Gość: ajs no wie 26.01.03, 16:54 zarchiwizowany
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• Re: ___There is only one Constant: Constant Chang IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 26.01.03, 13:30 zarchiwizowany
• Phases of Charon as seen from Pluto IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy;©©P 26.01.03, 13:29 zarchiwizowany
Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun (usually) and by far the smallest.
Pluto is smaller than seven of the solar system's moons (the Moon, Io, Europa,
Ganymede, Callisto, Titan and Triton).
orbit: 5,913,520,000 km (39.5 AU) from the Sun (average)
diameter: 2274 km
mass: 1.27e22 kg
In Roman mythology, Pluto (Greek: Hades) is the god of the underworld. The
planet received this name (after many other suggestions) perhaps because it's
so far from the Sun that it is in perpetual darkness and perhaps because "PL"
are the initials of Percival Lowell.
Pluto was discovered in 1930 by a fortunate accident. Calculations which
later turned out to be in error had predicted a planet beyond Neptune, based
on the motions of Uranus and Neptune. Not knowing of the error, Clyde W.
Tombaugh at Lowell Observatory in Arizona did a very careful sky survey which
turned up Pluto anyway.
After the discovery of Pluto, it was quickly determined that Pluto was too
small to account for the discrepancies in the orbits of the other planets. The
search for Planet X continued but nothing was found. Nor is it likely that it
ever will be: the discrepancies vanish if the mass of Neptune determined from
the Voyager 2 encounter with Neptune is used. There is no tenth planet.
Pluto is the only planet that has not been visited by a spacecraft. Even
the Hubble Space Telescope can resolve only the largest features on its
surface (left and above). There is a planned mission called New Horizons that
will launch in 2006 if it gets funded.
Fortunately, Pluto has a satellite, Charon. By good fortune, Charon was
discovered (in 1978) just before its orbital plane moved edge-on toward the
inner solar system. It was therefore possible to observe many transits of
Pluto over Charon and vice versa. By carefully calculating which portions of
which body would be covered at what times, and watching brightness curves,
astronomers were able to construct a rough map of light and dark areas on both
Pluto's radius is not well known. JPL's value of 1137 is given with an
error of +/-8, almost one percent.
Though the sum of the masses of Pluto and Charon is known pretty well (it
can be determined from careful measurements of the period and radius of
Charon's orbit and basic physics) the individual masses of Pluto and Charon
are difficult to determine because that requires determining their mutual
motions around the center of mass of the system which requires much finer
measurements -- they're so small and far away that even HST has difficulty.
The ratio of their masses is probably somewhere between 0.084 and 0.157; more
observations are underway but we won't get really accurate data until a
spacecraft is sent.
Pluto is the second most contrasty body in the Solar System (after
There are some who think Pluto would be better classified as a large
asteroid or comet rather than as a planet. Some consider it to be the largest
of the Kuiper Belt objects (also known as Trans-Neptunian Objects). There is
considerable merit to the latter position, but historically Pluto has been
classified as a planet and it is very likely to remain so.
Pluto's orbit is highly eccentric. At times it is closer to the Sun than
Neptune (as it was from January 1979 thru February 11 1999). Pluto rotates in
the opposite direction from most of the other planets.
Pluto is locked in a 3:2 resonance with Neptune; i.e. Pluto's orbital
period is exactly 1.5 times longer than Neptune's. Its orbital inclination is
also much higher than the other planets'. Thus though it appears that Pluto's
orbit crosses Neptune's, it really doesn't and they will never collide. (Here
is a more detailed explanation.)
Like Uranus, the plane of Pluto's equator is at almost right angles to the
plane of its orbit.
The surface temperature on Pluto varies between about -235 and -210 C (38
to 63 K). The "warmer" regions roughly correspond to the regions that appear
darker in optical wavelengths.
Pluto's composition is unknown, but its density (about 2 gm/cm3) indicates
that it is probably a mixture of 70% rock and 30% water ice much like Triton.
The bright areas of the surface seem to be covered with ices of nitrogen with
smaller amounts of (solid) methane, ethane and carbon monoxide. The
composition of the darker areas of Pluto's surface is unknown but may be due
to primordial organic material or photochemical reactions driven by cosmic
Little is known about Pluto's atmosphere, but it probably consists
primarily of nitrogen with some carbon monoxide and methane. It is extremely
tenuous, the surface pressure being only a few microbars. Pluto's atmosphere
may exist as a gas only when Pluto is near its perihelion; for the majority of
Pluto's long year, the atmospheric gases are frozen into ice. Near perihelion,
it is likely that some of the atmosphere escapes to space perhaps even
interacting with Charon. NASA mission planners want to arrive at Pluto while
the atmosphere is still unfrozen.
The unusual nature of the orbits of Pluto and of Triton and the similarity
of bulk properties between Pluto and Triton suggest some historical connection
between them. It was once thought that Pluto may have once been a satellite of
Neptune's, but this now seems unlikely. A more popular idea is that Triton,
like Pluto, once moved in an independent orbit around the Sun and was later
captured by Neptune. Perhaps Triton, Pluto and Charon are the only remaining
members of a large class of similar objects the rest of which were ejected
into the Oort cloud. Like the Earth's Moon, Charon may be the result of a
collision between Pluto and another body.
Pluto can be seen with an amateur telescope but it is not easy. There are
several Web sites that show the current position of Pluto (and the other
planets) in the sky, but much more detailed charts and careful observations
over several months will be required to actually find it. Suitable charts can
be created with many planetarium programs such as Starry Night.
Charon ( "KAIR en" ) is Pluto's only known satellite:
orbit: 19,640 km from Pluto
diameter: 1172 km
mass: 1.90e21 kg
Charon is named for the mythological figure who ferried the dead across the
River Acheron into Hades (the underworld).
(Though officially named for the mythological figure, Charon's discoverer was
also naming it in honor of his wife, Charlene. Thus, those in the know
pronounce it with the first syllable sounding like 'shard' ("SHAHR en").
Charon was discovered in 1978 by Jim Christy. Prior to that it was thought
that Pluto was much larger since the images of Charon and Pluto were blurred
Charon is unusual in that it is the largest moon with respect to its
primary planet in the Solar System (a distinction once held by Earth's Moon).
Some prefer to think of Pluto/Charon as a double planet rather than a planet
and a moon.
Charon's radius is not well known. JPL's value of 586 has an error margin
of +/-13, more than two percent. Its mass and density are also poorly known.
Pluto and Charon are also unique in that not only does Charon rotate
synchronously but Pluto does, too: they both keep the same face toward one
another. (This makes the phases of Charon as seen from Pluto very
Charon's composition is unknown, but its low density (about 2 gm/cm3)
indicates that it may be similar to Saturn's icy moons (i.e. Rhea). Its
surface seems to be covered with water ice. Intere
• Jak ludzkosc definiuje NIELUDZKOSC ... IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: Xeno 26.01.03, 13:09 zarchiwizowany
• Protestowac STRONICOWANIE watkow!!! IP: *.dyn.optonline.net
Gość: Kingfish 25.01.03, 05:23 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: drf napisał(a):
> Gość portalu: tex napisał(a):
> > Gość portalu: ***IL*** napisał(a):
> >
> > > > href="http://www.aquanet.co.il/radio99.asx">www.aquanet.co.il/radio99.a
> sx
> > 0/a
> > > >
> >
> > Tak. To zydowskie sanatorium psyhiatryczne. I prosze uwazac jesli nie masz
> > firewall - dobieraja ci sie do komputera.
> ((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
> neuroFIREwall dostaniesz po 24 Shevat 5763 bo kolejka spora...
> ....a ty anonomowy weboholik czy zrzeszony ?
> miales kiedys neuroScan ? Jakie choroby datawirusowe przechodziles tex ?
> napisz nam krotko jakie sa twoje oczekiwania od personalu naszego
> sanatorium a bedziesz zaskoczony jego operatywnoscia...
> Jedynie Najlepsza nauroHighTech dla naszych drogich gosci...
> PS Dzisiaj wieczor bodyPaint...!
> Gość portalu: tex napisał(a):
> > Gość portalu: ***IL*** napisał(a):
> >
> > > > href="http://www.aquanet.co.il/radio99.asx">www.aquanet.co.il/radio99.a
> sx
> > 0/a
> > > >
> >
> > Tak. To zydowskie sanatorium psyhiatryczne. I prosze uwazac jesli nie masz
> > firewall - dobieraja ci sie do komputera.
> ((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
> neuroFIREwall dostaniesz po 24 Shevat 5763 bo kolejka spora...
> ....a ty anonomowy weboholik czy zrzeszony ?
> miales kiedys neuroScan ? Jakie choroby datawirusowe przechodziles tex ?
> napisz nam krotko jakie sa twoje oczekiwania od personalu naszego
> sanatorium a bedziesz zaskoczony jego operatywnoscia...
> Jedynie Najlepsza nauroHighTech dla naszych drogich gosci...
> PS Dzisiaj wieczor bodyPaint...!
• Re: ____Dotknij_WODę-----Wirtulanie oczywiście___ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 24.01.03, 04:40 zarchiwizowany
Nœ-x'é;]®güæ SÔÍ"X¹Ÿq¡mÏeƒØX;¶C„ÿacket
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Charon, in Greek mythology, is the ferryman of the dead. The souls of the
deceased are brought to him by Hermes, and Charon ferries them across the
river Acheron. He only accepts the dead which are buried or burned with the
proper rites, and if they pay him an obolus (coin) for their passage. For that
reason a corpse had always an obolus 1 placed under the tongue.
Those who cannot afford the passage, or are not admitted by Charon, are doomed
to wander on the banks of the Styx for a hundred years. Living persons who
wish to go to the underworld need a golden bough obtained from the Cumaean
Sibyl. Charon is the son of Erebus and Nyx. He is depicted as an sulky old
man, or as a winged demon carrying a double hammer. He is similar to the
Etruscan (Charun).
Charon, in Greek mythology, is the ferryman of the dead. The souls of the
deceased are brought to him by Hermes, and Charon ferries them across the
river Acheron. He only accepts the dead which are buried or burned with the
proper rites, and if they pay him an obolus (coin) for their passage. For that
reason a corpse had always an obolus 1 placed under the tongue.
Those who cannot afford the passage, or are not admitted by Charon, are doomed
to wander on the banks of the Styx for a hundred years. Living persons who
wish to go to the underworld need a golden bough obtained from the Cumaean
Sibyl. Charon is the son of Erebus and Nyx. He is depicted as an sulky old
man, or as a winged demon carrying a double hammer. He is similar to the
Etruscan (Charun).
• neuroFIREwall dostaniesz po 24 Shevat 5763 IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 21.01.03, 22:35 zarchiwizowany
• ____________________US_________________ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy;©©P 21.01.03, 14:18 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: ***IL*** napisał(a):
> www.aquanet.co.il/radio99.asx >
Tak. To zydowskie sanatorium psyhiatryczne. I prosze uwazac jesli nie masz
firewall - dobieraja ci sie do komputera.
> www.aquanet.co.il/radio99.asx >
Tak. To zydowskie sanatorium psyhiatryczne. I prosze uwazac jesli nie masz
firewall - dobieraja ci sie do komputera.
• _______________ABOUT THE LIGHT_______________!!!!! IP: *.dyn.optonline.net
Gość: Kingfish 21.01.03, 03:43 zarchiwizowany
But what if the light at the end of the tunnel is a head light of a train
coming at you?
coming at you?
American Nazi Party
Stormtroops Application
Military experience:_______________________________________________
List all Organizations you belong to:_________________________________
Are there any legal charges pending against you?______________________
If so, what are they?_______________________________________________
I, the undersigned, a White non-jewish male or female, do hearby swear that
all of the foregoing information in this application is complete and correct
to the best of my knowledge, and that my sole purpose in applying for
membership in the Stormtroops is a desire to fight for the National Socialist
(Note: Before applying for the Stormtroops, one must already be an Official
ANP | PO Box 503 | Eastpointe, MI 48021 | (734) 7299-1702 |
Stormtroops Application
Military experience:_______________________________________________
List all Organizations you belong to:_________________________________
Are there any legal charges pending against you?______________________
If so, what are they?_______________________________________________
I, the undersigned, a White non-jewish male or female, do hearby swear that
all of the foregoing information in this application is complete and correct
to the best of my knowledge, and that my sole purpose in applying for
membership in the Stormtroops is a desire to fight for the National Socialist
(Note: Before applying for the Stormtroops, one must already be an Official
ANP | PO Box 503 | Eastpointe, MI 48021 | (734) 7299-1702 |
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(h2 style="FONT-SIZE: 17pt")Fellow White American!(/h2)
(h3)The AMERICAN NAZI PARTY is a legally based political-educational
organization dedicated to the
preservation of the White Race, the Aryan Republic, and our Western-European
cultural heritage. Our
motto is the (u)Fourteen Words(/u).
