poniedziałek, 28 maja 2007

7he 3nd........................Pluton 500 retro

7he 3nd IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ).(Z93W& 11.10.04, 03:33 zarchiwizowany


Re: 6o0O9 IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: ie 11.10.04, 03:22 zarchiwizowany

oraz w pelni przytomnosci umys7u wpi9uje w to d77ewko ze MA!73MA!7yka -)

609 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 63XUALN7 11.10.04, 03:13 zarchiwizowany

609 63XU ?
a mowia ze ma7ema7yka nie ma 63XU?-)

Re: 809 IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: hihi 11.10.04, 03:08 zarchiwizowany

tCh.rzysz przed 609.3m? hihi )a Tez.
7y t3z )39739 900)


809 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 609 11.10.04, 02:59 zarchiwizowany

O 6o9u wole milcZeC
8 w pop7ek?
can7o7 sie klania
z ©on7inuuuuuuum
809KA )3S73S :)))

Re: pR7e7Y IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: toWidac 11.10.04, 02:47 zarchiwizowany

1. nieLineA7na - p7a9ni3nia to nie przyczyny lub skutki
sila ciezkosci jest. Kamien spada na ziemie gdyz sie znalazl za blisko.
Przyczyna upadku kamienia jest jego niewystarczajaca odleglosc od ziemi a nie
sila ciezkosci. Przyczyny i skutki sie zaczynaja od woli, a zmiany wynikaja i z
woli, i z p7a9ni3n?

2. 7oscia9liwa wszerz, nie7oscia9liwa wzdluz. Kreci sie i to wszerz sie czasem
miesza z innym wszerz, ale i tak jest spojne do srodka, a nie na zewnatrz. Ale
moze byc pomieszane orbitowanie wokol wspolnego srodka ciezkosci?

Ale wystarczy zeby jeden rozmiar sie dawal rozciagac, zeby to sie nie dalo
nazwac skonczonym, no nie?

W tym sensie Bog istnieje. Ale nie w punkcie 2, tylko wszerz, hihiiiiii

77C!3 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ?3S 11.10.04, 02:36 zarchiwizowany


pR7e7Y IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: nieWiem 11.10.04, 02:22 zarchiwizowany

Re: 7Y IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: ).S 11.10.04, 02:10 zarchiwizowany

1 7un
of in7ini73

7Y IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 0K 11.10.04, 01:57 zarchiwizowany


Re: >NA IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: 7UNS3T 11.10.04, 01:52 zarchiwizowany

a7HHHH ).734


Re: 0So8Liwe IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: tak 11.10.04, 01:45 zarchiwizowany

to najdziwniejsze
bez odpowiedzi
moze lepiej

>NA IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 7UN 11.10.04, 01:39 zarchiwizowany

wi7aj 3IL<. :)))))))))))))))))))))))

Re: Fi ZyCz Nosc 8 IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: run 11.10.04, 01:30 zarchiwizowany


0So8OWoSCi IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 0So8A 11.10.04, 01:25 zarchiwizowany

0So608Y sa Rozne 73Z

Fi ZyCz Nosc 8 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: owa 11.10.04, 01:15 zarchiwizowany

7ZmY5LaMi ???
run oF 8s?

Re: IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: aaaaaaa 11.10.04, 01:06 zarchiwizowany

masz 7aCJE IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 11.10.04, 01:03 zarchiwizowany

7ozrzedza sie

ale i expanduje

te przest7zenie

MO mentalne


Re: IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: m! 11.10.04, 00:47 zarchiwizowany

Gość portalu: muZyka napisał(a):

> Wymysly 7ez

i domysly ...

ale i tak walczem w domyslniki
a te fazy im dalej tym mniej materii stalej


IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: muZyka 11.10.04, 00:36 zarchiwizowany

Wymysly 7ez

Re: PHAZE 8 IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: orany 11.10.04, 00:26 zarchiwizowany

no probuje

drf 11.10.04, 00:23 zarchiwizowany

7-things in 1

sa 7ez IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: nono 11.10.04, 00:18 zarchiwizowany

why N07 ?

Re: definicje IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: ee 11.10.04, 00:13 zarchiwizowany

masz farta ze jestes daleko bo bym nos ci rozkwasila heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

> gry matematyczne psyHologia?

no wlasnie!!!

hihi zaraz podpale dywan

definicje IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: okej 11.10.04, 00:06 zarchiwizowany

set = zbior obiektow = oznaczony tym samym symbolem np cyfra lub litera

run = uporzadkowanie w jakiejs konwencji

takie sa zasady tej najbardziej popularnej gry w US

dlaczego ?


gry matematyczne psyHologia?

Re: PHAZE 4 /sic! IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: ? 10.10.04, 23:55 zarchiwizowany

> 1 run of 7


Pomalutku prosze!!!!!! IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: !!!!! 10.10.04, 23:53 zarchiwizowany

a najlepiej jeszcze raz!
Nie nadazam!!!!!!

Och jak sie wqrzam ze nie moge zrobic krzyzowego ognia pytan, hihi

PHAZE 4 /sic!
zupagrzybowa 10.10.04, 23:51 zarchiwizowany

1 run of 7

PHAZE 3 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 3D 10.10.04, 23:46 zarchiwizowany

1 set of 4 and 1 run of 4

drf 10.10.04, 23:44 zarchiwizowany

1 set of 3 and 1 run of 4

PHAZE 10 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: F1 10.10.04, 23:38 zarchiwizowany

Getting started with
f1 to phaze 10

Phase 10 Card Game
Phase 10 is a family game that combines rummy with challenging and exciting
twists. The phase to be completed is specific for each turn, those that
complete the phase advance to the next, but those that do not must try again!
Players are dealt 10 cards to start the game, and each player in turn draws one
card from either the deck or the discard pile. After drawing a card, the player
attempts to make one of the following hards, in turn:

1. 2 sets of 3 6. 1 run of 9
2. 1 set of 3 and 1 run of 4 7. 2 sets of 4
3. 1 set of 4 and 1 run of 4 8. 7 cards of one color
4. 1 run of 7 9. 1 set of 5 and set of 2
5. 1 run of 8 10. 1 set of 5 and 1 set of 3

If the hand can be made, the player lays it down, face-up, on the table. At the
end of the turn, the player must place a card on the discard pile. Skip cards,
wild cards, and more make this game fun and entertaining for the entire family.


strumienieMysli IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: F1 10.10.04, 23:27 zarchiwizowany

Faze 1 - 2 sets of 3

Uch strumien swiadomosci IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: pytajnik 10.10.04, 10:15 zarchiwizowany

tak mi sie wydaje, ze w tym majlu udalo mi sie sporzadzic znakomity zapis
strumienia swojej swiadomosci biezacej, kilka jezykow i kilka spraw na raz. To
jest niesamowicie wqurzajace, jak sie mysli wydawaloby sie w miare spojnie, a
po otwarciu ust wylewa sie z nich belkot:(

Chodzilo mi miedzy innymi o nastepujace pytanie:

Mamy wiec 4D: numerki 1,2,3,4
Na przyklad Nietsche - mozna chyba powiedziec ze dotarl do nr 3. Znajdujac sie
miedzy 1 a 2 kontemplowal znaczenie "plasterka", ktorego mial do dyspozycji w
nr. 3. Slusznie doszedl do wniosku, ze w pozycji nr. 3 numerki nr 1 oraz 2 go
nie dotycza i wyciagnal wnioski, a potem swira dostal...

W programowaniu 4 poziomu kodowanie 3D jest oczywiscie nietrudne, no nie? No
ale teraz chodzi o strune i np. widac, ze punkty nr 1 i 2 jednak dotycza, hihi.
To znaczy w pewnym sensie, troche tak, troche nie. Czyli nie wiem czy warto sie
zajmowac plasterkami? Albo na przyklad relacja plasterka do struny

No wiec, czy nr 4 da sie przetlumaczyc na jakies narzecze bardziej zrozumiale
dla otoczenia?


70\/3 |5 900)


Re: I7onia I7anska IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: ne 10.10.04, 02:21 zarchiwizowany

Re: Watchtower IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: ni7ka 10.10.04, 02:05 zarchiwizowany

jednolitej teorii Edenu
Einstain mial racje
nie gram w kosci


Watchtower IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: R/\) 10.10.04, 01:18 zarchiwizowany

->titta<- (*)

IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 60; 09.10.04, 22:43 zarchiwizowany

/....(205520a)5 2 3)/


Crossroad is a symbolic term denoting the union and joining of paths. The
association of the crossroad with Witchcraft goes back to ancient Greek and
Roman times. Classically the crossroad symbolizes a joining of three roads, the
balance of opposites, and the meeting of time and space.

In the Aegean/Mediterranean region crossroads were sacred to Hecate, Triformis,
and Diana . Ovid, an ancient Roman writer, speaks of Hecate as having three
faces with which to guard the crossroads as they branched out. Verro, another
ancient writer, equated Diana with Hecate and stated the images of Diana were
stationed at the crossroads. Other writers of the period called this goddess
Artemis-Hekate, and attributed the mother goddess aspect to her.

