com/upload/article/bild/19221-
fcf1ec.gif to egzemplarz ANIMACJI symbolicznej wywolujacej glebokie zmiany
duchowe ,oczywisciec pod warunkiem iz zna sie jezyk i jest dojrzalym do
zmian ;)))
A jak u Ciebie ?
• Re: --------------------AQUANET------------------
pauline_kaczanow 10.06.03, 23:31 zarchiwizowany
CIekawe zawsze patrzac na wpisy na aquanecie zastanawiam sie o co chodzi drf
wyjasnisz mi too?????????
• Re: .....Dr F ???
dr_frojd 09.06.03, 00:19 zarchiwizowany
dr_frojd 08.06.03, 23:25 zarchiwizowany
• to face our fear of death - and live each day IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: :{א}: 06.06.03, 22:08 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: andy napisał(a):
> Wedlug Dalai Lamy potrzeba wiecej wspolczucia i swiadomosci iluzji w
> nami. Podpisuje sie.
This Life is Precious -- and Fleeting
The Dalai Lama's new book urges us to face our fear of death - and live each
By His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Reprinted with permission from "Advice on Dying and Living a Better Life" by
arrangement with Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
It is in the nature of cyclic existence that what has gathered will eventually
disperse—parents, children, brothers, sisters, and friends. No matter how much
friends like each other, eventually they must separate. Gurus and students,
parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, and friends—no
matter who they are—must eventually separate.
While my senior tutor, Ling Rinpochay, was healthy, it was almost impossible,
unbearable, for me to think about his death. For me, he was always like a very
solid rock on which I could rely. I wondered how I could survive without him.
But when he suffered a stroke, after which there was a second, very serious
stroke, eventually the situation allowed part of my mind to think, "Now it
would be better for him to go." Sometimes I have even thought that he
deliberately took on that illness, so that when he did actually pass away, I
would be ready to handle the next task—to search for his reincarnation.
In addition to separating from all of our friends, the wealth and resources
that accumulate over time—no matter how marvelous they are—eventually become
unusable. No matter how high your rank or position, you must eventually fall.
To remind myself of this, when I ascend the high platform from which I teach,
just as I am sitting down, I recite to myself the words of the Diamond Cutter
Sutra about impermanence:
View things compounded from causes
To be like twinkling stars, figments seen with an eye disease,
The flickering light of a butter lamp, magical illusions,
Dew, bubbles, dreams, lightning, and clouds.
I reflect on the fragility of caused phenomena, and then snap my fingers, the
brief sound symbolizing impermanence. This is how I remind myself that I will
soon be descending from the high throne.
Any living being—no matter how long he or she lives—must eventually die. There
is no other way. Once you dwell within cyclic existence, you cannot live
outside of its nature. No matter how marvelous things may be, it is built into
their very nature that they and you, who take joy in them, must degenerate in
the end.
Not only must you die in the end, but you do not know when the end will come.
If you did, you could put off preparing for the future. Even if you show signs
of living to a ripe old age, you cannot say with one hundred percent certainty
that today you will not die.
You must not procrastinate. Rather, you should make preparations so that even
if you did die tonight, you would have no regrets. If you develop an
appreciation for the uncertainty and imminence of death, your sense of the
importance of using your time wisely will get stronger and stronger. As the
Tibetan scholar-yogi Tsongkhapa says:
When the difficulty of finding this human body
is understood, there is no way to stay doing
When its great meaning is seen, passing the time
senselessly is a cause of sorrow.
When death is contemplated, preparation to go
to the next life is made.
When actions and their effects are contemplated,
sources of non-conscientiousness are turned
When in this way these four roots have become
Other virtuous practices easily grow.
Thinking about death not only serves as a preparation for dying and prompts
actions that benefit future lives, but it also dramatically affects your
mental perspective. For instance, when people are not accustomed to this
practice of being mindful about the certainty of death, then even when it is
obvious that they are old and will soon pass away, their friends and family
feel they cannot be realistic with them, and even feel the need to compliment
them on their physical appearance. Both parties know it is a lie. It is
Sometimes even patients suffering from terminal diseases such as cancer avoid
using the words "die" or "death." I find it almost impossible to speak with
them about their impending death; they resist hearing about it. But for one
who cannot now face even the word "death," never mind the reality of it, the
actual arrival of death is likely to bring with it great discomfort and fear.