(h3)As the world enemy wages war against the White Race and Western
Civilization in every corner of
the world, we have found that the ONLY WAY to shock our people awake is
through BOLD ACTION. Too
many others would rather try to TALK the problem away, while we realize that
the time has come to
POWER to shatter the
jewish press BLACK-OUT and force White America to THINK ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON.
(h3)Our spiritual leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, has laid down a blueprint
for us to follow to
success, if we will only have the courage to do so. Some others who thought
they knew better have
tried a different path, but their failure has only showed us how correct
Commander Rockwell was, as
(img height="256" alt="Commander Rockwell" src="rockwell.gif"
width="277" /)(img height="260" alt="Rally" src="protest.jpg" width="252" /)
(h3)Here at Nazi Headquarters, we are gathering the best and most ACTIVE of
our fighters for the
White People, men and women who realize that this is not a game or a club,
for the struggle of our way of life as a White-European nation.
(h3)Persons who would like to join us in this all-out fight for the survival
of our Race and Nation
may fill out our
(a href="apps/supporter.html")OFFICIAL SUPPORTER form.(/a)
To qualify you must be at least 18 years old, an American citizen and willing
to obey the
principals of the AMERICAN NAZI PARTY.
(h3)You are expected to send in your donation each month on a regular and
timely basis. Those who
join the
(a href="apps/stormtroops.html")STORMTROOPS(/a)
are expected to send in an ACTIVITY REPORT each month showing what they have
done in the cause of
the 14 Words. Stormtroops membership is free, but a person must be an Official
Supporter in good
standing before applying.
(h3)As an OFFICIAL SUPPORTER you will be entitled to receive an official
membership card, all internal newsletters and bulletins, as well as a
subscription to the
STORMTROOPER MAGAZINE, our official news-publication.
(h3)Even non-members can become fighting crusaders for our White American
Republic by making
contributions to the Party War Chest and by distributing our literature among
their friends and the
(h3)The AMERICAN NAZI PARTY is not for everyone, nor is it meant to be. We
wish to attract only
those people who are willing to fight and sacrifice for something greater and
more meaningful than
themselves...our WHITE RACE OF PEOPLE.
(h3)Let us hear from you soon.
(h3)For Race and Nation,
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(font id="headings" size="4")ARTICLES OF INTEREST:(/font)
(a href="articles/vinces.html")In Hoc Signo Vinces by Rockwell(/a)
(br /)
(a href="articles/rockwell.html")Lincoln Rockwell: A National Socialist Life
by William Pierce(/a)
(br /)
(a href="articles/propaganda.html")On the Art of Propaganda by Rockwell(/a)
(br /)
(a href="articles/selfhate.html")White Self-Hate: Master Stroke of the Enemy
by Rockwell(/a)
(br /)
(a href="articles/who.html")Who Was George Lincoln Rockwell by A.V.
(br /)
(a href="articles/battlesong.html")Battle Song by Rockwell(/a)
(font id="headings" size="4")LINCOLN ROCKWELL'S BOOKS:(/font)
(br /)
(a href="TTTW/TTTWcont.htm")This Time the World(/a)
(br /)
(a href="WP/WPcont.htm")White Power(/a)
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(h2 style="font-size: 21pt")White Power(/h2)
(/blink)(img height="173" alt="ANP Flag" src="swas.jpg" width="244" /)
(br /)PO Box 503
(br /)Eastpointe, MI 48021 (/h2)
(a href="mailto:rocky88@prodigy.net")ANP STAFF(/a)
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torah, nigger, coon, kike, gook, race, racial, discrimination, hate,
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Anti, Defamation, League, Southern, Poverty, Law, Center, Metzger, Pierce,
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(h2 style="FONT-SIZE: 17pt")Fellow White American!(/h2)
(h3)The AMERICAN NAZI PARTY is a legally based political-educational
organization dedicated to the
preservation of the White Race, the Aryan Republic, and our Western-European
cultural heritage. Our
motto is the (u)Fourteen Words(/u).
(h3)As the world enemy wages war against the White Race and Western
Civilization in every corner of
the world, we have found that the ONLY WAY to shock our people awake is
through BOLD ACTION. Too
many others would rather try to TALK the problem away, while we realize that
the time has come to
POWER to shatter the
jewish press BLACK-OUT and force White America to THINK ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON.
(h3)Our spiritual leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, has laid down a blueprint
for us to follow to
success, if we will only have the courage to do so. Some others who thought
they knew better have
tried a different path, but their failure has only showed us how correct
Commander Rockwell was, as
(img height="256" alt="Commander Rockwell" src="rockwell.gif"
width="277" /)(img height="260" alt="Rally" src="protest.jpg" width="252" /)
(h3)Here at Nazi Headquarters, we are gathering the best and most ACTIVE of
our fighters for the
White People, men and women who realize that this is not a game or a club,
for the struggle of our way of life as a White-European nation.
(h3)Persons who would like to join us in this all-out fight for the survival
of our Race and Nation
may fill out our
(a href="apps/supporter.html")OFFICIAL SUPPORTER form.(/a)
To qualify you must be at least 18 years old, an American citizen and willing
to obey the
principals of the AMERICAN NAZI PARTY.
(h3)You are expected to send in your donation each month on a regular and
timely basis. Those who
join the
(a href="apps/stormtroops.html")STORMTROOPS(/a)
are expected to send in an ACTIVITY REPORT each month showing what they have
done in the cause of
the 14 Words. Stormtroops membership is free, but a person must be an Official
Supporter in good
standing before applying.
(h3)As an OFFICIAL SUPPORTER you will be entitled to receive an official
membership card, all internal newsletters and bulletins, as well as a
subscription to the
STORMTROOPER MAGAZINE, our official news-publication.
(h3)Even non-members can become fighting crusaders for our White American
Republic by making
contributions to the Party War Chest and by distributing our literature among
their friends and the
(h3)The AMERICAN NAZI PARTY is not for everyone, nor is it meant to be. We
wish to attract only
those people who are willing to fight and sacrifice for something greater and
more meaningful than
themselves...our WHITE RACE OF PEOPLE.
(h3)Let us hear from you soon.
(h3)For Race and Nation,
(font id="headings" size="4")DOWNLOADABLE HANDBILLS:(/font)
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('power')")White Power(/a)
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('proud')")White and Proud(/a)
(font id="headings" size="4")ARTICLES OF INTEREST:(/font)
(a href="articles/vinces.html")In Hoc Signo Vinces by Rockwell(/a)
(br /)
(a href="articles/rockwell.html")Lincoln Rockwell: A National Socialist Life
by William Pierce(/a)
(br /)
(a href="articles/propaganda.html")On the Art of Propaganda by Rockwell(/a)
(br /)
(a href="articles/selfhate.html")White Self-Hate: Master Stroke of the Enemy
by Rockwell(/a)
(br /)
(a href="articles/who.html")Who Was George Lincoln Rockwell by A.V.
(br /)
(a href="articles/battlesong.html")Battle Song by Rockwell(/a)
(font id="headings" size="4")LINCOLN ROCKWELL'S BOOKS:(/font)
(br /)
(a href="TTTW/TTTWcont.htm")This Time the World(/a)
(br /)
(a href="WP/WPcont.htm")White Power(/a)
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(h2 style="font-size: 21pt")White Power(/h2)
(/blink)(img height="173" alt="ANP Flag" src="swas.jpg" width="244" /)
(br /)PO Box 503
(br /)Eastpointe, MI 48021 (/h2)
(a href="mailto:rocky88@prodigy.net")ANP STAFF(/a)
(small)(small)Copyright © 1999-2003 American Nazi Party.(/small)(/small)(/h3)
Gość portalu: ЯR napisał(a):
> Stephen Fulder, Ph.D.
> Clil Village, Doar Nah Oshrat 25233, Israel
> The ego or self does not need to die. It was never there in the first place.
> say many teachers from the non-dual Hindu spiritual tradition as well as
> Buddhism. The self, according to this teaching, is a habit born of a life of
> conditioning - and more than that, of a more universal karmic causation that
> keeps the conditioning process going generation after generation.
> It is not that the self is unnecessary. Of course it is necessary given the
> nature of human beings. A child grown with an uncertain sense of self can be
> very disturbed; an Alzheimer's patient without a memory of self can be
> terrified. However though we need it, it may be less solid than we think.
> spiritually oriented psychologists today are beginning to acknowledge that
> conscious mind may collect around it a self as a survival mechanism: a means
> interpret and relate to the world and thus to negotiate a safe journey
> it. As we rely on it, it has to appear to be solid, trusty and reliable.
> In the spiritual path, the self is seen as an obstacle to real knowing. It
> contracts consciousness around itself, and prevents us from dissolving in
> sea of global awareness - the cosmic consciousness. The habit of self is
> extremely strong; strong enough block this experience of dissolution
> for almost everybody. The strength of the habit of self lies in the need
> we have to relate to the world from the position of the self; it is
> reinforced by every thought and experience through which the world is
> interpreted. Our fundamental insecurity, which requires us to construct the
> self in the first place, supports it by attachments and aversions. Further,
> continual re-inforcing of the self is an unconscious process. Most of the
> of self lies in the unconscious out of reach of our conscious intention.
> most of our life we simply identify with the self, react from it, but never
> actually notice it.
> All spiritual practices make the self-process less automatic. Devotion,
> suffering and transference on guru or teacher can help to make the self less
> dominant. There is a story of a student asking his rabbi why, today, people
> cannot see God any more as they used to. He answered 'because today we
> stoop so low'. We are caught up in our big self, in the head, and cannot get
> underneath it. Another way of looking at this process is one of cleansing;
> contact with the world is contaminated by the self and its need to
> We must purify our perception. As William Blake said: "If the doors of
> perception were cleansed, then everything would be seen as it is, infinite."
> However the Buddhist and non-dual paths take a rather different approach.
> is no need to climb up the mountain because you are already on the top. In
> every moment of perceiving the world, there is already a pure cosmic
> The self appears only in the process of recognition and interpretation. This
> process of recognition and interpretation requires memory and discursive
> thought, and is therefore not in the present moment. The present moment is
> essentially self-less, and so the gateway to the wisdom of the infinite. The
> loss of self occurs in the moment of true attention. And what is this true
> attention? As Krishnamurti says, if you see a snake in your room, that
> is a moment of true attention! Buddhist practices of awareness require the
> practitioner to repeatedly enter a space of being fully present in the
> Every thought, every perception, every feeling, is allowed, received, and
> acknowledged, without the usual responses and interpretations that are the
> essential food of the self-process. Starved of its usual diet of attachments
> and aversions, the self-process loosens its grip on perception. Eventually a
> more expansive global kind of knowing takes its place.
> Living and acting from this panoramic perspective is the joy of spiritual
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> Stephen Fulder, Ph.D.
> Clil Village, Doar Nah Oshrat 25233, Israel
> The ego or self does not need to die. It was never there in the first place.
> say many teachers from the non-dual Hindu spiritual tradition as well as
> Buddhism. The self, according to this teaching, is a habit born of a life of
> conditioning - and more than that, of a more universal karmic causation that
> keeps the conditioning process going generation after generation.
> It is not that the self is unnecessary. Of course it is necessary given the
> nature of human beings. A child grown with an uncertain sense of self can be
> very disturbed; an Alzheimer's patient without a memory of self can be
> terrified. However though we need it, it may be less solid than we think.
> spiritually oriented psychologists today are beginning to acknowledge that
> conscious mind may collect around it a self as a survival mechanism: a means
> interpret and relate to the world and thus to negotiate a safe journey
> it. As we rely on it, it has to appear to be solid, trusty and reliable.
> In the spiritual path, the self is seen as an obstacle to real knowing. It
> contracts consciousness around itself, and prevents us from dissolving in
> sea of global awareness - the cosmic consciousness. The habit of self is
> extremely strong; strong enough block this experience of dissolution
> for almost everybody. The strength of the habit of self lies in the need
> we have to relate to the world from the position of the self; it is
> reinforced by every thought and experience through which the world is
> interpreted. Our fundamental insecurity, which requires us to construct the
> self in the first place, supports it by attachments and aversions. Further,
> continual re-inforcing of the self is an unconscious process. Most of the
> of self lies in the unconscious out of reach of our conscious intention.
> most of our life we simply identify with the self, react from it, but never
> actually notice it.
