• [...]
drf 10.11.02, 21:11 zarchiwizowany
Wiadomość została usunięta ze względu na złamanie prawa lub regulaminu.
• [...]
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 10.11.02, 20:41 zarchiwizowany
Wiadomość została usunięta ze względu na złamanie prawa lub regulaminu.
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 10.11.02, 20:30 zarchiwizowany
Übungen zur Grammatik
Übungen zum Text
Ich dachte mir, wir sollten uns einmal einige Sätze des großen griechischen
Philosophen Platon (427-347 v. Chr.) anschauen. Platon war nicht nur Philosoph,
er war auch ein genialer Schriftsteller. Es ist ganz selbstverständlich, daß wir ihm
im Laufe unseres Griechisch-Kurses noch oft begegnen werden.
Warum nun werden viele Söhne tüchtiger Väter mittelmäßig? fragt Protagoras in
Platons gleichnamigem Dialog. Können Sie die einzelnen Wörter im griechischen
Text identifizieren?
Dia\ ti/ ou}n tw~n a)gatw~n pate/rwn polloi\ u(ei~j fau~loi gi/gnontai;
(Nicht unser faul, wohl aber blöde steckt in fau~loj gering, wertlos, böse.
Zu gi/gnontai sage ich in der Grammatik etwas.)
Im Abschnitt [326b] (Perseus-Text; am ersten Tag hatte ich Ihnen die Perseus-
Adresse angegeben. Hier ist sie nochmals: www.perseus.tufts.edu/ .) sagt
Protagoras etwas, das als Motto über allen Selbst-Hilfe-Bemühungen stehn sollte.
Mit ein wenig Hilfe von außen, werden Sie den Satz bestimmt übersetzen können:
pa~j7ga\r7o(7bi/oj7tou~7a)nqrw&pou7eu)ruqmi/aj7te7kai\ eu)armosti/aj7dei~tai.
h( eu)ruqmi/a, aj richtiger Takt, Ebenmaß, Harmonie
(Die Deklination dieses Substantivs folgt in der sechsten Stunde. Sie wissen ja,
daß bei jedem Substantiv auch der Genitivausgang mit angegeben wird, hier -aj;
was nach Abstreichen des Ausgangs übrig bleibt, ist der Wortstock: eu)ruqmi-.)
h( eu)armosti/a, aj gute Fügung, Ebenmaß, Harmonie
de/w binden, ermangeln, bedürfen; dei~tai er, sie, es bedarf (3.S.Ind.Präs.
Med./Pass., verlangt den Genitiv: verlangt des rechten Taktes)
Demnach lautet diese Stelle:
Denn das ganze Leben des Menschen braucht rechten Takt und Harmonie.
Platon widmet sich im Gastmahl ausführlich dem Zusammenspiel von Rhythmus,
Harmonie, Liebe usw. Sie finden den Text bei Perseus (plat. sym. 187c). Wir
wollen nur einen Satz herausgreifen:
kai\7e)/stin7au} mousikh\7peri\7a(rmoni/an7kai\7r(uqmo\n
In der engl. Übersetzung bei Perseus heißt es: Hence in its turn musik is found to
be a knowledge of love-matters relating to harmony and rhythm.
Ehe wir unsere deutsche Übersetzung versuchen, erkläre ich zunächst einige
Vokabeln und Formen.
au} wiederum, h(7mousikh/ die Musik, peri/ (mit Akk.) in Hinsicht auf,
h( a(rmoni/a, aj Ebenmaß, Einklang, Verbindung (a(rmoni/an Akk. Sing.),
o(7r(uqmo/j, ou gleichmäßige Bewegung, Takt, usw. (r(uqmo\n Akk. Sing.), e)
rwtiko/j zur Liebe gehörig, to\ e)rwtiko/n das Erotische, die Liebe (e)rwtikw~n Gen.
Pl.). h(7e)pisth/mh, hj das Wissen, die Wissenschaft, vgl.
Und Musik wiederum ist, was Harmonie und Rhythmus angeht, eine
Wissenschaft von den Liebesdingen.
In vielen Sprachen tanzt die Deklination von Vater, Mutter, Tochter usw. leicht aus
der Reihe. Dazu gehören das Russische und natürlich das Griechische. Vgl. Sie
bitte KurzGr 3.7.8
Am besten ist es, sich Nom., Gen. und Dativ zu merken:
o(7path/r, tou~7patro/j, tw~|7patri/
h( mh/thr, th~j7mhtro/j, th~|7mhtri/
h( quga/thr, th~j7qugatro/j, th~|7qugatri/
Die drei Akkusative gehen leicht ein: pate/ra, mhte/ra, qugate/ra.
Im Akk. Pl. brauchen Sie nur noch ein j anzuhängen. So leicht ist die 3.
Wir können diese Informationen weiter unten in den Übungen gebrauchen. Auch
die folgenden Erklärungen über Ehrendinge werden wieder Vater und Sohn
h( timh/ ist die Ehre und tima/w, das zu timw~ kontrahiert (KurzGr 9.4.2),
bedeutet ich ehre. Alle Formen der Verba auf -aw werden kontrahiert. Z.B. heißt er
ehrt tima~|, kontrahiert aus -a/ei. Mit diesen Dingen werden wir uns noch oft
Du sollst ehren heißt ti/ma. Sie wissen doch, Mt 19,19:
ti/ma7to\n7pate/ra7kai\ th\n7mhte/ra.
(Ich werde geehrt heißt: timw~mai. Wie mag das wohl entstanden sein?)
Ein Sohn ui(o/j ist dagegen unproblematisch.
Wessen Sohn ist er? ti/noj7ui(o/j7e)stin;
(ti/j wer? ti/ was? mit dem Gen. ti/noj wessen? für mask, fem, und neutr. ist ein
Fragepronomen, Interrogativ-Pronomen. Es hat immer den Akut auf dem Stamm-
Er machte seinem Sohn eine Hochzeitsfeier:
(Aber die Geladenen, oi(7keklhme/noi,wollten nicht kommen:
- ou)k7h)/qelon7e)lqei~n, Mt 22)
Füllen Sie bitte im folgenden Satz die Löcher aus:
Später aber sandte er seinen Sohn zu ihnen:
u(/steron ... a)pe/steilen7pro\j7au)tou\j ... ... ...
(de\, to\n, ui(o\n, au)tou~)
In Joh 5,23 können wir einiges über Ehre lesen, z.B.:
der den Sohn nicht ehrende (Mensch) ehrt auch den Vater nicht.
Oder auf Deusch: Wer den Sohn nicht ehrt, ehrt auch den Vater nicht.
Unser erster Platon-Satz in der Einleitung brachte auch die Form gi/gnontai.
Die Verbform gi/gnontai gehört zu gi/gn-o-mai ich entstehe, werde, werde geboren,
das natürlich ein besonders häufig benutztes Wort ist (in der Koiné wird
vereinfacht gi/nomai geschrieben). Es sieht aus wie paideu/ontai, also wie ein
Passiv (3.Pl.Ind.Präs.Pass. Wenn Sie an einen leidenden Bayer denken, der "o-
mai!" ausstößt, haben Sie ein gutes Modell für eine griechische Leideform.)
Aber gi/gnomai ist ein Medium. Es ist 1.P.S.Ind. Präs.Med.
Die 3.P.S.Ind.Präs.Med. lautet gi/gn-etai er wird, er wird geboren.
(In der Lektüre werden wir auf die Form bouleu/-etai stoßen, die ebenfalls auf -etai
Was hat es nun mit diesem Medium auf sich?
Nun, es steht fest, daß die Griechen ursprünglich kein Passiv kannten, sondern
eben ein Medium, mit dem sie ausdrücken konnten, daß sie eine Handlung im
eigenen Interesse bzw. an sich, d.h. an ihrer eigenen Person ausführten. Wenn
ich sage: ich erziehe den Sohn für mich, dann ist das im eigenen Interesse
(paideu/omai to\n ui(o/n), wenn ich aber sage: lou/omai ich wasche mich, dann ist
das zwar i.a. auch im eigenen Interesse, aber es ist vor allem eine Tätigkeit, die
das Subjekt an seiner eigenen Person, an sich, ausführt. Diese auf das Subjekt
rückbezügliche Handlungsweise wird durch das reflexive Medium ausgedrückt. Ich
erziehe mich selbst würde ebenfalls heißen paideu/omai.
Die Handlung im eigenen Interesse, also für sich (dativus commodi), wird als
dativisches Medium bezeichnet.
Wie man ein Medium übersetzen soll, kann i.a. nur aus dem Zusammenhang
heraus entschieden werden.
Im Präsens, Imperfekt, Perfekt und Plusquamperfekt sind die Formen des
Mediums und des Passivs gleich, vgl. KurzGr 9.2-3.
(Imperfekt und Plusquamperfekt existieren nur im Indikativ)
Im Präsens und Perfekt stimmen die medialen und passiven Formen in allen Modi
Nur Futur und Aorist haben eigene Formen für Medium und Passiv.
(Die Passivformen sind durch die Silbe qh gekennzeichnet.)
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 10.11.02, 20:27 zarchiwizowany
SpYC-WebMaster News (36)
22. November 1999
Hallo, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen!
Das erste Winter-Intermezzo mit eiskaltem Ostwind hat uns in Berlin schon mal
daran erinnert, dass die Saison nun wirklich bald zuende ist - nur dumm, dass die
Boote (teilweise) noch immer im Wasser sind...
Andererseits: Winterzeit = Computerzeit! Also kümmert Euch mal wieder um Eure
webpages und lasst uns alle an Euren Ideen teilhaben!
Also los, die Themen diesmal:
- Treffen auf der boot 2000
- Software zur Vereinsverwaltung
- Nutzung der Website durch die Mitglieder
- Trends
- Infos
- zum Schluss
Treffen zur boot 2000
• : --------------------AQUANET------------------
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 10.11.02, 20:23 zarchiwizowany
Auf diesen Seiten findet ihr alles über uns, wer wir sind, was wir beruflich bzw. in
unserer Freizeit machen, wie wir auf solch einen Blödsinn kommen, und was es
noch so alles über uns zu wissen gibt. Außerdem erfahrt ihr, was die Presse über
uns schreibt, wie man unseren Bandnamen ausspricht und was wir für die Zukunft
planen. Einfach mal links auf ein Thema klicken.
Wie alles begann; ein kleiner Rückblick
Die Morbid BalzWerc entstand im Jahre '98 als sich Latte und Hirn das erste mal
zusammensetzten und begannen, just for fun, ein bißchen Mucke bei Latte zu
machen. Die beiden kannten sich aus der Schule und LATTE hatte HIRN schon
einige Tips für sein Studio gegeben. Eh sie sich's versahen, entstand der
Song "Kackefest" und man war erstaunt über die kreative Zusammenarbeit und all
die guten Einfälle. An diesem Stück wurde, bis zur Fertigstellung, ungefähr zwei
Monate gearbeitet. Direkt im Anschluß folgte "Der Feldstecher", in gänzlich
anderem musikalischen Gewand, aber nicht weniger kreativ, als der erste Song.
Man wurde sich schnell über eine musikalische Zukunft im Klaren und der
Begriff "erste CD" muß wohl recht früh gefallen sein. Auf jeden Fall waren sich die
Beiden einig etwas auf die Beine zu stellen. Und so wurde, im eifrigen Tempo,
produziert, was nur ging. Als nächstes entstand der kurze Chaos Song "Meine
Freundin" und eine Produktion für eine auf Eis gelegte Sendung im
Hannoverschen Stadtfernsehen (der Song trägt übrigens den Titel XXL und ist
auch auf unserer CD "Tüchtig Auf Die Ohren" zu hören).