On the other hand, when I meet with a practitioner who appears to be near
death, I do not hesitate to say, "Whether you die or recover, you need
preparation for both." It is possible for us to reflect together on the
imminence of death. There is no need to hide anything, for that person is
prepared to face death with no regret. A practitioner who, early on, thinks
about impermanence is much more courageous and happy while dying. Reflecting
on the uncertainty of the time of death develops a mind that is peaceful,
disciplined, and virtuous, because it is dwelling on more than the superficial
stuff of this short lifetime.
1. If you cultivate a sense of the uncertainty of the time of death, you will
make better use of your time.
2. To prevent procrastination with regard to spiritual practice, take care not
to come under the influence of the illusion of permanence.
3. Realize that no matter how wonderful a situation may be, its nature is such
that it must end.
4. Do not think that there will be time later.
5. Be frank about facing your own death. Skillfully encourage others to be
frank about their deaths. Do not deceive each other with compliments when the
time of death is near. Honesty will foster courage and joy.
jestes dzisiaj w domu ?
moze sie spotkamy ?
• Re: --------------------AQUANET------------------ IP: *.stockholm.yahoo.se
Gość: HTHTHTHTHT 05.06.03, 22:56 zarchiwizowany
• Re: PLUS MINUS 3 TYSIACLECIA IP: *.telia.com
Gość: andy 05.06.03, 22:47 zarchiwizowany
Wedlug Dalai Lamy potrzeba wiecej wspolczucia i swiadomosci iluzji w nas/poza
nami. Podpisuje sie.
• PLUS MINUS 3 TYSIACLECIA IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: o 05.06.03, 11:06 zarchiwizowany
------------------ERA neoOSWIECENIA---------------
• }_IQ_mathRe:X IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ©*©* 02.06.03, 01:55 zarchiwizowany
• ........................ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: . 01.06.03, 15:23 zarchiwizowany
RIFF2ê WAVEfmt "V "V fact ê data ê }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
• Re: drUfO
zupagrzybowa 30.05.03, 02:43 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: |||||||||||||||||| napisał(a):
> ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Ciemnosci
kryja umysl czlowieka a swiatlo slonca to termonuklearna explozja - czyste pieklo !!!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
• drUfO IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: |||||||||| 30.05.03, 02:05 zarchiwizowany
• Devil's-bones IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: "|||" 22.05.03, 16:17 zarchiwizowany
• diosCorea IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: * 22.05.03, 16:14 zarchiwizowany
"target="_blank">DIOSC Dioscorea L. yam
> DIAL2 Dioscorea alata L. water yam
> DIAL3 Dioscorea altissima Lam. dunguey
> DIBU Dioscorea bulbifera L. air yam
> DICA25 Dioscorea cayenensis Lam. yellow guinea yam
> DICA10 Dioscorea cayennensis Lam. yellow yam
> DICO15 Dioscorea composita Hemsley yam
> DICO16 Dioscorea convolvulacea Cham. & Schldl. yam
> DIDU2 Dioscorea dumetorum (Kunth) Pax bitter yam
> DIEL2 Dioscorea elephantipes (L'Her.) Engl. hottentot-bread
> DIES2 Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill lesser yam
> DIFL5 Dioscorea floribunda C. Martius & Galeotti yam
> DIFL4 Dioscorea floridana Bartlett Florida yam
> DIVIF Dioscorea villosa L. var. floridana (Bartlett) Ahles
> DIHI7 Dioscorea hispida Dennst. intoxicating yam
> DIJA2 Dioscorea japonica Thunb. Japanese yam
> DIMA15 Dioscorea macrostachya Benth. yam
> DINU4 Dioscorea nummularia Lam. yam
> DIOP Dioscorea oppositifolia L. Chinese yam
> DIBA2 Dioscorea batatas Dcne.
> DIPE2 Dioscorea pentaphylla L. fiveleaf yam
> DIPI Dioscorea pilosiuscula Bertero ex Spreng. bulbous yam
> DIPO2 Dioscorea polygonoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. mata gallina
> DIPR4 Dioscorea praehensilis Benth. bush yam
> DIPR5 Dioscorea preussii Pax Preuss' dioscorea
> DIQU Dioscorea quaternata J.F. Gmel. fourleaf yam
> DIGL3 Dioscorea glauca Muhl. ex Bartlett
> DIQUG Dioscorea quaternata J.F. Gmel. var. glauca (Muhl. ex
> Fern.