> All spiritual practices make the self-process less automatic. Devotion,
> suffering and transference on guru or teacher can help to make the self less
> dominant. There is a story of a student asking his rabbi why, today, people
> cannot see God any more as they used to. He answered 'because today we
> stoop so low'. We are caught up in our big self, in the head, and cannot get
> underneath it. Another way of looking at this process is one of cleansing;
> contact with the world is contaminated by the self and its need to
> We must purify our perception. As William Blake said: "If the doors of
> perception were cleansed, then everything would be seen as it is, infinite."
> However the Buddhist and non-dual paths take a rather different approach.
> is no need to climb up the mountain because you are already on the top. In
> every moment of perceiving the world, there is already a pure cosmic
> The self appears only in the process of recognition and interpretation. This
> process of recognition and interpretation requires memory and discursive
> thought, and is therefore not in the present moment. The present moment is
> essentially self-less, and so the gateway to the wisdom of the infinite. The
> loss of self occurs in the moment of true attention. And what is this true
> attention? As Krishnamurti says, if you see a snake in your room, that
> is a moment of true attention! Buddhist practices of awareness require the
> practitioner to repeatedly enter a space of being fully present in the
> Every thought, every perception, every feeling, is allowed, received, and
> acknowledged, without the usual responses and interpretations that are the
> essential food of the self-process. Starved of its usual diet of attachments
> and aversions, the self-process loosens its grip on perception. Eventually a
> more expansive global kind of knowing takes its place.
> Living and acting from this panoramic perspective is the joy of spiritual
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
ostatnie zmiany na FORUM...
[...] enzura
[...] enzura
ja tez..;(
no test
• the world that we feel with our hearts and imagina IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: .-'. 19.01.03, 01:23 zarchiwizowany
There are two worlds; the world that we can measure with line and rule, and
the world that we feel with our hearts and imagination.
----Leigh Hunt, Men, Women and Books
Baghdad: For Centuries a Major Centre of Jewish Life [1]
News Item:
January 1991--Outbreak of the Persian Gulf War. An international coalition led
by the United States attacks Iraq in response to Dictator Saddam Hussein¹s
invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
A number of times every winter I am asked about the peculiar scheduling of the
petition for rain in the daily service, which the prayer-books instruct us to
begin reciting from December 4th. I usually mutter some confusing reply about
talmudic calculations based on autumnal equinoxes and other concepts that are
not all that clear in my own mind.
During the fateful days of the Gulf War the more basic significance of this
date comes to mind in all its irony: We are actually praying for an abundant
rainfall for Iraq!
Surprising as this might sound in today's circumstances (especially when we
keep in mind the terrible drought that troubled Israel this year), this fact
underlines the special connection that has always existed between the Jewish
people and that part of the world currently known as Iraq. This was the
birthplace of Abraham and the land to which the Judæans were exiled after the
destruction of the First Temple. Scholars believe that this was where the
Torah underwent its final redaction.
The fact that Jews throughout the Diaspora continue to define their winters
according to the Iraqi climate testifies again to the decisive influence of
the Iraqi (or, as known in other times: Babylonian, or Mesopotamian, etc.)
Jewish community. It was the Babylonian Talmud that was recognized as the
highest legal authority for Jews throughout the world, and it occupied a place
of such centrality in their studies that the Babylonian landscape was at times
more real for many Jews than their own.
Let me illustrate this vast subject by limiting myself to a few comments about
the Jewish involvement with Iraq's capital, Baghdad. Now, the history books
tell us that the history of Baghdad did not commence until the year 763 when
it was built as a new military outpost by the Caliph al-Mansur. However
students of the Talmud are familiar with a third-century Rabbi Hanna
Bagdata'a. For Rashi, writing in eleventh-century France, it was obvious that
this rabbi was a native of Baghdad. Modern scholars are not ready to
automatically reject that identification since Muslim Baghdad was likely built
upon an already existent town that may well date back to talmudic times, as
evidenced by its Persian name.
By the 10th century the major Babylonian institutions, including the great
talmudic yeshivahs of Sura and Pumbedita and the court of the Exilarch, had
all relocated to Baghdad in order to be closer to the seat of the Islamic
Caliphate, which was the most powerful political force in the western world.
It was through their official recognition by the Baghdadi Caliphs that the
Babylonian Jews were able to impose their religious leadership and their
Talmud upon most of the Jewish world.
During the zenith of Iraqi-Jewish dominance it was inconceivable to many Jews
that Baghdad had not always been a major Jewish center, and some talmudic
sources were rewritten to reflect that perception. According to one such
tradition Rav, the original founder of the venerable talmudic academy at Sura,
had really intended to go to Baghdad, but had been tricked into staying by the
mother of one of his students, who did not want to be parted from her son. The
woman in question had approached the scholar asking how much milk would be
needed to cook a portion of meat. Shocked by this display of halakhic
ignorance, Rav concluded that his presence was needed in such a Jewish
wasteland, and so he stayed there.
I recently had a look at a fascinating medieval Hebrew text, which claims to
describe how the vessels from the first Temple in Jerusalem had been hidden
away prior to its destruction by the Babylonians. "All of these vessels were
concealed and interred in a tower in the land of Babylonia, in a city named
Baghdad." The source, by the way, states that the hiding places of these
vessels were recorded on a copper tablet. This legend is particularly
interesting when we note that a copper scroll containing a treasure map
indicating the hiding-places of Second Temple artifacts (possibly reflecting a
plan that was never executed) is one of the most enigmatic documents to be
discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls.
All these sources testify to the strength of the historical Jewish connection
to Iraq and its capital, a fact which only serves to intensify the tragedy of
the current situation, when a self-styled Nebuchadnezzar has again tried to
aim his deadly arrows towards Jerusalem.
News Item:
January 1991--Outbreak of the Persian Gulf War. An international coalition led
by the United States attacks Iraq in response to Dictator Saddam Hussein¹s
invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
A number of times every winter I am asked about the peculiar scheduling of the
petition for rain in the daily service, which the prayer-books instruct us to
begin reciting from December 4th. I usually mutter some confusing reply about
talmudic calculations based on autumnal equinoxes and other concepts that are
not all that clear in my own mind.
During the fateful days of the Gulf War the more basic significance of this
date comes to mind in all its irony: We are actually praying for an abundant
rainfall for Iraq!
Surprising as this might sound in today's circumstances (especially when we
keep in mind the terrible drought that troubled Israel this year), this fact
underlines the special connection that has always existed between the Jewish
people and that part of the world currently known as Iraq. This was the
birthplace of Abraham and the land to which the Judæans were exiled after the
destruction of the First Temple. Scholars believe that this was where the
Torah underwent its final redaction.
The fact that Jews throughout the Diaspora continue to define their winters
according to the Iraqi climate testifies again to the decisive influence of
the Iraqi (or, as known in other times: Babylonian, or Mesopotamian, etc.)
Jewish community. It was the Babylonian Talmud that was recognized as the
highest legal authority for Jews throughout the world, and it occupied a place
of such centrality in their studies that the Babylonian landscape was at times
more real for many Jews than their own.
Let me illustrate this vast subject by limiting myself to a few comments about
the Jewish involvement with Iraq's capital, Baghdad. Now, the history books
tell us that the history of Baghdad did not commence until the year 763 when
it was built as a new military outpost by the Caliph al-Mansur. However
students of the Talmud are familiar with a third-century Rabbi Hanna
Bagdata'a. For Rashi, writing in eleventh-century France, it was obvious that
this rabbi was a native of Baghdad. Modern scholars are not ready to
automatically reject that identification since Muslim Baghdad was likely built
upon an already existent town that may well date back to talmudic times, as
evidenced by its Persian name.
By the 10th century the major Babylonian institutions, including the great
talmudic yeshivahs of Sura and Pumbedita and the court of the Exilarch, had
all relocated to Baghdad in order to be closer to the seat of the Islamic
Caliphate, which was the most powerful political force in the western world.
It was through their official recognition by the Baghdadi Caliphs that the
Babylonian Jews were able to impose their religious leadership and their
Talmud upon most of the Jewish world.
During the zenith of Iraqi-Jewish dominance it was inconceivable to many Jews
that Baghdad had not always been a major Jewish center, and some talmudic
sources were rewritten to reflect that perception. According to one such
tradition Rav, the original founder of the venerable talmudic academy at Sura,
had really intended to go to Baghdad, but had been tricked into staying by the
mother of one of his students, who did not want to be parted from her son. The
woman in question had approached the scholar asking how much milk would be
needed to cook a portion of meat. Shocked by this display of halakhic
ignorance, Rav concluded that his presence was needed in such a Jewish
wasteland, and so he stayed there.
I recently had a look at a fascinating medieval Hebrew text, which claims to
describe how the vessels from the first Temple in Jerusalem had been hidden
away prior to its destruction by the Babylonians. "All of these vessels were
concealed and interred in a tower in the land of Babylonia, in a city named
Baghdad." The source, by the way, states that the hiding places of these
vessels were recorded on a copper tablet. This legend is particularly
interesting when we note that a copper scroll containing a treasure map
indicating the hiding-places of Second Temple artifacts (possibly reflecting a
plan that was never executed) is one of the most enigmatic documents to be
discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls.
All these sources testify to the strength of the historical Jewish connection
to Iraq and its capital, a fact which only serves to intensify the tragedy of
the current situation, when a self-styled Nebuchadnezzar has again tried to
aim his deadly arrows towards Jerusalem.
• Re: ________EXCURSION WITHOUT DESTINATION________ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: :-) 17.01.03, 03:26 zarchiwizowany
Gość portalu: drf napisał(a):
> http://ijk.netfirms.com/mybay.swf"target="_blank">ijk.netfirms.com/mybay.swf
> Bardzo przypadlo mi to do gustu Kingfish... miniaturka zmiennych stanow ducha
> ...medytacja
> PS Kingfish je tez jestem pacynka tak kazdy z nas a dowod na przeciwienstwo
> jest absolutnie niemozliwy ;)
> Zastanawiam sie tez nie ZINTEGRUJE z samym soba ?-)
Zastanawiam sie czy po procesie dezintegracji na setki nikow
nie zaczac proces odwrotny ...integracje setek nikow w jednego
jedynego nika autentycznego nika ?
> http://ijk.netfirms.com/mybay.swf"target="_blank">ijk.netfirms.com/mybay.swf
> Bardzo przypadlo mi to do gustu Kingfish... miniaturka zmiennych stanow ducha
> ...medytacja
> PS Kingfish je tez jestem pacynka tak kazdy z nas a dowod na przeciwienstwo
> jest absolutnie niemozliwy ;)
> Zastanawiam sie tez nie ZINTEGRUJE z samym soba ?-)
Zastanawiam sie czy po procesie dezintegracji na setki nikow
nie zaczac proces odwrotny ...integracje setek nikow w jednego
jedynego nika autentycznego nika ?
• Re: ________________________WIRUSY_______________ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy; 17.01.03, 02:43 zarchiwizowany
• Re: ________EXCURSION WITHOUT DESTINATION________ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drf 17.01.03, 02:38 zarchiwizowany
Bardzo przypadlo mi to do gustu Kingfish... miniaturka zmiennych stanow ducha
PS Kingfish je tez jestem pacynka tak kazdy z nas a dowod na przeciwienstwo
jest absolutnie niemozliwy ;)
Zastanawiam sie tez nie ZINTEGRUJE z samym soba ?-)
datsh napisał:
> Gość portalu: Kingfish napisał(a):
> NYC:-)
> http://ijk.netfirms.com/wtc.swf"target="_blank">ijk.netfirms.com/wtc.swf
> Gość portalu: Kingfish napisał(a):
> NYC:-)
> http://ijk.netfirms.com/wtc.swf"target="_blank">ijk.netfirms.com/wtc.swf
Gość portalu: Kingfish napisał(a):
Niech te obrazy uswiadomia nam o co tu chodzi...
Niech te obrazy uswiadomia nam o co tu chodzi...
• Re: --------------------AQUANET------------------ IP: *.mad.east.verizon.net
Gość: Zebra 13.01.03, 19:46 zarchiwizowany
• ________________________WIRUSY____________________ IP: *.dyn.optonline.net
Gość: Kingfish 13.01.03, 06:07 zarchiwizowany
• ________EXCURSION WITHOUT DESTINATION_____________ IP: *.dyn.optonline.net
Gość: Kingfish 13.01.03, 05:34 zarchiwizowany
• _________UNDISPUTED SYMBOL OF PERSEVERANCE________ IP: *.dyn.optonline.net
Gość: Kingfish 13.01.03, 05:17 zarchiwizowany
what is The Dark Crystal
The Dark Crystal is a story from Jim Henson for one of his movies. This movie
is a very good kind of high fantasy with a touch of mystic. On the world of
the Dark Crystal no humens exist.The nature has a many things that can't
classified exactly as flora and fauna. Most there are both things in one
Gość portalu: drFröjd napisał(a):
> Pozdrawiam was Serdecznie !