Einige Songs später hatten wir unsere erste CD bereits klar vor Augen, die dann
auch nach einigen Verzögerungen anfang 2000 erschien.
LATTE & HIRN privat
Privat sind wir natürlich ganz anders. Götz (lattenrost) hört am liebsten Country
und Alex (hirnwut) ist da mit Nine Inch Nails am zufriedensten. Fans sind wir
beide von Twin Peaks und echtem Bayrisch Malz (Wieviele Liter haben wir für
unsere erste CD gebraucht? Es müssen jedenfalls mehrere dutzend Kästen
gewesen sein).
Ein großes Hobby von uns ist noch H. P. Lovecraft. Z. Zt. spielen wir das
Rollenspiel "Call of Cuthuluh".
Beruflich gibt es bei uns im Moment den großen Umschwung. Nach dem HIRN
den Zivildienst geschafft hat, hat er eine Ausbildung zum Musikalienhändler in
unserem Support-Store in Göttingen begonnen. Bei LATTE ist die Ausbildung zum
Audio Engineer gerade zu Ende gegangen und er wartet jetzt auf die Ergebnisse
der Diplomarbeit und der Abschlußprüfungen. Davon wird auch abhängen, wie es
mit ihm weiter geht.
Unser Bandname
Wie spricht man uns aus?
Am besten hinter vorgehaltener Hand in der hintersten Ecke einer düsteren
Aber lassen wir das - aus Spaß wird Ernst (Ernst ist heute drei Jahre alt). Ihr
könnt sagen:
die morbid balzWerc - sprich: "dei morbitt bohlswöök"
DMB - sprich: "die emm bie" oder auch deusch "deh emm beh"
Und wie kamt ihr da drauf?
Nachdem wir dutzende von Namen überlegt hatten (u.a. "Sarg"), und wir uns auch
irgendwie sicher waren, daß das ein wenig morbide sein sollte, spielten wir ein
wenig mit den Wörtern herum: Walzwerk, Waldzwerg, Ballzwerg, Balzwerk,
morbides Balzwerc, "he, laß es uns englisch aussprechen", morbid balzwerc.
Dann hatten wir's: die morbid balzwerc
Öfter mal was neues!
Wir haben festgestellt, daß eine Abkürzung (in unserem Fall dann "dmb")
durchaus praktisch ist, denn sie kann nach Bedarf immer was anderes bedeuten.
Für unsere erste CD war dies "Die machen blöd". Für die neue CD "ZWO" soll
dmb eine andere Bedeutung haben. So z.B. "Dank Marmelade Brüste" oder "dein
Mikro blubbert". Habt ihr eine Idee? Mailt sie uns!
Die neue CD "ZWO"
Wie ihr ja alle inzwischen wissen solltet, schrauben wir z. Zt. an unserer neuen
CD "ZWO". ZWO ist gleichzeitig der Titelsong und eine Abkürzung für "Zwei
Wochen Ohne". In dem Lied geht es um einen Mann dessen Leben durch einen
Samenstau ruiniert wird. Die CD wird definitiv einen höheren Songanteil haben als
unsere erste Scheibe. Darunter finden sich richtige Country-, Folk- und
Raggaestücke, aber auch wieder schräges wie z.B. "Kackefest".
Die entgültigen Song stehen noch nicht fest, aber im Moment produzieren,
komponieren und texten wir wie die Weltmeister und werden wohl einen
Überschuß haben, so daß wir für die CD die besten Stücke aussuchen können
("Doch zu allem Überluß, hab ich einen Überschuß" aus ZWO). Erscheinen soll
die CD Weihnachten 2001. Wir hoffen, daß wir diesmal den Release-Termin
einhalten können.
Inhaltsangaben - Worum gehts in unseren Stücken
Zu aller erst sollte man wohl erwähnen, daß wir das alles just for fun machen. Wir
lachen uns beim Texten ständig tot!
Inhaltlich haben wir in der Regel nur ein Thema: Sex (was auch sonst?)! Wenige
Ausnahmen bestätigen hier die Regel. Wir wählen meistens Themengebiete und
Begriffe die für sich genommen nichts besonderes sind - oder zumindest sein
sollten - un packen sie in eine skurile Situation ein. Ein wenig ist es eine
Gratwanderunf zwischen Niveaulosigkeit und dem Normalen. Meist kommt dabei
eine kleine Geschichte heraus, die oft nur auf den zweiten Blick zu erkennen ist.
Als Zielgruppe muß man eindeutig Leute in unserem Alter sehen, da unsere Texte
für Jugendliche nicht unbedingt geeignet sind und von Älteren nicht als Witzig
sondern mehr als Geschmacklosigkeit angesehen werden. Vielleicht können und
wollen sie es nicht wahrhaben, daß das weibliche primäre Geschlechtsorgan
unter Zuhilfenahme von kognitiven und taktilen Reizen eine Flüssigkeit absondert,
die die Gleiteigenschaften drastisch verändert und so den Geschlechtsakt möglich
macht, aber wir stehen aufrecht da und sagen:"Deine Pussy ist feucht!"
Wem's nicht gefällt, der hört halt weg!
Unser Musikstil
Es gibt Musik, der muß man zuhören, und es gibt Musik, die ist gut zum
nebenbei Hören oder zum Tanzen etc. Wir machen Musik, der man zuhören muß.
Das liegt vor allem an den Texten. Das ist gut so und soll so bleiben. Was wir
jedoch nicht verstehen, ist die Intolleranz, mit der viele Menschen dem "anderen"
Musikstil, dem Stil oder der Musikrichtung, die sie nicht privat hören, begegnen.
Fakt ist, Musik soll gefallen und soll Spaß machen. Und wer eine andere Musik
nicht mag, der sollte sie halt einfach nicht hören, aber sie auf keinen Fall
verteufeln und Gründe dafür suchen, warum diese bestimmte Musik schlecht ist.
Klassik ist eine harmonische Meisterleistung, jedoch "für'n Arsch", wenn es
darum geht, dazu zu Tanzen. Umgekehrt basiert Techno auf den simpelsten
Schemata der Harmonielehre, jedoch kommt es hier auf den Groove an.
Wir möchten eich einfach bitten, in dieser Beziehung etwas tolleranter und euren
Mithörern gegenüber etwas rücksichtsvoller zu sein.
Auf unserem Album "Tüchtig Auf Die Ohren" finden sich viele düstere Stücke.
Unsere neue CD "ZWO" wird jedoch ein wirklich buntes Sammelsurium an
Musikrichtungen beinhalten: Raggae, Country, Volksmusik und Folk-Music und
nicht zu vergessen auch Industriellen-Fäkal-Pop. Seid also gespannt...
Was ist für die Zukunft geplant?
Wir haben viele Ideen und werden auch weiter produzieren. Auch Live-Konzerte
und ein Film stehen bei uns ganz oben auf der Wunschliste. Abhängig ist dies
hauptsächlich davon, was und vor allem wo LATTE in Zukunft arbeitet. Die
Chancen für Göttingen stehen recht mies, es ist jedoch denkbar, daß er näher als
Frankfurt einen Job findet. Ebenfalls auf der Wunschliste steht ein gemeinsames
Studio. Mal sehen, was die Zukunf bringt...
Am realistischsten ist demnächst ein Track für die CD mit eine kompletten Band
zu produzieren. Dies sollte eigendlich im August an der SAE in Frankfurt
geschehen, doch ein technischer Ausfall brachte den Termin zum platzen.
Was schreibt die Presse über uns?
" "Die machen blöd" kön
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 10.11.02, 20:21 zarchiwizowany
• [...]
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 10.11.02, 20:15 zarchiwizowany
Wiadomość została usunięta ze względu na złamanie prawa lub regulaminu.
• Uriel im neuen Gewand! IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 666 10.11.02, 20:04 zarchiwizowany
• misio a znasz sie na dialektyce hegla ?
datsh 08.11.02, 00:46 zarchiwizowany
....bo wyglada ze wyksztalcenie filozoficzne masz...
zgadza sie ?
• ..................................................
datsh 08.11.02, 00:39 zarchiwizowany
• ALLh jest NIEpoJęty wg QRANu !!!
datsh 08.11.02, 00:36 zarchiwizowany
• misiu ... paranoja sie rozwija wyobraznie !
datsh 08.11.02, 00:25 zarchiwizowany
• http://www.aquanet.co.il/radio99.asx
datsh 08.11.02, 00:14 zarchiwizowany
• Instrukcja dla pewnego turbana... IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: )))))))))) 07.11.02, 22:25 zarchiwizowany
Jak wobec więź pewien turban
PEWIEN ghaffiya albo prosty czapka od ciężki kupiec handlujący tekstyliami
mogą być używany wobec zapobiegać włos z przedstawienie.
Ty zacząć się od jeden kończyć od ten turban około sześć cale poniżej ten
opierać się od ten szyja; to jest zamierzać być ten ogon który jeden widzi u
niektórzy okres turbany.
Stamtąd, ten turban miniony przez ten głowa wobec just powyższy ten czoło i
wtedy ty wzdrygnąć się zwój ono. PEWIEN pojedynczy wiatr jest pewien zgodnie z
kierunkiem wskazówek zegara krąg nachylony nieco z poziomy.
Równie ty wiatr ten turban, ten krąg rośnie; ten niski punkt porusza się
wokoło ten głowa przy około 90 stopnie każdy wiatr. Tak jeśli ten pierwszy
czas wokoło ten niski punkt jest wobec prawica kłos wtedy ten najbliższy czas
to jest na grzbiecie ten głowa, wtedy zostawiać kłos.
Równie ty iść, możesz puszczać ten nachylać wzrost, skoro ten spód od ten krąg
wola kotwiczyć sam poniżej ten wybrzuszenie od kupiec handlujący tekstyliami
już tam.
Podczas jesteś w dół aż do pewien mały peice mniej więcej, zrobić pewien
poziomy okrążyć całe rzecz i zebrać ten zakończyć się. Ten wyniknąć jest ten
poziomy wstęga.
• Męski uprowadzić samolot
werw 07.11.02, 14:01 zarchiwizowany
• [...]
wojo_czyli_smrod_na_forum 05.11.02, 06:51 zarchiwizowany
Wiadomość została usunięta ze względu na złamanie prawa lub regulaminu.
• [...]
wojo_czyli_smrod_na_forum 05.11.02, 06:49 zarchiwizowany
Wiadomość została usunięta ze względu na złamanie prawa lub regulaminu.
zupa_w_proszku 05.11.02, 00:59 zarchiwizowany
• [...]
kot_adonaja 04.11.02, 07:21 zarchiwizowany
Wiadomość została usunięta ze względu na złamanie prawa lub regulaminu.
• ___________________...__________________________
zupagrzybowa 04.11.02, 03:09 zarchiwizowany
• __________________________________________________
drf 04.11.02, 01:38 zarchiwizowany
• Fauzi Ayub was recruited by Hizbullah in Canada IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 03.11.02, 02:23 zarchiwizowany
General Security Service Arrests a Hamas Explosives Expert from Canada
The General Security Service (GSS) recently arrested an explosives expert who
was sent to the West Bank in order to assist the Hamas and Islamic Jihad in
constructing bombs and planning terrorist attacks. It is assumed that his
arrest prevented a series of sophisticated terror attacks that were due to be
carried out within the Green Line, in addition to planned attacks against IDF
forces serving in the territories.