> DIVIG Dioscorea villosa L. var. glabrifolia (Bartlett) Fern.
> DIRO Dioscorea rotundata Poir. Guinea yam
> DISA17 Dioscorea sansibarensis Pax Zanzibar yam
> DISP6 Dioscorea spiculiflora Hemsley yam
> DITR3 Dioscorea trifida L. f. Indian yam
> DIVI4 Dioscorea villosa L. wild yam
> DIHI Dioscorea hirticaulis Bartlett
> DIVIH Dioscorea villosa L. var. hirticaulis (Bartlett) Ahles
• dioscorea IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: yam 22.05.03, 16:09 zarchiwizowany
What is the Difference Betweena Sweetpotato and a
Yam?..DIOSCOREA Family: Dioscoreaceae Genus: Dioscorea Species: opositae, sp.
Common Name: Wild Yam Ethnic Names: Huang Yao Tzu, Shu Yu, Yam
Properties/Actions: Antispasmodic, Anti-fatigue, Anti-inflammatory,
Estrogenic, Hypocholesterolemic Phytochemicals Include: Aluminum, Ascorbic-
acid, Ash, Beta-carotene, Calcium, Chromium, Cobalt, Dioscin, Dioscorin,
Diosgenin, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Niacin, Phosphorus, Potassium, Protein,
Riboflavin, Selenium, Silicon, Sodium, Thiamin, Tin, Zinc _Country
ETHNOBOTANY: WORLDWIDE USES Elsewhere Arthritis, Burn, Cardiotonic,
Rheumatism China Carbuncle, Diarrhea, Fatigue, Leukorrhea, Tumor New Britain
Sore_REFERENCED QUOTES ON DIOSCOREA 2. "These tubers have been used in some
cultures as a coffee substitute. It helps support the spleen, lungs and
kidneys. Dioscoreae contains up to thirteen percent diosgenin. Diosgenin has
been processed and given to patients to relieve arthritis, asthma, eczema,
regulate metabolism and control fertility. Diosgenin provides the steroid
building blocks for developing human sex hormones and can be used for
developing muscle mass and strength. It has been used for emotional
instability, chronic cough, diarrhea, and diabetes." 4. "Medicinal Action and
Uses: Antispasmodic. Perhaps the best relief and promptest cure for bilious
colic, especially helpful in the nausea of pregnant women. Valuable also in
painful cholera morbus with cramps, neuralgic affections, spasmodic hiccough
and spasmodic asthma." 9. "Botanical name: Dioscorea oppositae Pharmaceutical
name: Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae. English: Chinese Yam Root. Properties:
sweet, neutral. Channels entered: Spleen, Lung, Kidney. Functions and clinical
use: Tonifies and benefits the Spleen and Stomach: used in cases of Deficient
Spleen or Stomach with such symptoms as diarrhea, fatigue, spontaneous
sweating, and lack of appetite. Benefits the Lungs and nourishes the Kidneys:
used for Wasting and Thirsting syndrome. Because this herb moistens and is
neither hot nor cold, it benefits both the Yin and the Yang of the Lungs and
Kidneys. It is also used for spermatorrhea, frequent urination, and
leukorrhea." 14. "Wild yam root has been used for hundreds of years to treat
rheumatism and arthritis-like ailments. The discovery of steroidal glycosides
(diosgenin) in the root validated this ancient practice. Most species of yams
contain large amounts of plant steroids, primarily diosgenin, a saponin
precursor in the synthesis of progesterone. Without the yams, the industrial
complex would not be able to meet the worldwide demand for synthetic
corticosteroids. But with them, scientists can derive animal or human steroids
in a fairly straightforward multi step process. Wild yams are the only really
good source of plant steroids for such purposes.Diosgenin provides about 50
percent of the raw material for steroid synthesis. It must be emphasized that
there is not an equivalency between diosgenin and human steroids. It takes
many synthetic steps to get from one to the other. If yam has steroidal
effects on the body, it is not because it contains steroidal hormones, but
because the steroidal precursors have similar effects. The body does not
recognize them or mistake them for its own hormones, but uses them in a
similar manner. Research has shown that yam, yam extract and/or diosgenin
possess good to excellent anti-inflammatory action. In one series of studies,
yam was found to induce a short-lived decrease in blood pressure and an
increase in coronary flow when injected intravenously into rabbits. Also in
rabbits, the saponins of yam, fed orally, prevented large increases in blood
cholesterol levels. The good therapeutic effect of dioscorea saponins on
patients with atherosclerosis combined with hypertension was confirmed in
Clinical practice. The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia recognizes wild yam root
as a spasmolytic, mild diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and
cholagogue, for use in the treatment of intestinal colic, diverticulitis,
rheumatoid arthritis, muscular rheumatism, cramps, intermittent claudication,
cholecystitis, dysmenorrhea, and ovarian and uterine pain. Bilious colic and
rheumatoid arthritis are specific indications for the use of yam."