> Joe
> crazyDoc
> ;-)))
> Pozdrawiam was Serdecznie !
> Joe
> crazyDoc
> ;-)))
_helga napisała:
> _helga napisała:
> > Gość portalu: drFröjd napisał(a):
> >
> > > Pozdrawiam was Serdecznie !
> > > Joe
> > > crazyDoc
> > > ;-)))
> >
> >
> > My tez crazy:)
> >
> >
> > "To w "Wyznaniach" Augustyn wpadl na pomysl, aby uzyc teologicznego dogmat
> u
> > mowiacego o trzech-w-jednym- jako ogolnej zasadzie filozoficznej. Prosi
> > czytelnikow, aby 'dostrzegli w samych sobie i rozwazyli te trzy stany[...]
> ,
> > oczywiscie bardzo odmienne od Trojcy, ale zastanawianie sie nad nimi moze
> byc
> > uzytecznym cwiczeniem [...]. Te trzy stany w nas to: byc, wiedziec, chciec
> .
> > Jestem, wiem i chce. Jestem poznajacy i chcacy. Wiem, ze jestem, i ze chce
> .
> > Chce byc i wiedziec. Te trzy stany przenika jedno nierozdzielne zycie: jed
> no
> > zycie, jeden umysl, jedna istota. [...]
> >
> > H.Arendt, "Wola".
> >
> > Caly Kingfish, heheee ;-)))))))))))
> PS. Zwaz, Doktorze, ze Augustyn odroznia bycie od zycia. Bycie jest stanem
> zycia, a nie jego istota; a wiec mozna zyc i nie calkiem byc. Co zapewne
> swietnie da sie zaobserwowac u twoich niektorych pacjentow;-))))))))
Filozofia Helga dla mnie obecnie to odroznienie Empatii od Apatii
Essencji od Egzystencji z mozliwoscia filtracji ;)))
A te 3wymiarowe Hologramy to nie ja wysylam ....
To tylko text zwykly text bez koDow ;(
> _helga napisała:
> > Gość portalu: drFröjd napisał(a):
> >
> > > Pozdrawiam was Serdecznie !
> > > Joe
> > > crazyDoc
> > > ;-)))
> >
> >
> > My tez crazy:)
> >
> >
> > "To w "Wyznaniach" Augustyn wpadl na pomysl, aby uzyc teologicznego dogmat
> u
> > mowiacego o trzech-w-jednym- jako ogolnej zasadzie filozoficznej. Prosi
> > czytelnikow, aby 'dostrzegli w samych sobie i rozwazyli te trzy stany[...]
> ,
> > oczywiscie bardzo odmienne od Trojcy, ale zastanawianie sie nad nimi moze
> byc
> > uzytecznym cwiczeniem [...]. Te trzy stany w nas to: byc, wiedziec, chciec
> .
> > Jestem, wiem i chce. Jestem poznajacy i chcacy. Wiem, ze jestem, i ze chce
> .
> > Chce byc i wiedziec. Te trzy stany przenika jedno nierozdzielne zycie: jed
> no
> > zycie, jeden umysl, jedna istota. [...]
> >
> > H.Arendt, "Wola".
> >
> > Caly Kingfish, heheee ;-)))))))))))
> PS. Zwaz, Doktorze, ze Augustyn odroznia bycie od zycia. Bycie jest stanem
> zycia, a nie jego istota; a wiec mozna zyc i nie calkiem byc. Co zapewne
> swietnie da sie zaobserwowac u twoich niektorych pacjentow;-))))))))
Filozofia Helga dla mnie obecnie to odroznienie Empatii od Apatii
Essencji od Egzystencji z mozliwoscia filtracji ;)))
A te 3wymiarowe Hologramy to nie ja wysylam ....
To tylko text zwykly text bez koDow ;(
_helga napisała:
> Gość portalu: drFröjd napisał(a):
> > Pozdrawiam was Serdecznie !
> > Joe
> > crazyDoc
> > ;-)))
> My tez crazy:)
> "To w "Wyznaniach" Augustyn wpadl na pomysl, aby uzyc teologicznego dogmatu
> mowiacego o trzech-w-jednym- jako ogolnej zasadzie filozoficznej. Prosi
> czytelnikow, aby 'dostrzegli w samych sobie i rozwazyli te trzy stany[...],
> oczywiscie bardzo odmienne od Trojcy, ale zastanawianie sie nad nimi moze byc
> uzytecznym cwiczeniem [...]. Te trzy stany w nas to: byc, wiedziec, chciec.
> Jestem, wiem i chce. Jestem poznajacy i chcacy. Wiem, ze jestem, i ze chce.
> Chce byc i wiedziec. Te trzy stany przenika jedno nierozdzielne zycie: jedno
> zycie, jeden umysl, jedna istota. [...]
> H.Arendt, "Wola".
> Caly Kingfish, heheee ;-)))))))))))
PS. Zwaz, Doktorze, ze Augustyn odroznia bycie od zycia. Bycie jest stanem
zycia, a nie jego istota; a wiec mozna zyc i nie calkiem byc. Co zapewne
swietnie da sie zaobserwowac u twoich niektorych pacjentow;-))))))))
> Gość portalu: drFröjd napisał(a):
> > Pozdrawiam was Serdecznie !
> > Joe
> > crazyDoc
> > ;-)))
> My tez crazy:)
> "To w "Wyznaniach" Augustyn wpadl na pomysl, aby uzyc teologicznego dogmatu
> mowiacego o trzech-w-jednym- jako ogolnej zasadzie filozoficznej. Prosi
> czytelnikow, aby 'dostrzegli w samych sobie i rozwazyli te trzy stany[...],
> oczywiscie bardzo odmienne od Trojcy, ale zastanawianie sie nad nimi moze byc
> uzytecznym cwiczeniem [...]. Te trzy stany w nas to: byc, wiedziec, chciec.
> Jestem, wiem i chce. Jestem poznajacy i chcacy. Wiem, ze jestem, i ze chce.
> Chce byc i wiedziec. Te trzy stany przenika jedno nierozdzielne zycie: jedno
> zycie, jeden umysl, jedna istota. [...]
> H.Arendt, "Wola".
> Caly Kingfish, heheee ;-)))))))))))
PS. Zwaz, Doktorze, ze Augustyn odroznia bycie od zycia. Bycie jest stanem
zycia, a nie jego istota; a wiec mozna zyc i nie calkiem byc. Co zapewne
swietnie da sie zaobserwowac u twoich niektorych pacjentow;-))))))))
Gość portalu: drFröjd napisał(a):
> Pozdrawiam was Serdecznie !
> Joe
> crazyDoc
> ;-)))
My tez crazy:)
"To w "Wyznaniach" Augustyn wpadl na pomysl, aby uzyc teologicznego dogmatu
mowiacego o trzech-w-jednym- jako ogolnej zasadzie filozoficznej. Prosi
czytelnikow, aby 'dostrzegli w samych sobie i rozwazyli te trzy stany[...],
oczywiscie bardzo odmienne od Trojcy, ale zastanawianie sie nad nimi moze byc
uzytecznym cwiczeniem [...]. Te trzy stany w nas to: byc, wiedziec, chciec.
Jestem, wiem i chce. Jestem poznajacy i chcacy. Wiem, ze jestem, i ze chce.
Chce byc i wiedziec. Te trzy stany przenika jedno nierozdzielne zycie: jedno
zycie, jeden umysl, jedna istota. [...]
H.Arendt, "Wola".
Caly Kingfish, heheee ;-)))))))))))
> Pozdrawiam was Serdecznie !
> Joe
> crazyDoc
> ;-)))
My tez crazy:)
"To w "Wyznaniach" Augustyn wpadl na pomysl, aby uzyc teologicznego dogmatu
mowiacego o trzech-w-jednym- jako ogolnej zasadzie filozoficznej. Prosi
czytelnikow, aby 'dostrzegli w samych sobie i rozwazyli te trzy stany[...],
oczywiscie bardzo odmienne od Trojcy, ale zastanawianie sie nad nimi moze byc
uzytecznym cwiczeniem [...]. Te trzy stany w nas to: byc, wiedziec, chciec.
Jestem, wiem i chce. Jestem poznajacy i chcacy. Wiem, ze jestem, i ze chce.
Chce byc i wiedziec. Te trzy stany przenika jedno nierozdzielne zycie: jedno
zycie, jeden umysl, jedna istota. [...]
H.Arendt, "Wola".
Caly Kingfish, heheee ;-)))))))))))
• Witajcie Kingfish i Helga !___________________/ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: drFröjd 09.01.03, 23:49 zarchiwizowany
Pozdrawiam was Serdecznie !
_helga napisała:
> Gość portalu: Kingfish napisał(a):
> > href="http://ijk.netfirms.com/swiatla2.swf"target="_blank">ijk.netfirms.com/
> > swiatla2.swf
> Kingfish!!! Got you!! hihih:)))
Tak ci sie tylko wydaje,ale sie ciesze:-)
> Gość portalu: Kingfish napisał(a):
> > href="http://ijk.netfirms.com/swiatla2.swf"target="_blank">ijk.netfirms.com/
> > swiatla2.swf
> Kingfish!!! Got you!! hihih:)))
Tak ci sie tylko wydaje,ale sie ciesze:-)
Gość portalu: Kingfish napisał(a):
> ijk.netfirms.com/
> swiatla2.swf
Kingfish!!! Got you!! hihih:)))
> ijk.netfirms.com/
> swiatla2.swf
Kingfish!!! Got you!! hihih:)))
• ________Light AT the End of The Tunnel______// IP: *.dyn.optonline.net
Gość: Kingfish 09.01.03, 04:42 zarchiwizowany
Plamy sloneczne w historii swiata ?:)))
• --------------------DNA-NET------------------ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: DNA 04.01.03, 18:25 zarchiwizowany
• TaiChi quan a combination of vigour and gentleness IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: copy;© 04.01.03, 16:05 zarchiwizowany
TaiChi quan
Though legends tell that some eight centuries ago, Emperor Xuanwu taught the
art of taijiquanto an alchemist hermit in a dream, the available historical
data seem to indicate that ataijiquanwas first devised in henan province some
300 years ago, in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. In subsequent years
foreign invasions and domestic peasant uprisings stimulated the diffusion of
martial arts among the people, and a new form of boxing envolve. While earlier
boxing styles emphasized quick movements and strong, vigorous punches, this
new style forllowed the principles of " subduing the vigorous by the soft", "
adapting oneself to the style of others" and " overcoming a force of 1,000
pounds with a force of four ounces. "
In the past century, taijiquanhas undergone signficant changes, with its
movements becoming more relaxed and graceful. Many moves requiring explosive
strength disappeared, as did excessive foot stamping. Eventually taijiquan
became popular with men and women, young old alike, and increasing attention
was paid to its hygienic and theraqeutic value.
In the pocess of its development, taijiquan gradually evolved into many
different styles, which need not be described here.
There were, however, five main schools, and numerous subdivisions under each
school. Although each of the five has its own characterisitc features, they
share the following essentials:
First, the posture is natural and relaxed. Motion remains even and fluid, with
the muscles neither stiff nor rigid. Breathing should be deep and regular. The
practice of taijiquan requires a combination of vigour and gentleness--
neither inertness nor rigidity is allowed.
Secondly, the mind should be tranquil but alert, with consciousness commanding
the bodt, in order to achieve stillness within movement -- a unity of
stillness and motion.
Thirdly, body movements are well coordinated throughtout the entire exercise
period. Though the movements are gentle and slow, each part of the body is in
constant motion. While practising taijiquan, the weight of the body is mainly
borne by the waist and legs. A characteristic feature of taijiquanis that all
movements are carried out in a half squatting position.
In 1956, a simplified set of tiajiquan exercises based on the most popular
sequences of the Yang school was issued. This series consists of 24 forms
which progress logically from the easy to the difficult, and which take five
minutes to complete. "Simplified Taijiquan" has proved to be a great stimulus
to the popularization of the sport both in China and abroad.
Simplified Taijiquan
Though legends tell that some eight centuries ago, Emperor Xuanwu taught the
art of taijiquanto an alchemist hermit in a dream, the available historical
data seem to indicate that ataijiquanwas first devised in henan province some
300 years ago, in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. In subsequent years
foreign invasions and domestic peasant uprisings stimulated the diffusion of
martial arts among the people, and a new form of boxing envolve. While earlier
boxing styles emphasized quick movements and strong, vigorous punches, this
new style forllowed the principles of " subduing the vigorous by the soft", "
adapting oneself to the style of others" and " overcoming a force of 1,000
pounds with a force of four ounces. "
In the past century, taijiquanhas undergone signficant changes, with its
movements becoming more relaxed and graceful. Many moves requiring explosive
strength disappeared, as did excessive foot stamping. Eventually taijiquan
became popular with men and women, young old alike, and increasing attention
was paid to its hygienic and theraqeutic value.