The crossroads are likewise associated with the ancestral spirits called Lasa
or Lares. These beings were originally thought to be spirits of the forests and
meadows, the fairy folk, and spirits of Nature. With development these spirits
became associated with the cultivated fields, and eventually the Lara became
protectors of the family and home, and associated with the hearth.

Also, in the archaic Roman religion small towers were constructed at
crossroads, and an altar was placed before them upon which offerings were laid.
Such towers were associated with Nature spirit worship and demarcation.
Possibly this may be the foundation of the concept of Watchtowers within modern

Since classical times the crossroad has been a favored place for Witches to
gather because of its link to Nature spirits and the moon goddess. When the
symbolic crossroads were Christianized they became symbols of dread. Crossroads
become the construction sites for gallows, and suspended gages that contained
bodies of criminals. Also, suicide victims, who were not permitted burial in
hallowed churchyards, were frequently buried near a crossroad. Then too, the
Judaic-Christian Devil was said to hover near crossroads. All of this, of
course, helped to defile the sacred grounds where Witches gathered. A.G.H.


Paul Ernst Fackenheim IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 09.10.04, 17:12 zarchiwizowany

63 lata temu...


Flotan en el Báltico las cenizas de Bormann, extraídas acaso de la Mina de Los
Cuatro Hermanos. Reposan en San Petersburgo las de los Romanov, quién sabe si
no importadas de Bariloche (Argentina). A los grandes enigmas de la
Inteligencia siempre se les da carpetazo con tierra de la misma caja.

Revólver presto bajo la casaca, recorre Gurdjieff costas de Creta, periferias
himaláyicas y estepas de Transcaucasia. Son los mismos cielos antaño vigilantes
del Crowley que, hecho polvo y arruinado en Túnez, escribe a un Trotsky todavía
no caído en desgracia, proponiéndose como cerebro y mano ejecutora de un plan
para erradicar el cristianismo de la faz de la Tierra. Trebitsch-Lincoln, el
que fuera consejero de Ludendorff, el que tomara habitación en Munich días
antes del putsch, el mismo que se dejó ver en la guerra del Manchukuo y, luego,
excitó a las masas en Manchuria con apocalípticos manifiestos pro nipones,
aguarda -año 1943- en Shanghai el puñal pagado para darle muerte: ya no podrá
gastar la fortuna estafada gracias a sus colectas para restaurar y fundar
lamaserías. Michel Goleniewski, coronel de inteligencia polaco, tras años
informando a Washington desde su privilegiado puesto, cruza a Occidente en
1960, revelando el más preciado de sus secretos: no es un coronel polaco, es...
¡Alexei, hijo del Zar Nicolás II! Paul Ernst Fackenheim, alias Paul Koch, el
espía judío de Hitler, salta en paracaidas sobre Palestina para evitar que los
alemanes maten a su madre.

Asmahan, la princesa drusa, diva de la canción de la Corte de Faruk a quien los
servicios de la Corona y del Reich se disputan, muere al caer su coche al río
durante un rodaje. Ernst Schaefer, jefe de la expedición SS al Tíbet de 1938,
cazador de yetis para un general chino y, luego, pieza clave en la Operación
Bernhardt que pretendía inundar Londres de moneda falsa, así como en los
rescates de Ciano y Mussolini, cuenta muchos años después de la guerra, con el
pseudónimo Walter Hagen, sus aventuras en varias novelas. Leopold Trepper,
agente del Komintern que manejara la batuta de la Orquesta Roja, espera en su
celda de la Lubyanka a que muera Beria y finalice el calvario con que la patria
socialista le ha pagado sus servicios (Harro y Libertas Schulze-Boysen se
ahorraron la recompensa: los tribunales nazis dictaron sus órdenes de

En 1970, Jacques Vérges, antiguo asesor de Ben Bella, hace mutis por el foro.
Tardará ocho años en volver a dar señales de vida. ¿Con quién estuvo? ¿Con Pol
Pot? ¿Con El Chacal? Manabendra Nath Roy, brahmán bengalí fundador del Partido
Comunista de la India, huido a México con ropajes de cura tras apresar los
británicos un envío de armas para los revolucionarios de Calcuta, hombre que en
el II Congreso de la Internacional hiciera mudar de opinión a Lenin sobre la
importancia estratégica de la caída del Imperio colonial británico, consigue -
lo que quizá tenga más mérito- sobrevivir a Stalin para terminar sus días, como
un Solana o una Almeida cualquieras, encabezando manifestaciones pro-Aliados.
El coronel Etherton, cónsul británico en Kashgar, que fuera uno de los
principales alfiles en el Gran Juego, echa dos vueltas de llave a la casa en
que brindó su hospitalidad a tantos peones. Shubas Chandra Bose se fuga de su
domicilio en Calcuta y, tras atravesar Afghanistán bajo el nombre de Rehmat
Khan, se embarca en un submarino para intentar llegar a Berlín y lograr apoyo
para la independencia de India. Anatolio, vidente parisino, advierte en su mesa
de tres patas al Príncipe Yusupov de los complots para asesinarle tramados por
la hija de Rasputín, domadora de fieras en un circo. David Shayler, agente del
MI5, desvela por internet los pormenores de un atentado británico contra
Gadafi. Sir Richard F. Burton, explorador, espadachín, escritor y donjuán,
además de agente secreto desde su incorporación en Baroda como oficial al
ejército de la Compañía de las Indias Orientales, recoge en su cuaderno de
notas, un cigarro entre los labios, sustantivos y adjetivos del idioma de los
monos. Sarat Chandra Das, agente de la Royal Geographical Society, se juega el
gaznate trazando planos en la Corte del XIII Dalaï Lama. Un hombre moreno a
sueldo de Estados Unidos cruza varias veces la frontera de los dos Berlín días
antes de que una bomba abata en la discoteca La Belle a varios marines y una
chica turca. Evgeni Novikov, ex miembro del Comité Central del PCUS, deserta en
1988 para terminar en América de botones en un hotel (revancha para los rusos
blancos que de general o conde pasaron en el París de los 20 a taxista o
pianista de cabaret), François Genoud, banquero de la diáspora nazi, se suicida
a orillas del lago Lausanne para eludir la citación de la banca suiza. James
Earl Ray muere en prisión sin derecho a hablar el 24 de abril de 1998. Timothy
Hutton da muy bien vida a Aldrich Ames en una adaptación cinematográfica más
bien sosa de su caso. Moscú, Berlín Oriental, Darjeeling, Estambul, El Cairo...
y también, desde que apareciera fugazmente en La carta del Kremlin de Huston,

I7onia I7anska IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 7en 09.10.04, 12:34 zarchiwizowany

s7ukam 7ieloznaczosci
i 7najde
w 7y77ach
nie 7akie nume7y
a inne
al7a6e7ycznie 3ozna 7ez
w 7eRRa8aj7ach naN0
opano3anie s7yF2u?
7od du7ha?
klucz 7aju?
7en I7onii i7anskiej


Re: 9otowanie zupy9Rzy3owej
patience 09.10.04, 03:05 zarchiwizowany

Gość portalu: 3od napisał(a):

> doWody sie znajda ;)))
> :))))))

To ide sie zdrzemnac!


Re: ConTRoLL
patience 09.10.04, 03:02 zarchiwizowany

Gość portalu: d2D napisał(a):

> www.nps.gov/caco/pphtml/nature.html
> whyNoT
> ;)

no wlasnie

Re: sŁowa poJednania
patience 09.10.04, 02:53 zarchiwizowany


bieganie po parku
w strugach deszczu
dobre, nie?

dopiero sie zaczyna
w miejscu gdzie spadl lisc
jest obietnica

) lepsze niz 7Dem
) (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)
) (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)
) (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)
) (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)
) (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)
) (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)



ConTRoLL IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: d2D 09.10.04, 02:45 zarchiwizowany

9otowanie zupy9Rzy3owej IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 3od 09.10.04, 02:25 zarchiwizowany

doWody sie znajda ;)))

sŁowa poJednania
drf 09.10.04, 02:17 zarchiwizowany

patience napisała:

> listek
> tanczy na wietrze
... lepsze niz 6ex
> ktorego jest czescia
> ;)

To Ruch powietrza
prąd 7YWY
li5c na drzewie
sŁowa poJednania
lepsze niz 7Dem

Re: Po3zjaWy9nania?
patience 09.10.04, 01:55 zarchiwizowany

teraz jest zawsze
to gotowanie zupy


Re: ZYcIE=7YCiE?
patience 09.10.04, 01:50 zarchiwizowany

tanczy na wietrze
lepsze niz sex
ktorego jest czescia


drf 09.10.04, 01:35 zarchiwizowany


drf 09.10.04, 00:58 zarchiwizowany

Dom pu3liczny
a miejsce ktore zajmuje
jestem ruchomym FRa9menTem
moze falowaniem powierzchni Morza ?
Morza Smierci
Moze Zycia ?