DIOSC Dioscorea L. yam
DIAL2 Dioscorea alata L. water yam
DIAL3 Dioscorea altissima Lam. dunguey
DIBU Dioscorea bulbifera L. air yam
DICA25 Dioscorea cayenensis Lam. yellow guinea yam
DICA10 Dioscorea cayennensis Lam. yellow yam
DICO15 Dioscorea composita Hemsley yam
DICO16 Dioscorea convolvulacea Cham. & Schldl. yam
DIDU2 Dioscorea dumetorum (Kunth) Pax bitter yam
DIEL2 Dioscorea elephantipes (L'Her.) Engl. hottentot-bread
DIES2 Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill lesser yam
DIFL5 Dioscorea floribunda C. Martius & Galeotti yam
DIFL4 Dioscorea floridana Bartlett Florida yam
DIVIF Dioscorea villosa L. var. floridana (Bartlett) Ahles
DIHI7 Dioscorea hispida Dennst. intoxicating yam
DIJA2 Dioscorea japonica Thunb. Japanese yam
DIMA15 Dioscorea macrostachya Benth. yam
DINU4 Dioscorea nummularia Lam. yam
DIOP Dioscorea oppositifolia L. Chinese yam
DIBA2 Dioscorea batatas Dcne.
DIPE2 Dioscorea pentaphylla L. fiveleaf yam
DIPI Dioscorea pilosiuscula Bertero ex Spreng. bulbous yam
DIPO2 Dioscorea polygonoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. mata gallina
DIPR4 Dioscorea praehensilis Benth. bush yam
DIPR5 Dioscorea preussii Pax Preuss' dioscorea
DIQU Dioscorea quaternata J.F. Gmel. fourleaf yam
DIGL3 Dioscorea glauca Muhl. ex Bartlett
DIQUG Dioscorea quaternata J.F. Gmel. var. glauca (Muhl. ex Bartlett)
DIVIG Dioscorea villosa L. var. glabrifolia (Bartlett) Fern.
DIRO Dioscorea rotundata Poir. Guinea yam
DISA17 Dioscorea sansibarensis Pax Zanzibar yam
DISP6 Dioscorea spiculiflora Hemsley yam
DITR3 Dioscorea trifida L. f. Indian yam
DIVI4 Dioscorea villosa L. wild yam
DIHI Dioscorea hirticaulis Bartlett
DIVIH Dioscorea villosa L. var. hirticaulis (Bartlett) Ahles
• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 22.05.03, 12:29 zarchiwizowany
• laBiryntH IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: "|||" 21.05.03, 20:05 zarchiwizowany
Labrynth (keypad numbered arrows with numlock ON for

• . . . . . . . . . IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: . . . . 21.05.03, 19:44 zarchiwizowany
.. ... .... ...... ....... . . . .. .
. .. . . .. . . .. .
. .. . . .. . . .. . .
.. . . .. . . .. . .
.. . . .. . . .. . . ..
. . .. . . .. . . ..
. . .. . . . . . .. .
. .. . . .. . . .. . .
.. . . .. . . .. . .
.. . . .. . . .. . . ..
. . .. . . . .. . . .
. . . .. . . .. . . ..
. . .
• Men Jose han e cool !!!! IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: JD 21.05.03, 13:00 zarchiwizowany
• X...s...tr.e..a...m...S ..
drf 20.05.03, 21:55 zarchiwizowany
> HAARABFUCKMARA©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©BFUCKAS
> JIHAAARA©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©http://www.matrixcommunity.org/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=7©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©BFUCKRABFUCKDD
> AABABF©©©©©
©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©The theme to explore is the primary
ASSUMPTION of Bostrom's
that makes or breaks the idea that we ARE living in a Matrix construct. His
assumption is almost 100% wrong. Why? Well, because most scientists these days
forget that quantum theory (which underlies most physics and forms a general
background for any philosophical discussions of physics) is only an effetive
theory. That is, it can never explain our universe entirely. The reason ahs to
do with the other great theory that explains everything else about our
universe that quantum theory fails to, namely Einsteins general relativity
(GR). In GR the universe is a whole, time both past future and present is One.