In the pocess of its development, taijiquan gradually evolved into many
different styles, which need not be described here.
There were, however, five main schools, and numerous subdivisions under each
school. Although each of the five has its own characterisitc features, they
share the following essentials:
First, the posture is natural and relaxed. Motion remains even and fluid, with
the muscles neither stiff nor rigid. Breathing should be deep and regular. The
practice of taijiquan requires a combination of vigour and gentleness--
neither inertness nor rigidity is allowed.
Secondly, the mind should be tranquil but alert, with consciousness commanding
the bodt, in order to achieve stillness within movement -- a unity of
stillness and motion.
Thirdly, body movements are well coordinated throughtout the entire exercise
period. Though the movements are gentle and slow, each part of the body is in
constant motion. While practising taijiquan, the weight of the body is mainly
borne by the waist and legs. A characteristic feature of taijiquanis that all
movements are carried out in a half squatting position.
In 1956, a simplified set of tiajiquan exercises based on the most popular
sequences of the Yang school was issued. This series consists of 24 forms
which progress logically from the easy to the difficult, and which take five
minutes to complete. "Simplified Taijiquan" has proved to be a great stimulus
to the popularization of the sport both in China and abroad.
Simplified Taijiquan
• ...........................................Re: El IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: crazyDoc 03.01.03, 23:09 zarchiwizowany
• 0__o0o__o_o_0o__o_0__o__oO___0OO_o_oo_00_ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: o 03.01.03, 20:57 zarchiwizowany
• 0____0____0____0____0____0____0____0____0____0____ IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: 0_0_0_0_0_ 02.01.03, 19:21 zarchiwizowany
Book Review
Assimilation and Its Discontents
Assimilation and Its Discontents. By Barry Rubin. New York: Times Books, 1995.
xvi + 333 pp. $25.00.
The process of assimilation Barry Rubin defines as "seeking integration in a
larger society and increasingly taking one's ideas and customs from it";
and "the ultimate result" has taken the form of "conversion, intermarriage, or
fully entering another nation or ideological framework" (xiv). The inferiority
of Judaism to Christianity is presumed; and allegiance is denied to "a people
bound together" in the Diaspora "by a culture, ideology, and set of mutual
obligations creating a community consciously resolute to preserve its
solidarity" (5). Treating Jewishness as a source of shame, an infirmity that
had to be overcome, "those who accepted negative stereotypes of their people
tried to dissociate themselves or disprove this image through personal
achievement, patriotism, conformity, and selflessness" (117). Intellectuals in
particular found it hard to say the Sh'ma loud--and say it proud, since
Judaism had failed to match the aesthetic or spiritual power that Christianity
projected; civilization had been born in Athens and Rome but not in Jerusalem.
The desire to become terminal Jews was often nurtured for the sake of the
children, to spare them the stigma, which is why the trajectory is that of
generational declension. "The meaning of being a Jew was defined ever [End
Page 276] downwards," Rubin writes, "from people to religion, from religion to
ethnicity, and then to merely being an outsider, a meaningless model for those
now fully integrated into society" (182).
But European history would play a nasty trick on the assimilationists. They
tried desperately to discredit the antisemitic accusation that "clannishness"
made Jews dubious material for citizenship in the nation-states that emerged
after the French Revolution. But when Jews did integrate themselves into the
economy and society, conspicuous success bred resentment, envy and eventually
murderous hatred, driven by the "essentialist" fear that Jews were
inassimilable after all, having more in common with their fellow Jews than
with their fellow citizens. Even Jews who rejected a blind patriotism failed
to erase their own distinctiveness, since no one else was "so eager to replace
religion, nation, and self-interest with a cult of altruism, objectivity, and
humanism. Professing universalist humanism was an assimilationist strategy, a
way Jews could be included without being mentioned" (227). But because only
they tended to champion such virtues, because "no other group produced so many
people extolling neutrality or self-criticism as proof of even-handedness"
(237), this minority remained conspicuous, a fate that the assimilationist
strategy was designed to prevent. Who else would present themselves
as "cosmopolitan humanists"?
Persistent bigotry might give refresher courses in Jewish identity. During a
meeting in Berlin in 1890, the Russian Marxist Alexander Helphand proclaimed
that "even the manufacture of my coat demonstrates the international character
of the world": the wool had been spun from sheep that had grazed in Turkey;
Lodz workers had done the weaving; the buttons had been made in Germany; the
thread had come from Austria. This paean to brotherhood was interrupted by the
Zionist tribune Nachman Syrkin: "And the rip in your sleeve comes from the
pogrom in Kiev!" (quoted on p. 142). After devoting a chapter to the Marxist
revolutionaries, the author concludes: "Blinded by their own ideology, such
radical Jewish thinkers saw everyone else's ideas--but not their own--as
products of false consciousness originating from one's position in society"
In making his case, Rubin ranges widely and ingeniously across two centuries
and two continents; Assimilation and Its Discontents stretches from the salons
of Berlin during the Napoleonic upheavals to the post-Communist Poland of
Jerzy Urban and Adam Michnik. Since the modernization that ripped across
Jewish communities exerted its most poignant impact in Germany,
its "stepchildren" are paid special attention: Moses Mendelssohn, Rachel
Varnhagen, Ludwig Börne, Heinrich Heine, Hermann Cohen, Walter Rathenau, Jakob
Wasserman, Walter [End Page 277] Benjamin, plus the Austrian branch in Arthur
Schnitzler and Otto Weininger and the Bohemian branch in Franz Kafka and Franz
Werfel. This book is manifestly influenced by Gershom Scholem's sense that the
vaunted German-Jewish dialogue was really a monologue, with the Jews speaking
mostly to themselves. Rubin's stress is upon the costs of integration rather
than its achievements, the losses rather than the gains. He also tends to
minimize features of Jewish identification that might have persisted,
downplaying or completely ignoring, for example, the Zionist sympathies and
activities of Namier, Koestler, Arendt and Einstein. Yet the book is not
unmodulated, since Rubin's cast of characters also includes those who became
disenchanted with assimilation and who found their way back to their Jewish
origins (from Kafka and Freud to Rosenzweig).
That the establishment of civil society ravaged individual identity as well as
communal cohesion, and that the yearning for national inclusion produced
neurosis and delusion and denial and self-hatred are not likely to produce
astonishment. The "epistemic community" likely to read Rubin's book will not
resemble the folks shown on television shrieking with surprise upon winning
publishers' sweepstakes. Yet Assimilation and Its Discontents is nevertheless
consistently interesting, perhaps because Rubin is so omnivorous in tracing
how resolutely the disappearing acts were tried. By honing in on so many
biographical and psychological dimensions of the tactics of assimilation, he
has produced a surprisingly fresh book (although, as a specialist in Middle
Eastern politics, he is rather far from his normal line of work). Drawing
mostly upon autobiographies, biographies and novels as well as scholarly
studies, Rubin tends to highlight creative figures and intellectuals, who were
more likely than business people or statesmen to have registered some trace of
their fears, doubts, anguish and ambitions. In the roughly three chapters
covering the United States, he relies heavily on fiction (such as Philip
Roth's) and comedy (the routines of Lenny Bruce, the films of Woody Allen) to
portray those (in the phrase of Bob Dylan, another assimilated Jew whom Rubin
quotes) "bent out of shape by society's pliers." Perhaps because
assimilationists rarely made programmatic statements or tried to call
attention to themselves by rationalizing what they were doing, evidence is
somewhat elusive. That may be why Rubin's method could be called bricolage; he
picks up stray pieces and arranges them in apparently random fashion, giving
the impression of such slack organization that perhaps not even the author
could be certain where particular biographical subjects belong.
Anyone traversing such vast and diverse terrain inevitably stumbles, though
remarkably few errors seem to mar Assimilation and Its Discontents. [End Page
278] Several stem from Rubin's failure to treat the definition of a Jew as
problematic. Admittedly this conundrum of who is a Jew may be insoluble, but
in this book it is under-theorized. Half-Jews like Theodor Adorno and Adrienne
Rich, for example, are taken for Jews without any rationale for doing so.
Sometimes non-Jews like Karl Kautsky, Margarete Buber-Neumann and Jürgen
Habermas are taken for Jews. Sometimes Jews like Jack Benny's wife, Mary
Livingston, or Simone Weil (who never formally converted to Roman Catholicism)
Assimilation and Its Discontents
Assimilation and Its Discontents. By Barry Rubin. New York: Times Books, 1995.
xvi + 333 pp. $25.00.
The process of assimilation Barry Rubin defines as "seeking integration in a
larger society and increasingly taking one's ideas and customs from it";
and "the ultimate result" has taken the form of "conversion, intermarriage, or
fully entering another nation or ideological framework" (xiv). The inferiority
of Judaism to Christianity is presumed; and allegiance is denied to "a people
bound together" in the Diaspora "by a culture, ideology, and set of mutual
obligations creating a community consciously resolute to preserve its
solidarity" (5). Treating Jewishness as a source of shame, an infirmity that
had to be overcome, "those who accepted negative stereotypes of their people
tried to dissociate themselves or disprove this image through personal
achievement, patriotism, conformity, and selflessness" (117). Intellectuals in
particular found it hard to say the Sh'ma loud--and say it proud, since
Judaism had failed to match the aesthetic or spiritual power that Christianity
projected; civilization had been born in Athens and Rome but not in Jerusalem.
The desire to become terminal Jews was often nurtured for the sake of the
children, to spare them the stigma, which is why the trajectory is that of
generational declension. "The meaning of being a Jew was defined ever [End
Page 276] downwards," Rubin writes, "from people to religion, from religion to
ethnicity, and then to merely being an outsider, a meaningless model for those
now fully integrated into society" (182).
But European history would play a nasty trick on the assimilationists. They
tried desperately to discredit the antisemitic accusation that "clannishness"
made Jews dubious material for citizenship in the nation-states that emerged
after the French Revolution. But when Jews did integrate themselves into the
economy and society, conspicuous success bred resentment, envy and eventually
murderous hatred, driven by the "essentialist" fear that Jews were
inassimilable after all, having more in common with their fellow Jews than
with their fellow citizens. Even Jews who rejected a blind patriotism failed
to erase their own distinctiveness, since no one else was "so eager to replace
religion, nation, and self-interest with a cult of altruism, objectivity, and
humanism. Professing universalist humanism was an assimilationist strategy, a
way Jews could be included without being mentioned" (227). But because only
they tended to champion such virtues, because "no other group produced so many
people extolling neutrality or self-criticism as proof of even-handedness"
(237), this minority remained conspicuous, a fate that the assimilationist
strategy was designed to prevent. Who else would present themselves
as "cosmopolitan humanists"?
Persistent bigotry might give refresher courses in Jewish identity. During a
meeting in Berlin in 1890, the Russian Marxist Alexander Helphand proclaimed
that "even the manufacture of my coat demonstrates the international character
of the world": the wool had been spun from sheep that had grazed in Turkey;
Lodz workers had done the weaving; the buttons had been made in Germany; the
thread had come from Austria. This paean to brotherhood was interrupted by the
Zionist tribune Nachman Syrkin: "And the rip in your sleeve comes from the
pogrom in Kiev!" (quoted on p. 142). After devoting a chapter to the Marxist
revolutionaries, the author concludes: "Blinded by their own ideology, such
radical Jewish thinkers saw everyone else's ideas--but not their own--as
products of false consciousness originating from one's position in society"
In making his case, Rubin ranges widely and ingeniously across two centuries
and two continents; Assimilation and Its Discontents stretches from the salons
of Berlin during the Napoleonic upheavals to the post-Communist Poland of
Jerzy Urban and Adam Michnik. Since the modernization that ripped across
Jewish communities exerted its most poignant impact in Germany,
its "stepchildren" are paid special attention: Moses Mendelssohn, Rachel
Varnhagen, Ludwig Börne, Heinrich Heine, Hermann Cohen, Walter Rathenau, Jakob
Wasserman, Walter [End Page 277] Benjamin, plus the Austrian branch in Arthur
Schnitzler and Otto Weininger and the Bohemian branch in Franz Kafka and Franz
Werfel. This book is manifestly influenced by Gershom Scholem's sense that the
vaunted German-Jewish dialogue was really a monologue, with the Jews speaking
mostly to themselves. Rubin's stress is upon the costs of integration rather
than its achievements, the losses rather than the gains. He also tends to
minimize features of Jewish identification that might have persisted,
downplaying or completely ignoring, for example, the Zionist sympathies and
activities of Namier, Koestler, Arendt and Einstein. Yet the book is not
unmodulated, since Rubin's cast of characters also includes those who became
disenchanted with assimilation and who found their way back to their Jewish
origins (from Kafka and Freud to Rosenzweig).