Re: Po3zja
patience 09.10.04, 00:05 zarchiwizowany

istnienie jest
pragnienie znaczy
witaj w domu


zupagrzybowa 08.10.04, 23:34 zarchiwizowany

Po3zja IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 08.10.04, 21:58 zarchiwizowany


postanowilem opowiedziec wam historie
wlasnymi slowami nie odwolujac sie
do czegokolwiek
po raz pi3rwszy w moim zyciu
gdy zrozumialem ze slowa woda to jedynie
CzYstaPo3zja lit3ratura


Re: ----------------AQUALNOSCI--------------- IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: fts 02.10.04, 18:25 zarchiwizowany

First and foremost, the Jewish Bible changed history by literally creating
history. Every religion in the world saw the world in cyclical terms, as a
Great Wheel (see, for example, the flag of India). In describing the cyclical
worldview, Cahill cites Henri-Charles Puech, author of Man and Time: "No event
is unique, nothing is enacted but once . . . ; every event has been enacted, is
enacted, and will be enacted perpetually; the same individuals have appeared,
appear, and will appear at every turn of the circle."

Judaism alone differed. According to the Jews’ way of viewing life, events
actually move forward; they do not merely repeat themselves. In their rejection
of this universal mode of thought, Cahill writes, "The Jews were the first
people to break out of this circle. . . . It may be said with some justice that
theirs is the only new idea that human beings had ever had." The results of
this utterly transformative way of understanding life? In Cahill’s words, "Most
of our best words, in fact—new, adventure, surprise; unique individual, person,
vocation; time, history, future; freedom, progress, spirit; faith, hope,
justice—are the gifts of the Jews."

Cahill is right to emphasize this transformative Jewish contribution. If all is
a circle, nothing we do matters, none of us matter, life does not matter. It
will all happen again. What we do doesn’t matter—for our actions to matter,
they must be able to influence the future. But the future cannot be influenced
if everything happens over and over.

If, on the other hand, the Jewish view is adopted, everything matters—every act
I engage in matters, and therefore I matter—so much so that each one of us
changes history by everything we do. Cahill offers two excellent—and, to my
knowledge, original—explanations of why the Bible’s genealogies, sections of
the Bible that bore most of us, are of vast importance. One is that the listing
of these individuals’ names—even the names of women—was the Hebrew Bible’s way
of saying that every one of these persons was uniquely significant.
Fourth, the Jews gave the world the notion of human freedom—on two levels. The
first and more obvious is the Torah’s rejection of slavery as a norm in the
human condition—which is why black Americans took so much solace in the Hebrew
Bible’s exodus narrative. The less obvious but no less important way was
another result of the Bible’s complete rejection of the cyclical view of
life: "We are not doomed, not bound to some predetermined fate; we are free. If
anything can happen, we are truly liberated—as liberated as were the Israelite
slaves when they crossed the Sea of Reeds."

Now someone—preferably though not necessarily a non-Christian—needs to
write "The Gifts of the Christians." For these are very great and include
something called the United States of America. America is largely a Christian
gift, and unless most of us Americans understand this, and unless Christian
influence endures, this gift will surely be taken away. European rejection of
those gifts gave us Nazism and communism. Even a Jew knows that.

"A man who has faith must be prepared not only to be a martyr, but to be a
fool. It is absurd to say that a man is ready to toil and die for his
convictions when he is not even ready to wear a wreath around his head for
them." - G. K. Chesterton


Re: ----------------AQUALNOSCI--------------- IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: 6+ 02.10.04, 17:43 zarchiwizowany

It is always dangerous to compare the world's continents. Their charms rest in
the eye of the traveler, and no two travelers or continents are alike. When
faced with the great continent of Asia, however, it is tempting to step back
and look at the numbers. Asia represents almost one-third of earth's land mass.
Its holds the world's highest point, Mt. Everest, and the lowest point outside
of uninhabitable Antarctica, the Dead Sea. It is home to both the largest and
deepest lakes on Earth, the Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal. Out of the twelve
longest rivers on Earth, seven wind through Asia. All the world's major
religions originated in Asia, and two out of every three people on Earth live

The countries of Asia are so diverse that on the surface they have little in
common. If anything, their commonality lies in diversity itself. Many of the
societies in Asia are composed of a multiplicity of ethnic groups and
religions, tribes and languages. Interknowledge invites our readers to sample
this incredible abundance of landscapes and peoples. Those contemplating an
adventure in Asia can take heart in the fact that the continent's overwhelming
immensity is also the source of what is perhaps its greatest natural resource--


Re: ----------------AQUALNOSCI--------------- IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: JA9 02.10.04, 03:20 zarchiwizowany

A man believed that his neighbor always operated his lawnmower at dinnertime,
deliberately to annoy him. As a result, he felt resentment and hostility and
the sound of the lawnmower began to obsess him. Since there was no way to
escape the obnoxious sound, he decided he needed to deal with his anger, and
sought counsel. The counselor persuades him to consider the possibility that
the mower was not mowing at dinnertime intentionally. (It was in fact a totally
unfounded assumption.) Once the client forced himself to consider the
possibility that the annoying action was not deliberate, the physical stimulus
of the noisy lawnmower ceased to disturb him. The client's assumptions caused
him to experience a physical stimulus as especially irritating. So in a sense,
the anger was the conclusion of an argument with false premises. This is a
simple example showing how philosophy can help moderate disturbing emotions: by
exposing the false assumptions that feed the emotion.
A woman was tormented by the inconsistencies of her lover. Sometimes he was
kind and caring, other times he seemed cold and distant. The inconsistency
increased her pain. A change occurred after suggesting that her pain was
aggravated by unrealistic expectations. That expectation was fed by assumptions
about the unity of the human personality. The breakthrough came when she saw it
was unrealistic to expect consistency and unity. She considered the idea that
persons are naturally multiple. Instead of seeing her lover as a unified person
who was supposed to love her consistently, she practiced viewing him as an
aggregate of mental traits and functions, (thus drawing on a Buddhist
conception). Counseling here undermined an expectation that caused needless
suffering. It's easier to moderate reactions to others once it is understood
how inherently unstable an aggregate the normal personality is. By enriching
her perception of the nature of persons, the client learned to accept the
loving part of her lover and fretted much less over his deficiencies. This of
course did not rule out that at one point she would decide his deficiencies
outweighed his virtues.
An aging man felt depressed because he felt he was losing his edge. Talented,
functional, in good health, he still felt little enthusiasm for life. He felt
depleted in the face of time running out. An idea about the nature of time from
the philosopher Henri Bergson was introduced (time understood as duration).
Losing one's edge may be inevitable with aging, but the richness and depth of
experience of older people may compensate. In short, aging offers the
possibility of a qualitatively deeper experience of time than does the
experience of younger people. Every moment measured by the clock may be the
same; but the depth of experience we bring to each moment can make all the
A shy young man who wanted to speak out in class and carry on more expressively
at social gatherings felt uncomfortable in situations that called for him to
exhibit his personality. So he turned to philosophical counseling. What was
philosophical about shyness? Well, he soon realized he always assumed people
were disposed to laugh at his inadequacies, an idea that was easily proven
His fear of being observed also proved to be based on unfounded
assumptions. He saw this after considering the premise that most people are
generally more worried about themselves than actively scanning others for their
deficiencies. He also realized there was nothing he could do if people were
observing him but much to be done about how he felt if they were. (For this a
Stoic distinction was usefully applied.) Eventually he came to see that his
shyness was the other side of a frank desire to be seen and admired. Instead of
looking for causes of his shyness in the past, he faced the present assumptions
that were fueling it. Once he found them to be groundless, he saw his behavior
in a new light. This paved the way for new assumptions and new habits to take

A woman struggled with guilt over paying attention to her own needs. She was
taught to believe she was supposed to sacrifice herself for others, her
children, her husband, her family and her friends. She never seemed to have
anything left over to give to herself, which she was also taught to believe was
selfish. She suffered because she lacked the tools to draw limits on her self--
sacrifice. She lacked the concept that would allow her to put herself first.
Philosophical counsel provided her with two wedges: the first was Nietzsche's
notion of "healthy selfishness." The second was Kant's argument that we have
duties to ourselves as well as to others. These ideas were used in discussion
to help her reinterpret her situation.
A person otherwise happy and able had uncontrollable shopping urges, and the
debts incurred threatened the stability of her marriage. Her tendency to blame
and condemn herself complicated the problem. Several strategies came into play
for coping with this common problem. Once she learned to see that her behavior
was the result of ruthless advertising strategies designed to make her a
consumer she learned to reframe her buying habits as part of a culture, or
spiritual, war. She also came to realize that just wishing to change her habit
wasn't enough and that she had to take command of her whole life in new and
skillful ways. Here the saving move was to shift from seeing the problem as
social and spiritual, not just personal. By filtering her experience through
the metaphor of "spiritual warfare" as opposed to the metaphor of "sucker"
or "victim of moral flabbiness" she learned to see her problem in terms that
were more engaging and self--fulfilling.
A man had a near--death experience and for a short time experienced what seemed
like heavenly love and bliss. When he recovered from the cardiac operation that
led to this experience he found he was unable to adjust to his old life, which
he now viewed as far removed from what he experienced in his near--death state.
The contrast was overwhelming and depressing, and he wasn't sure if his near--
death experience was some kind of diabolic illusion designed to wreak havoc on
his life.