The subjective sense of the passing of time that we all have is due to the way
our brains store information from certain regions of spacetime but not others.
This, plus the assymetric boundary conditions, or Hawking's n-boundary
proposal, imply that quantum theory (which explicitly requires an objective
time separate from sopace) cannot be the complete picture. Therefore, all
speculations like the NewScientist article, are groundless.
> ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©http://kejtlin.blog.pl/
• .................. XstreamS ......................
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 20.05.03, 11:28 zarchiwizowany
• ^^^^^^^^^^^^1753^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: Prime 20.05.03, 02:09 zarchiwizowany
• ZION CITY IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: Mtrx* 20.05.03, 01:14 zarchiwizowany
• ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ^^^^^^^^^^ 19.05.03, 23:36 zarchiwizowany
• {}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{} IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: :{א}: 19.05.03, 22:05 zarchiwizowany
rget="_blank")זשערםגש 'ןקחדלש(/a)
(a href="http://www.burak.com/"target="_blank")נורשלן
(a href="http://members.the-spa.com/~kaneskitchen/"target="_blank")לובימןש(/a)
)חשלש ךשגמש פםעםגש(/a)
")זופש ערזטנם'ש
(a href="http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/familyhart/?
(a href="http://www.ellisislandrecords.org/search/matchMore.asp?
kind=exact&FNM=&LNM=Beger&x=53&y=3&dwpdone=1"target="_blank")בזט בםד
(a href="http://www.bluzgi.com/turniej.htm"target="_blank")ש צםזק מןק(/a)
(a href="http://www.sejm.gov.pl/poslowie/posel4/015.htm"target="_blank")אקדא
(a href="http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?
"target="_blank")ן אשל גשךקח ן אשל
The Paradox: G-d and Man
The alef is formed by two yuds, one to the upper right and the other to the
lower left, joined by a diagonal vav. These represent the higher and lower
waters and the firmament between them, as taught by the Ari z"l ("Rabbi Isaac
Luria of blessed memory," who received and revealed new insights into the
ancient wisdom of Kabbalah)
Water is first mentioned in the Torah in the account of the first day of
Creation: "And the spirit of G-d hovered over the surface of the water." At
this time the higher and the lower waters were indistinguishable; their state
is referred to as "water in water." On the second day of Creation G-d
separated the two waters by "stretching" the firmament between them.
In the service of the soul, as taught in Chassidut, the higher water is water
of joy, the experience of being close to G-d, while the lower water is water
of bitterness, the experience of being far from G-d.
In Jewish philosophy, the two intrinsic properties of water are "wet"
and "cold." The higher water is "wet" with the feeling of oneness with
the "exaltation of G-d," while the lower water is "cold" with the feeling of
separation, the frustration of experiencing the inherent "lowliness of man."
Divine service, as taught by Chassidut, emphasizes that in fact the primary
consciousness of both waters is the sense of the Divine, each from its own
perspective: from the perspective of the higher water, the greater
the "exaltation of G-d," the greater the oneness of all in His Absolute Being;
from the perspective of the lower water, the greater the "exaltation of G-d,"
the greater the existential gap between the reality of G-d and that of man,
thus the inherent "lowliness of man."
The Talmud tells of four sages who entered the "Pardes," the mystical orchard
of spiritual elevation reached only through intense meditation and Kabbalistic
contemplations. The greatest of the four, Rabbi Akiva, said to the others
before entering, "When you come to the place of pure marble stone, do not
say 'water-water,' for it is said, 'He who speaks lies shall not stand before
my eyes.'" The Ari z"l explains that the place of "pure marble stone" is where
the higher and the lower waters unite. Here one must not call out 'water-
water,' as if to divide the higher and lower waters. "The place of pure marble
stone" is the place of truth--the Divine power to bear two opposites
simultaneously; in the words of Rabbi Shalom ben Adret: "the paradox of
paradoxes." Here "the exaltation of G-d" and His "closeness" to man unite with
the "lowliness of man" and his "distance" from G-d.