That the establishment of civil society ravaged individual identity as well as
communal cohesion, and that the yearning for national inclusion produced
neurosis and delusion and denial and self-hatred are not likely to produce
astonishment. The "epistemic community" likely to read Rubin's book will not
resemble the folks shown on television shrieking with surprise upon winning
publishers' sweepstakes. Yet Assimilation and Its Discontents is nevertheless
consistently interesting, perhaps because Rubin is so omnivorous in tracing
how resolutely the disappearing acts were tried. By honing in on so many
biographical and psychological dimensions of the tactics of assimilation, he
has produced a surprisingly fresh book (although, as a specialist in Middle
Eastern politics, he is rather far from his normal line of work). Drawing
mostly upon autobiographies, biographies and novels as well as scholarly
studies, Rubin tends to highlight creative figures and intellectuals, who were
more likely than business people or statesmen to have registered some trace of
their fears, doubts, anguish and ambitions. In the roughly three chapters
covering the United States, he relies heavily on fiction (such as Philip
Roth's) and comedy (the routines of Lenny Bruce, the films of Woody Allen) to
portray those (in the phrase of Bob Dylan, another assimilated Jew whom Rubin
quotes) "bent out of shape by society's pliers." Perhaps because
assimilationists rarely made programmatic statements or tried to call
attention to themselves by rationalizing what they were doing, evidence is
somewhat elusive. That may be why Rubin's method could be called bricolage; he
picks up stray pieces and arranges them in apparently random fashion, giving
the impression of such slack organization that perhaps not even the author
could be certain where particular biographical subjects belong.
Anyone traversing such vast and diverse terrain inevitably stumbles, though
remarkably few errors seem to mar Assimilation and Its Discontents. [End Page
278] Several stem from Rubin's failure to treat the definition of a Jew as
problematic. Admittedly this conundrum of who is a Jew may be insoluble, but
in this book it is under-theorized. Half-Jews like Theodor Adorno and Adrienne
Rich, for example, are taken for Jews without any rationale for doing so.
Sometimes non-Jews like Karl Kautsky, Margarete Buber-Neumann and Jürgen
Habermas are taken for Jews. Sometimes Jews like Jack Benny's wife, Mary
Livingston, or Simone Weil (who never formally converted to Roman Catholicism)
• ................................................. IP: *.cm-upc.chello.se
Gość: .......... 30.12.02, 13:44 zarchiwizowany
Sorgen und Freuden mit Washington und Brüssel
Während Washingtons Missbehagen über israelische Indiskretionen bald wieder
abflauen dürfte, unterstreicht die Kopenhagener Erklärung der EU das
unverändert problematische Verhältnis Jerusalems zu den Europäern.
Von Jacques Ungar
Weil er sich als einziger der dazu Aufgeforderten geweigert hat, sich einem
Test mit dem Lügendetektor zu unterziehen, wird ein hochrangiger Diplomat an
der israelischen Botschaft verdächtigt, für die Indiskretionen an die Medien
über den strategischen Dialog zwischen den USA und Israel verantwortlich zu
sein. Mitte November hatte die Zeitung "Haaretz" einige Punkte veröffentlicht,
welche die israelische Delegation in Washington zur Sprache bringen wollte. Im
Zentrum hatte angeblich Israels Frage nach der Zukunft des Nahen Ostens
am "Tag danach", das heisst nach dem Angriff auf Irak gestanden. Nach der
Gesprächsrunde in Wa-shington war es wiederum "Haaretz", die vom
amerikanischen Druck auf Jerusalem berichtete, einen möglichen irakischen
Raketenangriff nicht zu beantworten. Zu den Persönlichkeiten, die auf
Anweisung Premier Sharons vom Shabak-Geheimdienst in der Sache befragt worden
sind, zählen unter anderem Ephraim Halevy, der Vorsitzende des nationalen
Sicherheitsrates, Yoav Biran und Amos Yaron, Generaldirektoren des
israelischen Aussen- beziehungsweise Verteidigungsministeriums. Der Verdacht,
Einzelheiten der hoch vertraulichen Debatten verbreitet zu haben, fällt aber,
wie gesagt, auf den genannten Diplomaten, der seither an keinen Treffen mehr
teilnehmen darf, an denen Themen mit Geheimvermerk zur Sprache gelangen. Mit
diesem rigorosen Einschreiten hofft man in Jerusalem, die Amerikaner zu
besänftigen, die nach den ersten Publikationen in der israelischen Presse mehr
als verärgert darüber waren, dass Israel seine Anliegen und Ideen den Medien
zugänglich gemacht hat, noch bevor sie im vertraulichen bilateralen Kreis
diskutiert werden konnten. "Warum seid ihr überhaupt noch gekommen?", wollte
dem Vernehmen nach ein amerikanischer Offizieller von der israelischen
Delegation zu Beginn der Unterredungen wissen.
Schulterschluss USA-Israel
Israels Zeitungen und TV-Stationen spekulierten am Dienstag und Mittwoch
bereits über die Entwicklung einer ernsthaften Verstimmung zwischen Washington
und Jerusalem. Man sollte aber das Kind nicht mit dem Bade ausschütten,
manifes-tieren diese Beziehungen sich doch ungeachtet des diplomatischen
Ausrutschers in einer felsenfesten Verfassung. Das zeigt sich unter anderem im
amerikanischen Einverständnis, den "Marschplan" Präsident Bushs für einen
israelisch-palästinensischen Frieden Jerusalem erst nach den Knessetwahlen vom
28. Januar und der Bildung einer neuen Regierung zu unterbreiten. Daran konnte
offenbar auch die Tatsache nichts ändern, dass diese Woche Vertreter des so
genannten Quartetts (USA, Uno, Russland und EU) in Washington zusammenkamen,
um genau diesen Marschplan zu besprechen. Wie eng der Schulterschluss zwischen
USA und Israel effektiv ist, erwies sich diese Woche auch im Verlauf der
Gespräche, die Verteidigungsminister Shaul Mofaz in der US-Kapitale führte. So
sollen die Amerikaner ihrem Gast zugesagt haben, die Attacke gegen Irak mit
Israel auf diversen Planungs-, Kommando- und Ausführungsebenen zu
koordinieren, wobei laut Presseberichten Israel den USA bei der Planung von
Angriffen gegen Raketenabschussrampen im Westen Iraks helfen soll. Ob
derjenige Offizielle aus Mofaz’ Umgebung mit seiner Behauptung Recht hat, die
Attacke gegen Saddam Hussein sei "innert Wochen" zu erwarten, ist unbekannt.
Hingegen kann mit einiger Bestimmtheit gesagt werden, dass Washington diese
erneute israelische Spekulation über den zeitlichen Ablauf des Irak-Kriegs mit
wenig Freude zur Kenntnis nehmen wird, haben die Amerikaner vor Monatsfrist
den Israeli doch schon zu verstehen gegeben, dass sie in dieser Hinsicht
gefälligst "auf dem Mund zu sitzen" hätten. Mofaz, der unter anderem mit
seinem Amtskollegen Donald Rumsfeld, mit der nationalen Sicherheitsberaterin
Condoleezza Rice und mit CIA-Chef George Tenet konferierte, deponierte bei
mehreren Gelegenheiten den israelischen Wunsch, von den USA über 12 Milliarden
Dollar an Militärhilfe und Kreditgarantieren zu erhalten. Die Gesprächspartner
des Verteidigungsministers liessen durchblicken, dass sie diesen Wünschen
grundsätzlich positiv gegenüberstehen, dass aber Monate verstreichen würden,
bis der quantitative Rahmen der Hilfe genau fixiert sei.
Mit dem Beschluss, den Marschplan bis nach den israelischen Wahlen auf Eis zu
legen, versetzten die Amerikaner vor allem den Europäern einen empfindlichen
Nasenstüber. Die EU drängt nämlich auf Fortschritte auf dem Weg zur Lösung des
Palästinenserkonflikts, wobei sie sehr zum Unwillen Israels kaum einen Hehl
macht aus ihrer propalästinensischen "Schlagseite". Diese gelangte zuletzt in
der Kopenhagener Erklärung der EU zum Nahen Osten zum Ausdruck, in deren
Mittelpunkt eine Wiederholung der scharfen europäischen Kritik an der
Siedlungstätigkeit Israels in den Gebieten und am "übertriebenen Einsatz
militärischer Gewalt" der IDF-Truppen gegen die Palästinenser steht. Israel
macht der EU insbesondere den Vorwurf, in der Erklärung mit Nachsicht über die
Rolle der Palästinensischen Behörde bei den Aktivitäten terroristischer
Gruppen hinwegzusehen.
Das Verhältnis EU-Israel
Das Bild von den Beziehungen Israel-EU ist aber ebenso wenig ein schwarz-
weisses wie das von den Beziehungen von Israel zu den USA. So wurde am
Dienstag in Brüssel ein neues Abkommen zwischen Jerusalem und der EU über
wissenschaftliche und technische Kooperation paraphiert. Damit kann Israel
sich am sechs-ten Fünfjahres-Rahmenprogramm der EU für Forschung und
Entwicklung beteiligen. Mit einem Budget von 17,5 Milliarden Euro ist das
Programm das wichtigste Instrument zur Finanzierung von Forschungsarbeiten in
Europa, und Israel ist als einziges nicht europäisches Land mit dem Programm
vollständig assoziiert. Zwischen 1998 und 2002 wurden rund 500 Projekte mit
israelischen Partnern aus Industrie und akademischen Forschungszentren durch
das EU-Programm finanziert. Das gewährt Zugang zum riesigen, geografisch
günstig gelegenen europäischen Markt. Im Bestreben, den israelischen
Standpunkt den Europäern näher zu bringen, absolvierte Aussenminister
Netanyahu diese Woche eine Reise, die ihn nach Italien, Frankreich,
Grossbritannien und Russland führte. Dabei war die Atmosphäre insofern
getrübt, als es den Leuten um Netanyahu trotz mannigfaltiger Bemühungen nicht
gelang, ein Treffen des Ministers mit dem britischen Premier Tony Blair zu
arrangieren. Da dieser Amram Mitzna, den Spitzenkandidaten der Israelischen
Arbeitspartei, sehr wohl nach London eingeladen hat (wie übrigens auch
Schröder den Haifaer Bürgermeister nach Berlin einlud), ein Treffen mit
Netanyahu aber ablehnte, beeilte man sich in Jerusalem, von einer "Einmischung
Londons in innere israelische Angelegenheiten" zu sprechen. Gemeint ist
natürlich der Wahlkampf. Der an sich schon kurze Wahlkampf wird durch die
polizeilichen Untersuchungen über angebliche versuchte beziehungsweise
durchgeführte Bestechungen im Zusammenhang mit den Primärwahlen bei Likud und
IAP überschattet. Anscheinend haben Kandidaten und Aktivisten bei ihren
Bemühungen, Stimmen zu sammeln und unliebsame Gegenspieler zu neutralisieren,
teils grosse Geldsummen und andere Vergünstigungen verteilt. Sharon erklärte
am Dienstag, Parteimitglieder, deren Verwicklung in Bestechungsaffären sich
erweisen sollte, würden unverzüglich aus dem Likud geworfen. Die Bemühungen
des Likud, Mandatsverluste beim Urnengang vom 28. Januar recht
Dune Genesis by Frank Herbert
Dune began with a concept whose mostly unfleshed images took shape across
about six years of research and one and a half years of writing. The story was
all in my head until it appeared on paper as I typed it out.
How did it evolve? I conceived of a long novel, the whole trilogy as one book
about the messianic convulsions that periodically overtake us. Demagogues,
fanatics, con-game artists, the innocent and the not-so-innocent bystanders-
all were to have a part in the drama. This grows from my theory that
superheroes are disastrous for humankind. Even if we find a real hero
(whatever-or whoever-that may be), eventually fallible mortals take over the
power structure that always comes into being around such a leader.
Personal observation has convinced me that in the power area of
politics/economics and in their logical consequence, war, people tend to give
over every decision-making capacity to any leader who can wrap himself in the
myth fabric of the society. Hitler did it. Churchill did it. Franklin
Roosevelt did it. Stalin did it. Mussolini did it.
My favorite examples are John F. Kennedy and George Patton. Both fitted
themselves into the flamboyant Camelot pattern, consciously assuming bigger-
than-life appearance. But the most casual observation reveals that neither was
bigger than life. Each had our common human ailment-clay feet.