PantaRegeNeReRing !

drf 02.10.04, 03:13 zarchiwizowany


New sensory modalities. Human programmers, lacking a sensory modality for
assembly language, are stuck with abstract reasoning plus compilers. We are
not entirely helpless, even this far outside our ancestral environment - but
the traditional fragility of computer programs bears witness to our
awkwardness. Minds-in-general may be able to exceed human programming ability
with relatively primitive general intelligence, given a sensory modality for
Blending-over of deliberative and automatic processes. Human wetware has very
poor support for the realtime diversion of processing power from one subsystem
to another. Furthermore, a computer can burn serial speed to generate parallel
power but neurons cannot do the reverse. Minds-in-general may be able to carry
out an uncomplicated, relatively uncreative track of deliberate thought using
simplified mental processes that run at higher speeds - an idiom that blurs the
line between "deliberate" and "algorithmic" cognition. Another instance of the
blurring line is coopting deliberation into processes that are algorithmic in
humans; for example, minds-in-general may choose to make use of top-level
intelligence in forming and encoding the concept kernels of categories.
Finally, a sufficiently intelligent AI might be able to incorporate de novo
programmatic functions into deliberative processes - as if Gary Kasparov2 could
interface his brain to a computer and write search trees to contribute to his
intuitive perception of a chessboard.
Better support for introspective perception and manipulation. The
comparatively poor support of the human architecture for low-level
introspection is most apparent in the extreme case of modifying code; we can
think thoughts about thoughts, but not thoughts about individual neurons.
However, other cross-level introspections are also closed to us. We lack the
ability to introspect on concept kernels, focus-of-attention allocation,
sequiturs in the thought process, memory formation, skill reinforcement, et
cetera; we lack the ability to introspectively notice, induce beliefs about, or
take deliberate actions in these domains.
The ability to add and absorb new hardware. The human brain is instantiated
with a species-typical upper limit on computing power and loses neurons as it
ages. In the computer industry, computing power continually becomes
exponentially cheaper, and serial speeds exponentially faster, with sufficient
regularity that "Moore's Law" [Moore97] is said to govern its progress. Nor is
an AI project limited to waiting for Moore's Law; an AI project that displays
an important result may conceivably receive new funding which enables the
project to buy a much larger clustered system (or rent a larger computing
grid), perhaps allowing the AI to absorb hundreds of times as much computing
power. By comparison, the 5-million-year transition from Australopithecus to
Homo sapiens sapiens involved a tripling of cranial capacity relative to body
size, and a further doubling of prefrontal volume relative to the expected
prefrontal volume for a primate with a brain our size, for a total sixfold
increase in prefrontal capacity relative to primates [Deacon90]. At 18 months
per doubling, it requires 3.9 years for Moore's Law to cover this much ground.
Even granted that intelligence is more software than hardware, this is still
Agglomerativity. An advanced AI is likely to be able to communicate with other
AIs at much higher bandwidth than humans communicate with other humans -
including sharing of thoughts, memories, and skills, in their underlying
cognitive representations. An advanced AI may also choose to internally employ
multithreaded thought processes to simulate different points of view. The
traditional hard distinction between "groups" and "individuals" may be a
special case of human cognition rather than a property of minds-in-general. It
is even possible that no one project would ever choose to split up available
hardware among more than one AI. Much is said about the benefits of
cooperation between humans, but this is because there is a species limit on
individual brainpower. We solve difficult problems using many humans because
we cannot solve difficult problems using one big human. Six humans have a fair
advantage relative to one human, but one human has a tremendous advantage
relative to six chimpanzees.
Hardware that has different, but still powerful, advantages. Current computing
systems lack good built-in support for biological neural functions such as
automatic optimization, pattern completion, massive parallelism, etc. However,
the bottom layer of a computer system is well-suited to operations such as
reflectivity, execution traces, lossless serialization, lossless pattern
transformations, very-high-precision quantitative calculations, and algorithms
which involve iteration, recursion, and extended complex branching. Also in
this category, but important enough to deserve its own section, is:
Massive serialism: Different 'limiting speed' for simple cognitive processes.
No matter how simple or computationally inexpensive, the speed of a human
cognitive process is bounded by the 200Hz limiting speed of spike trains in the
underlying neurons. Modern computer chips can execute billions of sequential
steps per second. Even if an AI must "burn" this serial speed to imitate
parallelism, simple (routine, noncreative, nonparallel) deliberation might be
carried out substantially (orders of magnitude) faster than more
computationally intensive thought processes. If enough hardware is available
to an AI, or if an AI is sufficiently optimized, it is possible that even the
AI's full intelligence may run substantially faster than human deliberation.
Freedom from evolutionary misoptimizations. The term "misoptimization" here
indicates an evolved feature that was adaptive for inclusive reproductive
fitness in the ancestral environment, but which today conflicts with the goals
professed by modern-day humans. If we could modify our own source code, we
would eat Hershey's lettuce bars, enjoy our stays on the treadmill, and use a
volume control on "boredom" at tax time.
Everything evolution just didn't think of. This catchall category is the flip
side of the human advantage of "tested software" - humans aren't necessarily
good software, just old software. Evolution cannot create design improvements
which surmount simultaneous dependencies unless there exists an incremental
path, and even then will not execute those design improvements unless that
particular incremental path happens to be adaptive for other reasons.
Evolution exhibits no predictive foresight and is strongly constrained by the
need to preserve existing complexity. Human programmers are free to be
Recursive self-enhancement. If a seed AI can improve itself, each local
improvement to a design feature means that the AI is now partially the source
of that feature, in partnership with the original programmers. Improvements to
the AI are now improvements to the source of the feature, and may thus trigger
further improvement in that feature. Similarly, where the seed AI idiom means
that a cognitive talent coopts a domain competency in internal manipulations,
improvements to intelligence may improve the domain competency and thereby
improve the cognitive talent. From a broad perspective, a mind-in-general's
self-improvements may result in a higher level of intelligence and thus an
increased ability to originate new self-improvements.

A man believed that his neighbor always operated his lawnmower at dinnertime,
deliberately to annoy him. As a result, he felt resen

patience 29.09.04, 17:53 zarchiwizowany

Why has academic philosophy suddenly taken to counseling and practical
consultation? Why now?

It's by no means sudden, more like a revival, a renaissance. Greek and Roman
philosophy were thoroughly practical. Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great.
Marcus Aurelius a Roman emperor took counsel from the Stoic Epictetus.
Pythagoras founded a society that used philosophy as the basis of communal
life. Seneca and Lucretius applied philosophy to people suffering from
religious anxiety and emotional troubles. Plato thought the human race was
nosos--"sick"--and offered philosophy as medicine. Epicurus, in a statement
that contemporary philosophical counselors love to quote, said: "Worthless is
the argument that does not alleviate suffering." Hellenistic thought was
therapeutic to the core, as Martha Nussbaum demonstrates in Therapy of Desire.
How does philosophical counseling differ from other forms of counseling?

Philosophical counseling has many things in common with most schools of
counseling, basic human qualities such as a talent for listening, caring for
the other, relying on experience, special training, and so forth, but it is
also unique in several ways: for one thing, it is ancient and draws on rich
traditions dating to the Axial Age of Socrates and Buddha and Lao Tzu.

Rooted in the wisdom traditions, it appeals to the highest mental
functions--reason, intuition, and volition. It appeals to the active side of
the personality and frames the counseling relationship as a special type of
learning partnership. And it is based on learning practical, not just
theoretical, skills; for example, it doesn't just discuss free will in the
abstract but offers instruction on training the will.






Re: aQUaRiUS
patience 29.09.04, 16:20 zarchiwizowany

obserwujem: pole elektryczne niektorej puszki mozgowej spojne i naostrzone jak
zyleta. Strzal w dziesiatke dziesiatki. I JAK TU NIE KOHAC DOKTORA FROJDA?

Znaczenia ).S:

Welcome to the Crossroads 3D homepage. Crossroads 3D is a new Windows freeware
application that can translate between several 3D file formats.