Hizbullah operative Fauzi Ayub was arrested three months ago in Hebron. He is
a Canadian citizen of Lebanese Shiite origin, and he entered Israel with a
Canadian passport. He was sent to the territories to train Hamas, Islamic
Jihad and Hizbullah-Palestine terrorists. He was meant to train these
operatives to prepare explosives and plan attacks professionally, on a scale
that hasn't yet been witnessed in the Palestinian organizations. He was
arrested before his skills produced any lethal results.
Ayub was recruited by Hizbullah in Canada and underwent an extended period of
training in Lebanon before he was assigned to 'The Foreign Unit' of the
Hizbullah in Europe. Two other Hizbullah operatives who were arrested in
recent years also belonged to this unit: Ebrahim Muqaeder, who prematurely
detonated a bomb attached to his body at the Laurence Hotel in Jerusalem in
1996 and was arrested thereafter, and Gerard Shuman, who was arrested almost
two years ago in Jerusalem. This Hizbullah activity is part of the
organization's concentrated efforts to infiltrate into the territories and
influence the frequency and severity of the terrorist attacks carried out in
Israel. This is due to the Hizbullah's political interest in not allowing the
Intifada to end.
• Adzia Hitla w TURbANIE
j_d 01.11.02, 22:23 zarchiwizowany
zupagrzybowa 01.11.02, 20:51 zarchiwizowany
• _______________________________________________IAF
zupagrzybowa 01.11.02, 20:42 zarchiwizowany
• Czikago.... to ty teraz Adzia Hitla jestes ?
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 01.11.02, 20:33 zarchiwizowany
Uwazaj na Mosad bo cie beda w klatce wystawiac ...;)))
• Sukces_Islamskiej_Psychiatrii
drf 01.11.02, 00:52 zarchiwizowany
• Re: ....gezunt zajn
zupagrzybowa 31.10.02, 01:43 zarchiwizowany
• Re: ....gezunt zajn IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: test 30.10.02, 00:43 zarchiwizowany
• ....gezunt zajn
alef1 29.10.02, 23:33 zarchiwizowany
• !!!!!!!!_!_PODOBIENSTWO__w__METODACH__!!!!!!!!!!!!
alef1 29.10.02, 23:30 zarchiwizowany
• Hindu IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 29.10.02, 19:05 zarchiwizowany
Where is the Hindu Holocaust Museum?
The Nazi Holocaust of the Jews during the earlier part of this Century has
become, over time, something that is known to each and every person in the
world. Whilst small negationist groups still remain active in their ongoing
attempts to deny the Holocaust, this movement has largely dwindled to almost
cult levels, and the mass genocide of approximately six million Jews by the
National-Socialists (Nazis) of the Third Reich has become an almost
unanimously accepted, established fact. Indeed, the descendants of the
perpetrators of that atrocity, the German government of today, has put laws in
place which forbid the teaching of any historical account which attempts to
deny the Holocaust.
Similarly, the slaughter by European settlers of the indigenous populations of
the Americas, the massacres by the Moors in Spain, the atrocities committed by
the whites on the indigenous Africans, the mindless destruction carried out by
the Christian Crusaders, the horrors perpetrated by the Europeans on the
Aborigines of Australia, all have become common knowledge and established
facts which the whole world makes no hesitation in acknowledging.
However, there is another horror story in the history of human civilisation
which, despite the fact that it not only equals, but in fact far exceeds any
of these events, is almost completely unheard of by not only the world in
general, but even the communities it affected. This horror story is summed up
nicely by the highly respected writer and historian, Will Durant, in his
classic work, "The Story of Civilisation", in which he writes :-
"The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It
is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilisation is a
precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be
overthrown by barbarians invading from without and multiplying from within."
The French historian, Francois Gautier, entirely concurs with Will Durant, in
his "Rewriting Hindu History". In it, Gautier states :-
"Let it be said right away: the massacres perpetrated by Muslims in India are
unparalleled in history, bigger than the holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis;
or the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the
slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and
The Moghul rule of Bharat was characterised by mass genocide, destruction and
desecration - atrocity after gruesome atrocity marked this era out as the
darkest period of human history, and yet, the world is blissfully unaware that
such a period ever existed. The darkest age of mankind is instead disguised as
an era of artistic, musical and literary excellence, in which inter-cultural
interaction and racial harmony were the order of the day. Countless millions
of unimaginably cruel and horrific violations of not just human rights, but
humanity itself, have been completely wiped clean and forgotten. It is of
paramount importance that this situation is rectified immediately, for in the
words of the noted thinker, C. J. S. Wallia :-
"From my own perspective as a secular humanist, I believe that any
whitewashing of historical record is counterproductive. No matter how lofty
the ideals of a current cause, any whitewash of history tempts the fates. To
forget history will always remain fateful; to forgive its horrendous facts can
be redemptive. Forgive - but never forget - history. A salient example of
making sure that the errors of history are not forgotten is the contemporary
German state's law prohibiting any World War II history that whitewashes the
holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis on the Jews, Gypsies, and Poles. The Jews
rightly insist that the world must never forget what happened to them. Where
is the Hindu Holocaust Museum?"
In following with these heartfelt sentiments, this essay proposes to examine
the case for what Shri Wallia has described as the "Hindu Holocaust Museum".
This will be done in six parts. Firstly, the essay will examine the background
to the Islamist mentality, by discussing the inherently hostile nature of
Islam, exemplified by the life and works of none other than the Prophet
himself. Secondly, the essay will summarise the historical background of the
situation in Bharat, demonstrating clearly the authenticity of the claim made
by Hindus regarding their treatment at the hands of the Moghul
invaders/rulers, by reference to the writings of various scholars who have
attested to the horrific treatment of the Hindus under the tyranny of the
Islamist fanatics. Next, there will be a brief examination of the Jewish
situation, discussing Jewish history from its beginnings to the modern day.
This will be followed by a short discussion of current Jewish attitudes
towards that history. The essay will then compare these Jewish attitudes with
Hindu sentiments regarding their own history, as described in the earlier
parts of the essay. Finally, on the basis of this comparison, the essay will
attempt to demonstrate the vast extent of damage inflicted on Hindu society as
a direct result of the negationist policy which, as the essay will
demonstrate, has been, and remains, so prevalent among Bharat's intelligentsia.
• :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: fOrUM tUrBAnOW?
allah1 29.10.02, 16:17 zarchiwizowany
• FOrUM tURBANOW IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 29.10.02, 02:07 zarchiwizowany
• U_____________S_____________E
allah1 29.10.02, 00:34 zarchiwizowany
United States of Europe
• IQtest
zupagrzybowa 28.10.02, 23:19 zarchiwizowany
Did you know?
Eighty percent of the average human brain is water.
• Theory of Multiple Intelligences
zupagrzybowa 28.10.02, 01:01 zarchiwizowany
According to this Harvard psychologist's theory of multiple intelligences, it
takes more than a high IQ to be a smart manager and leader
By Christopher Koch
Interested in learning more about the "human" side of the web?
Visit our Human Behavior
and the Web
Research Center.
When Michael Jordan performs an inexplicable maneuver in the air above a
basketball court or Luciano Pavarotti extracts another shimmering high C from
the gristle of his vocal chords, we don't necessarily think of either of these
men as being intelligent. They might be, but we assume these talents to be
peripheral to intelligence rather than proof of it.
Howard Gardner, a Harvard University professor of education and author,
disagrees. When Jordan lifts off or Pavarotti opens wide, Gardner sees
intelligence-something called bodily kinesthetic intelligence in the case of
Jordan and musical intelligence in that of the big tenor. Gardner doesn't
limit smarts to the traditional realms of logical reasoning and the ability to
manipulate words and numbers. He says we are all endowed with eight distinct
forms of intelligence that are genetically determined but can be enhanced
through practice and learning.
Besides the physical and musical varieties, Gardner has identified six other
types of intelligences: spatial (visual), interpersonal (the ability to
understand others), intrapersonal (the ability to understand oneself),
naturalist (the ability to recognize fine distinctions and patterns in the
natural world) and, finally-the ones we worked so hard on in school-logical
and linguistic.
Though Gardner's theory (first espoused in his 1983 book, Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences [Basic Books]), is often dismissed by the
research community as little more than speculation, it has caught fire among
educators, especially at the grade-school level. According to Gardner,
children who don't excel in the "traditional" intelligences may not get the
support they need. Kids who can brilliantly divine the feelings and motives of
their sandbox mates, for example, won't really have an officially sanctioned
chance to shine until they take a sales job or stumble into a college
psychology class.
Gardner says this tendency to focus on traditional interpretations of
intelligence carries over into the workplace, where employees who are
excellent team players or who are adept at spatial reasoning (visualization)
still risk getting fired if they can't write a decent memo. Similarly,
the "smartest" Ivy League grads risk spectacular failure if employers assume
that grade-point averages necessarily translate into leadership skills. In a
recent interview with Senior Writer Christopher Koch, Gardner offered ways to
help bring out the specific strengths of employees and company leaders
CIO: Why has intelligence traditionally been limited to logical reasoning and
the manipulation of words and numbers?
GARDNER: I think it has to do with the circumstances under which the
intelligence test was developed. It was developed to predict who would have
trouble in school. So it's basically a scholastic kind of measure, and the
more you try to apply intelligence test results to milieus like schools-which
can include certain kinds of professional or business organizations-the more
appropriate the IQ test is, and the more appropriate that standard definition
is. But once you go outside of school-like settings, then the standard theory
of intelligence is much less appropriate.
I often find that entrepreneurs think my theory is great. My interpretation is
that they are people who weren't considered that smart in school because they
didn't have good notation skills-you know, moving little symbols around. But
they realize that often they were understanding things that other people,
including their teachers, weren't understanding.
CIO: Traditional intelligence theories say there is a sort of reservoir
of "mental energy" underlying all intellectual activities that constitutes the
person's overall level of intelligence. Do you think this exists, or is it
compartmentalized, as your theory seems to suggest?
GARDNER: I believe that the brain has evolved over millions of years to be
responsive to different kinds of content in the world. Language content,
musical content, spatial content, numerical content, etc. And all of us have
computers that respond to those kinds of contents. But the strength or
weakness of one computer doesn't particularly correlate with the other
computer. If I know you're very good in music, I can predict with just about
zero accuracy whether you're going to be good or bad in other things. So the
notion of an undirected mental energy I think is not consistent with the data.
It may be that some people have somewhat more efficiently running machines and
perhaps, in general, they may learn or perform somewhat more rapidly than
others. But being fast and not very spatial doesn't make you any better in
spatial kinds of things; you probably just get the wrong answer more quickly.
It's funny that artificial intelligence is ahead of psychology in this regard.
Twenty-five years ago, the notion was you could create a general problem-
solver software that could solve problems in many different domains. That just
turned out to be totally wrong. So they began to develop expert systems. And
expert systems have a lot of knowledge built in. An expert system for
diagnosing disease is very different from an expert system to analyze chemical
assays. And you can't do either unless you know a lot about the particular
content that you're working with. So while most psychologists still think
there's such a thing as general intelligence, no software designer would
proceed on that basis.
CIO: You define the ability to interact successfully with other people as
intelligence. Does this imply that this is an innate ability or something that
can be learned?
GARDNER: I align myself with almost all researchers in assuming that anything
we do is a composite of whatever genetic limitations were given to us by our
parents and whatever kinds of environmental opportunities are available. You
can have the best genes in the world, but if you're not exposed to music, you
won't do anything in music.
Conversely, you might have a meager endowment in a certain area, but if you
spend a lot of time working on it, and your instructors are very ingenious in
helping you, you might end up performing quite well.
CIO: What qualities constitute an "intelligent" executive?