The Torah begins with the letter beit: "Bereishit (In the beginning) G-d
created the heavens and the earth." The Ten Commandments, the Divine
revelation to the Jewish People at Sinai, begin with the letter alef: "Anochi
[I] am G-d your G-d who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, out of the
house of bondage." The Midrash states that "higher reality" had been set apart
from "lower reality," for G-d had decreed that neither higher reality descend
nor lower reality ascend. In giving the Torah, G-d annulled His decree, He
Himself being the first to descend, as it is written: "And G-d came down on
Mount Sinai". Lower reality, in turn, ascended: "And Moses approached the
cloud...." The union of "higher reality," the upper yud, with the "lower
reality," the lower yud, by means of the connecting vav of Torah, is the
ultimate secret of the letter alef.
A yud above and a yud below with a vav separating and uniting them
simultaneously. The secret of the image in which man was created.
The upper and lower waters with the firmament between them.
In the world:
The upper atmosphere, the lower atmosphere, the ocean & water table.
Energy waves, the atmosphere, the hydrological cycle.
In the human body:
The respiratory system, the diaphragm, the digestive system .
The skull-water, the membrane, the brain-moisture.
Feeling both close to G-d and distant from Him with commitment to Torah and
mitzvot balancing these emotions.
"Crying is enwedged in my heart on one side, while joy is enwedged in my heart
on the other side."
Transcendent and Immanent Light with the contraction (tzimtzum) and impression
(reshimu) between them.
Man in perfect unity with the Infinite Will of G-d.
Oxen; thousand; teaching; master.
Oxen--gross physical reality, the lower animal soul.
Thousand--multiplicity in Creation, the "thousand mountains grazed by the ox."
The yoke of the ox yielding a thousandfold and returning to unity.
"I will teach you wisdom"; the root of the soul is derived from the wisdom of
Direct insight of Divine truth; to be nothing.
"Master of the universe."
The Divine "One" revealing itself throughout the plurality of Creation.
First of all countable numbers.
The beginning of process in nature and sequence of worldly events.
One counts "something from something."
"One nation in the land."
The organic unity of all Jewish souls.
One counts
• BegerTime IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: Pluto 19.05.03, 03:11 zarchiwizowany
• {}-{}-{}-{}---BEGERTIME---{}-{}-{}-{} IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: Pszenica 19.05.03, 02:35 zarchiwizowany
midatlantic.rootsweb.com/familyhart/?sourceid=00131745527088311952 ?
• {}-{}-{}-{}---BEGERTIME---{}-{}-{}-{}
cera_leppera 19.05.03, 00:15 zarchiwizowany
Twarz Prawdy
• MaTrixThematical facts about anyThing!
dr_frojd 18.05.03, 19:30 zarchiwizowany
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,... (add the
last two to get the next)
• '*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*NEO*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'
dr_frojd 18.05.03, 18:15 zarchiwizowany
• '*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*NEO*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'*'
cera_leppera 18.05.03, 17:46 zarchiwizowany
• :::::::::::::::Matrix - Reaktywacja:::::::::::::::
dr_frojd 18.05.03, 17:05 zarchiwizowany
• }& & #35 603;d.0.0.0_enter{//*BraciaWachowscy!!!
dr_frojd 18.05.03, 16:59 zarchiwizowany
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> .
> a1
> .
> b2
> .
> c3
Larry i Andy
The Wachowski Brothers
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Gość: |-:-|-:-|-> 15.05.03, 22:55 zarchiwizowany
• ()()()()()()()___IQ TEST___()()()()()()() IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: Void 15.05.03, 14:40 zarchiwizowany
cera_leppera napisał:
• AMAAAS IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: *)(* 15.05.03, 14:13 zarchiwizowany
• ()()()()()()()___IQ TEST___()()()()()()()
cera_leppera 15.05.03, 07:20 zarchiwizowany
• Re: IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: "|||" 14.05.03, 02:40 zarchiwizowany
• SHOWTIME IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 14.05.03, 02:35 zarchiwizowany
cera_leppera napisał:
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< <><>CYBERTIME<><><><><>
< <><>CYBERTIME<><><><><>
• <><><><><>CYBERTIME<><><><><>
cera_leppera 14.05.03, 02:10 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: "|||" napisał(a):
• AlMamlakaAlArabiyaAsSaudiya IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: AMAAAS? 14.05.03, 01:35 zarchiwizowany
• """||||||||||||PSYCHOTIME|||||||||||||""" IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: "|||" 14.05.03, 00:59 zarchiwizowany
cera_leppera napisał:
• cera leppera coraz gorsza...