Gość: 3ש 29.09.04, 02:51 zarchiwizowany

aQUaRiUS IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 29.09.04, 01:16 zarchiwizowany

3DVECTOR expere.mentalny IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: happy9 28.09.04, 21:18 zarchiwizowany

Pobieranie plików
LP: Program: Zrzut ekranu: Opis:
1. Ascii Program pokazuje kody ASCII naciskanych klawiszy.
2. Canvas Program pokazuje podstawowe możliwości graficzne
metody "Canvas".
3. Exit Program wykonuje zamknięcie lub restart systemu o określonym
4. Grafika2D Program demonstruje podstawowe operacje graficzne:
przesunięcie, skalowanie i obrót.
5. Grid1 Program demonstruje tworzenie siatek strukturalnych z użyciem tzw.
funkcji rozpinających.
6. Grid2 Rozszerzenie programu Grid1 - umożliwia tworzenie siatek, w
których dolny i górny brzeg obszaru stanowią linie łamane. Program ma dodatkowy
moduł do pobierania informacji o wybranym punkcie siatki.
7. Handle Program pokazuje uchwyty wszystkich działających w systemie
8. Kalkulator Prosty kalkulator (mój pierwszy program w Delphi).
9. Kolory Program demonstruje standard kolorów RGB.
10. Konsola Program umożliwia przejęcie operacji IO aplikacji konsolowej i
zapis danych do pliku.
11. Kopia Zapasowa Program do planowania zadań w systemie (jest to mój
drugi program napisany w Delphi).
12. Krat Graficzna nakładka na program KRAT, służący do obliczeń kratownic
Metodą Elementów Skończonych. Nakładka działa w trybie rzeczywistym.
13. Link Prosty program do archiwizacji linków internetowych.
14. OpenGL Prosty program demonstrujący możliwości technologii OpenGL.
15. PicView Prosta przeglądarka grafiki (bmp, jpg) - umożliwia również
pokaz slajdów.
16. Poszukiwacz Program wyszukujący pliki o określonym rozszerzeniu.
17. Procesy Program pokazuje uchwyty wszystkich działających w systemie
18. TextView Program do podglądu kodów źródłowych różnych języków
programowania - posiada modyfikowalny system kolorowania składni.

19. Wahadło Program demonstrujący ruch wahadła matematycznego (schemat Laxa
II rzędu).
20. WinUPX Graficzna nakładka na upx - program do kompresji plików
21. Wykresik Prosty program do tworzenia wykresu funkcji kwadratowej.

UWAGA: Do uruchomienia powyższych programów mogą być potrzebne dodatkowe
biblioteki - należy je umieścić w katalogu, w którym znajduje się program.

1. rtl60.bpl biblioteka środowiska Delphi
2. vcl60.bpl biblioteka środowiska Delphi
3. vclx60.bpl biblioteka środowiska Delphi


Visual6 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ---,,,,, 27.09.04, 20:10 zarchiwizowany

Create a Category Tree in Access 2000 (Article)
Author: David Nishimoto
Category: Office/VBA
Difficulty: Intermediate

Version Compatibility: Visual Basic 6

This code has been viewed 7032 times.

David Nishimoto

How to Load a Category Tree and Listbox RowSource Type
"field value" property

Overview: In this Access 2000 article, I will show you how to
create a category tree and load it into a listbox.

In this article, I will demonstrate the steps to create
a static value list and associate it with a listbox.

The algorithm can be easily ported to a treeview control
or html for an active server page.

Creating the Category table
1. Create a table called "category"
2. Include the following fields:
categoryid: autonumber
parentid: number
title: text
3. Add the following data values to the category table

Parent Id Category Id (autonumber) Title 0 1 Hardware 0 2 Computers 2 3 DeskTop
2 4 Server

Add a Listbox
1. Add a listbox to your form called "lbxCategory"
2. Insert the following VB code to the form

1. Static values can be added to a listbox
2. Each field value is separated with a ";" delimiter
3. Rows are determined by the listboxes columncount
4. When the ColumnHeads property is set to true the
first row becomes the column headings.
5. The RowSourceType settings tell the listbox
control whether the data is dynamically bound to a data table
or static text. In this case, the listbox control is bound to static

Option Explicit
Option Compare Database
Dim sFieldValues As String

Private Sub Form_Load()

'Heading Column titles
sFieldValues = "Parent Id;Category Id, Title;"
Call LoadCategory(0)
lbxCategory.RowSourceType = "Value List"
lbxCategory.RowSource = sFieldValues
lbxCategory.ColumnCount = 3
lbxCategory.ColumnHeads = True

End Sub

1. The Load Category procedure start with the root parent id being "0".
2. Each category is recursively checked, to see, if it has children.
Children are concatenated to the sFieldValues string.
3. Each value list entry concatenated to the sFieldValue string
embedding the parentid, categoryid, and title information.

Private Sub LoadCategory(sId)
Dim rs As Object
Dim sql
Dim sNewId

'Check for the bottom of the tree
If IsNull(sId) Then
Exit Sub
End If

sql = "select * from category where parentid=" & sId
Set rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset(sql)

Do While Not rs.EOF
sFieldValues = sFieldValues & sId & ";" & rs("categoryid") &amp; ";" & rs
("title") &amp; ";"
'Recursive call to check for children
Call LoadCategory(rs("categoryid"))

If Not rs Is Nothing Then
End If
Set rs = Nothing

End Sub

Active Server Page (Tree View)

1. Generate a Category tree in

<%sub WalkTheCategoryTree(sId)%>
<% Dim rs Dim sql Dim sNewId 'Check for the bottom of the tree If IsNull(sId) Then Exit Sub End If sql = "select * from category where parentid=" & sId Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open sql, conn, 3,3 Response.Write "
Do While Not rs.EOF
Response.Write "
" & rs("title") & "
Call WalkTheCategoryTree(rs("categoryid"))
Response.Write "

If Not rs Is Nothing Then
End If
Set rs = Nothing
<%end sub%>


Re: jaVa WINdowS...(*hist)ERia IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: ce 26.09.04, 16:31 zarchiwizowany

4 musical_composition, opus, composition, piece, piece_of_music

a musical work that has been created; "the composition is written in four
Category Tree:
╚musical_composition, opus, composition, piece, piece_of_music
╚passage; musical_passage
╚pastorale; pastoral; idyll
╚divertimento; serenade
╚octet; octette
╚septet; septette
╚sextet; sextette; sestet
╚quintet; quintette
╚quartet; quartette
╚duet; duette; duo
╚realization; realisation
╚musical_arrangement; arrangement


zupagrzybowa 26.09.04, 00:09 zarchiwizowany

Dalia Yasharpour was introduced to her dissertation topic by a member of the
Iranian Jewish community in Los Angeles. Knowing that she was becoming an
expert in the confluence of Jewish and Persian history and culture, he showed
her a manuscript in his private collection and said he "wanted to know what it
It turned out to be a copy of The Prince and the Sufi, an adaptation of the
life of Gautama Buddha in verse and rhymed prose. The author is Elisha ben
Shemuel, a Jew living in 17th-century Persia. A sterling example of Judeo-
Persian authors, he was a poet writing the Persian language using Hebrew script
and addressing a Jewish audience in a composition that features a Muslim mystic
and displays influences of the Persian culture in which he lived.

Dalia’s dissertation topic focuses on a literary analysis and translation to
English of the work, which combines Judaic and Iranian traditions with Muslim
thinking. The plot of the story involves a prince who is, as Dalia puts
it, "extraordinary in every sense" in his quest to understand the meaning of
life. A Sufi, or Muslim mystic, seeks him out and enlightens him with an array
of anecdotes that convey moral, theological, and philosophical values.

Ben Shemuel was clearly quite familiar with the Persian literary styles of his
time, Dalia says, and "he was unabashed about seeing Jewish elements integrated
with the Muslim." At one point, the mystical Muslim master expounds on
Maimonides’ thirteen principles of the Jewish faith. The Sufi also encourages
the prince to pursue a moderate form of asceticism, a concept found in ancient
Iranian wisdom literature.
"Judeo-Persian authors judged the quality of their work by the degree to which
they successfully integrated Jewish with Iranian and Muslim elements," says
Dalia, who finds it "amazing how interdisciplinary" her dissertation topic is.
To pursue a doctorate in Near Eastern languages and cultures, she had to become
expert in Islamic, Jewish, and Iranian studies and learn the Persian, Hebrew,
and Arabic languages. Then, she could begin to examine the linguistic,
literary, and intellectual features of Judeo-Persian literature.

"If you’re
about your work,”
she says,
of how
the field, you
will engage
They will
want to
However, her extraordinary scholarly journey began at her grandmother’s knee,
listening to stories about the family, Jews who had lived in Iran until 1979
Islamic Revolution. "I wanted to understand what my connection was to Iran and
to being Jewish," she says. With her BA in English achieved, Dalia began to sit
in on Persian language classes at UCLA. She earned a diploma at Oxford
University’s Center for Jewish Studies, writing a thesis on Iranian-Jewish
history, which dates back as early as 722 BC. She spent the following summer at
Hebrew University, studying Hebrew and exploring manuscripts; this would be the
first of many visits.
Upon discovering Judeo-Persian literature, she began looking for scholarly
mentors. "I had to find scholars specializing in Judeo-Persian studies and
convince them I wasn’t dabbling. I had to go out of my way to prove myself and
how serious I was." One of those scholarly mentors brought her back to UCLA.
Hossein Ziai, director of Iranian Studies, "knew that what I wanted to do was
difficult, that it required extensive research abroad," and yet, she says, "he
was enthusiastic and encouraging."