GARDNER: First of all, I think there's more than one kind of intelligent
executive. And in terms of my theory, I think there are some executives who
are tremendously good planners and have a very good understanding of the
organization with which they're working as well as the domain in which the
organization works and how that domain, or field, is evolving.
Other executives have more of the Ronald Reagan style. They are probably not
good at planning or crunching numbers, but they're terrific at getting people
to support a change in direction even if it means making some kind of a
sacrifice. And ideally you get a chief executive who's strong in all of those
areas as well as some I haven't mentioned.
Probably the most important thing in a company is to be aware of dimensions
like this and make sure that somehow they're represented in the leadership and
that people aren't at cross purposes with one another. You don't want the
person who's good at numbers proceeding in a very different direction than a
person who's very good at long-term vision or the person who's very good at
convincing people to join the team.
CIO: So the issue of
• www.jewishtvnetwork.com IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 27.10.02, 19:51 zarchiwizowany
• © AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps
drf 27.10.02, 01:25 zarchiwizowany
For the week ending May 25, 2002
Parashat Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89)
Through Us
by Rabbi David Rosenn, Executive Director, AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps
God spoke to Moses: Speak to Aaron and his sons:
This is how you shall bless the people of Israel. Say to them:
May God bless you and protect you!
May God deal kindly and graciously with you!
May God look upon you and grant you peace!
(Numbers 6:22-26)
God prepares the priests to bestow blessings on the people, but according to
the midrash, the people want their blessing directly from God:
The Holy One said: In the beginning, I blessed my creatures, but from now on,
blessings are given over to you. You will have to bless the people. That is
why God told Moses to instruct Aaron and his children to bless the Israelites…
The Jewish people said to the Holy one: "Master of the Universe! Why have you
instructed the priests to bless us? We have no need for any blessing other
than yours!"
The Holy One answered them, saying, "Even though I instructed the priests to
bless you, I will be standing there with them to bless you. This is why the
priests spread forth their hands when they make the blessing, as if to say
that God is right behind us." Also, this is the meaning of the verse: Behold,
he stands behind our wall, gazing through the window, peering through the
latticework (Song of Songs 2:9). God peeks through the latticework made by the
fingers of the priests when they extend their hands to offer the blessing."
(Midrash Tanhuma, Naso #8)
Why do you think God refuses the Israelites' request that they be blessed
directly by God. Why do you think God wants divine blessing to flow through
human intermediaries?
When working on issues like poverty and hunger, we sometimes wonder why God
simply doesn't take care of human beings who are suffering. Apparently God
requires human intermediaries to relieve suffering. Again, why do you think
God insists that we serve as the conduits through which relief from suffering
and blessings flow?
© AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps
• Re: Do Sali
drf 27.10.02, 01:03 zarchiwizowany
Classical Understandings of Mitzvot and their Reasons
The rabbinic sages and later philosophers and mystics offered many ways to
categorize the mitzvot and explain their significance.
By Rabbi Louis Jacobs
Excerpted with permission from The Jewish Religion: A Companion, Oxford
University Press. Please note that Jacobs uses the term “precepts” for mitzvot
rather than the more common translation, “commandments.”
On the basis of a homily dating from the third century CE, there are said to
be 613 precepts, 365 negative (“do not do this”) and 248 positive (“do this”),
but this numbering of the precepts did not really come into prominence until
the medieval period. The distinction, however, between positive and negative
precepts is found throughout Rabbinic literature. In that literature the term
mitzvah is used for a negative precept as well as a positive, but mitzvah is
more usually reserved for a positive precept, while the more usual term to
denote a negative precept is averah (“transgression”); as when, for instance,
it is said that a stolen palm-branch must not be used on the festival of
Tabernacles [Sukkot] because it is an averah.
A further classification of the precepts is that of “between man and God”
and “between man and his neighbor,” that is, religious and social obligations,
although both are seen ultimately as having their sanction in a divine
command. Another classification distinguished positive precepts that depend
for their performance on time (e.g. the precept of tefillin which is only
obligatory during daytime) and precepts that are binding whatever the time in
which they are carried out (love of the neighbor, for instance). Women are
exempt from carrying out the former.
Still another classification is between light and heavy precepts, that is,
those that can easily be carried out and those that require much effort and
are costly to carry out. In Ethics of the Fathers (2:1) the advice is given to
treat light precepts as seriously as one treats heavy precepts, “since you do
not know the reward for the precepts” and the performance of a light precept
may win a greater reward from heaven than the performance of a heavy precept.
Not that it is ideal to carry out the precepts in anticipation of reward for
so doing. Against such a calculating attitude stands the rabbinic doctrine of
lishmah (“or its own sake”), of doing God’s will without any ulterior
motivation. For all that, it is advised to carry out the precepts even if the
motivation is not entirely pure (shelo lishmah), since persistence in carrying
out the precepts will eventually lead to performance out of pure motivation.
The obligation to keep the precepts begins when a boy reaches the age of 13
and a girl the age of 12, hence the terms Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah.
The rabbinic ideal is to carry out the precepts joyfully. It is generally
assumed that Jews have simchah shel mitzvah, “joy in the mitzvah,” and that
even sinners in Israel are as full of mitzvot as a pomegranate is full of
seeds (Hagigah 27a). The Jerusalem Talmud uses the term mitzvah to denote
especially a deed of charity, the mitzvah par excellence. In Yiddish, a
mitzvah often means any good deed, just as an averah is anything bad or
For the talmudic rabbis, the fact that God commanded the positive and negative
precepts is sufficient reason for the Jew to keep them. But the medieval
philosophers seek to provide reasons for those precepts such as the dietary
laws for which no reason is stated in the Torah. Maimonides devotes a large
section of the third part of his Guide of the Perplexed to reasons for those
precepts which seem on the surface to be irrational. Some thinkers were
opposed to the whole attempt to discover reasons for the precepts, arguing
that, apart from the rabbinic stress on pure obedience, if reasons are
suggested they could easily lead to neglect where it is assumed the reasons do
not apply.
If, for example, the dietary laws are explained on hygienic grounds, this
could lead to Jews saying that the laws need not be kept where improved
methods of food production and the advance of medicine have made the risk to
health more remote than it was in ancient times. On the other hand, those
thinkers who did seek reasons believed that unless it can be shown that the
observance of the mitzvot is reasonable, Gentiles will taunt Jews as owing
allegiance to an irrational faith in which God tends to be seen as a
tyrannical ruler imposing arbitrary laws on His subjects.
In the Kabbalah, observance of the precepts has a cosmic effect, every detail
of the precepts having its correspondence in the upper worlds, assisting the
harmony of the sefirot [divine emanations] so that the divine grace can flow
unimpeded throughout creation. Many modern Jews are far less bothered about
the reasons for the precepts or, for that matter, about the question of the
origin of the precepts as suggested in biblical scholarship. What matters for
such Jews is the opportunity the precepts afford for worshipping God.
Louis Jacobs, a British rabbi and theologian, currently serves as rabbi of the
New London Synagogue. Rabbi Jacobs lectures at University College in London
and at Lancaster University. He is the author of numerous books including
Jewish Values, Beyond Reasonable Doubt, and Hasidic Prayer.
• Do Sali
drf 26.10.02, 18:31 zarchiwizowany
Co slychac ?
• Orthodox Juice IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: flum 25.10.02, 21:20 zarchiwizowany
Orthodox Juice
San Francisco beer lover Jeremy Cowan is the man responsible for HE'BREW, a
new kosher microbrew. "Don't Pass Out... Pass Over is one of his
slogans; "Exile never tasted so good" is another. Cowan, head of Shmaltz
Brewing Co., says he hopes his "Chosen Beer" is seen as a "hip Manischewitz."
Lox of luck.
• czikago jak sie masz?
kot_allaha 24.10.02, 02:59 zarchiwizowany
• Re: ........................................lates
allah1 24.10.02, 00:40 zarchiwizowany
• Watto = Bimi
allah1 24.10.02, 00:03 zarchiwizowany
• ////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
agora2 23.10.02, 21:42 zarchiwizowany
• computerJiddish© IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 23.10.02, 19:43 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: drf napisał(a):
> In its heyday in the 1930s, Yiddish radio flourished across America. Thirty
> stations in New York alone aired Jewish programming: advice shows, variety
> shows, man-on-the-street-interviews, news programs, music and game shows in
> both Yiddish and English. The programs in this collection afford us a snap-
> shot of American Jewish life in the 1930s and 40s -- the collision of
> and American cultures, the dawning reality of the genocide occurring across
> the ocean, the day-to-day lives of immigrants struggling to make it in a new
> land.
> Thanks to Henry Sapoznik who rescued the original master disks from
> and Sound Portraits, a not-for-profit organization working to preserve these
> amazing programs, a preservation project is underway sponsored in part by
> Dora Teitelboim Center, to bring these enduring archives back to life once
> more. Visit to find out more about supporting their Yiddish Radio Project,
> magical Yiddish time machine, linking us to the past, while connecting us to
> our future.
• Yiddish radio IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 23.10.02, 01:24 zarchiwizowany
In its heyday in the 1930s, Yiddish radio flourished across America. Thirty
stations in New York alone aired Jewish programming: advice shows, variety
shows, man-on-the-street-interviews, news programs, music and game shows in
both Yiddish and English. The programs in this collection afford us a snap-
shot of American Jewish life in the 1930s and 40s -- the collision of Yiddish
and American cultures, the dawning reality of the genocide occurring across
the ocean, the day-to-day lives of immigrants struggling to make it in a new
Thanks to Henry Sapoznik who rescued the original master disks from extinction
and Sound Portraits, a not-for-profit organization working to preserve these
amazing programs, a preservation project is underway sponsored in part by the
Dora Teitelboim Center, to bring these enduring archives back to life once
more. Visit to find out more about supporting their Yiddish Radio Project, a
magical Yiddish time machine, linking us to the past, while connecting us to
our future.
• Radio Free Europe III Reich ? IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: CCCP 22.10.02, 02:02 zarchiwizowany
• Re: --------------------AQUANET------------------
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 21.10.02, 23:32 zarchiwizowany
• Re: joe and brothers by Kuron
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 21.10.02, 23:12 zarchiwizowany
• Re: slyczOnly
drf 21.10.02, 21:59 zarchiwizowany
• slyczOnly
zupagrzybowa 20.10.02, 21:59 zarchiwizowany
• Carrefour
agora2 20.10.02, 17:28 zarchiwizowany
"Since the beginning, Carrefour's sustainable development policy has been
based on actions, not words. We want to demonstrate our social, economic and
environmental commitment in our daily practices. Many initiatives in this
first Carrefour report concern the hypermarket business in France, where our
group's adventure began. One of the most important challenges of our policy is
to report to a broad public,
both for our internal and external stakeholders, on the gradual
implementation of our commitments worldwide.
If our commitments are to become a reality, our actions must take place within
the context of an approach for progress that is adapted to the cultural,
economic and social context of each individual country where we operate."
Daniel Bernard
--Our other sites-- Argentina Czech Republic Belgium - Institutional site
Belgium - Hypermarkets Belgium - Supermarkets Brasil Emirates France -
Hypermarkets France - Supermarkets France - Ooshop France - Cash & Carry
France - Prodirest Greece Indonesia Italy Japan Poland Portugal Spain -
Hypermarkets Spain - Hard Discount Spain - Ooshop Search
Quite apart from its commercial operations, in every country where the
Carrefour group operates it is equally active in the social and environmental
We firmly believe that our responsible approach is the source of our financial
success. Carrefour's sustainable development policy has always been firmly
rooted in action: we are committed to proving our dedication to social,
economic and environmental concerns by placing them at the heart of our day-to-
day practices.