zupagrzybowa 14.05.03, 00:38 zarchiwizowany
ciemna materia ekspanduje ;)))
• ||||||||||||PSYCHOTIME|||||||||||||
cera_leppera 14.05.03, 00:17 zarchiwizowany
• & & #35 8542;& & #35 8539;& & #35 8540;& & #35 8541; DARK
cera_leppera 13.05.03, 23:45 zarchiwizowany
• ɛd.0.0.0_enter> IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: a1b2c3 13.05.03, 23:28 zarchiwizowany
• 1727...Newton's 3Laws IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: x 13.05.03, 13:01 zarchiwizowany
Newton's First Law
Also called the "law of inertia," Newton's first law states that body at
rest remains at rest and a body in motion continues to move at a constant
velocity unless acted upon by an external force.
Newton's Second Law
A force F acting on a body gives it an acceleration a which is in the
direction of the force and has magnitude inversely proportional to the mass m
of the body: . scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/nimg168.gif
Newton's Third Law
Whenever a body exerts a force on another body, the latter exerts a
force of equal magnitude and opposite direction on the former. This is known
as the weak law of action and reaction.
• <^.>: : arGaReR'ReTRe: :.>:<..:^LisP<><:<..:^'ReT<^.>: : arG IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 12.05.03, 12:47 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: andy napisał(a):
> w dalszym ciagu kryptujesz; w swiecie muzycznym robi to Keith Jarret ktory
> szuka:"bezbarwne swiatlo ktore jest przed (precedes) wszystkimi kolorami",
> czyli The Holy Grail; czy jestesmi Percivalami???
Czesc andy
zaciekawiles mnie Jarretem
fragmenty opinii KJ...
Discussion: Keith Jarrett
well KJ is a true genius, a brilliant pianist and composer, worth to be placed
among other lights like Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Stravinsky and Chopin,
Rubinstein, Aschkenazy, etc..
>>By von Karajan
A gifted man, who plays straight from the heart.
>>By Jamez
Too bad about his vocalizations! Such an interesting performer, though. I love
the way that he does both new work and old standards.
>>By Yooperprof
keith jarret has always been for me the essense of jazz. his music moves
beyond compesition to a statement of pure emotion. he is the only artist that
i still find new at every hearing even after twenty years. the kolin concert
is without doubt one of the most beutiful things i have every heard and has
been in many ways the sound track of my life. Just as an aside if you dont get
the vocalisation dont listen.
>>By matt
Simply the best, no one can perform Jazz and Classic music like him.The
tremendous quemystry with Gary and Jack, makes that trio the best in history.
Please never stop, kepp going .
Keith Jarrett has a large member. I like the way he moans when he plays. It
makes me hard as a rock. Several years back I was sitting in a concert and
about half way through the set I couldn't hold back any longer. I just pulled
out my dick and spooged in the guy in front of me's hair. I'd like to drink a
bowl of his man chowder.
>>By silly billy
Mr silliy billy, you really never has listen to keith.
Any way, I don't reconment this for you.
Good luck with your Dick!
>>By Dr. yoyo
I heard Keith last Wednesday in Warsaw. He is so great like a pyramide. The
good God has made a music for him only
>>By neeman
pzdr drf
• Re: :.aReR><:<..:^'ReT<^.>: : arG IP: *.telia.com
Gość: andy 10.05.03, 00:10 zarchiwizowany
w dalszym ciagu kryptujesz; w swiecie muzycznym robi to Keith Jarret ktory
szuka:"bezbarwne swiatlo ktore jest przed (precedes) wszystkimi kolorami",
czyli The Holy Grail; czy jestesmi Percivalami???