Indeed, Professor Ziai believes that Dalia’s work will make an important
contribution to scholarship on "the highly positive symbiosis of the Judaic and
the Iranian framework," as the two cultural threads "merge and inform a
uniquely harmonious view of fundamental issues relating to knowledge and
experience." Judeo-Persian literature is not widely studied, and just one
article has previously been written about Ben Shemuel’s work.
Until two editions were printed in the 20th century, The Prince and the Sufi
existed only in manuscripts, one carefully copied from another. Dalia has
studied manuscripts from collections in the United States and Israel—and of
course, from the private collection of her Los Angeles connection. Dalia
relishes her links to the local Iranian Jewish community, where she
occasionally lectures. "I’ve always wanted my research to be relevant to
Iranian Jews, to be something that I can share with them. Every time we meet I
am gratified by our exchange.

Dalia has also taught at UCLA and Santa Monica College, offering classes in
language, history, and religion. In Winter 2003, she developed and taught a
class on the intellectual development of Jews of Iran. She is hoping that her
wide-ranging knowledge and her fluency in three languages besides English will
help her find the academic job she seeks.

In continuing her research, she will benefit from the extensive experience
she’s acquired drafting proposals that win grants and fellowships—including a
Skirball, Fulbright and most recently, a Dissertation Year Fellowship—to
support her graduate work. Particularly with a subject that is relatively
unknown in the academic world, "one needs to be able to communicate one’s
research objectives clearly and succinctly," she says, "to write proposals that
are engaging for people who read them and put one’s case across well."

Besides the ability to express oneself effectively, Dalia believes that a
passion for one’s work is the key to success. "If you’re passionate about your
work," she says, "irrespective of how obscure the field, you will engage
people. They will want to listen."

Published in Fall 2003, Graduate Quarterly


CENTRALASIANS IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ... 25.09.04, 23:34 zarchiwizowany

Rewriting Tajik History by Asimov
drf 25.09.04, 23:15 zarchiwizowany

Marxist ideology has undoubtedly left deep traces in the scientific thinking of
Tajik scholars. Academics in the young, independent state have to unravel their
own academic research and the work of their predecessors in order to sift
scientific results from ideology. In this paper, presented at the ESCAS V, Mr.
Asimov investigates the historical topics that urgently need to be reviewed. He
also presents his views on the problem of russification, a predominant
phenomenon in Soviet Tajikistan.
By M.S. Asimov

The dissolution of the Soviet Union gave rise to a revision of Central Asian
history. Although Central Asian historians of most of this century have
been 'formatted' in the Marxist methodology, which reduced everything to 'class
struggle' and denied any human dimension, it is unacceptable to wipe out
everything that was done in those years.
We should by no means pretend to be blind and deny that it was during the years
of the Soviet regime that universities and a highly elaborate network of
schools were opened, industry started to develop, archaeologists discovered
important monuments of the past, physicians successfully fought endemic local
diseases, engineers constructed hydropower stations and illiteracy has overcome
in Tajikistan. All this and much more permits me to insist in a very modest way
that it is quite impossible to accept a unilateral negative position to the
recent past of Central Asia.
Having given this caution I shall return to my topic; let us see which periods
in the history of the Tajiks have to be rewritten most urgently, and which
problems seen from modern objective viewpoints, we should investigate first.

The benevolent Russian brother.
One of the most burning issues in our past is the Russian conquest. Central
Asia was conquered by the Russian Empire in the second half of the nineteenth
century. Historically it was only another step in Russian colonial politics
which had started in the fifteenth century with the move to the east.
The Russian conquest of Central Asia was extremely brutal; we possess an
impressive testimony of that terrible brutality in the pictures of the great
Russian artist Vereshchagin. In one of his famous pictures we see a huge hill
composed of human heads, heads which Russian soldiers severed from the bodies
of defeated Central Asians.
This colonial conquest was said to be the free choice of Central Asian nations
whose single purpose was to be united with the great and most benevolent
Russian brother!
Here lies a very important task for historians: their obligation is to uncover
all details, to describe day by day how Russia conquered Central Asia; sources
should be published, archives opened, the requisite documents handed over to
Central Asian scholars. The world should know the truth about the real deeds of
the Russians in Central Asia.
Once conquered, Central Asia was made a deliverer of raw material for the
Russian industry. As far as Tajikistan is concerned, the north grew more
prosperous than the south. The south of the country remained under control of
the amir of Bukhara, who was, however, under Russian protection. The amir
regarded the eastern part of his princedom as a kind of colony; thus the people
of this "Eastern Bukhara" experienced double exploitation; they led a miserable
life that is shown in the few contemporary documentaries that still are at our
The area that we now regard as Northern Tajikistan was in a more favourable
situation: it was under the direct rule of the Russian governor-general in
Tashkent. It became an integral part of the Russian Empire. The growth of
Russia's textile industry augmented the demand for cotton; this raw material
became the main agricultural product in the area. The growth of trade
corresponded to that of agriculture and by 1914 the export of Central Asia was
higher than its import. The growth of trade turned the Central Asian economy
from an isolated, self-sufficient rural economy into a steadily strengthening
market-oriented economy. Thus Russian colonization also brought Central Asia
positive innovations. Railways were constructed, new schools, and gymnasiums
We cannot deny the importance of Russian scholarship. Needless to say that all
orientalists are highly appreciative of Professor Barthold and his incomparable
scholarly heritage.

Enlightening on the Jadidists.
Another matter is the anti-Russian resistance in Central Asia. Soviet
historiography had to qualify this as a highly reactionary movement. In the
restudy of the resistance movement we should first turn to role of the
enlightened Jadidists. Soviet historians always associated Jadidism with pan-
Turkism; and indeed, Jadidist leaders expected support from Turkey and dreamed
of the unification of the Turkish nations. Since pan-Turkism implied a change
of orientation from Russia to the Turkish nations, it was systematically
repressed by Russia, along with Jadidism. In the years of Stalin's purges the
majority of the Jadidists disappeared, even people loosely connected with them
did not escape Stalin's hand. The Jadidists were painted very black indeed and
absolutely no research on their real ideas and actions was permitted: one had
simply to repeat the official formulas.
We know now that the Jadidists were not reactionaries. They were critical of
the stagnation in the old princedoms, and they were against the feudal regime.
The Jadidists were fighting for progress in Central Asia, for the well-being of
their nation. I am convinced that our duty is to convey the truth about them, a
process which has already been started. The literary heritage of the Jadidists
has now been published.

A history of the Tajik
It is very important to rewrite the history of the Soviet period, which was
until recently the favourite period for research. At the same time it was the
period most subject to control: one could only write what corresponded closely
to the official views. For that reason the enormous bulk of books, articles,
and dissertations which deal with this period must be read more than
critically. The main topics for this period are the so-called revolution in
Bukhara, the civil war in Central Asia, the redistribution of land, and water,
the collectivization and industrialization, and the Communist Party's politics
in the realm of culture and education. I would like to stress once more that we
have to be very cautious in order not to swing from one extreme to another.
We have already started this work in Tajikistan. The Institute for History,
Archaeology, and Anthropology of the Academy of Sciences is preparing a history
of the Tajik People from the most ancient times up to our own day. The first
two volumes, which deal with ancient and medieval history, are ready for print.

Let us discuss one of the problems that was of paramount importance to my
nation as well as to our neighbours during all the years of Soviet rule: the
problem of russification.
Russification embraced a wide spectrum of different issues: language and
script; perception of the cultural heritage; understanding of national
identity; family and everyday life; rituals and traditions; dress and food;
everything underwent russification to a greater or lesser degree. Ultimately it
reflects the global problem of "West" versus "East".
The opposition of "West" to "East" has a very long prehistory. It finally took
its shape in the nineteenth century, when the European countries built their
colonial empires A popular thought was that an abyss separated "West"
and "East". We know the verse by Rudyard Kipling:

"Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stay presently at God's great Judgment Seat"...

This was a global opposition, but it was even

. IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: . 25.09.04, 11:40 zarchiwizowany

Year Zero One is pleased to present the source code for Norman White's
interactive robotic project, The Helpless Robot.