Our commitments have truly taken root in France, the key country behind the
rise of the Carrefour group; eager to see progress shared, these same
commitments are being put into action in other countries, in a manner that
always respects local economic, cultural, social and environmental conditions.
Sustainable Development Report 2001 (1495Ko)
Ever since its foundation, the Carrefour group has been heavily involved in
promoting social solidarity. The group sponsors cultural programmes, as well
as initiatives to fight poverty and exclusion, in every country where it
Four areas of action:
- Education;
- Health;
- The fight against exclusion;
- Human rights.
In France, for example, Carrefour Solidarité supports over 2,000
initiatives and projects annually. The Solidarity department is provided with
its own budget, as well as a warehouse that allows it to provide material
support. Between October 2000 and October 2001, 148 tonnes of clothing and
material, a total of almost 270,000 articles, was distributed through the
Solidarity warehouse.
In addition, chilled products removed from shelves five days before the expiry
of the 'use by' date - one of Carrefour's commitments - are made available to
food banks. The same applies to all grocery products that are superficially
damaged but whose innate qualities are not compromised. In 2000, collection of
these various foodstuffs supplied the equivalent of 20 million meals, up from
16 million in 1999.
In December 1999, the Carrefour group set up the Fondation Internationale
Carrefour, with a budget of 150 million French francs over five years, to
provide support for actions in the following areas:
emergency disaster relief
The fight against poverty and exclusion, through education, reading and
writing skills and access to cultural events
assistance to medical and scientific research
When a disaster occurs, an analysis is made; actions then take the form of
making contact with the country concerned through its representatives in
France, intervening in a selective, pragmatic way, and providing rapid, highly
targeted emergency relief.
In order to promote its goals, the Foundation chooses and sets up projects -
in collaboration with appropriate local bodies - that have an international
scope and will make a real impact on the lives of ordinary people. The
Foundation evaluates these projects and carries out practical studies in order
to evaluate their true worth.
In consultation with project operators, the Foundation defines quality
benchmarks that permit ongoing monitoring of the impact of each project
supported. The actions undertaken are organized around a threefold
based on information relayed by Carrefour country management teams.
The Carrefour group is keen to increase cooperation between its staff and
charitable organizations. The Foundation has set up a Website to assist this
process: it features a volunteer forum to assist people in placing their
skills at the disposal of social welfare programmes.
Of course, all actions undertaken by the Foundation and its partners fully
respect the principles and ethical guidelines set out in the Foundation's
founding statutes and internal regulations.
faworyt prezydenta Busha ;)
and Canal +
• Carrefour and Canal +
pauline_kaczanow 19.10.02, 19:55 zarchiwizowany
• terapia bagdadska?
allah1 19.10.02, 13:09 zarchiwizowany
• Broń a Słowa : Kto to powiedzial ? IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 19.10.02, 12:58 zarchiwizowany
"Words are very powerful, they can get things done for us, but then a word and
a gun makes it much easier."
urodzony w 1937....
jeszcze zyje
• " virtualMANDALA©reated!" IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 19.10.02, 00:21 zarchiwizowany
• joe and brothers by Kuran
salomon3 18.10.02, 19:13 zarchiwizowany
12. Yûsuf
Introduction to this Surat.
In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Alif-Lâm-Râ. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'an, and none
but Allâh (Alone) knows their meanings].
These are the Verses of the Clear Book (the Qur'ân that makes clear the legal
and illegal things, legal laws, a guidance and a blessing).
Verily, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'ân in order that you may
We relate unto you (Muhammad SAW) the best of stories through Our Revelations
unto you, of this Qur'ân. And before this (i.e. before the coming of Divine
Inspiration to you), you were among those who knew nothing about it (the
(Remember) when Yûsuf (Joseph) said to his father: "O my father! Verily, I saw
(in a dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon, I saw them prostrating
themselves to me."
He (the father) said: "O my son! Relate not your vision to your brothers, lest
they arrange a plot against you. Verily! Shaitân (Satan) is to man an open
"Thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of dreams
(and other things) and perfect His Favour on you and on the offspring of
Ya'qûb (Jacob), as He perfected it on your fathers, Ibrahîm (Abraham) and
Ishâque (Isaac) aforetime! Verily, your Lord is All-Knowing, All-Wise."
Verily, in Yûsuf (Joseph) and his brethren, there were Ayât (proofs,
evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) for those who ask.
When they said: "Truly, Yûsuf (Joseph) and his brother (Benjamin) are loved
more by our father than we, but we are 'Usbah (a strong group). Really, our
father is in a plain error.
"Kill Yûsuf (Joseph) or cast him out to some (other) land, so that the favour
of your father may be given to you alone, and after that you will be righteous
folk (by intending repentance before committing the sin)."
One from among them said: "Kill not Yûsuf (Joseph), but if you must do
something, throw him down to the bottom of a well, he will be picked up by
some caravan of travellers."
They said: "O our father! Why do you not trust us with Yûsuf (Joseph), - when
we are indeed his well-wishers?"
"Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy himself and play, and verily, we will take
care of him."
He [Ya'qûb (Jacob)] said: "Truly, it saddens me that you should take him away.
I fear lest a wolf should devour him, while you are careless of him."
They said: "If a wolf devours him, while we are 'Usbah (a strong group) (to
guard him), then surely, we are the losers."
So, when they took him away, they all agreed to throw him down to the bottom
of the well, and We inspired in him:"Indeed, you shall (one day) inform them
of this their affair, when they know (you) not."
And they came to their father in the early part of the night weeping.
They said:"O our father! We went racing with one another, and left Yûsuf
(Joseph) by our belongings and a wolf devoured him; but you will never believe
us even when we speak the truth."
And they brought his shirt stained with false blood. He said: "Nay, but your
ownselves have made up a tale. So (for me) patience is most fitting. And it is
Allâh (Alone) Whose help can be sought against that which you assert."
And there came a caravan of travellers; they sent their water-drawer, and he
let down his bucket (into the well). He said: "What good news! Here is a boy."
So they hid him as merchandise (a slave). And Allâh was the All-Knower of what
they did.
And they sold him for a low price, - for a few Dirhams (i.e. for a few silver
coins). And they were of those who regarded him insignificant.
And he (the man) from Egypt who bought him, said to his wife: "Make his stay
comfortable, may be he will profit us or we shall adopt him as a son." Thus
did We establish Yûsuf (Joseph) in the land, that We might teach him the
interpretation of events. And Allâh has full power and control over His
Affairs, but most of men know not.
And when he [Yûsuf (Joseph)] attained his full manhood, We gave him wisdom and
knowledge (the Prophethood), thus We reward the Muhsinûn (doers of good - see
And she, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him (to do an evil act), she
closed the doors and said: "Come on, O you." He said: "I seek refuge in Allâh
(or Allâh forbid)! Truly, he (your husband) is my master! He made my stay
agreeable! (So I will never betray him). Verily, the Zâlimûn (wrong and evil-
doers) will never be successful."
And indeed she did desire him and he would have inclined to her desire, had he
not seen the evidence of his Lord. Thus it was, that We might turn away from
him evil and illegal sexual intercourse. Surely, he was one of Our chosen,
guided slaves.
So they raced with one another to the door, and she tore his shirt from the
back. They both found her lord (i.e. her husband) at the door. She said: "What
is the recompense (punishment) for him who intended an evil design against
your wife, except that he be put in prison or a painful torment?"
He [Yûsuf (Joseph)] said: "It was she that sought to seduce me," - and a
witness of her household bore witness (saying): "If it be that his shirt is
torn from the front, then her tale is true and he is a liar!
"But if it be that his shirt is torn from the back, then she has told a lie
and he is speaking the truth!"
So when he (her husband) saw his [(Yûsuf's (Joseph)] shirt torn at the back;
(her husband) said: "Surely, it is a plot of you women! Certainly mighty is
your plot!
"O Yûsuf (Joseph)! Turn away from this! (O woman!) Ask forgiveness for your
sin. Verily, you were of the sinful."
And women in the city said: "The wife of Al-'Azîz is seeking to seduce her
(slave) young man, indeed she loves him violently; verily we see her in plain
So when she heard of their accusation, she sent for them and prepared a
banquet for them; she gave each one of them a knife (to cut the foodstuff
with), and she said [(to Yûsuf (Joseph)]: "Come out before them." Then, when
they saw him, they exalted him (at his beauty) and (in their astonishment) cut
their hands. They said: "How perfect is Allâh (or Allâh forbid)! No man is
this! This is none other than a noble angel!"
She said: "This is he (the young man) about whom you did blame me (for his
love), and I did seek to seduce him, but he refused. And now if he refuses to
obey my order, he shall certainly be cast into prison, and will be one of
those who are disgraced."
He said:"O my Lord! Prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite
me. Unless You turn away their plot from me, I will feel inclined towards them
and be one (of those who commit sin and deserve blame or those who do deeds)
of the ignorants."
So his Lord answered his invocation and turned away from him their plot.
Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
Then it appeared to them, after they had seen the proofs (of his innocence) to
imprison him for a time.
And there entered with him two young men in the prison. One of them
said: "Verily, I saw myself (in a dream) pressing wine." The other
said: "Verily, I saw myself (in a dream) carrying bread on my head and birds
were eating thereof." (They said): "Inform us of the interpretation of this.
Verily, we think you are one of the Muhsinûn (doers of good - see V.2:112)."
He said: "No food will come to you (in wakefulness or in dream) as your
provision, but I will inform (in wakefulness) its interpretation before it
(the food) comes. This is of that w
• Mac
pauline_kaczanow 18.10.02, 18:43 zarchiwizowany
• sadam huSSejn forum ?
agora2 18.10.02, 18:40 zarchiwizowany
zupagrzybowa napisała:
> ...........chyba chicago
> ;)
misiu ;)
• Re: computerJiddish©
szpilberg 18.10.02, 00:57 zarchiwizowany
• Re: computerJiddish©
zupagrzybowa 18.10.02, 00:53 zarchiwizowany
m?@for i-mode
• Re: osama bin laden forum ?
zupagrzybowa 17.10.02, 23:24 zarchiwizowany
...........chyba chicago
• : ______________________Fluorescent IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: #1513;אדי 17.10.02, 23:07 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: Vi@tr´ napisał(a):
czego sie nie odezwiesz Vi@tr ?
• /bestia terroryzmy nie spi/ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: svenne 17.10.02, 21:22 zarchiwizowany
Thursday, 17 October, 2002, 10:29 GMT 11:29 UK
Blasts hit southern Philippine city
The country has been on alert since the Bali attack
Two explosions have rocked the southern Philippine port city of Zamboanga,
killing five people and injuring at least 144, police said.
The blasts, which police said were caused by bombs, occurred within minutes of
each other, in what appeared to be a co-ordinated attack.
The Philippines, like elsewhere in the region, is currently on a heightened
security alert following the weekend bomb attack in Bali which killed almost
200 people.
The restive southern part of the country is no stranger to explosions, which
are often blamed on Muslim extremist groups or extortion rackets.
A spokesman for the military told the news agency AFP that the prime suspect
for Thursday's attack was a branch of the Muslim rebel Abu Sayyaf group.
But the list of possible suspects also included regional group Jemaah
Islamiah, which has been named by some governments as being involved in
Saturday's bomb attacks on the Indonesian island of Bali.
Several bombs
The first blast was at the three-storey Shop-O-Rama department store,
according to police.
The police said they then found a second bomb in the store, and that as they
were defusing it, a third bomb went off in Shopper's Central, a grocer's store
less than a block away.
There was a fatal bombing in the south only two weeks ago
Witnesses at the scene of the first attack said a suspect was seen leaving a
package inside the Shop-O-Rama store prior to the explosion, police said.