This, then, was one of my themes for Dune: Don't give over all of your
critical faculties to people in power, no matter how admirable those people
may appear to be. Beneath the hero's facade you will find a human being who
makes human mistakes. Enormous problems arise when human mistakes are made on
the grand scale available to a superhero. And sometimes you run into another
It is demonstrable that power structures tend to attract people who want power
for the sake of power and that a significant proportion of such people are
imbalanced-in a word, insane.
That was the beginning. Heroes are painful, superheroes are a catastrophe. The
mistakes of superheroes involve too many of us in disaster.
It is the systems themselves that I see as dangerous Systematic is a deadly
word. Systems originate with human creators, with people who employ them.
Systems take over and grind on and on. They are like a flood tide that picks
up everything in its path. How do they originate?
All of this encapsulates the stuff of high drama, of entertainment-and I'm in
the entertainment business first. It's all right to include a pot of message,
but that's not the key ingredient of wide readership. Yes, there are analogs
in Dune of today's events-corruption and bribery in the highest places, whole
police forces lost to organized crime, regulatory agencies taken over by the
people they are supposed to regulate. The scarce water of Dune is an exact
analog of oil scarcity. CHOAM is OPEC.
But that was only the beginning.
While this concept was still fresh in my mind, I went to Florence, Oregon, to
write a magazine article about a US Department of Agriculture project there.
The USDA was seeking ways to control coastal (and other) sand dunes. I had
already written several pieces about ecological matters, but my superhero
concept filled me with a concern that ecology might be the next banner for
demagogues and would-be-heroes, for the power seekers and others ready to find
an adrenaline high in the launching of a new crusade.
Our society, after all, operates on guilt, which often serves only to obscure
its real workings and to prevent obvious solutions. An adrenaline high can be
just as addictive as any other kind of high.
Ecology encompasses a real concern, however, and the Florence project fed my
interest in how we inflict ourselves upon our planet. I could begin to see the
shape of a global problem, no part of it separated from any other-social
ecology, political ecology, economic ecology. It's an open-ended list.
Even after all of the research and writing, I find fresh nuances in religions,
psychoanalytic theories, linguistics, economics, philosophy, plant research,
soil chemistry, and the metalanguages of pheromones. A new field of study
rises out of this like a spirit rising from a witch's cauldron: the psychology
of planetary societies.
Out of all this came a profound reevaluation of my original concepts. In the
beginning I was just as ready as anyone to fall into step, to seek out the
guilty and to punish the sinners, even to become a leader. Nothing, I felt,
would give me more gratification than riding the steed of yellow journalism
into crusade, doing the book that would right the old wrongs.
Reevaluation raised haunting questions. I now believe that evolution, or
deevolution, never ends short of death, that no society has ever achieved an
absolute pinnacle, that all humans are not created equal. In fact, I believe
attempts to create some abstract equalization create a morass of injustices
that rebound on the equalizers. Equal justice and equal opportunity are ideals
we should seek, but we should recognize that humans administer the ideals and
that humans do not have equal ability.
Reevaluation taught me caution. I approached the problem with trepidation.
Certainly, by the loosest of our standards there were plenty of visible
targets, a plethora of blind fanaticism and guilty opportunism at which to aim
painful barbs.
But how did we get this way? What makes a Nixon? What part do the meek play in
creating the powerful? If a leader cannot admit mistakes, these mistakes will
be hidden. Who says our leaders must be perfect? Where do they learn this?
Enter the fugue. In music, the fugue is usually based on a single theme that
is played many different ways. Sometimes there are free voices that do
fanciful dances around the interplay. There can be secondary themes and
contrasts in harmony, rhythm, and melody. From the moment when a single voice
introduces the primary theme, however, the whole is woven into a single fabric.
What were my instruments in this ecological fugue? Images, conflicts, things
that turn upon themselves and become something quite different, myth figures
and strange creatures from the depths of our common heritage, products of our
technological evolution, our human desires, and our human fears.
You can imagine my surprise to learn that John Schoenherr, one of the world's
most foremost wildlife artists and illustrators, had been living in my head
with the same images. People find it difficult to believe that John and I had
no consultations prior to his painting of the Dune illustrations. I assure you
that the paintings were a wonderful surprise to me.
The Sardaukar appear like the weathered stones of Dune. The Baron's paunch
could absorb a world. The ornithopters are insects preying on the land. The
sandworms are Earth shipworms grown monstrous. Stilgar glares out at us with
the menace of a warlock.
What especially pleases me is to see the interwoven themes, the fuguelike
relationships of images that exactly replay the way Dune took shape.
As in an Escher lithograph, I involved myself with recurrent themes that turn
into paradox. The central paradox concerns the human vision of time. What
about Paul's gift of prescience-the Presbyterian fixation? For the Delphic
Oracle to perform, it must tangle itself in a web of predestination. Yet
predestination negates surprises and, in fact, sets up a mathematically
enclosed universe whose limits are always inconsistent, always encountering
the unprovable. It's like a koan, a Zen mind breaker. It's like the Cretan
Epimenides saying, "All Cretans are liars."
Each limiting descriptive step you take drives your vision outward into a
larger universe which is contained in still a larger universe ad infinitum,
and in th
Dune began with a concept whose mostly unfleshed images took shape across
about six years of research and one and a half years of writing. The story was
all in my head until it appeared on paper as I typed it out.
How did it evolve? I conceived of a long novel, the whole trilogy as one book
about the messianic convulsions that periodically overtake us. Demagogues,
fanatics, con-game artists, the innocent and the not-so-innocent bystanders-
all were to have a part in the drama. This grows from my theory that
superheroes are disastrous for humankind. Even if we find a real hero
(whatever-or whoever-that may be), eventually fallible mortals take over the
power structure that always comes into being around such a leader.
Personal observation has convinced me that in the power area of
politics/economics and in their logical consequence, war, people tend to give
over every decision-making capacity to any leader who can wrap himself in the
myth fabric of the society. Hitler did it. Churchill did it. Franklin
Roosevelt did it. Stalin did it. Mussolini did it.
My favorite examples are John F. Kennedy and George Patton. Both fitted
themselves into the flamboyant Camelot pattern, consciously assuming bigger-
than-life appearance. But the most casual observation reveals that neither was
bigger than life. Each had our common human ailment-clay feet.
This, then, was one of my themes for Dune: Don't give over all of your
critical faculties to people in power, no matter how admirable those people
may appear to be. Beneath the hero's facade you will find a human being who
makes human mistakes. Enormous problems arise when human mistakes are made on
the grand scale available to a superhero. And sometimes you run into another
It is demonstrable that power structures tend to attract people who want power
for the sake of power and that a significant proportion of such people are
imbalanced-in a word, insane.
That was the beginning. Heroes are painful, superheroes are a catastrophe. The
mistakes of superheroes involve too many of us in disaster.
It is the systems themselves that I see as dangerous Systematic is a deadly
word. Systems originate with human creators, with people who employ them.
Systems take over and grind on and on. They are like a flood tide that picks
up everything in its path. How do they originate?
All of this encapsulates the stuff of high drama, of entertainment-and I'm in
the entertainment business first. It's all right to include a pot of message,
but that's not the key ingredient of wide readership. Yes, there are analogs
in Dune of today's events-corruption and bribery in the highest places, whole
police forces lost to organized crime, regulatory agencies taken over by the
people they are supposed to regulate. The scarce water of Dune is an exact
analog of oil scarcity. CHOAM is OPEC.
But that was only the beginning.
While this concept was still fresh in my mind, I went to Florence, Oregon, to
write a magazine article about a US Department of Agriculture project there.
The USDA was seeking ways to control coastal (and other) sand dunes. I had
already written several pieces about ecological matters, but my superhero
concept filled me with a concern that ecology might be the next banner for
demagogues and would-be-heroes, for the power seekers and others ready to find
an adrenaline high in the launching of a new crusade.
Our society, after all, operates on guilt, which often serves only to obscure
its real workings and to prevent obvious solutions. An adrenaline high can be
just as addictive as any other kind of high.
Ecology encompasses a real concern, however, and the Florence project fed my
interest in how we inflict ourselves upon our planet. I could begin to see the
shape of a global problem, no part of it separated from any other-social
ecology, political ecology, economic ecology. It's an open-ended list.
Even after all of the research and writing, I find fresh nuances in religions,
psychoanalytic theories, linguistics, economics, philosophy, plant research,
soil chemistry, and the metalanguages of pheromones. A new field of study
rises out of this like a spirit rising from a witch's cauldron: the psychology
of planetary societies.
Out of all this came a profound reevaluation of my original concepts. In the
beginning I was just as ready as anyone to fall into step, to seek out the
guilty and to punish the sinners, even to become a leader. Nothing, I felt,
would give me more gratification than riding the steed of yellow journalism
into crusade, doing the book that would right the old wrongs.
Reevaluation raised haunting questions. I now believe that evolution, or
deevolution, never ends short of death, that no society has ever achieved an
absolute pinnacle, that all humans are not created equal. In fact, I believe
attempts to create some abstract equalization create a morass of injustices
that rebound on the equalizers. Equal justice and equal opportunity are ideals
we should seek, but we should recognize that humans administer the ideals and
that humans do not have equal ability.
Reevaluation taught me caution. I approached the problem with trepidation.
Certainly, by the loosest of our standards there were plenty of visible
targets, a plethora of blind fanaticism and guilty opportunism at which to aim
painful barbs.
But how did we get this way? What makes a Nixon? What part do the meek play in
creating the powerful? If a leader cannot admit mistakes, these mistakes will
be hidden. Who says our leaders must be perfect? Where do they learn this?
Enter the fugue. In music, the fugue is usually based on a single theme that
is played many different ways. Sometimes there are free voices that do
fanciful dances around the interplay. There can be secondary themes and
contrasts in harmony, rhythm, and melody. From the moment when a single voice
introduces the primary theme, however, the whole is woven into a single fabric.
What were my instruments in this ecological fugue? Images, conflicts, things
that turn upon themselves and become something quite different, myth figures
and strange creatures from the depths of our common heritage, products of our
technological evolution, our human desires, and our human fears.
You can imagine my surprise to learn that John Schoenherr, one of the world's
most foremost wildlife artists and illustrators, had been living in my head
with the same images. People find it difficult to believe that John and I had
no consultations prior to his painting of the Dune illustrations. I assure you
that the paintings were a wonderful surprise to me.
The Sardaukar appear like the weathered stones of Dune. The Baron's paunch
could absorb a world. The ornithopters are insects preying on the land. The
sandworms are Earth shipworms grown monstrous. Stilgar glares out at us with
the menace of a warlock.
What especially pleases me is to see the interwoven themes, the fuguelike
relationships of images that exactly replay the way Dune took shape.
As in an Escher lithograph, I involved myself with recurrent themes that turn
into paradox. The central paradox concerns the human vision of time. What
about Paul's gift of prescience-the Presbyterian fixation? For the Delphic
Oracle to perform, it must tangle itself in a web of predestination. Yet
predestination negates surprises and, in fact, sets up a mathematically
enclosed universe whose limits are always inconsistent, always encountering
the unprovable. It's like a koan, a Zen mind breaker. It's like the Cretan
Epimenides saying, "All Cretans are liars."
Each limiting descriptive step you take drives your vision outward into a
larger universe which is contained in still a larger universe ad infinitum,
and in th
Frank Herbert's Dune series is one of the grandest epics in the annals of
imaginative literature. Selling millions of copies worldwide, it is science
fiction's answer to The Lord of the Rings, a brilliantly imaginative epic of
high adventure, unforgettable characters, and immense scope.
Dune Messiah
Children of Dune
God Emperor of Dune
Heretics of Dune
Chapterhouse: Dune
Frank Herbert's Dune series is one of the grandest epics in the annals of
imaginative literature. Selling millions of copies worldwide, it is science
fiction's answer to The Lord of the Rings, a brilliantly imaginative epic of
high adventure, unforgettable characters, and immense scope.
Dune Messiah
Children of Dune
God Emperor of Dune
Heretics of Dune
Chapterhouse: Dune
Highlights of Moshiach
Based upon Talmudic, Midrashic and classical Rabbinic sources
Moshiach Will Wage Battle Against Amalek
by Rabbi Abraham Stone
Published and copyright © by Sichos In English
(718) 778-5436 • info@SichosInEnglish.org • FAX (718) 735-4139
Moshiach Will Remove The Spirit Of Impurity Search this book: A Spark Of
Moshiach Within Each Jew
The eradication of Amalek (one of the 613 Commandments), in the physical
sense, is not possible today. Some Authorities hold that this mitzvah is
binding only upon the Jewish King, and that he must enlist the Jewish people
to wipe out Amalek's kin.[16] Today, however, we do not have a Jewish King.
Thus, Sefer Yereim states[17]:
The mitzvah to eradicate Amalek is relegated only to the King and not to all
Jews. This is seen in the verse,[18] "G-d swore by His throne" alluding to the
throne of Kingship (i.e. when there will be a Jewish King) - then "G-d will
have war with Amalek."