The Helpless Robot is an artificial personality that responds to the behavior
of humans by using its electronic voice which speaks a total of 512 phrases.
The speech that is delivered depends on its present and past experience
of "emotions" ranging from boredom, frustration, arrogance, and

Since 1987 The Helpless Robot has been exhibited in numerous galleries both in
Canada and internationally. By sharing and publishing The Helpless Robot
script, Norman White invites fellow creative individuals to collaborate on a
software project aimed at: >> creating more powerful and varied simulations of
an emotional entity. >> translating the code into Java or another web language,
so as to create a net-based version of The Helpless Robot. This might involve
re-writing parts of the existing Delphi code, or starting all over from


Where are you going, Socrates?
For I see you're even wearing sandals today.

To Agathon's for a banquet
celebrating his theater prize.
I evaded him yesterday because of the crowd,
but I agreed to come today,
and so I'm dressed up.
How do you feel about
going unasked to the banquet?

I'll do whatever you say.

Come along then.

See that you have an excuse for me,
as I won't admit going unasked,
but I'll say I was invited by you.

With two going together,
the one ahead shall plan what we'll say.
So let's go.

Socrates and Aristodemus walk together down the street. After a while Socrates
becomes absorbed in his thoughts and pauses, waving Aristodemus to go on
without him. Aristodemus arrives at the door to Agathon's house and knocks,
nervously expecting Socrates to arrive at any moment. A SERVANT opens the door
and leads Aristodemus inside to the banquet where he is met by AGATHON.

Oh, Aristodemus,
you're welcome to join the banquet!
If you came for anything else, put it off.
Yesterday I went up to invite you
but couldn't find you.
But why didn't you bring Socrates with you?

Aristodemus looks behind him again, still expecting Socrates to come in at any

Well, he was just with me
and should be here soon.
In fact it was Socrates who invited me to dine.

Good of you to come, but where is he?

He was following right behind me,
but I wonder where he went.

Agathon commands a servant.

Go look for him and bring him in.
And you, Aristodemus,
sit down next to Eryximachus.

ANOTHER SERVANT offers Aristodemus a bowl of water to rinse
his hands and then a towel to dry them. Then Aristodemus reclines on
a couch. Meanwhile the first servant returns and reports to Agathon.

Socrates is standing on the neighbor's porch,
but when I asked him to come in, he refused.

How strange!

e.labor.at.e.ly tort.u.red IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: lo9 24.09.04, 13:22 zarchiwizowany

In popular usage, almost any crazy killer is a "psychopath." But in psychiatry,
it's a very specific mental condition that rarely involves killing, or even
psychosis. "Psychopaths are not disoriented or out of touch with reality, nor
do they experience the delusions, hallucinations, or intense subjective
distress that characterize most other mental disorders," writes Dr. Robert
Hare, in Without Conscience, the seminal book on the condition. (Hare is also
one of the psychologists consulted by the FBI about Columbine and by Slate for
this story*.) "Unlike psychotic individuals, psychopaths are rational and aware
of what they are doing and why. Their behavior is the result of choice, freely
exercised." Diagnosing Harris as a psychopath represents neither a legal
defense, nor a moral excuse. But it illuminates a great deal about the thought
process that drove him to mass murder.

Diagnosing him as a psychopath was not a simple matter. Harris opened his
private journal with the sentence, "I hate the f---ing world." And when the
media studied Harris, they focused on his hatred—hatred that supposedly led him
to revenge. It's easy to get lost in the hate, which screamed out relentlessly
from Harris' Web site:

"YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? Cuuuuuuuuhntryyyyyyyyyy music!!! . . .

"YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? People who say that wrestling is real!! . . .

"YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? People who use the same word over and over
again! . . . Read a f---in book or two, increase your vo-cab-u-lary f*ck*ng

"YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? STUPID PEOPLE!!! Why must so many people be so
stupid!!? . . . YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE!!!? When people mispronounce words! and
they dont even know it to, like acrosT, or eXspreso, pacific (specific), or 2
pAck. learn to speak correctly you morons.



e.labor.at.e.ly tort.u.red IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: enough 24.09.04, 03:07 zarchiwizowany

LOCALvision IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: -*- 24.09.04, 01:37 zarchiwizowany


Min Käre Vän...
drf 24.09.04, 00:58 zarchiwizowany

skicka @mail till Mig..

drf 24.09.04, 00:54 zarchiwizowany

Collecting Earth science data is only part of what GLOBE teacher Rafat Jambi
and his students do together at Hamzah High School, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. On
June 8th, 2004 they observed the transit of Venus. It began at 5:22 UT (or 8:22
AM. local time). "By using the eclipser provided by King Abdul Aziz City for
Science and Technology it was very clear to see it as a dot passing through the
sun," said Rafat Jambi. Khalid Bin Waleed commented, "I have looked through the
big telescope at Venus. It is at the middle of the sun. It is like an eye. The
Sun is white and big and Venus like a black dot in it."


zupagrzybowa 24.09.04, 00:34 zarchiwizowany

zupagrzybowa 23.09.04, 23:20 zarchiwizowany

Programming with H2O

You're a software developer. Your programming language of choice is VB, Access,
C++, Perl, ASP or PhP. You want your software to run everywhere; over the web,
in companies, at hosting providers. You want to write one program and have it
work everywhere.

Unfortunately, as you know, that's easier said than done. You long for a really
good environment. But you've seen and used the tools and you're still coping
with the same old stuff: managing variables, security, compatibility issues,
and worse yet, having to write hundreds of lines of code to solve the most
mundane problems. Sure, the languages are sexy on the outside. But thy're no
fun. They're either too complicated, slow, web-unfriendly, or limited. You say
to yourself and your friends, "There has to be a better way!"

The Better Way is Here
Now there is a better way -- the H2O programming environment from Aestiva, a
powerful programming language for programmers who want to build web-friendly,
universal applications. Imagine the following:

Your programs run in browsers. Like the HTML language, there are no worries
about the underlying hardware.
Your language is smarter. No more need to define variable types or dimension
arrays since the language does it for you.
Your language is easier. It's English-like so there's no need to "comment"
code. Routines that once took hours to write now take minutes.
Your programs are super compact. You wite high-level code, not low-level code.
Programs take up to three hundred times less code.
Debugging is easier. A runtime error checker points out where problems occur,
plus with up to three hundred times less code, there's less to debug.
Your programs run faster. The H2O "high-level interpreted" architecture means
programs run about as fast as compiled C.
Your programs are universal. Write once, run anywhere. On Linux, Mac, Unix and
Windows servers. In standard hosting accounts too.
Your programs can be packaged. Distribute them. Load them point-and-click. Copy-
protect and sell them.
Your programs are trustable. H2O's security-by-default architecture means you
don't need to be a security expert to write a web software program.

You don't need to dream about these features. They're here now. In H2O. It's
why H2O is so much fun.

This introductory chapter provides you with a brief look at the main design
goals of H2O; the remainder of this paper examines the features of H2O in more

You don't need to dream about these features. They're here now. This
introductory chapter provides you with a brief look at the main design goals of
H2O; the remainder of this paper examines the features of H2O in more detail.


made in Petach Tikva. In did? IP: *.3.1R* / *.bezeqint.net
Gość: ker 23.09.04, 23:19 zarchiwizowany

moja orthodox sprowadzila sie do miasta z Haifa. Od razu mnie sie spodobala. ma
17 lat a wtedy to chyba 16. Dlugie czarne wlosy jak to jewish girls. Tak to jest
podobna do Lary, Croft oczywiscie. I troche do mame Luke Skywalker.

Ona sie mnie tak spodobala ze ja w nocy o niej myslal i robil to co ten samiec
masturbantki i kon. I ja sie w koncu przemogl.

A tate mi powtarzal, zebym ja sie nie zadawac z ta dziewczyna, bo oni orthodox.
I ja widzial maja peisy i ubrani na czarno a my modern jestesmy i nawet mycki
nie nosimy. A akurat obok nas zamieszkali i te Karen widzialem kazdego dnia i
mnie nosilo. Na szczescie nie wychodzila za czesto z domu.

Ale raz padal desz i ona jakims cudem do sklep poszla bo tam chyba chore byli u
niej. I ja te Karen hop z domu i odezwal sie i tak to sie zaczelo.

Potem byl okres ze sobie listy pisali i wkladali pod... to cos do czyszczenia
buty przed wejscie. A ona mi w skrzynke na listy i ja od razu by rodzice nie

Az sie w koncu decydowala i sie jakos spotkali ona byla sama w domu. I wtedy mi
powiedziala ze nawet nie calowala mezczyzny ani nic. I ze jej rodzina jest
strasznie staroszkolna, czy jak sie to, mowi. I ze jej nigdy nie pozwola ale jej
sie bardzo chce i ze ona musi

I ja Karen troche dotykalem ale ona sie bardzo bala wiec ja jej powiedzial tylko
ze sama moze sobie dawac przyjemnosc. Bardzo sie zrobila, czerowna i obuzona ale
potem mi napisala w liscie ze to zaczela robic. Bardzo bylem o nia spragniony.