Shattered glass and debris were scattered everywhere. One man was reported to
have been thrown through a plate glass window.
The injured were taken to a number of local hospitals for treatment.
The latest attacks come just hours after the new head of the army southern
command, Lieutenant General Narciso Abaya, assumed office, vowing to crush the
Military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Danilo Servando told AFP: "We are
looking at the (Abu Sayyaf) group of Khadaffy Janjalani as primarily
responsible for the incident."
But he stressed he was not ruling out other suspects.
Possible suspects
Two weeks ago a home-made bomb near a karaoke bar in Zamboanga killed at least
three people, including a US soldier.
Police blamed that explosion on the Abu Sayyaf, which the US has linked to the
al-Qaeda network, but which most analysts agree is simply engaged in kidnap
for ransom.
The BBC's correspondent in Manila, John Mclean, says businesses in the
southern Philippines are also prey to simple extortion gangs, and at this
stage, the perpetrators of Thursday's bombs could have been anyone.
Zamboanga is a predominantly Roman Catholic city in the middle of the
Philippines' Muslim heartland.
US forces have been helping to train Filipino soldiers to fight the Abu Sayyaf
guerrillas, who are active in the south.
• osama bin laden forum ?
drf 16.10.02, 18:28 zarchiwizowany
wahabita z wroclawia ?
• \________________________________________________/
kot_allaha 16.10.02, 03:21 zarchiwizowany
Nasze poczucie szacunku do Ciebie Zapytaj sie kogos kto wtedy w GW pracowal!
• Re: ////.././././././////././////../././....././.
_helga 15.10.02, 00:56 zarchiwizowany
• __________________________________nothing-is-solid
sanatorium_psychiatryczne 15.10.02, 00:30 zarchiwizowany
• ////.././././././////././////../././...../././././ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: #60:> 14.10.02, 20:13 zarchiwizowany
The “Stagnation Syndrome”
Colonel (Ret.) Jonathan Fighel
ICT Researcher and Intelligence Analyst
On 23 February 1998, a statement appeared in the London-based Arabic Newspaper
Al-Quds al-Arabi calling on all Muslims to kill Americans. The statement,
published by Osama Bin Laden and his associates, purports to be a religious
ruling, or fatwa, against the “Crusaders and Jews,” whether civilian or
military (see Appendix). This document is part of the evidence that links the
bin Laden network to the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York and
It is not by chance that this fatwa was first published in England, where its
publication was protected by democratic rights and freedom of speech. This is
only one more example of the cynical exploitation of the freedoms of Western
civilization by radical Islamists for the advancement of their extremist
goals, including the abolition of those very freedoms. In order to launch
their Jihad against the “Infidels” of the West, the Islamists have established
a kind of forward base among their enemies, operating under the protective
umbrella of democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech and religion. The
U.K. has thus become a safe haven for the launching of Jihad against the rest
of the Western world.
Zacarias Moussaoui, currently detained in New York on immigration-law
violations, may have intended to become the 20th hijacker in the September 11
terror attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. He was arrested two
weeks before the attacks. Moussaoui’s brother Abd Samad Moussaoui says
Zacarias once loved America. Speaking to CBS news in the south of France on 3
October 2001, Abd Samad said that his brother “once loved everything about
America, including blue jeans and Bruce Springsteen.” However, he came to hate
the U.S. after joining a radical Islamic group in London that brainwashed him.
[CBS 48 Hours, 3 October 2001]
Reuters reported on 17 October that Scotland Yard’s anti-terrorist branch
detectives are now trying to piece together Moussaoui’s life in Britain. This
was the result of a request by the American Federal Bureau of Investigation
for the investigation of about two dozen terrorist suspects in the U.K.
Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaida terrorist organization is known to have established
an extensive support network in Great Britain, run through an office in London
called the “Advice and Reformation Committee,” founded in July 1994. The
director of the office, appointed by bin Laden, is Khaled Al Fawaz, who is
currently fighting an American extradition request. American authorities
believe that Fawaz was involved in the planning and execution of the attacks
on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. In addition, the F.B.I. suspects
Fawaz of publishing fatwas in August 1996, calling for a Jihad against
American citizens.
Radical Islamists in Britain have also turned to the Internet as a tool for
propaganda, recruiting, and possibly command and control. An extreme Islamic
Internet site, www.umma.com, operating from Britain, recently attacked the
State of Israel’s official sites by sending masses of electronic mail
containing anti-Semitic diatribes against Israel and the U.S.. This was
preceeded by calls for a “cyber-jihad.” In a lecture in Egypt, Sheikh Yussef
Qaradawi, one of Islam’s foremost radical religious leaders, also called for
an “electronic Jihad” against Israeli and American Internet sites. Only a few
weeks before the attacks in the U.S., Qaradawi published a fatwa on the web,
in which he praised suicide attacks, calling them “the highest form of Jihad.”
Sheikh Yussef Qaradawi is highly regarded in Islamist radical circles, and his
rulings have been adopted by the suicide bombers of the Hamas movement. He is
concerned with the practical side of the Hamas cause as well, and is said to
be deeply involved in money laundering and fundraising for Jihad, by means of
charity funds registered in the U.K to Hamas activists in the West Bank and
Qaradawi heads of the Islamic Council of Europe, established in 1997 and
operating from a London Address (16 Grosvenor Crescent), and is involved in
the Council For Fatwa and Research, also operating in the U.K. Qaradawi’s
deputy, Sheikh Faisal Moulawi, published a new and updated fatwa in support of
suicide attacks on 3 October 2001, after the September 11 attacks. This
religious ruling was published on the net in Arabic by IslamOnline.net.
Another Islamist enterprise based in Britain is the Azzam publishing house,
which has operated unhindered for several years. Azzam Publications is named
after Sheikh Abdallah Azzam, the spiritual mentor of bin Laden during the
period when he was active in the Afghan Jihad against the Soviet Union (1979 -
1989). Bin Laden adopted Azzam’s extreme ideology with regard to the Jihad,
and extended it to encompass the struggle against the “infidels,” first and
foremost the United States. It was on the basis of this ideology that bin
Laden perpetrated the largest terror attack in modern history—the attacks in
New York and Washington. Azzam Publications describes itself as “an
independent media organization providing authentic news and information about
Jihad and the Foreign Mujahideen everywhere.”
The publishing house operates under a post box number (Azzam Publications –
BMC UHUD, LONDON, WC1N 3XX) and an Internet site, www.azzam.com. According to
the company’s website, its staff is comprised of volunteers who devote their
spare time to furthering the cause of the Jihad around the world. Their
primary activity is the publication of the works of pro-Jihad Islamic writers,
either online or through electronic commerce.
In London, Islamic opposition groups from around the world operate unimpeded,
calling for the downfall of various “heretical” Muslim regimes. These groups
include member of the Egyptian opposition, including some of the leaders of al-
Gamaa al-Islamiya, the group that in November 1997 perpetrated a murderous
attack against tourists in Luxor, killing 62 people, among them British
tourists. One of those most conspicuously involved in the attack was Yasser
Taufik Al Sari, who lives in West London. He depicts himself as director of a
charitable organization promoting human rights in Muslim countries.
Another opponent of the Egyptian regime, Omar Bachri Muhamad, also lives in
the U.K. He heads the al-Muhajiroun organization, which openly calls for the
murder of Jews and the institution of a worldwide Islamic religious regime by
violent Jihad. After the atrocities in the U.S. he was among the first to
praise the attack publicly.
Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Masri, another outspoken Islamist, heads an organization
called The Supporters of Sharia’a, based in North London. Al-Masri is wanted
in Yemen for his involvement in dispatching eight British Moslems to
perpetrate terror attacks against Western targets in Yemen. After the 11
September attack, the Al-Masri declared that “there are many exultant people
now. America is a crazy country and whatever we perpetrate against it, is done
in self-defense. If the perpetrators of the attack were Moslems, justice is on
their side.”
So far, the U.K. has refused all requests from the Yemeni government for al-
Masri’s extradition—a request that was renewed last week.
Security experts have contended for many years that the U.K. is a safe haven
for radical Islamic terror networks, which exploit British freedoms to further
their goals. Among the factors contributing to the ease with which these
• Bali Crisis Center IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: IDrF 14.10.02, 15:46 zarchiwizowany
• TERAPIA W BAGDADZIE IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 14.10.02, 02:54 zarchiwizowany
• KOT BABLA IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 11.10.02, 14:02 zarchiwizowany
• Re: ::U..n..i..t..e..d... w..e... s..t..a..n..d::
zupagrzybowa 11.10.02, 12:06 zarchiwizowany
• http://wander.co.il/mossad/ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 11.10.02, 11:09 zarchiwizowany
They're looking for a few good spies
By Arieh O'Sullivan
For the first time the Mossad is openly trying to sign up new talent via an ad
These days, when the heavy patina of heroic Israeli myth appears to be wearing
thin, there is a room at Mossad headquarters where a fax machine is working
overtime receiving the resumes of would-be spies who until now probably never
considered a career in the world's second-oldest profession.
They are responding to the unprecedented ad campaign launched this week by the
fabled Israeli secret service, aimed at openly recruiting from the public via
ads placed in local newspapers and on the website of the Prime Minister's
Office (www.pm.gov.il).
Although the Mossad has periodically run newspaper ads in the past, these were
usually cryptic in nature, announcing that an unspecified "government office"
was lookingfor ex-army officers.
"These ads often brought a large range of unsuitable candidates," says Amos
Tal-Shir, CEO of Publicis-Ariely, the advertising firm that created the
Mossad's new recruiting effort.
"The special thing about the present campaign is the initial impact. In the
first few days since the ads started running, not only have there been
hundreds and hundreds of replies, but from an initial examination it seems
that many... appear to be high-quality candidates."
The Mossad ad features a picture of a door decorated with a menora, opening up
to a vista of candle flames burning on the horizon. Below, it reads, "Only
you, in your heart, know that you are capable of much more - of thinking
differently, of going beyond the limits of the familiar to where the rare and
the essential, ability and daring, intelligence and creativity converge.
"We offer you new horizons, a future of service where you can contribute to
what is most important to us all.
"If you are between 25 and 35, if you are looking for an exciting profession,
if you are no longer excited by your profession, or if you are ready for and
open to a fascinating career, fax your resume to 1-800-371-333. The Mossad is
open - not for all, not for many, but maybe for you."
Increasing difficulties in recruiting quality personnel in a relatively
peaceful era when personal ambition often comes before national calling led
the Mossad to do what other spy agencies around the world have done for years.
Not only that, but the blow dealt the Mossad's image by highly publicized
bungles, corrupt agents, and even strike threats has kept good male and female
spy candidates from coming in. There have also been reports in the Israeli
press of a flight of talented agents from its ranks for the private sector.
The decision to launch the campaign was approved by Prime Minister Ehud Barak,
who is directly responsible for the agency. According to Barak's office, the
Mossad found itself competing for a small group of high-quality people on the
open market.
"Hi-tech companies and the business world are attracting quality people with
high salaries, good conditions and social status, none of which the Mossad
offers," a statement from Barak's office said.
"For the younger generation, the Mossad and Shin Bet [General Security
Services] belong to the past," says Nahik Nevot, who in his 30-year espionage
career rose through the ranks to become the agency's deputy head.
"They are not aware... that it is still necessary, that it contributes so much
to Israel's strategic stature. They are more individualistic, and [do not
know]... that the Mossad is a hi-tech business now. The world is changing, and
the Mossad [is changing] with it."