• :.aReR><:<..:^'ReT<^.>: : arGet IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: *}* 08.05.03, 22:48 zarchiwizowany
* IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: .>'^' 08.05.03, 14:54 zarchiwizowany
____________________________ http://www.ed.psu.edu/k-
____________________________ http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/
____________________________ http://www-
____________________________ http://www.indiana.edu/~ancmed/meso.HTM
____________________________ http://www.mrdowling.com/603mesopotamia.html
____________________________ http://www.womeninworldhistory.com/lesson2.html
____________________________ http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/MESO/MESO.HTM
____________________________ http://www.mic.ki.se/Mesop.html
____________________________ http://www.usfca.edu/westciv/Mesochro.html
• <^><:<..:^:..> IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: :<. 08.05.03, 14:44 zarchiwizowany *
*< /a>
• /<_:_>\ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 60|<< net="" html="" target="_blank">*
• <_> IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 2 08.05.03, 14:32 zarchiwizowany
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Gość: 08.05.03, 13:22 zarchiwizowany
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Gość: .. 08.05.03, 13:16 zarchiwizowany
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Gość: * 08.05.03, 01:30 zarchiwizowany
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Gość: 60 >_ 07.05.03, 14:57 zarchiwizowany
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Gość: 1 07.05.03, 13:53 zarchiwizowany
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Gość: _ 07.05.03, 11:30 zarchiwizowany
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Gość: xxx 07.05.03, 11:11 zarchiwizowany
arabFreedom href="http://www.bfi.org/"target="_blank">©iiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaa
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Gość: ****** 06.05.03, 13:20 zarchiwizowany
© > ©
href="http://javaboutique.internet.com/Encyclo/640x480.html"target="_blank">©a ©
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Gość: }MTRX 06.05.03, 13:03 zarchiwizowany
> > © > ©
> > Nonlinear systems and "chaotic" dynamics.from fluids to brains.> > © > ©©© > ©
©© ©©©©©©
> ©
• --------------------1707----------------- IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 5 06.05.03, 01:12 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: =v= napisał(a):
> Gość portalu: © napisał(a):
> ©
> ©
> Nonlinear systems and "chaotic" dynamics.from fluids to brains.
> ©
> ©©©
> ©
> ©©
• --------------------1706----------------- IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: v= 06.05.03, 00:01 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: © napisał(a):
Nonlinear systems and "chaotic" dynamics.from fluids to brains.
• --------------------1705----------------- IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 05.05.03, 23:57 zarchiwizowany
Nonlinear systems and "chaotic" dynamics.
from fluids to brains.
• --------------------1704----------------- IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ©*©* 05.05.03, 23:31 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: 2 napisał(a):
> Gość portalu: 17.01 napisał(a):
> > 1702
> {:}
Nonlinear systems and "chaotic" dynamics.
Our lab investigates the new field of nonlinear systems and "chaotic"
dynamics. We create analytical methods of description and time evolution of
complicated disordered phenomena. It is the main effort of this laboratory to
extend the scope of the problems over which these methods hold sway, to extend
the methods themselves developing appropriate mathematics and to improve the
methods for extracting such information from actual experimental studies
ranging from fluids to brains.
> }:{
> **************
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
• --------------------1703------------------ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 3 05.05.03, 22:34 zarchiwizowany
The largest major group of arthropods is a clade that includes insects,
millipedes, centipedes, and their relatives. This group, the Uniramia, was
formerly defined to include the Onychophora, which are now considered a
separate clade. It is restricted here to include only "true" arthropods with
exoskeletons and jointed appendages.
Uniramians have strictly uniramous appendages; that is, their legs have only
one branch. Most are terrestrial, but some are aquatic for part or all of
their life cycles. They make up by far the most common and diverse major clade
of arthropods, and in fact make up over three-fourths of all known animal
species on the planet -- and probably an even greater proportion of the total
number of species, known and unknown. As the paleontologist J. Kukalová-Peck
once put it: To a first approximation, every animal is an insect. Think about
that the next time you call Orkin Pest Control.
• Re: --------------------1702------------------ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 2 05.05.03, 21:37 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: 17.01 napisał(a):
> 1702
Lazare Carnot
Sadi Carnot
Elie Cartan
Henri Cartan
de Beaune
De l'Hôpital
de Moivre
de Prony
Fontaine des Bertins
François Français
Jacques Français
Frenicle de Bessy
Albert Girard
Pierre Girard
Claude Hardy
Georges Humbert
Pierre Humbert
La Condamine
la Hire
la Roche
Pierre Laurent
Le Fèvre
JLe Tenneur
Le Verrier
Paul Lévy
Claude-Louis Mathieu
Emile Mathieu
Arthur J Morin
Jean-Baptiste Morin
Blaise Pascal
Etienne Pascal
Emile Picard
Jean Picard
Privat de Molières
Jules Richard
Louis Richard
Jules Tannery
Paul Tannery
• --------------------1701------------------ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 17.01 05.05.03, 12:37 zarchiwizowany
• 1700 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 2004 04.05.03, 23:45 zarchiwizowany
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