Na dwa tygodnie potem znowu byla sama w domu i jak ja przyszedl to juz mi na
wiecej pozwalala. Dotykalem jej brzuch, i plecy, i podciagnalem jej spodnica ona
taka dluga czarna welniana nosi. I majtki jak stare kobiety, nawet moja mame
nosi string. Ale mnie majtki karen bardzo sexual ... no wiesz.

I jej to na , no bra jej zdjalem, a nie to tydzien pozniej widzialem Karen cala
naga juz mi pozwalala wszystko tylko te jej majtki zostaweiala sobie, na. A na
nastepne randezvous kupilem jej string i ona przy mnie zalozyla odwrocila sie
tyl do mnie i widzialem jej tyl. Piekna jest, mmmmmmmmmm

A od miesiac to ja normalnie z nia sex robimy, milosc. Ona ma bardzo duza
potrzeba w tym wzgledzie. Czasem jak sie nie spotykamy to ona to sama robi i
zaczela jej mame i tate i brat kloci sie z nimi bo ma wystarczajaco takiego
zycia. Chce inny miec, takie nowe jak ja i jak wiecej mlodzi ludzie u nas w Israel.

My zazdroscic Europa czy Ameryka ze tam prawie wszyscy sa nowoczesni a nie tak
jak Zydzi ze czesc jest taka jak rodzina Karen, ale Karen taka nie bedzie.

Ona teraz robi wszystko bo to lubi, lubi jak ma cumshot czy blowjob (jak to sie
po polsku nazywa, bo ja sie rodzicow wstydze pytac?). I fajn jest!!

HEAVYmetal.......OŁóW? IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 9()6 23.09.04, 22:20 zarchiwizowany

Re: *******************************************sy IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: .officium 22.09.04, 18:00 zarchiwizowany

zupagrzybowa 22.09.04, 01:16 zarchiwizowany

צ 8
נ 9

The sound that suggests the dripping is a simultaneous and monotonous rhythm of
repetition. The quantity of the liquid is being collected, the new drops are
falling into bigger and bigger puddles of water, and then everything
disappears, to be repeated from the beginning, infinitely. The continuously
filling and emptying, drops of water presented through the video projection,
awaken a symbol – the tears. When reducing the visible, Ksenija also in her
earlier works - installations proportionally increases the notion of the
invisible. A symbol is always placed instead of a non-present object or
reference, because only the missing thing can be symbolised, therefore formally
presented. (1) The place where the drops are created and where they disappear
is invisible, as well as their symptom. What is presented is only the
mechanism: machina lacrimalis.

It is possible (medically) to present a part of the invisible. A teardrop is
consisted from 98% water, 0,6% proteins, 1% minerals, especially NaCl ,and
antibacterial solution that has vitamins A and C. The ciliary process wets the
eyeball, and the tears are taken through various channels, and excreted through
the nose. But, when there are too many tears, the liquid cannot be sucked in
through the cornea, and is pouring over the eyelid. The excretion is performed
under the control of the autonomous nervous system: the sympaticus that
regulates the normal secretion, and parasympaticus that regulates psychogenic
and reflex secretion. (2)

The other part of the invisible, the symptom, the one that effects the
parasympaticus, is signalised but hidden. 'The material model is a mere
transmitting of the implosion of space…' says A. Maračić (3), 'the
possibilities of a sudden insight into the inside of our individual universe.'
The material pattern in this installation is also being subjected to reduction,
almost to the utter dematerialization ( unless tears are things?). But the same
as in previous ambiences there is again the mirror as the royal symbol of the


Re: and... }:{ 6aUss LOVE is SO FUCKING 900D ? }: IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: t 22.09.04, 00:07 zarchiwizowany

Gość portalu: nanoThingNess napisał(a):

> inside
> M::T

M..T ?

In the search of starting point of affections, we inevitably encounter
Narcissus, since according to the contemporary psychoanalysis its origins are
based on the margins of narcism and idealization. As Freud says, it is not
Eros, but the kingdom of narcism that represents the explosive, and probably
dominates the physical life. ( This illusionist permanence is being
rehabilitated, brought back to normal in spheres where the desire is being fed
on the breasts of my reality…love, and since love creates the ocean-like
feeling of content narcism, nothing affects more than the deprivation of love).

In order to reach the personal physical space we need emptiness. For the
contemporary analysis it was discovered as the constituent element of human
psyche. Therefore the symptom as the mediator of the emptiness is more easily
transmitted on the sphere of the metaphor that is condensing the phantasms.

Politics is good only for the movement of a body.
What the movement of a body is good for?
Emptiness is good for the personal physical space.
What the personal physical space is good for?

--------------------IS&amp; & #35; 1512;& & #35; 1513;EL-- IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: #1491;יש 22.09.04, 00:04 zarchiwizowany


Re: and... }:{ 6aUss LOVE is SO FUCKING 900D ? }: IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: gNess 21.09.04, 23:28 zarchiwizowany


Re: and... }:{ 6aUss LOVE is SO FUCKING 900D ? }: IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: CUrioUS 21.09.04, 23:10 zarchiwizowany

So where is this key to nonothingness?

Re: and... }:{ 6aUss LOVE is SO FUCKING 900D ? }: IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: rmas 21.09.04, 18:16 zarchiwizowany

bo okragla?
to chyba 2 rozne pytania?
cudowny, hihi

פסטיבל dlaczego nie?

zupagrzybowa 21.09.04, 15:14 zarchiwizowany

ZEBRANI tu na JASNEJ GORZE oswiadczamy 27 sierpnia 2004 IZ SPOTKAMY SIE

sle zyczenia
Sugestia: Na koniach, Kawaleria Damska ?

Re: --------------------AQUANET------------------ IP: *.8.52.*
Gość: son 21.09.04, 14:55 zarchiwizowany

רבנים תוקפים את
``העיסוק הפופוליסטי
הרב יובל שרלו: "גם
התקווה ש'מתוך שלא
לשמה יבוא לשמה' איננה
רלוונטית כאן, משום
שמי שמתחיל את העיסוק
בקבלה לא בחתירה
לתיקון עולם ותיקון
נפשי אלא בפסטיבל, אין
סיכוי שיגיע לרמות

drf 21.09.04, 14:21 zarchiwizowany

Menoryczność- 7gałęziowość 1+2+4
forma 2uch 3kątów w centrum
Transformacji.przestrzeni Banalnych
Naga dziewczyna w kwiatach...

and... }:{ 6aUss LOVE is SO FUCKING 900D ? }:{ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 900D 21.09.04, 13:47 zarchiwizowany

Vad är en ledare?

Expressen startades mitt under brinnande världskrig. Det offentliga Sverige
hukade inför tyskarna. Tidningarna teg. Politikerna gjorde eftergifter.
Storföretagen gjorde pengar.
Expressen var en motkraft mot den tidens svassande. Vi teg inte, eftersom vi
visste hur illa det gick när människovärdet förkrymptes till en bock i en

Den kampen är på intet sätt avslutad.
Det uppstår alltid nya idéer som kränker individens rätt och värdighet och som
sätter större värde på staten, kollektivet eller företaget.
Expressen är en motkraft.
Vi tycker att den enskilde ska vara fri att söka sitt livs värde och lycka på
just sitt sätt. Vi skyr idéer som socialism, konservatism och nationalism. Vi
motarbetar fördomar om givna könsidentiteter och förställningar om etniska
egenskaper. Vi sätter kulturlivets frihet högt, liksom forskningens och
Expressen är en liberal tidning. Vi ger ut tidningen därför att vi tror på våra
idéer. Vi vill förändra verkligheten. Ofta syns detta ställningstagande i hela
tidningen, men tydligast syns det på sidan två ledarsidan. Där tar vi ställning
i frågor som berör oss och som vi tycker är viktiga.


mistatwista 20.09.04, 04:34 zarchiwizowany


2000 places of Pi



Note the long run of 9's.

The mathematicians of Pythagoras's school (500 BC to 300 BC) were interested in
numbers for their mystical and numerological properties. They understood the
idea of primality and were interested in perfect and amicable numbers.
A perfect number is one whose proper divisors sum to the number itself. e.g.
The number 6 has proper divisors 1, 2 and 3 and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 28 has divisors
1, 2, 4, 7 and 14 and 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28.
A pair of amicable numbers is a pair like 220 and 284 such that the proper
divisors of one number sum to the other and vice versa.
You can see more about these numbers in the History topics article Perfect

liczby milosne 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28.

pi.prime.di.vision IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: gamma3 19.09.04, 13:27 zarchiwizowany

./\LTERN/\TYV/\ NiEZN/\N/\*** IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: biG:69 18.09.04, 13:39 zarchiwizowany

6EX 9ES 0Key...NO.No-thin6-ness ;)

Re: www.org.a altern-/\-Ty-wna IP: *.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl
Gość: -ness 18.09.04, 09:54 zarchiwizowany

> > No-thin6-ness


. patrzy - 69 ?
(.)- 69 ?
. - .


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