Nevot says neither the old vaguely-worded ads nor the traditional "bring a
friend" word-of-mouth recruiting approach work anymore. The Mossad decided
that the way to fill the void with outstanding people was to speak to their
candidates in a "mass media" language that they understand - like the US's
Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's MI5 have been doing for years.
You can even log on to the CIA's Internet site to see which jobs are available
at what salary - for example, the position of "clandestine service trainee"
pays up to $49,831. Although the Mossad is not ready to give out that kind of
information, sources say the main post they are seeking to fill is that of
katza, or information-gathering officer. This post, the heart of any
intelligence network, involves recruiting operatives and informers in foreign
countries, especially those with access to classified information.
The job of crafting the new recruiting campaign fell to Publicis-Ariely, one
of the largest ad agencies in the country that handles Bezeq, Bank Leumi, Osem
and Nestle. CEO Tal-Shir says his first task was to build confidence with
senior Mossad officials who had spent their careers concealing the nature of
their work. While the CIA and MI5 have steadily been opening up to the public,
the Mossad does not appear to be following this trend. It still has no
spokesman, and the only person officially acknowledged as working for the
Mossad is its head, Ephraim Halevy.
"This is all very strange to me," says Yitzhak Barzily, who retired from his
position as head of the Mossad's operations division last year. "I was one of
the biggest opponents to exposure. But we realized that there is much more
competition today for the cream of the crop. The same things that drove people
to choose a Mossad career 15 or even 10 years ago push them today towards a
career in hi-tech."
It was Tal-Shir's idea to finally get the men and women of the Institute for
Espionage and Special Duties to publicly call themselves what everyone else
has termed them for decades - the Mossad.
"This is the first time that the Mossad has officially used the
term 'Mossad,'" Tal-Shir points out, "and it was a strategic decision. There
was always this convention that it was preferable not to use that term, but to
refer to themselves as working 'out of the Prime Minister's Office,' or
something like that. [But] we thought that... to be attractive, they had to
stop ignoring the term 'Mossad.'"
Working with a client like the Mossad posed other unique challenges. Usually,
the first thing advertisers do is determine their target audience. But that
meant that the Mossad needed to reveal to outsiders the specific profile of
the type of recruits they were seeking - information that is usually
classified. Because the ad agency was bound by total secrecy, it could not
perform the routine market research.
"When you work on penetration marketing, you go to the consumer, check out his
expectations and do purchase-probability tests before launching the campaign,"
Tal-Shir says.
"But we were instructed not to leak news of this campaign in advance, so the
whole method of learning was pretty one-dimensional with the Mossad."
According to Tal-Shir, the people the Mossad are after are generally the same
types who excel in the hi-tech industry.
"Those working for the Mossad have a special component which we call 'creating
an imaginary reality and then applying it to the needs of the operations,'"
Tal-Shir says. "This is something which we believe is a characteristic of the
best candidates from hi-tech and development."
"You need a lot of imagination," confirms Barzily. "In our offices, you will
also find a lot of artists."
Once a profile of the target audience was constructed, the benefits that would
appeal to them and pose realistic competition for the hi-tech firms were
compiled. Besides appealing to "personal fulfillment" and stressing the
requirement for "creative intelligence," the ad also fell back on the sense of
Tal-Shir says he is very familiar with the ads run by the CIA, and that the
Mossad campaign is quite different.
• honorowy obywatel miasta Oswiecim
zupagrzybowa 11.10.02, 09:49 zarchiwizowany
"Może to nie rodzaj zdolności ktora czyni z człowieka pisarza,ale fakt nie
zaakceptowania niego jezyka i pewnych gotowych pojęć.
Z początku jest się ,wydaje mi się,tylko glupim,glupszym niż wszyscy inni,co
wszystko wiedzą natychmiast.Tak wiec zaczyna się
pisanie jako ten co chce wyzdrowieć z trudnej dolegliwości i opanować chorobę
psychiczną - conajmniej w trakcie pisania..."
Imre Kertesz
• Niepokój wokół Iraku IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 11.10.02, 01:10 zarchiwizowany
• Terrorysta nr 1 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 666 10.10.02, 18:26 zarchiwizowany
• relacje przejsciowe IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: #60:> 10.10.02, 17:55 zarchiwizowany
Transitive Relations
Description of the instrument
Transitive Relations deals with relationships that exist in ordered sets, in
which the differences between set members are described by the terms "greater
than," "less than," and "equal to." This instrument helps learners recognize
conditions that permit deductive and inductive reasoning. Through the tasks in
Transitive Relations, learners demonstrate their ability to engage in
inferential thinking based on logical implication and relational thinking.
Cognitive functions developed
Definition of problem.
Selection of relevant information.
Comparison and categorization.
Hypothetical thinking.
Planned and systematic behavior.
Mediation of sample task
Transcendence is reached through insight and generalization from the sample
task below into other areas of academic, vocational, and life experiences.
Meaning is assigned to the logical processes that allow the mind to exceed the
confines of the concrete experiences through inferential thinking. Goal-
seeking, goal-setting, goal-planning, and goal-achieving behavior is mediated
along with the mediation of regulated behavior and a feeling of competence. A
feeling of optimism is mediated as students learn to induce conclusions about
unknown relationships.
Sample task
Four construction workers are building a building. Arthur and David together
can put up two walls in one work day. Charles and Harold together can also put
up two walls in one work day. Arthur does more work in one day than Charles
Substitute letters for the names:
Arthur______ Charles_______
David_______ Harold________
Using the signs (>, >), signify the relationship between the work rates:
Arthur ____ David
Charles ___ Harold
Arthur ____ Charles
Charles ___ David
David ____ Harold
Arthur ____ Harold
• Re: --------------------AQUANET------------------ IP: *.182.117.*
Gość: ga 10.10.02, 08:37 zarchiwizowany
• Forum Swiat
drf 09.10.02, 22:05 zarchiwizowany
• Re: _______________________Professor Reuven Feuer IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ng;ÅÅ 08.10.02, 23:34 zarchiwizowany
Orientation in Space I
Description of the instrument
Orientation in Space I addresses the poor articulation, differentiation, and
representation of space that may result from an inability to detach oneself
from one's own body position as a reference. It deals with a relative system
of reference for localizing objects in space and in relation to one another.
As a result of their experience with these tasks, learners discover why there
are differing points of view in the perception of an object or experience and
how to give consideration to an opinion that is different from their own.
Cognitive Functions
Definition of problem when no instructions are given or when tasks vary from
frame to frame.
Hypothetical thinking: "If ... then"
Use of logic to solve taks for which the information is not directly provided
Comparison as a strategy for checking one's work.
Internalization of the relationship between the elements of the system of
Mediation of sample task
Mediation of goal-seeking, goal-setting, goal-planning, and goal-achieving
behavior is indicated in the sample task below, which varies from frame to
frame. Mediation of challenge is also indicated.
Fill in what is missing so that each frame will contain an arrow, a dot, and
an indication on which side of the arrow the dot is located.
• _______________________Professor Reuven Feuerstein IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: al Haj 08.10.02, 18:08 zarchiwizowany
The International Center for the Enhancement
of Learning Potential
The Hadassah-WIZO-Canada Research Institute
Jerusalem, Israel
Professor Reuven Feuerstein,Ph.D.: Founder and Chairman
Raphael S.Feuerstein: Co-Chairman and Director
The Theory and Practice of
Mediated Learning Experience
Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) describes a special quality of interaction
between a learner and a person, whom we shall call a "mediator". The function
of a mediator is different from that of a teacher, as illustrated by the
following two diagrams.
In this mode the teacher provides a suitable stimulus (homework, test,
assignment, etc.) and then observes the response of the learner to the
stimulus. Based on the response, the teacher interacts with the learner
(praise, criticism, encouragement, grade, new assignment, for example) and the
process is continued until either the teacher or the learner is satisfied or
time runs out. Teachers develop their own repertoire of methods depending
upon the siz e of the class, the apparent ability of the learner(s) and the
subject matter.
In Feuerstein's method, the above diagram is replaced by one in which a warm
human being, indicated by the "H" in the diagram, intervenes in the process by
placing himself or herself between the learner and the stimulus and between
the learner and the response.
The intentionality of the mediator is different from that of a teacher. The
mediator is not concerned with solving the problem at hand. Rather the
mediator is concerned with how the learner approaches solving the problem.
The problem at hand is only an excuse to involve the mediator with the
learner's thinking process. For the process to be successful, at least three
important qualities must characterize the interaction.< /font>
1. Intentionality and Reciprocity
We have explained intentionality above. The mediator concentrates on
understanding and helping the learner to understand how the learner is using
his or her brain.
Reciprocity refers to the need for the learner and the mediator to see each
other at the "same level". That is, the teacher does not pretend to know the
answer as to how the learner should be thinking. Only the learner knows how
the thinking proceeds. The mediator is rather a fellow explorer.
2. Mediation of Meaning
The mediator interprets for the learner the significance of what the learner
has accomplished. The mediator also mediates feelings of accomplishment. "Now
that you have figured that out, you can probably use the same method on this
harder problem.", "Now I'll bet you see the advantage of having developed a
strategy for solving the problem.", "Did you notice how you went faster when
you decided you could be flexible in your approach?&q uot; In various ways
the mediator causes the learner to reflect not just on the solution to the
problem but also on how the solution was obtained and the generalizations
which flow from it.
3. Transcendence
Human beings differ from the other species in the way they can transfer
lessons learned from one experience to rules and methods to use in another
situation. Indeed, this is what learning should be about, for if a person
does not generalize from experience that person does not gain 30 years of
experience, that person simply repeats one year 30 times. Transcendence
means "bridging" the experience and lessons learned in the current situation
to new situations. "Where else in your life to you suppose it is important to
have a strategy?", "How often has 'impulsivity' gotten you into difficulty in
your family life?", "Where else do you find that you are imposing structure on
what would otherwise be a confusing set of input information?", "When and
where do you find it useful to categorize information?"
The above three criteria are essential in defining MLE. However, the mediator
also pays close attention to other aspects of learning from experience, and
mediates for other (affective) components of learning:
Regulation and Control of Behavior
Feelings of Competency
Sharing Behavior
Individuation/Psychological Differentiation
Goal Seeking/Setting/Achieving/Monitoring
Challenge: The Search for Novelty and Complexity
Awareness of the Potential for Change
The Search of Optimistic Alternatives
Feeling of Belonging
In examining the approach of the learner in a problem solving situation, it is
helpful to the mediator to develop a mental image of the steps learners take
in successful problem solving and what can go wrong. Dr. Feuerstein and his
associates have developed the following examples of deficiency at the three
stages of the mental act.
Difficulties of the Learner
During the Input Stage of Problem Solving
1. Blurred and sweeping perception.
2. Unplanned, impulsive, and unsystematic exploratory behavior.
3. Lack of, or impaired receptive verbal tools that affect
discrimination, (e.g., objects, events, and relationships are not
appropriately labeled).
4. Lack of, or impaired spatial orientation and lack of stable system of
reference by which to establish topological and Euclidian
organization of space.
5 Lack of, or impaired temporal concepts.
6. Lack of, or impaired conservation of constancy.
7. Lack of, or a deficient need for precision and accuracy in data
8. Lack of capacity for considering two or more sources of information
at once. This is reflected in dealing with data in a piecemeal fashion
rather than as a unit of facts that are organized.
Difficulties of the Learner
During the Elaboration Phase
1. Inadequacy in the perception of the existence of a problem and its
2. Inability to select relevant as opposed to irrelevant cues in defining
a problem.
3. Lack of spontaneous comparative behavior or the limitation of its
application by an inhibited need system.