SMAG[19] also concurs with this:
This mitzvah applies only in the days of Moshiach, after the full conquest of
Israel. Hence, today, when we have no Jewish King, this mitzvah is not in
Ramban, too, confirms this Halachic viewpoint3:
When there will be a Jewish King sitting upon G-d's throne, he will then
battle against Amalek ... for every Jewish King is obligated to battle against
Amalek's kin until they are fully decimated. The Rambam also rules[20]:
The King wages a mitzvah battle ... and the battle against Amalek.
Sefer HaChinuch,[21] however, writes that this mitzvah is binding upon the
entire Jewish community.
Yet, even according to those who opine that this mitzvah was given to all
Jews, it is still not feasible today to eradicate Amalek in the physical
sense, because:
This act is possible only when Jews are fully in control (and not dependent
upon other nations - which is not the case today).
This mitzvah is effective only when we know for sure who belongs to, and
descends from, Amalek's kin. Since Sancherib of Babylon came and mixed up the
world, causing massive confusion among all ethnic identities,[22] therefore,
we assume that no one comes from Amalek.
Only when Moshiach comes, at which time Jews will have full power and
autonomy, and it will be clearly defined who descends from Amalek's kin,
Moshiach will then eradicate all aspects of Amalek en toto[23] - "male and
Eradicating The Spiritual Amalek
The aforesaid is only in the physical sense. In the spiritual realm, however,
this endeavor is applicable even now, as is known that all Jews are obligated
to remember the act of Amalek; even women who do not go into battle, are also
required to participate in this remembrance. - This remembrance is included in
the Six Daily Remembrances, recited after Shacharis (the daily Morning prayer).
The mitzvah to remember the brazen act of Amalek is not just once a lifetime
or once a year but this is obligatory every day[24]: Each one should bear this
in mind when reciting before
Shema - "You brought us near to Your Great Name". This clearly shows how
important the remembrance of Amalek's act is, at least in the spiritual sense,
in serving G-d at all times.
The concept of Amalek in the spiritual sense is expressed in the verse,[25]
asher karcha - lit. "he - Amalek - met you by the way;" it also means "he
cooled you off," i.e. he cooled off your enthusiasm for Torah and mitzvos.
Thus the Midrash relates[26]:
Amalek cooled you off in the presence of others. This may be likened to a
boiling hot bath, which no person could enter, for fear of being scalded. One
roughneck came along and jumped into the steaming water. Although he became
scalded, he cooled it off for others; now others will say that it's possible
to enter this hot bath. Likewise, when the Jews left Egypt, at the time of the
Exodus, G-d split the Sea for them and all the Egyptians were drowned in it.
At that time, the fear of the Jews - and G-d - fell upon all nations of the
world, as is written,[27] "Then were frightened the Dukes of Edom.."
But, as soon as Amalek came and attacked the Jews, although he was badly
defeated, he cooled down their fearsome power in the eyes of the other nations
(who now felt that the Jews were vulnerable and attackable).
The `cooling off' of Amalek is also evident in one's spiritual life, in Torah
and mitzvos. In serving G-d, one must wage a "battle" against this spiritual
Amalek every day. It does not suffice that yesterday one was enthused with
Torah study and davening (prayers); today one must rise up again and battle
against the cooling effect of the spiritual `Amalek'.
One must begin with warmth and zeal in davening, which will enable him to face
the outside world with proud identity as a Torah Jew.
This daily spiritual activity - never permitting `Amalek' to cool off our
hislahavus, our zeal for Torah and mitzvos - is the preparation for
eradicating Amalek and his kin in the physical sense, with the speedy advent
of the King Moshiach.
Based upon Talmudic, Midrashic and classical Rabbinic sources
Moshiach Will Wage Battle Against Amalek
by Rabbi Abraham Stone
Published and copyright © by Sichos In English
(718) 778-5436 • info@SichosInEnglish.org • FAX (718) 735-4139
Moshiach Will Remove The Spirit Of Impurity Search this book: A Spark Of
Moshiach Within Each Jew
The eradication of Amalek (one of the 613 Commandments), in the physical
sense, is not possible today. Some Authorities hold that this mitzvah is
binding only upon the Jewish King, and that he must enlist the Jewish people
to wipe out Amalek's kin.[16] Today, however, we do not have a Jewish King.
Thus, Sefer Yereim states[17]:
The mitzvah to eradicate Amalek is relegated only to the King and not to all
Jews. This is seen in the verse,[18] "G-d swore by His throne" alluding to the
throne of Kingship (i.e. when there will be a Jewish King) - then "G-d will
have war with Amalek."
SMAG[19] also concurs with this:
This mitzvah applies only in the days of Moshiach, after the full conquest of
Israel. Hence, today, when we have no Jewish King, this mitzvah is not in
Ramban, too, confirms this Halachic viewpoint3:
When there will be a Jewish King sitting upon G-d's throne, he will then
battle against Amalek ... for every Jewish King is obligated to battle against
Amalek's kin until they are fully decimated. The Rambam also rules[20]:
The King wages a mitzvah battle ... and the battle against Amalek.
Sefer HaChinuch,[21] however, writes that this mitzvah is binding upon the
entire Jewish community.
Yet, even according to those who opine that this mitzvah was given to all
Jews, it is still not feasible today to eradicate Amalek in the physical
sense, because:
This act is possible only when Jews are fully in control (and not dependent
upon other nations - which is not the case today).
This mitzvah is effective only when we know for sure who belongs to, and
descends from, Amalek's kin. Since Sancherib of Babylon came and mixed up the
world, causing massive confusion among all ethnic identities,[22] therefore,
we assume that no one comes from Amalek.
Only when Moshiach comes, at which time Jews will have full power and
autonomy, and it will be clearly defined who descends from Amalek's kin,
Moshiach will then eradicate all aspects of Amalek en toto[23] - "male and
Eradicating The Spiritual Amalek
The aforesaid is only in the physical sense. In the spiritual realm, however,
this endeavor is applicable even now, as is known that all Jews are obligated
to remember the act of Amalek; even women who do not go into battle, are also
required to participate in this remembrance. - This remembrance is included in
the Six Daily Remembrances, recited after Shacharis (the daily Morning prayer).
The mitzvah to remember the brazen act of Amalek is not just once a lifetime
or once a year but this is obligatory every day[24]: Each one should bear this
in mind when reciting before
Shema - "You brought us near to Your Great Name". This clearly shows how
important the remembrance of Amalek's act is, at least in the spiritual sense,
in serving G-d at all times.
The concept of Amalek in the spiritual sense is expressed in the verse,[25]
asher karcha - lit. "he - Amalek - met you by the way;" it also means "he
cooled you off," i.e. he cooled off your enthusiasm for Torah and mitzvos.
Thus the Midrash relates[26]:
Amalek cooled you off in the presence of others. This may be likened to a
boiling hot bath, which no person could enter, for fear of being scalded. One
roughneck came along and jumped into the steaming water. Although he became
scalded, he cooled it off for others; now others will say that it's possible
to enter this hot bath. Likewise, when the Jews left Egypt, at the time of the
Exodus, G-d split the Sea for them and all the Egyptians were drowned in it.
At that time, the fear of the Jews - and G-d - fell upon all nations of the
world, as is written,[27] "Then were frightened the Dukes of Edom.."
But, as soon as Amalek came and attacked the Jews, although he was badly
defeated, he cooled down their fearsome power in the eyes of the other nations
(who now felt that the Jews were vulnerable and attackable).
The `cooling off' of Amalek is also evident in one's spiritual life, in Torah
and mitzvos. In serving G-d, one must wage a "battle" against this spiritual
Amalek every day. It does not suffice that yesterday one was enthused with
Torah study and davening (prayers); today one must rise up again and battle
against the cooling effect of the spiritual `Amalek'.
One must begin with warmth and zeal in davening, which will enable him to face
the outside world with proud identity as a Torah Jew.
This daily spiritual activity - never permitting `Amalek' to cool off our
hislahavus, our zeal for Torah and mitzvos - is the preparation for
eradicating Amalek and his kin in the physical sense, with the speedy advent
of the King Moshiach.
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You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: Ling-Ling
Date: 08-13-02 16:07
u see ling ling head?
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: librarychick
Date: 08-13-02 16:09
like a brain
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: Ling-Ling
Date: 08-13-02 16:09
*is looking for ling ling head*
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: some guy
Date: 08-13-02 16:23
i think hes looking for his dog's head LoL....
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: clint
Date: 08-13-02 20:19
this statement is very true. i didnt realize how much i needed my girlfriend
till she wasnt there. she recently broke up with me, and now i realize how
much i needed her. never take anything for granted people. treasure every
moment. trust me on this. i took it for granted and now shes gone. i doubt ill
ever be able to get her back, and thats what scares me the most. treasure what
youve got.
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: Nic
Date: 08-13-02 20:32
Right on clint!
I lost my 4 month old son and my girlfriend in a store robbery and I cant wait
untill the day I "move on up" so I can be with them so Love and take care of
what you got.
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: MAFIA
Date: 08-13-02 21:10
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: librarychick
Date: 08-13-02 21:19
he needs to look for a brain forget the dead dog
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: WalkingCommercial
Date: 08-13-02 22:38
The ppl who agree to that statement are fools who love displaying easy answer
techniques as a form of social acceptance. Further more their lack of
individual thought and analysis of the question leads me to conjur only two
definate explanaitions. One, being ppl who would take the time to visit this
site are part of a like minded sect of the human race that should all combine
their efforts in a mass suicide and drastically improve this planets standings
on the scale of evolution and two, maybe I am a true outcast in already seeing
that there are certain wants and needs and that my needs are all and always
have been quite clear to me since my date of conception. That further more is
an even more obvious truth that I, not having any signifigant mental capacity
at that time already had instinct and further developed these impulses into
creative and elaborate thought pertaining to my survival.
In closing if you don't know you need air to survive, do us all a favor and
stop wasting ours : )
Yours Truely
Useless Consumer
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: eightball
Date: 08-13-02 22:42
I didn't realize how much I needed my bong until I dropped it and it shattered
all over the kithen floor. Now I have to use this stupid metal pipe. I miss my
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: aaahhhhhhh
Date: 08-14-02 09:50
same thing happened with my girlfriend. I took her for granted and acted like
a dick because I couldn't always get my way and she finally had enough and now
it's over and I realize there will never be another girl like her and it
fuckin sucks.
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: NoName
Date: 08-14-02 10:54
...This atually happend to me once. When i was playing FFX, at first i thought
i didn't need a memory card, but then i needed one...AND IT WAS GONE! 2 days
later i found it.
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: Kareem Connor
Date: 08-15-02 10:24
This is so true. I once had a cat. I never payed any attention to him unless I
was bored. One day my mom and I had to travel, but we had no where to put the
cat. She had to give it away. It did not hit me at first. When we came back
home is when it hit me. I had no one and nothing to play with when I was
Charish things while you have them. Never take advantage.
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: Bastardizer
Date: 08-15-02 18:56
Look Guys if your taking things for granted just don't worry about it. If it
has to go away for you to care about it then it really wasn't that importaint,
and is just your body putting you through the wanteing things you can't have
syndrome, but if you truly love it and respect it then it does suck when it
goes away, but then again you stll liked it lots and then it doesn't count as
you not realizing you needed it.
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: needsafriend
Date: 08-15-02 23:15
how i have experienced this statement one times too many...
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: tosadtobetrue
Date: 08-16-02 01:55
this can't always be true if it is its to sad to be true
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Date: 08-16-02 01:58
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: sum guy
Date: 08-16-02 02:01
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Date: 08-16-02 02:03
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: Angela D Johnson
Date: 08-16-02 15:56
Vampires- I love vampires and there not real,I wish that they were.
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: sweethingboo
Date: 08-16-02 17:12
god damn this is all to sad 4 all the people world to put on the net @!#$ like
this !!! if you had it when you wanted it the 1 st time and then it gos o well
it was not there and if you wanted it and then got it wow good 4 you keep it
and if you really just wanted some thing to play with at the time and you
didn't lose it and then 4 got about o @!#$ your luck just gone bad !
shitttt plzss take it off
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Re: You don't realize how much you need somthing until it isn't there.
Author: miranda
Date: 08-16-02 17:40
well my aunt gave us her 4month old son and we took care of him 4 about a yea
and then she took him from us .i was so shattered. then she gave him back to
us and again, we took care of him for about 3 years . and i admit i was kinda
mean to him..well really mean actually. i was only about 7 and he was 5 and
she took him away again and to this day (i am 12 now) i wish i
Gość: #1513;נן3 19.12.02, 17:14 zarchiwizowany
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