4. Narrowness of the mental field.
6. Lack of need for the establishment of relationships.
7. Lack of need for and/or exercise of summative behavior.
8. Lack of, or impaired need for pursuing logical evidence.
9. Lack of, or impaired ability to use inferential or hypothetical (if)
10. Lack of, or impaired ability to use planning behavior.
11. Non-elaboration of certain categories because the verbal concepts
are not part of the individual verbal inventory on a receptive level,
or because they are not mobilized at the expressive level.
Difficulties of the Learner The Output Phase
1. Ego-centric communication modality
2. Blocking
3. Trial and error responses
4. Lack of, or impaired verbal or other tools for adequately
communicating elaborated responses.
5. Lack of, or impaired need for precision and accuracy in the
communication of one's responses.
6. Deficiency of visual transport.
7. Impulsive, random, unplanned behavior.
While MLE may be used with any situation in which the learner is challenged by
a problem, there are some situations which are much easier to deal with than
others. For example, in Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment (IE), the
problems have been designed to be attractive and fun to solve. They have also
been designed to emphasize one or another of the potential dysfunctions listed
above. Another example is in the Learning Propensity Assessment De vice
(LPAD) in which the problems posed to the learner are aimed specifically at
one or another of the above potential difficulties.
• ok
ihve 08.10.02, 00:35 zarchiwizowany
• ....dla poprawy samopoczucia IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 666 07.10.02, 23:31 zarchiwizowany
• Ultraviolet View of the Sun IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 07.10.02, 19:35 zarchiwizowany
• Re: ::U..n..i..t..e..d... w..e... s..t..a..n..d::
_helga 05.10.02, 19:01 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: drFröjd napisał(a):
> _helga napisała:
> > Gość portalu: jojo napisał(a):
> >
> > > Gość portalu: drf napisał(a):
> > >
> > > > www2.gazeta.
> pl/forum/794674,3"target="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,3
> >
> 0353,794652.html?"target="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.h
> tml
> > ?
> > > "target="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?
> 0/a&#
> > 62
> > > f=50&w=3163398"ta
> > > > rget="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?f
> =50&w
> > =3163
> > > 398
> > > Right now,dr.F ? Ja jeszcze przezywam dyskusje z tym podszywaczem ! N
> > GO
> >
> >
> >
> > Gniew? Czy warto gniewac sie przez idiote?
> > United we stand.
> > PZDR.
> > :))))))
> > --
> > Helga
> ......................
> (((:)))
> drV
A tu warto sie gniewac?
Re: Aniu, uczciwie, choć brzydko
Autor: refor_mator@NOSPAM.gazeta.pl
Data: 03-10-2002 13:17
Znów włamanie do skrzynki
Autor: refor_mator@NOSPAM.gazeta.pl
Data: 04-10-2002 11:01
• noBody is perfecT ? IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drFröjd 05.10.02, 17:18 zarchiwizowany
• ::U..n..i..t..e..d... w..e... s..t..a..n..d:: IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drFröjd 05.10.02, 15:06 zarchiwizowany
_helga napisała:
> Gość portalu: jojo napisał(a):
> > Gość portalu: drf napisał(a):
> >
> > > www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,3
> ?
> > "target="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html? 62
> > f=50&w=3163398"ta
> > > rget="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?f=50&w
> =3163
> > 398
> > Right now,dr.F ? Ja jeszcze przezywam dyskusje z tym podszywaczem ! NIECH
> GO
> Gniew? Czy warto gniewac sie przez idiote?
> United we stand.
> :))))))
> --
> Helga
• computerJiddish© IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 05.10.02, 14:19 zarchiwizowany
• Re: : r::::::::::e:::::::l::::::::::a::::::::::::
_helga 05.10.02, 06:32 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: jojo napisał(a):
> Gość portalu: drf napisał(a):
> > www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?
> "target="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?
> f=50&w=3163398"ta
> > rget="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?f=50&w=3163
> 398
> Right now,dr.F ? Ja jeszcze przezywam dyskusje z tym podszywaczem ! NIECH GO
Gniew? Czy warto gniewac sie przez idiote?
United we stand.
• nagle spoglądasz na siebie w dół spod sufitu IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: . 05.10.02, 06:03 zarchiwizowany
Metoda francuska
Ta metoda była bardzo popularna wśród wiodących francuskich pionierów podróży
astralnej pod koniec XIX wieku. W tamtym okresie Francuzi daleko wyprzedzali
resztę świata w badaniu doświadczeń poza ciałem i odnotowali ogromną liczbę
imponujących sukcesów. (...)
Kiedy jesteś gotów zacząć, wybierz spokojny, cichy wieczór i jak zawsze
dopilnuj, żeby ci nie przeszkadzano. W pokoju powinno być ciemno i dość
ciepło. Powinieneś być sam.
Zamknij oczy i uświadom sobie własne oddychanie. Następnie zwróć uwagę na
palce jednej stopy. Skoncentruj się na tych palcach, zapominając o wszystkim
innym. Poczuj, jak w tym momencie twój sobowtór astralny odrywa się od twojego
ciała fizycznego.
Kiedy już to osiągniesz, zrób to samo z palcami drugiej stopy. Następnie
skoncentruj się na niewielkiej części podeszwy jednej stopy i poczuj, jak
ciało astralne również się tam odrywa. Postępuj tak z całym ciałem, odczuwając
odrywanie się ciała astralnego w każdym punkcie, aż dojdziesz do czubka głowy.
Odłącz ciało astralne również od tego miejsca, tak aby leżało swobodnie wokół
Skoncentruj się na własnym czole i zmuś ciało astralne do odejścia. To właśnie
tutaj świadome i nieświadome częci zaczynają się naprawdę liczyć. Zmuś je do
odejścia z każdym włóknem twojej istoty, a przkonasz się, że nagle spoglądasz
na siebie w dół spod sufitu.
• godzina 15-17 bagdad nowa przyszlosc IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 04.10.02, 12:15 zarchiwizowany
• P___O___L___A___N___S__K___I IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 04.10.02, 10:10 zarchiwizowany
• Re: : r::::::::::e:::::::l::::::::::a:::::::::::: IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 04.10.02, 03:30 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: jojo napisał(a):
> Gość portalu: drf napisał(a):
> > www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?
> "target="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?
> f=50&w=3163398"ta
> > rget="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?f=50&w=3163
> 398
> Right now,dr.F ? Ja jeszcze przezywam dyskusje z tym podszywaczem ! NIECH GO
to nie jest przyjemne odczucie
united we stand
• Re: : r::::::::::e:::::::l::::::::::a:::::::::::: IP: *.proxy.aol.com
Gość: jojo 04.10.02, 03:08 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: drf napisał(a):
> www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?
> rget="_blank">www2.gazeta.pl/forum/794674,30353,794652.html?f=50&w=3163398
Right now,dr.F ? Ja jeszcze przezywam dyskusje z tym podszywaczem ! NIECH GO
• : r::::::::::e:::::::l::::::::::a::::::::::::::::x IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 04.10.02, 02:46 zarchiwizowany
• r:::::e::::l::::a::::x IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drFröjd 04.10.02, 00:29 zarchiwizowany
Weź powolny, głęboki oddech, a przy wydechu zamknij oczy. Pozwól relaksującej
fali rozprzestrzeniać się po całym ciele. Weź jeszcze jeden głęboki wdech, a
wydychając, pozwól, aby poczucie odprężenia dotarło do każdego nerwu i włókna
Jak przyjemnie jest się odprężyć, zapomnieć o zmartwieniach i obawach. Nic,
tylko miłe ciepło i pełen relaks.
Wdychając ponownie, poczuj, jak relaksują się mięśnie twoich stóp. Niech
mięśnie palców u nóg odprężają się z każdym oddechem coraz bardziej. Spraw,
aby ta cudowna relaksacja ogarniała każdą cząstkę twoich stóp aż po kostki,
przez co odprężysz się bardziej niż kiedykolwiek dotychczas.
Poczuj, jak fala odprężenia przesuwa się w górę po łydkach aż do kolan. To
wspaniałe uczucie. Nic nie może ci przeszkodzić ani cię zmartwić, kiedy
wchodzisz coraz głębiej w ten stan.
Niech teraz rozluźnią się twoje uda. Poczuj, jak całe napięcie rozpuszcza się
i znika. Jest tak przyjemnie, tak spokojnie i czujesz się taki... zrelaksowany.
Spróbuj teraz wzmóc odprężenie w nogach, a następnie rozluźnij brzuch i klatkę
Z każdym oddechem czujesz się bardziej zrelaksowany, coraz bardziej odprężony.
Z każdym oddechem jest to łatwiejsze. Każdy oddech przenosi cię w coraz
głębszy stan pełnego, nieograniczonego relaksu.
Poczuj, jak odprężają się teraz twoje ramiona, a potem w dół obie ręce aż do
koniuszków palców. Ręce i palce są teraz rozluźnione, bezwładne i rozleniwione.
Spraw , aby poczucie odprężenia przesunęło się do szyi. Poczuj, jak całe
napięcie znika, i ciesz się, że każda część twojego ciała odpoczywa.
Rozluźnij mięśnie twarzy. Poczuj, jak mięśnie wokół twoich oczu relaksują się
i spraw, żeby odprężenie przesunęło się aż po czubek głowy, tak aby każda
cząstka twojego ciała była całkowicie i absolutnie zrelaksowana.
I w tym przyjemnym, spokojnym stanie wyobraź sobie, że leżysz nad brzegiem
strumienia. Słyszysz szemranie łagodnie płynącej wody i ptaki igrające w
drzewach. Czujesz delikatne muskanie kojącego wietrzyka.
Okiem umysłu zobacz siebie, jak wstajesz i wolno idziesz wzdłuż strumienia,
obserwując listek unoszący się delikatnie niczym łódka znoszona na wodzie. Po
chwili słyszysz odgłos wodospadu, a kiedy dochodzisz do zakola, widzisz go
przed sobą.
Obok dostrzegasz dziesięć drewnianych schodków prowadzących w dół do ogromnej,
gładkiej skały. Kładziesz rękę na balustradzie i zaczynasz schodzić po
stopniach. I oto zabawna rzecz: z każdym krokiem podwajasz relaksację, tak, że
dotarłszy do tej wielkiej skąpanej w słońcu skały, będziesz dziesięciokrotnie
bardziej odprężony niż teraz - w pełni, całkowicie i bez reszty rozluźniony w
każdej cząstce umysłu, ciała i ducha.
Dziesięć. Spokojnie schodzisz, podwajając relaksację.
Dziewięć. Kolejny krok i odprężenie znów się podwaja.
Osiem. Powoli przesuwasz się w dół. Czujesz delikatną mgiełkę wody
rozpryskiwanej przez wodospad, gdy jeszcze raz podwajasz relaksację.
Siedem. Jeszcze głębiej w całkowity, pełny stan odprężenia.
Sześć. Dryfujesz i unosisz się w całkowitej relaksacji.
Pięć. Jesteś już w połowie drogi i czujesz się odprężony niczym bezwładna
szmaciana lalka.
Cztery. Trzy. Dwa. Jeden. Głęboko, coraz głębiej.
Poczuj, że wchodzisz na przyjemną, ciepłą skałę i kładziesz się na jej
gładkiej powierzchni. Zrelaksowany. Zrelaksowany. Zrelaksowany i jakże
spokojny. Pełny, niczym nie zmącony spokój we wszystkich częściach ciała.
[R.Webster "Podróże astralne - jak pokonać czas i przestrzeń w doświadczeniach
poza ciałem. Praktyczny podręcznik."]
• ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: ^^^^^^^^ 03.10.02, 22:33 zarchiwizowany
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